Doomsday: My skills are becoming more and more abnormal

Chapter 262: One shot turned into rubbish

Chapter 262 One shot turned into rubbish

But as the blue barrier swept through, many mutated zombies still survived, but these zombies were scorched black and had obviously been severely attacked.

The exposed skin has almost been carbonized, but their strong vitality still makes them extremely active.

"They are all zombies of level four or above, but the threat is no longer great."

There are not a single mutated zombie left, and even those who are still alive have suffered heavy injuries. Even their limbs have been carbonized and cannot move over long distances.

Lin Qi's attention was not on these disabled zombies. He kept searching with his mental power to find traces of the mother zombies.

Suddenly, a powerful wave was transmitted from the underground. The newly collapsed mining area rolled again, and a huge arm slowly emerged from the ground.

The slender hands were like huge claw hooks. They grabbed the ground and pushed hard. A piece of land was lifted up in the mining area, and a head that was bigger than before popped up!
The loose layers of flesh of this female zombie slowly squeezed out from the ground. The whole body was as fat as a mountain of flesh, squeezing the surrounding land, but it came out very quickly. In just a few breaths, the whole body was like a mountain of flesh. The body appeared on the ground.

"Level 7 mother zombie!"

Feeling the fluctuations emanating from the mother zombie, Lin Qi couldn't help but take a deep breath, and then condensed the bow and arrow.

An arrow shoots out, carrying a whirlwind, and shoots straight to the head of the mother zombie. At this distance, there is no sense of deviation at all.

But the reaction speed of the mother zombie was very fast. It quickly raised its arm, opened its giant claws to grab the arrow, and let the rotating blade completely tear the palm apart.

The mother zombie seemed to be unable to feel the pain. It threw away the arrow in its palm and roared angrily, its entire fat body trembling violently.

A powerful sound wave caused the two people in the air to retreat hundreds of meters, which was enough to offset the impact. Looking again, the mother zombie's arms had returned to their original shape!

"Such a terrifying recovery speed!"

Lin Qi knew the power of the arrow skill very well. Any defense in front of it was useless, but when encountering something like this that had no defense at all, the effect would be invisible.

Ren Xiangfeng also hurriedly attacked several times, causing some damage to the mother zombie, but the speed of destruction was not even as fast as the opponent's recovery!
"I don't need your help here. Go to the safe zone to support others."

Lin Qi waved for Ren Xiangfeng to leave. His current combat power could not cause much damage to the mother zombie, and it would be a waste to stay here.

"Then be careful, this guy is really difficult to deal with!"

Ren Xiangfeng also knew that he could not help at all. His strongest attack was just like tickling the mother zombie. After that, he flew towards the safe area.

A pair of scarlet eyes slowly opened on the head of the mother zombie, staring at Lin Qi full of resentment. Although it only had simple wisdom, it could still detect special changes in itself.

The proud reproductive ability disappeared in an instant, completely cutting off the instinctive path of the mother zombie and losing its most powerful power.

But this doesn't seem to be a bad thing for it. At least it no longer has to breed mutant zombies with all its strength, and it truly has freedom.

"It's a pity that the seventh level exists. If it were a mutated beast and an evolved insect, it would be of great value."

There is no genetic crystallization in the zombies. All their genetic energy is dispersed in the genes, which will continue to become stronger with mutation. Human beings have not yet found the value that can be utilized.

The female zombie squirmed, and thick thighs quickly emerged from its bulky body, supporting the hill-like body.

The mouth opened wide, and a stream of red mucus flowed out from the corner of the mouth. The mother zombie suddenly raised its head and roared at Lin Qi. The deafening sound waves caused ripples in the air. After a roar, the clouds at the end of the sky were instantly shaken and spread by this power!

Lin Qi gathered a layer of mental power all over his body, but he was still shaken by the impact and flew thousands of meters before he could stabilize his body.

Looking again, the form of the mother zombie has actually undergone some changes!
The huge body lay on the ground, the fat body kept squirming, and thick limbs drilled out from the body, turning into a reptile creature.

"A distance of one thousand meters is enough to unleash the power of the arrow!"

The close range shooting just now did not cause much damage to the mother zombie at all, but now with the process of accumulating power, the power of the arrow can even be doubled.

The long bow in his hand was quickly extended, and a thick arrow was attached, aiming at the mother zombie a thousand meters away.

The length of this bow has exceeded two meters, so that Lin Qi's shooting posture has also changed somewhat. He puts one foot on the bow arm and pulls the bow string to the limit!

"Spiral arrow! Open the sky gate with one shot!"

The illusory gun shadow almost covered the entire sky. An arrow quickly passed through the void and hit the mother zombie like a hill!

The next second, the void trembled, and the entire mother zombie exploded instantly, with red rotten flesh and limbs flying across the ground, covering the surrounding ground!

The impact of the explosion caused the entire mother zombie to explode into countless fragments. The ruins covering a few hundred meters in radius were covered with a thick layer of fleshy mud!

Lin Qi flew quickly over the rotten meat, not only searching for it with his mental power, but after making sure that there was nothing strange, he quickly flew towards the safe area.

However, not long after leaving, the rotten meat on the ground began to squirm quickly. The mutated zombies around that were not dead yet crawled on the rotten meat. Even the mutated zombies near the safe area also changed their directions and ran towards the mining area. .

The zombies merged into the red rotten flesh, and soon melted completely, spreading towards the center little by little.

In just a few breaths, the mother zombie that had just been blown to pieces actually condensed again.

Near the city wall of the safe zone, the attack of the mutant beasts has been suppressed, and they are fighting in chaos less than a hundred meters away from the city wall.

Energy weapons on the city walls and old-fashioned cannons were bombarding continuously, blocking the advancement of mutant beasts. Various energy attacks flew in the sky to block the invasion of evolved bugs.

It seems that if you are not careful, you will end up in a situation where the city will be destroyed and people will die.

One arrow turned into a swimming dragon and swept through the mutant beasts, greatly reducing everyone's pressure.

With the addition of Lin Qi, the situation changed instantly. Those troublesome mutant beasts were not Lin Qi's enemies at all. After taking down the strongest mutant beasts with a few arrows, this group of beasts was gradually suppressed.

"Strange, why did those zombies escape?"

A few people who were taking a short break on the city wall were filled with doubts when they saw a group of mutated zombies evacuating in one direction in the distance.

Once this kind of mutated zombie is attracted by blood, it will fight without regard for its own safety, and there is no possibility of retreating.

But now there is less pressure, which is a blessing for the awakened people in the safe zone.

(End of this chapter)

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