However, the movement of mutated zombies soon attracted everyone's attention, especially a Source Project soldier near the mining area, who went to take a look out of curiosity.

In his field of vision, densely packed mutated zombies were all piled up together, and the flesh and blood on their bodies seemed to have melted, all converging on the mother zombie.

Gradually, a giant zombie with a height of 100 meters appeared out of the sky!
This female zombie also has a female mark on its body. It has a huge belly. Its thick lower limbs support the body and slowly stand up. Two trembling giant masses of flesh on the chest sway with the movement.

This person transmitted what he observed to other Project Source soldiers, and the horrific scene shocked everyone instantly.

The visual impact of humanoid mutant zombies is even more powerful than other mutant beasts!
"so big!"

Jiang Tianqi couldn't help but scream. He didn't know whether it was referring to the size of the mutated mother zombie or something else.

"Is this thing so difficult to kill?"

Lin Qi was also a little surprised to see the mother zombie that died in his hands resurrected again. He almost turned the zombie into a pulp with one of his arrows. He didn't expect it to recover so quickly, and it looked stronger than before.

Ren Xiangfeng also flew from a distance and landed near the two of them, with a serious look on his face.

"There is no complete data on the mother zombies in the base, and we don't know how to deal with them. How about using high-level energy bombs like last time?"

After all, he believed that he had already experienced hunting the mother zombie last time, although that one was of a lower level.

"Bombs won't work. The one didn't die last time, which means it's not very useful."

Lin Qi shook his head and refused. It seemed that only by using energy weapons to turn the mother zombie into ashes would its vitality be completely eliminated.

Or, trigger the one-hit kill effect of the dagger!

Several of the many Source Project soldiers flew towards the huge mother zombie. Some even turned on the video and passed the picture information to the Source Project center, announcing all the information about the mother zombie.

The tide of mutant beasts around the safe zone has been almost cleared away, and only a few scattered ones can be easily dealt with by the Awakening Team. Therefore, more and more Project Source soldiers are flying towards the mining area.

When they got closer, no one dared to attack. After all, the intimidation of such a giant was enough to shock all living beings.

"This is the seventh-level zombie!"

The mother zombie has undergone some changes since it first took shape. The originally bright red flesh has gradually turned into gray-black at this moment, especially the muscle lines on the body, which actually have a layer of horniness.

The huge palm has distinct joints, and the sharp nails are glowing with metallic luster, and the cold light is overflowing!
Although there is no genetic crystallization, the materials on the mother zombie are still very precious.


I don’t know who was the first to be unable to bear it, and blasted an energy cannon at the head of the mother zombie!

However, this attack, which was enough to kill a third-level zombie, was directly deflected by the mother zombie's skin, leaving not even a trace behind!

"The skin has resistance and excellent defense, and normal attacks are ineffective."

Lin Qi judged at a glance that the approximate data of this female zombie was that it could be destroyed with one arrow because its fat body had not completely condensed.

But now it has not only transformed into a human form, but has also merged with tens of thousands of mutated zombies. It is probably the top existence among the seven levels. "Commander Lin, what should we do?"

The surrounding Source Project soldiers all looked at Lin Qi. When fighting against the beast tide before, no one might have cared about Lin Qi's orders, but in the face of this invincible existence, they could only place their hopes on Lin Qi. .

"You guys spread out around and be careful, I'll see if I can kill it!"

Lin Qi moved his muscles and bones, and Wei Lan quickly calculated the possible weaknesses of the mother zombie, but due to insufficient data, there was not much information at the moment.

After everyone quickly dispersed, Lin Qi condensed a long knife in his hand and quickly rushed towards the mother zombie.

Before fighting, you must test the opponent's defense. If you can't even break this layer of skin, you can only use spear attacks.

"Breaking Wind Slash!"

Forty-meter-long blades of sword energy burst out, mixed with hurricanes to confuse the line of sight, making it impossible for the mother zombie to locate Lin Qi's position for a while.

The hurricane roared and rolled up the sand and stones in the ruins, directly covering the mother zombie. However, this attack could hardly cause any damage to it.

Even the exaggerated sword energy could only leave a shallow blood mark when it struck the mother zombie, but it returned to normal in just one breath!

Suddenly there was a roar, and a powerful aura erupted from the mother zombie. The hurricane surrounding its body was instantly shaken away. Even Lin Qi flew hundreds of meters away before he stabilized his body.

"The sword technique has no effect?"

Although the extended attack of the sword energy will be reduced by several levels, it is still not something that can be resisted by anything. However, the slash on this mother zombie only broke the surface of the body, which shows that the opponent's physical defense is still outstanding.

Before Lin Qi could continue to attack, the mother zombie quickly rushed over. The distance of several hundred meters seemed to it to be just a few steps, and at the same time, it swung out a claw!
The sharp claws were no less powerful than the attack just now, and even the sound of cutting screams could be heard in the air!
When it moved violently, the wind pressure it caused actually formed a powerful impact, and a sense of oppression came instantly!

Lin Qi quickly backed away, and the armor flew straight into the sky. When it flew hundreds of meters into the sky, he saw that the mother zombie was also jumping up, and the distance between the two was getting closer and closer!

The armor on his body squirmed quickly, all gathered into the palm of his hand, transformed into a big gun, and shot straight down!

Although this giant gun was as thick as a street lamp, it was almost like a stick against such a huge mother zombie. However, this shot hit the arm of the mother zombie, making a deafening roar!
After blocking this blow, the speed of the mother zombie's upward attack did not slow down much, and its free hand grabbed Lin Qi again!

Those scarlet eyes were full of bloodthirsty, as if they wanted to swallow the other person into his mouth in the next second!

A clear and loud slap came, the mother zombie's body stiffened, and the original offensive was instantly disintegrated!

Lin Qi took out a dagger and stabbed the mother zombie on the head repeatedly. As the shock time passed, he slapped her again!

Under continuous control, the mother zombie had no resistance at all. As the upward momentum disappeared, it fell straight to the ground.

During this time, Lin Qi swung the dagger countless times, but he still failed to trigger the one-hit kill.

When it landed, there was a violent tremor. The huge body of the mother zombie smashed the ground and splashed countless gravel, roaring! (End of chapter)

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