Chapter 264 Headless Beast
"Are the chances so low?"

Falling from the sky, Lin Qi stabbed it thousands of times, but never triggered the fatal effect once.

Instead, the shock when it landed made the mother zombie get rid of its dizziness.

Just as Lin Qi was about to add another blow, a powerful impact erupted from the mother zombie again, knocking him away.

The mother zombie stood up on its knees, its muscles swelling rapidly. It was obvious that the continuous forcible control just now had completely angered it.

As soon as it exerted force, the ground suddenly sank several meters deep, and the whole body jumped out instantly, but the direction it chose was far away from Lin Qi.

It has noticed that the person who threatens it the most knows that it is no match at this moment, so it can only think of ways to avoid that weird attack.

"Want to run!"

Lin Qi raised his palm again, preparing to wave it out, but when he waved it out, it had no effect at all.

"Is it out of range?"

Instead of sucking the mother zombie over, during this delay, the other party actually fled thousands of meters away, and at the same time locked onto a Project Source soldier.

The man originally thought that he was farther away and was only responsible for recording the battle scenes, but in the blink of an eye, the giant zombie rushed towards him.

Just when he mobilized his abilities to escape, the mother zombie punched out. Before the person arrived, the air flow from the impact had already hit him!

Being hit by this oppressive force, his body instantly felt as if he had hit a huge object, unable to break free!

Until he was grabbed by the mother zombie, stuffed into his mouth and chewed into pieces, he had no chance to fight back!
Seeing this tragic situation, other Project Source soldiers immediately evacuated in a panic for several thousand meters, and some even flew directly back to the safe zone.

I had seen Lin Qi handle the mother zombie easily before, but the other party had no power to fight back. I thought that the mother zombie was not strong at all.

But this guy just took action and one of his own died!
"You guys get out of here first, this thing is not something that ordinary people can deal with."

I saw casualties among Project Source soldiers, but fortunately they were soldiers sent from the base and were unfamiliar with me.

But if it were to target one of our own, few people would be able to block the mother zombie's blow.

After hearing Lin Qi's order, everyone evacuated quickly. Even the stubborn Ren Xiangfeng and Jiang Tianqi returned to the safe area without looking back.

The mother zombie was also running in this direction, running faster and faster as it ran at top speed.

Wherever it passed, a huge footprint appeared instantly, and then a hurricane gathered and formed, turning into a tornado and following closely behind!

"Don't let it get close to the safe zone, otherwise it will destroy the whole city!"

This kind of existence has gone beyond the level of ordinary Source Project warriors. No one can stop it except yourself!

Lin Qi quickly used all his strength to chase the mother zombie, and finally stopped in front of it before reaching the safe zone.

"Thunder Great Sword!"

With a finger of the long sword in his hand, the clouds in the sky formed a spiral, and amid the lightning and thunder, a giant sword fell straight down!

The giant sword surrounded the lightning, and electric arcs spread out, like lightning chains, wrapping around the mother zombie, causing it to stagnate.


There was a loud noise, and the mother zombie's body instantly stopped in place, and its legs sank directly into the ground. It raised its hands high, and its tough claws firmly grasped the sword peak, but it was still pressed to its knees by this powerful impact!

The lightning attached to the giant sword kept flashing on it, creating sparks on the skin, and the two energies collided with each other!
"I can catch the first one, but what about the second one!"

Lin Qi was not surprised at all that the mother zombie could catch the first big sword. After all, the opponent was a seventh-level mutant zombie and already had simple wisdom.

As the long sword in his hand was activated again, the closing clouds in the sky slowly condensed again, and a larger sword broke through the clouds!

The mother zombie suddenly raised its head and saw the giant sword appearing in the sky, but the strength in its hand was not gone and it was impossible to dodge!

The giant sword fell heavily and was inserted directly from the mouth of the mother zombie, penetrating inside, leaving only the hilt.

However, this sword did not cause fatal damage to it.

The light and shadow of the first giant sword dissipated, and the mother zombie slowly stood up, reached out and grabbed the hilt of the sword in its mouth, and pulled it out directly.

The originally ferocious giant mouth was torn out with a scarlet blood mark, revealing sharp fangs, and blood flowed out uncontrollably.

The mother zombie looked at Lin Qi on the city wall with vigilance, and slowly lowered its body, pressing its hands on the ground. This state at this moment was the preparation for the beast to attack.

Countless lasers shot out from the city, hitting the mother zombie like meteors, but the attack seemed unable to cause any damage to it, and even its movements did not deform.

Suddenly the ground shook, and with the mother zombie as the center, the entire ruins sank one level. Its body shot up and rushed toward the center of the safe zone!
But while in mid-air, a larger gun shadow came straight down, hitting the mother zombie in the head!


The mother zombie in mid-air was directly smashed down, and the whole head exploded into pieces. Blood mixed with brains sprayed all over the ground!
The huge body hit the ground hard, raising a cloud of dust and smoke, and the muscles trembled.

Everyone in the safe zone breathed a sigh of relief when they saw this scene. No matter how powerful the zombie was, as long as its head was damaged, it would be fatal with one blow. This has always been common sense.

But Lin Qi didn't dare to be careless. After all, he had blasted the mother zombie into dregs before and never saw it die completely. Now that he had a body, his weakness could not be reflected.

Sure enough, the headless mother zombie slowly stood up again, and the blood on its neck quickly stopped flowing, and the piece of rotten flesh that was still connected was pulled off by it.

The mother zombie stretched out her hand and opened a huge hole in her abdomen, revealing a huge mouth like an abyss.

The swollen area on the chest also opened a gap, revealing two huge eyes.

This scene made everyone present feel chills all over, and a terrifying thought crazily appeared in their minds.

"Use your breasts as your eyes and your navel as your mouth!"

Although it is not as intimidating as Xing Tian in myths and legends, this form is the ability to change at will when the life level reaches a certain level.

It can be said that the mother zombie no longer has the weaknesses of ordinary zombies. As long as it is not completely destroyed, it will not die at all.

Even if only a piece of body is left, it can be resurrected with the help of other lives.

The huge mouth of the abyss suddenly opened, and a powerful suction force came from the huge mouth. A hurricane vortex was set off on the ground, sucking all the surrounding ruins into its belly.

The huge abdomen moved rapidly, as if brewing a special energy.

Then a burst of energy, like a shotgun, blasted out!

(End of this chapter)

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