Sand and rocks were flying all over the sky, including the bodies of unprocessed mutated beasts. They were like cannonballs, smashing directly into the safe zone!

The originally reinforced buildings were like pieces of paper under this impact, all collapsed to the ground, and the survivors in the city were even more miserable. After being hit by such dense attacks, their bodies directly exploded into pieces. fragments.

Only the warriors wearing armor were able to withstand this attack, but they still suffered heavy losses.

Although this mother zombie has not awakened special abilities like the mutant beast, its physical strength alone has reached a terrifying level.

After an attack, the mother zombie still wanted to do the same thing again, its belly opened wide, and the powerful suction force gathered again.

But this time Lin Qi was already prepared. When the suction force came out, an arrow mixed with whirlwind shot out of the air and hit the mother zombie's abdomen along with the suction force.


Lin Qi placed a fifth-level energy bomb at the top of the arrow. As soon as it was shot into the belly, it detonated instantly. The powerful explosive force exploded the entire belly of the mother zombie, and even the body almost exploded in half!

The body, with only one spine connected to it, almost fell to the ground, but the rotten flesh that had been blown away quickly fused and wrapped around the mother zombie's body again.

Taking advantage of the short gap, Lin Qi stabbed wildly with a dagger, leaving scars on his mother's injured body.

For this purpose, only by triggering a one-hit kill with a dagger can this powerful mother zombie be completely killed. Otherwise, it will be difficult for it to suffer serious damage from any attack.

In just a short period of time, the open wound on the abdomen healed again, but the shape of the entire mother zombie underwent some changes.

The big mouth in the abdomen disappeared, replaced by a slender waist, and the wrapped muscles were tight and bulging, like giant pythons surrounding her.

Sensing Lin Qi's constant attacks on the body, the mother zombie swatted its two giant hands up and down, but was still unable to catch any trace of Lin Qi.

"Not dead yet!"

After attacking thousands of times in a row, he still failed to trigger a one-hit kill. Even the injury he suffered just now has recovered as before!

Lin Qi glanced at the unrecovered wound on his neck, felt cruel, and rushed in!

Entering the belly of the mother zombie, a strong sense of oppression continued to impact the super-body armor. The flesh and blood seemed to come alive and wrapped around Lin Qi's body.

At this moment, the mother zombie had noticed that something had entered its body, and was distracted by controlling the cells of the body, attacking Lin Qi inside the body.

The dagger keeps cutting, and the internal physical defense is far inferior to the outside. With just a little force, the entire piece of meat that comes from the attack can be cut off, and the threat it poses is even more powerful than the outside.

Rushing all the way down until it entered the heart of the mother zombie, the pressure from the internal organs even made it difficult for Lin Qi to move.

Suddenly a heavy blow hit, and the whole armor was shaken, but it was the mother zombie punching the chest outside the body!
The eyes on its chest exploded instantly, juices splashed all over the floor, and its originally bulging eye sockets sunk in. It actually extended its claws into its chest, trying to grab Lin Qi out.

When everyone outside saw this disgusting scene, they all retreated to the safe zone. Some people even started flying aircraft and wanted to leave this place.

In their opinion, they could not deal with the zombies that even Lin Qi could not deal with. They might as well run away in advance to avoid being unable to retreat in time and causing even more heavy casualties.

"Quick! Activate the aircraft's pulse energy cannon and attack the zombie!"

Seeing Lin Qi in danger, Ren Xiangfeng quickly commanded the aircraft parked inside the safety zone, hoping to provide support.

This kind of pulse energy cannon consumes a huge amount of energy in one use, and it is usually not wasted at all. But now he had to take action, otherwise Lin Qi would be caught before he could cause damage inside the corpse.

"Captain Ren, the pulse energy cannon is not enough to kill this zombie. It will only waste energy."

The pilot in the aircraft reminded that after the chaotic battle just now, they had detected the physical strength of the mother zombie.

Not only does it have outstanding defense, but it also has resistance to laser attacks.

"Attack its hand! Break its hand!"

Since he knew it couldn't be fatal, he could only choose some key parts. At this moment, the zombie's hand had completely reached into the chest, and it seemed that he was about to catch Lin Qi.

Now in the zombie's chest, Lin Qi stabbed the zombie's heart with a dagger, and the blood poured out and formed a blood pool.

But this kind of fatal injury still has no effect on the mother zombie.

Suddenly, a tentacle wrapped around the armor, binding Lin Qi tightly. The joints of the tentacle were unusually obvious, like a thick and long finger.


The power of the gene lock exploded completely, and the shock force came from the armor on the body. After shaking the tentacles away, the armor on the body expanded rapidly and turned into spikes fixed around the heart.

The dagger in his hand almost danced into an afterimage, constantly cutting into the heart of the mother zombie, and the surrounding spikes were compressed bit by bit under the attack of the zombie's tentacles.

Lin Qi didn't care about those tentacles at all, his eyes were always fixed on the zombie's heart, trying to trigger the one-hit kill in the shortest possible time!

Outside the zombie's body, the other hand also smashed out the huge eye. Both hands reached into the chest, and the ten fingers turned into ten huge tentacles, entwining towards Lin Qi.

If you are trapped by such an attack, even the defense of a super armor may not be able to withstand it.

"Attack! Attack quickly!"

In the aircraft, Ren Xiangfeng hurriedly urged that the charging of the pulse energy cannon had been completed, and it had now locked onto the two hands of the mother zombie.

A red laser spurted out from the aircraft's huge gun barrel, drawing an illusory light and shadow in the void and hitting the mother zombie's hands!

After one shot, all the equipment of the entire aircraft was paralyzed, and the energy was drained instantly!

But the effect of this blow was also surprisingly powerful. The hands of the mother zombie were completely blasted into charcoal, and they were broken directly from the wrist!

But before everyone could be happy, the broken hands wriggled crazily, turning into ten tentacles and burrowing into the zombie's chest!

"It's over, it's over! Commander Lin is going to die inside!"

Ren Xiangfeng murmured to himself, with a look of disbelief on his face. He watched the zombie's chest squeeze and shrink rapidly, and the tentacles intertwined together, condensing the contents into a ball. His intuition told him that in this case, no one could Maybe escape.

But suddenly, everyone noticed that the body of the mother zombie trembled and seemed to fall into an eerie silence.

The power gathered in its huge body slowly dissipated, and it fell heavily to the ground!
A wound opened on the zombie's chest, and the familiar figure slowly emerged. (End of chapter)

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