Doomsday: My skills are becoming more and more abnormal

Chapter 266 The sudden appearance of rat tide

"Finally triggered!"

Lin Qi sat relaxedly on a raised round piece of meat. The blood stains on his body slowly dissipated, revealing the black light of the super armor again.

After a while, someone dared to fly over and take a closer look at the corpse of the female zombie.

Such a huge corpse, even lying on the ground, is already as big as the city wall. Just the materials on the zombies are enough to update and upgrade a large number of Source Project armors.

"Are you OK?"

Xu Lan was the first to land on the mother zombie, watching the dead crisis with vigilance.

"It's not a big problem, this thing can't kill me."

Even if the dagger's skill is not triggered, Lin Qi cannot be trapped inside. Not to mention breaking out from the chest and letting Wei Lan support from the sky, he can also break the predicament.

But that would undoubtedly allow the mother zombie to escape, making it more difficult to deal with.

Others also flew in one after another, surrounding the mother zombie to study.

The changes after the battle made this mother zombie different from before. In addition to having no head, the body was also thinner, but it looked stronger and more powerful.

"This zombie is of great research value. I wonder how Commander Lin killed it?"

Ren Xiangfeng asked curiously, does Lin Qi have any special ability that can kill him quickly inside the opponent's body?
"I destroyed its head before and found that it couldn't be killed, so I guessed that its weak point might be its heart. Sure enough, I guessed it right."

Lin Qi would not expose his ability to kill with one strike. In this case, he would definitely be pulled to help kill those high-level mutant beasts, and he would not even be able to refuse.

The reason why he is still unable to maintain a balance is because those people believe that Lin Qi's strength is not as strong as the sky, and there is still the possibility of restriction.

"He won't die even if his head is chopped off. I didn't expect that his weak point would be in his heart. This guy is so weird."

Ren Xiangfeng didn't think much about it. The seventh-level mother zombies were already dead anyway, so it would be pointless to investigate the cause of death.

He had notified the base before, and depending on the time, he was probably arriving soon.

Sure enough, not long after, several more giant aircraft appeared in the sky and slowly landed on the ruins outside the safe zone.

This giant zombie, which is more than 100 meters high, cannot be brought back under normal circumstances. Even if it is tied to an aircraft and hoisted back, it will be swallowed up by flying mutant beasts halfway. Therefore, we can only collect samples and take some important parts back. Research.

Just as a group of people were cutting the body parts of the mother zombie, the ground suddenly trembled a few times, making everyone couldn't help but be surprised.

After all, the battle had just ended, and everyone felt relaxed, but the sudden movement still made everyone vigilant again.

"What's going on? There's an earthquake?"

Looking around, there was nothing unusual at all. It seemed to be the aftermath of the earthquake just now.

On the city wall, Lin Qi didn't care much about the materials on the mother zombie. When he was in the opponent's body just now, he had already absorbed part of the biological genes with the super-body armor. As for other materials, they were not outstanding. Rather than leaving it here where the stench fills the sky and attracts a large number of mutant beasts, it is better to let them take it away.

But what happened next took everyone by surprise.

I saw the ruins outside the city wall suddenly collapsed, and even the mother zombie fell into the underground cave and disappeared in an instant.

Lin Qi only had time to use his mental power to explore, but found that the underground cave-in area turned out to be a deep passage.

And the thing that took away the mother zombie turned out to be a mutated zombie that exuded the same aura as the mother zombie!

"It's the mother zombie from last time, and it actually appears here!"

Lin Qi recognized it in an instant. The thing that took away the body was actually the zombie whose mother he had sterilized last time. After being exploded from the inside by a fifth-level energy bomb, he escaped from the crack in the ground.

Several Project Source soldiers in the base flew into the cave, trying to track them down. But not long after entering, they heard screams and quickly evacuated back.

"There are so many mutant rats, and there is a nest of mutant rats down there!"

Not long after they flew out, densely packed mutant rats quickly emerged from the ground, spreading outward like a fountain!
The entire ruins outside the city were instantly enveloped by a layer of black mutant rats, which quickly climbed up the city wall.

"Don't let these mutated rats enter the city!"

Lin Qi's expression changed. It would be fine if it was another mutant beast, but the harm of mutant rats is much more terrifying than imagined!
Once these things enter the safe zone, no one except those with the ability to fly will be able to survive!
Without Lin Qi's orders, everyone immediately began to attack. Endless flames spurted out, completely sealing the entrance of the cave. The extreme high temperature instantly melted the land and turned it into a red glass shape.

But there were still many mutant rats climbing over the city wall and crawling towards the safe area inside.

Most of these mutated rats are from the first to the third level. Some are only the size of a palm, while others are as big as a calf. They drag their long tails and crawl quickly. The opponents they encounter are often hundreds of them. , people don’t know how to resist at all.

Everyone quickly flew into the sky and blocked the city wall, forming a solid barrier.

Lin Qi even activated the power of gene awakening, and a mental barrier spread out, creating an illusory barrier that blocked all the mutated rats.

After Xu Lan sealed the entrance of the cave, he freed his hands. Endless flames were activated from his hands. After flying at low altitude, all the mutant rats along the way were turned into ashes, which greatly reduced the pressure on everyone.

Seeing that there were fewer and fewer mutant rats, everyone just breathed a sigh of relief when suddenly there was another violent shaking under their feet, and a building in the center of the safe zone fell directly into the ground!
The dull roar made everyone realize that something was wrong. If this happened, the mutant rats might have dug another passage.

"Ren Xiangfeng, you lead the base's aircraft to quickly transfer people out of the safe zone. Save as many as you can!"

If one hole is blocked, another hole will appear in a short period of time. If the hidden danger is not prevented from the source, the endless wave of mutated rats will completely engulf the entire city.

And when it appears directly in the safe zone, large-scale weapons cannot be used, which will make everyone more helpless!
Even if my own skills are single-target, their coverage range exceeds other people's group skills. If I use them in a safe zone, I'm afraid everyone in the city will die first.

With a shock of mental power, Lin Qi pushed back the mutant rats on the periphery, and Lin Qi turned around and flew towards the safe zone.

Looking down from a high altitude, there were more than a dozen huge black pits appearing in the entire safety zone. Inside, densely packed mutant rats crawled out like whirlpools, covering most of the city! (End of chapter)

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