Chapter 274 Zombie Giant Clone

A loud bang!
It was as if his head exploded, making Lin Qi feel that his mental power had been sublimated, and his perception spread to unknown boundaries.

This sense of surge in power once made Lin Qi think that he could control the entire world.

But as the consciousness gradually became clearer, the swelling feeling slowly dissipated.

Even so, the improvement of mental power has reached an increase of nearly a hundred times. The mental power that could only search within ten miles has been expanded to hundreds of miles!
At this moment, the seventh-level Godzilla who entered the cave was also noticed by Lin Qi, and the aura emanating from his body was clearly visible.

Lin Qi slowly opened his eyes and was suddenly stunned.

My field of vision was actually divided into two parts, and there was a strange feeling of looking at each other.

"what happened?"

The body sitting on his knees suddenly stood up and looked around.

The giant zombie also turned its head at this moment and looked into Lin Qi's eyes.

At this moment, there was a special connection between himself and the giant zombie, as if he could control this body with just a thought.

"What's going on?"

Lin Qi had a strange suspicion in his mind. He had swallowed up all the mental power of the giant zombie, and when he woke up, it seemed that he had not completely withdrawn it. Some of the mental power left behind actually replaced the consciousness of the giant zombie.

In other words, this zombie has now become his clone.

And now there is a chance to try to fight separately.

The seventh-level mutant beast Godzilla, who had entered the underground space, was also nearby at this moment. He seemed to be even more excited when he sensed the presence of giant zombies.

If a mutant beast that has reached this level wants to evolve again, it must devour the flesh essence and genetic crystals of the same or even higher level. The moment the mother zombie transforms, it will feel the rich energy diffusion.

However, when he came here, it was a step too late, and the transformation of the mother zombie had already been completed.

But at this moment, as long as the transformed giant zombie is swallowed, it will still gain a lot.

After Godzilla found his prey, he roared and crawled over excitedly, ready to bite it.

But the awakened Lin Qi has completely controlled this body. Although the underground space is not enough for the two of them to perform, they are not afraid of opponents of the same level.

A punch was thrown out, hitting Godzilla in the head. The powerful impact made the entire underground space tremble.

However, the power of the giant beast was even stronger than that of the giant zombie. After it stabilized its body, it rushed forward.

Although Godzilla's claws are short, as an attack capable of fighting, they also have extremely powerful attack power when swung. This is after being held down by the giant zombie. His two short hands cannot grasp the opponent at all, so he has no choice but to do so. Barra.

The narrow passage made it impossible for it to turn around, so that the thick tail behind it could not cooperate in combat.

Occupying the ground, Lin Qi controlled the giant zombie with a left punch and a right punch, beating Godzilla's head until stars were flying, and even trying to exit the cave a little bit.

Fighting in a giant state, this feeling of punching to the flesh, brought Lin Qi a whole new experience. This refreshing feeling made his mental power more and more perfectly integrated with the control of giant zombies, and his strength even increased unknowingly. .

After punching out again, Godzilla stepped back dozens of meters. Finally, he couldn't bear it anymore. He opened his huge mouth and a red light erupted from it!

The energy contained in this red light even exceeds the biological source power, and there is actually a kind of destructive fluctuation in it. Lin Qi was in a dilemma for a while. Although he was familiar with the physical control of giant zombies, he was confused about the energy. He had to gather his mental power to block it in front of him, forming a thick barrier.

Under the impact of the two forces, the entire underground space shook violently again, and the cave collapsed completely, burying everything.

Chen Feng, who had not yet left in the sky, felt his face jump. The entire city center was directly lifted up by a powerful energy impact. The smoke from the explosion in the ruins rose hundreds of meters, and then fell heavily, collapsing directly.

But the fluctuation did not stop, and the ground was still shaking. Suddenly, a red light beam shot up into the sky, cutting a black mark on the ground.

The aircraft they were riding in the sky was almost hit by the laser, and they were frightened and quickly flew away for a distance.

The giant beast broke out of the ground, and Godzilla's figure reappeared in the ruins of the city. He roared to the sky, but ran out of the city without looking back.

Although he only had small arms and short legs, his speed was not slow, and he just lost his trace in the blink of an eye.

A moment later, Lin Qi also flew out of the ruins, with the palpitating look on his face still lingering.

The blow just now almost hit his body. If it hadn't been for the use of the big knife to turn Godzilla's head at the critical moment, he would have been seriously injured.

The seventh-level mutant beast is full of unknowns. Although his skills are abnormal, his body cannot resist this kind of laser that can destroy anything.

"Commander Lin, are you okay?"

Chen Feng flew out of the aircraft and asked worriedly.

Lin Qi went deep underground to chase the dome, and apparently had a fight with this seventh-level behemoth. A battle of this level was no longer something they could participate in.

Judging from the situation, he beat the opponent away. He is worthy of being the strongest man in the Federation!
"It's almost a disaster. This guy is really difficult to deal with. Contact the base quickly and find out where this mutant beast comes from."

The red laser was obviously different from normal mutant beasts. It seemed to be the energy mutated by nuclear radiation, but I had never heard of any other federation using nuclear weapons.

The only mutated beast that has been irradiated at this stage is the seventh-level mammoth, which is still under the surveillance of several major federations.

"I have already reported it to the base. They will be able to find out soon. Where is the zombie dome from before?"

Chen Feng subconsciously glanced at the collapsed city. Somehow, a source of water appeared inside and was erupting rapidly. I'm afraid it won't be long before it becomes a huge lake.

"The dome has been blown up by this seventh-level beast, so we have one less opponent."

Lin Qi did not intend to expose his giant zombie clone. After all, if it was discovered that there was a way to control such a terrifying giant zombie, it would definitely attract more people's attention.

One spaceship can attract secret attacks from other federations. If there is one more, I won't be able to handle it.

Chen Feng had no doubts after hearing this. After all, they had also witnessed the terrifying energy explosion just now.

"You guys should return to the base quickly. It's no longer safe here. There might be giant mutant beasts appearing later. I'll track down that seventh-level guy first."

A strange seventh-level mutant beast appeared in the territory, and Lin Qi would not let it go easily. He would at least find a way to deal with it.

So after saying a few words, he quickly chased in the direction where Godzilla was escaping.

(End of this chapter)

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