While tracking, Wei Lan also made a detailed analysis of the seventh-level mutant beast.

The seventh-level behemoth resembles a lizard and also has the characteristics of an ancient dinosaur. It must have awakened the ancient bloodline in its body after it has mutated to such an extent.

Coupled with the energy that is suspected of having absorbed nuclear radiation, it should be an extremely powerful existence among seventh-level mutant beasts.

Following the traces on the ground, Lin Qi tracked all the way to the seaside, and then lost his target.

"It's really a mutant beast in the sea. It's not a bad idea to call it Godzilla."

The sea was vast and it was extremely difficult to find a mutant beast, so Lin Qi had to temporarily retreat to the shore.

However, getting a giant zombie clone during this trip is already a huge profit.

The basic predecessor of this giant zombie was a maternal zombie, which contained a large number of mutated zombie genes. After being robbed by Lin Qi and unable to breed zombies, he could only transform the genetic abilities in his body and transform himself into a brand new kind of zombie. Shape.

The female zombie had undergone many transformations last time, but in the end it was fatally struck by Lin Qi and the transformation was not completed in time.

Now the two mother zombies share the same disease and merge into one. Although the new zombie that has been transformed has not reached the eighth level, its potential has doubled!
The giant zombie had left the city along the underground passage, but it was temporarily hidden and did not show its shape.

After returning to the base, Lin Qi planned to take a break and shift most of his attention to the giant zombie clone, so that the giant zombie could grow up as quickly as possible.

In the future, there will be more and more giant mutant beasts, and human size will not have an advantage after all. If there is a giant zombie clone that can be used at any time, it will make any battle more convenient.

The safety zone was being constructed in an orderly manner. At the same time, because of Lin Qi's reputation, many small safety zones in the south applied to join. While expanding, the population also gradually increased.

A month has passed quietly, and the new city wall in the safe zone has already gained some size. Although the new city wall is not high, it is strong enough to withstand the attack of the fifth-level mutant beast.

Every few days, the transport fleet in the safe zone will bring back a large amount of mutant beast materials from the outside, and all of them are transported to the safe zone, and it is unknown where they will be used.

These materials were obtained by Lin Qi using giant zombie clones to hunt mutant creatures in coastal cities. After being transported to the safe zone, they were all transported to the underground base and put into a large dissolving equipment.

The dissolved materials are molded into various shapes, some are parts used in battleships, some are materials for building cities, etc., almost forming a kind of assembly line.

Today's low-level materials are no longer sufficient for awakened people, but they are most suitable for dissolving and serving as construction materials.

There are giant zombies outside to help hunt mutant creatures, which has raised the strength of the awakened people in the entire safe zone to a new level in a short period of time.

In the underground laboratory, Bai Su was checking the construction plan of the safe zone. The holographic projection showed the layout of the entire safe zone.

Lin Qi was sitting on a chair, holding Bai Su's waist with both hands.

"Don't look any further. There will be no mistakes in the safe zone built by Wei Lan."

Nowadays, Weilan has integrated all the information database of Blue Star, and is almost omnipotent and omniscient. Coupled with the technological blessing of alien creatures, it can be called the most perfect existence.

The safety zone it designed is mainly underground space. Once the construction is completed, the entire city can be propped up with a city-level protective shield to resist attacks from the outside world.

"I need to add some of my own preferences, such as a space just for the two of us."

Bai Su straightened her waist slightly, and the deep friction feeling made her straighten her waist, with a look of intoxication on her face.

In this state, she is more able to stimulate the thoughts in her heart. The two of them were busy taking a break in the underground laboratory, while others outside were busy all day long, especially those who had awakened the earth element ability. They were recruited to form a construction team, responsible for quickly leveling the destroyed ruins.

Other Project Source soldiers were busy running around all day, and everyone worked together to build the safe zone into a strong fortress.

On this day, the safe area welcomed another guest. In fact, Lin Qi noticed him when he entered the guarded area.

Mr. Zheng's aircraft slowly parked at the landing site, the hatch opened, and several people walked out.

Led by Mr. Zheng, there were two staff members and a woman wearing armor behind him.

However, the person in charge of the reception was not Lin Qi, but Yan Ming in the safe zone.

Yan Ming is now beginning to stand out. He is not weak in strength, coupled with his integrity, he also has a good reputation in the safe zone. He is perfect for dealing with these outsiders.

Otherwise, we can't let An Xin or other important people be responsible for dealing with this kind of trouble, right?

Mr. Zheng was not surprised to see Yan Ming coming out to greet him. The purpose of his coming this time was to discuss with Lin Qi about further hunting missions against seventh-level mutant beasts.

After the failure to hunt down the seventh-level mammoth last time, the major federations made new preparations to find the weaknesses of the mutant beasts and then formulate a hunting plan.

So far, although no one has been able to successfully hunt down the seventh-level mutant beast for the first time, everyone knows that whoever can take the lead will have the highest reputation in Blue Star.

After Yan Ming properly arranged Mr. Zheng, he reported to Lin Qi and went about his own business. He did not have too much contact with the base and did not want to get involved and cause Lin Qi to misunderstand.

It wasn't until the next day that Lin Qi took the time to meet Mr. Zheng.

"Mr. Zheng, why are you here in person this time when you have time? Can't you just send me a video?"

Lin Qi dressed lightly and came to the residence where Mr. Zheng was staying. He had not seen him for almost two months. This senior actually looked younger than before.

This is the benefit of genetic evolution, which makes an old man in his sixties regain his youth.

"If it's something small, I don't have to come in person."

Mr. Zheng smiled and stepped forward to shake hands with Lin Qi. Currently, Lin Qi is the only one in Blue Star who has killed a seventh-level mutated creature, even though it was just a mutated zombie.

The two of them sat down in the living room. The woman who was traveling with Mr. Zheng brought tea, but did not leave, but sat aside.

"This is Shu Ya, my accompanying secretary. You also know that elderly people generally have poor memories, so someone can record it at any time."

Mr. Zheng saw Lin Qi's questioning look and explained with a smile.

Shu Ya is very beautiful, especially with a quiet temperament, the kind that only a careful secretary can have.

"Female secretary, it seems that the treatment at the base is quite good. They are all equipped with female secretaries."

However, Lin Qi noticed something was wrong. The aura hidden in this woman was even stronger than Bai Su. (End of chapter)

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