In terms of gene awakening, Shuya has at least touched the fifth level. However, her gene awakening is not perfect, and each stage is only fifteen levels at most.

But even so, it is much stronger than the average awakened person, and has even surpassed the previous owners of Pangu armor.

Lin Qi didn't reveal the other party's secret. He took a sip of tea and chatted with Mr. Zheng with a smile.

Regarding dealing with the seventh-level mutated giant beast, Lin Qi has been tracking it during this period, but still could not find any trace of Godzilla.

"After more than a month of non-stop searching, we finally found traces of the mutated creature last time, as well as a strange giant zombie, so I want to invite you to discuss which one is more suitable to deal with."

As Mr. Zheng said, he motioned to Shu Ya to project the information so that Lin Qi could see it more intuitively.

The holographic projection spread out from Shuya's arm and appeared on the table.

Although all the images are scaled down, the deterrent power of the mutated creatures can still be seen clearly.

One was a seventh-level mutated giant beast, just as Lin Qi imagined, and was named Godzilla, and the other was a giant zombie, which was Lin Qi's clone, and was named the Zombie Giant.

But there is no doubt that Godzilla's value is far greater than that of the zombie giant.

"Zombie giants have no genetic crystals, and they cannot be eaten even if they are hunted. The materials are limited and are far less valuable than mutant beasts."

Lin Qi naturally couldn't deal with him. After abandoning the zombie giant, he focused on the giant beast Godzilla.

According to the information from the base, this Godzilla came from the deep sea. He was born near an island country. After absorbing a large amount of nuclear radiation, he mutated into his current form.

And now this Godzilla has returned to the island nation, ravaging several island nation safe zones and attracting the attention of all the federations.

"Currently, several federations are preparing to mobilize manpower to deal with this seventh-level mutant beast. We cannot fall behind, so we solemnly invite you and hope that you can take action this time."

Everyone is bound to win, and some federations have even deployed the most advanced weapons and strong men to take down Godzilla. If they succeed, with the help of a seventh-level energy crystal and seventh-level materials, they will be able to defeat Godzilla. Among the many federal forces, they can have a certain say.

"What's the benefit of letting me take action?"

Lin Qi really couldn't imagine what the base could give him, and after hunting down the seventh-level mutant beast, it was impossible to give him all the genetic crystals and materials.

This is a thankless effort. It is better to find a way to hunt when the time is right.

"Working for the Federation means working for humanity. You should have this awareness. How can you still ask for benefits?"

When Shu Ya heard this, she frowned and couldn't help but accuse him.

She may not have any malicious intent, and her ideological level is far higher than that of others, so in her self-perception, responding to the call of the base should be a selfless thing.

"Then what you mean is that if I help unconditionally, I may even die at the hands of mutant beasts, and the trophies I get will be used by your base to supply high-level figures like you?"

Lin Qi looked at Shu Ya with a smile. Although the other party's idea was very good, even from their point of view, it was normal. They could use their righteousness to kidnap others, unless the other party had a strong sense of belonging.

Unfortunately, my sense of belonging is not here.

"Commander Lin misunderstood. Shuya didn't mean that. Besides, she's not a senior member of the base, just the lowest basic staff."

Mr. Zheng stopped when he saw that Shu Ya had attracted Lin Qi's attention, but it seemed to have had a bad effect, so he quickly spoke to make amends.

"Being able to open the fifth-level gene lock, the genetic level has reached the fifteenth stage. You told me that you are a grassroots employee. When did the strength of the four major bases become so strong." Hearing Lin Qi's words, Shu Ya's face changed. She didn't expect that she His disguise was directly seen through.

So she simply stopped pretending, and her aura changed instantly, giving her a mysterious feeling.

"Let's get to know each other again. My name is Shu Ya. I am the owner of Nuwa's armor. I have initially opened the fifth-level gene lock."

Shu Ya's aura became sharper. Ever since she reached the fifth level of gene lock, she had a unique feeling, which was to enter a higher level of life.

So she no longer cared about the power of the base. She only acted as an ordinary grassroots employee and concealed all information.

This time, I also became curious about Lin Qi. After all, this person once swept through a large area of ​​​​the base.

The gene locks in this world are not what Lin Qi originally thought, which can reach up to the fifth-level saint level, but are only aimed at the development of one's own genes.

Every time you cross a stage, your own strength will be greatly improved, but it is far from the feeling of destroying the world.

"Your base is really generous. It cleans up Pangu Nuwa and so on. Do you want to be the God of Creation?"

The last Pangu armor almost made Lin Qi laugh out loud. It occupies such a big name, but its strength is not very good.

Now there is another Nuwa.

“Shouldn’t there be a God of Creation in today’s world?”

Shu Ya asked back. Her words were completely different from her previous tone when she questioned Lin Qi. Sure enough, after switching her temperament, her way of thinking was somewhat different.

This woman is very ambitious.

"Yes, yes, then Lord Creator, do you still need my help to deal with a mere seventh-level mutant beast?"

Lin Qi was speechless. This woman's confidence level was too high.

There were still some thoughts of wanting to get involved, but now they were gone. As for who could hunt and kill Godzilla, it had nothing to do with him.

"You are very powerful. Although you are ahead of most of the awakened ones in the early stage, when everyone's strength catches up in the future, the gap will become smaller and smaller. At that time, people with high levels of gene awakening will control this world."

A smile appeared on Shuya's lips. She was able to reach the fifteenth level of genetic awakening because she had special means. She might reach the sixteenth level or even more in the future.

This is why she thinks she can become the God of Creation.

"We have mastered the depth of genetic level awakening and can greatly develop a person's potential. As long as you cooperate with us, I will make the decision to increase your genetic level by two levels."

Shuya was very confident, and almost no one would refuse this kind of promise.

But I have already reached the third level of consummation, so why would I care about a mere first level plus two levels?

Lin Qi picked up the teacup calmly, took a sip, put it down, and motioned for Shu Ya to continue.

"What are you looking at, pouring tea!"

This woman has no sense at all! (End of chapter)

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