Shu Ya looked at Lin Qi angrily. Others were afraid of the strongest man in the federation, but she was not.

But when I thought about inviting him to help now, I could only swallow my anger. After pouring a cup of tea in a polite manner, my face was still full of dissatisfaction.

"It is simply impossible for you to rebuild order outside the base. When the Zerg revives next year and undergoes their second evolution, there will definitely be a large number of insect plagues. By then, it will be more terrifying than the mutant beast tide. There is no place except the base. able to withstand this crisis.”

Shu Ya didn't give up. They had already studied this change. The current bugs were not that harmful. The strongest bugs that appeared were only at the fifth level. This seemed to be due to the restriction of their initial evolution.

But after next year, some special bugs will undergo their second metamorphosis, or after deep reproduction, genetic recombination will be completed, and the degree and quantity of evolution will be far greater than it is now.

At that time, the safe zone without special defense will be wiped out by the Zerg in the blink of an eye.

Although her reminder was well-intentioned, when it came out of that red little mouth, the taste seemed to have changed.

"Don't worry about this, I have a way to handle it."

Lin Qi took a sip of tea and said confidently that the previous arrangement of the safe zone was to prevent possible crises in the future.

"There are almost a million people in your safe zone now. These people came to your safe zone just because they believe you. But don't take their lives as a joke. It is better to join the four major bases as soon as possible. With your identity, They will definitely not treat you badly."

Shu Ya still wanted to persuade. If everything went well on this trip, not only could he recruit a strong man, but he could even get back the spaceship that had not yet appeared.

Lin Qi paused, put down the tea cup and glanced at Mr. Zheng who was sitting silently aside.

The old man looked embarrassed. He really didn't expect that the exchange between the two would be so unpleasant.

He couldn't help but sigh immediately, stood up and apologized.

"Commander Lin, I'm sorry to bother you this time. We really want to invite you to help hunt down the seventh-level mutant beasts. Don't worry about other things. If you really don't have time, forget it. I hope you can do it next time." Have the opportunity to cooperate again.”

Mr. Zheng didn't want to bring Shu Ya with him this time, but after all, her background was unusual, and he couldn't decide on this matter at all. Now that he messed up the matter, he looked helpless.

"It's easy to say. There will always be opportunities in the future. I will give it to Mr. Zheng."

Lin Qi also stood up with a smile. There was nothing unpleasant between him and Zheng Gongcheng. After all, the two of them got what they needed and used each other.

Shu Ya's face looked a little ugly. The two ended the conversation like this, obviously ignoring her.

"and many more!"

Shu Ya was obviously dissatisfied with being ignored like this. She stopped Lin Qi who was about to go out and strode forward.

She was tall and tall, but she still had to look up to look at Lin Qi when she got close.

"I would like to discuss with Commander Lin. I wonder if I can give you some advice?"

Lin Qi made a name for himself when he swept through many Project Source fighters in the third base, and even the owner of the Pangu armor was no match for him with one move.

But the strong men in the first and second bases did not show up at all, and there were also some strong men hidden in the base.

After this period of time, everyone's strength has been improved again, and the base has even developed a method to improve the genetic level. The level of strength is far beyond what it could be compared to back then.

That's why Shu Ya had the confidence to challenge Lin Qi. Even if she couldn't beat him, she could guarantee that she wouldn't fall behind.

Opening the fifth-level gene lock is an absolute qualitative change. As long as the opponent is lower than her in the level of the gene lock, it will be overwhelmingly powerful.

"Sparring? Let's forget it. If you have a nice face, why do you have to make it swollen?"

Most of Lin Qi's skills are not suitable for sparring, and his only bare-handed skill is even more insulting, and it is obviously inconvenient to deal with women. But Shu Ya didn't seem to notice it. When she heard Lin Qi's rejection, her face became more confident.

"If you don't dare, then join us in our mission. Then you may not need to take action at all."

This move was a bit aggressive, but she was confident and unwilling to let this opportunity go.

"Okay then, finish it as soon as possible, I'm going back to eat in a hurry."

After Lin Qi finished speaking, he rolled up his sleeves.

"Don't you want the blessing of the Source Project armor?"

Seeing Lin Qi dressed in casual clothes, without even taking out his weapon, Shu Ya frowned slightly, feeling that she was being underestimated.

You must know that she is wearing a suit of armor, although it is only a simple type.

"Don't bother me. I'm afraid I'll beat you to tears if you wear the armor."

Although the room was not big, there was still room for maneuver when it came to real use. Seeing that the two of them were at war with each other, Mr. Zheng quickly quickened his pace and walked out.

"Don't worry. If you lose, I won't spread the news. I will save you some face and avoid being embarrassed in the safe zone."

Shu Ya took a deep breath and decided to use all her strength to teach this guy a lesson.

"Level 5 Gene Lock! Open!"

Suddenly, her whole aura changed, even her aura became blurred, and her whole person seemed to glow with a bright light.

Shu Ya raised her hand and punched Lin Qi in the face.

"I will let you know that the difference after breaking through the fifth level is huge. This kind of power is beyond your imagination!"

After breaking through the fifth level, it is not only the physical strength that increases, but also the deeper spiritual strength.

Sensing the fluctuations that blocked Lin Qi's surroundings, Shu Ya was even more convinced that the opponent hadn't even touched the edge of the fifth level, and she was sure to win with this move!
But before the wind of the punch arrived, his body moved uncontrollably. Even though the fifth-level gene lock's control of the body had reached a perfect level, it was still difficult to resist this pulling force.

There was a crisp sound, and Shu Ya felt half of her face numb, and her ears were buzzing!

However, she did not fall down after receiving this blow. Although her consciousness was briefly dizzy for two seconds, her body stood firmly, and she seemed to adopt a defensive posture instinctively.

The fifth-level gene lock was instantly sealed. After regaining consciousness, Lin Qi turned around and walked out of the room.

"Let's go back and practice again. If you hit my hand with your face, can it still make my hand swollen?"

Although this slap did not use much force, it still left a clear mark on Shu Ya's face. In addition, the opponent's gene lock was forcibly blocked, and it would only take a day or two to recover.

Shu Ya stood there blankly, seemingly not feeling that her power was being restricted. She just touched her cheek, her eyes becoming more and more confused.

"My dad has never hit me since I was a kid! How dare you!"

A voice of grievance came from his mouth, but it was not very loud.

"If you don't mind, you can call me dad."

When Lin Qi's voice came in, he had already walked away. (End of chapter)

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