Doomsday: My skills are becoming more and more abnormal

Chapter 278 Is the 5th floor very high?

Although Lin Qi had already stated that he would not help, he still asked Wei Lan to focus on the situation in that island country. It would be great if he could find out the situation by then.

After lunch, Mr. Zheng said goodbye and left. However, when the aircraft he was riding in left, he did not see Shu Ya.

"What's wrong with this woman to stay here and not leave?"

With one less person left, Lin Qi's eyes couldn't be hidden. At this moment, Shu Ya was with An Xin, and the two seemed to be talking about something.

However, Lin Qi ignored her. He had already forcibly closed the genetic lock on this woman. Even if she had any ulterior motives, she would not be able to cause trouble.

On the contrary, the method of unlocking the fifth-level gene lock is worth studying.

In an underground space in the coastal area, a giant zombie stood up slowly, its eyes glowing with humanity.

Just because Lin Qi didn't go on his own didn't mean he didn't need to clone himself. After all, he was a seventh-level mutant beast and was worth a lot of money. How could he let go of this golden opportunity.

The giant zombie is also covered by a set of Source Plan armor, but due to insufficient materials, most of the body's covering materials are mainly fourth-level materials, but even so, this kind of deterrence is enough to amaze the world.

From a distance, it looks like a giant combat mecha, full of technology.

The zombie giant climbed out of the underground passage and strode towards the sea. Such a heavyweight existence could not fly at all with the energy of the armor. It could only cross over from the bottom of the sea to reach the island.

In the safe zone, Lin Qi was still as usual, eating, drinking, and having fun. In his spare time, he played poker with a few people.

However, Wei Lan has been paying attention to the seventh-level mutant beast that appeared in the island country, and obtained detailed information as soon as possible.

Shuya has stayed in the safe area since the gene lock was turned off. She tried to open the gene lock many times, but she could never find a way to open it, and she gradually understood the reason.

That slap not only knocked away her self-confidence, but also destroyed her genetic lock, allowing her to completely recognize the gap between her and Lin Qi.

Following An Xin in the past few days, I gradually gained some understanding of the Central Plains Security Zone. I also inquired about Lin Qi's previous experiences from the side, and became even more curious about this legendary figure.

"Shu Ya, what did you do at the base before?"

An Xin had become familiar with Shu Ya in the past two days, so she couldn't help but ask.

She knew that Shu Ya was very strong, at least one step ahead of her, but now that the gene lock was turned off, she could only display her normal strength, but she was still much stronger than ordinary people.

"I used to be a Special Source Project soldier at the First Base. I was classified as a confidential personnel and was not registered with the Source Plan Center."

Although my identity is special, my strength has been sealed and I can't reveal it at all, so I won't hide it.

"Do you Special Source Project soldiers need to conduct any experiments? I heard that human experiments are cruel, and if you don't do it properly, a large number of people will die."

The two of them unknowingly talked about some taboo topics.

But this kind of taboo topic is very taboo for ordinary people, but for some high-level officials of the base, it is commonplace.

"There must be human experiments, but people like us enjoy successful experimental drugs without any danger. Don't you have human experiments in the Central Plains Safety Zone?"

Shu Ya asked rhetorically, basically all bases and safe zones will conduct research on human genes to promote overall strength improvement.

Just like the group of people who unlocked the fifteenth stage of the gene lock, they were basically all products of human experiments.

Later, after the experiment matured, it was applied to those with special status. Shu Ya was such a special person, and the evolutionary potion that took tens of thousands of experiments to be successful was used on them right away.

"We don't have that kind of experiment here. At most, Teacher Bai only uses mutant beasts for research, and the genetic fluid is all prepared by herself."

The purity of the genetic fluid in each safe zone is different. At first, there were even people who didn't know how to decompose it and swallowed the genetic crystals raw.

Although that would also increase the level of arousal, the digestion of energy would be too slow and some materials would be wasted.

Later, after the base released a large amount of data, everyone learned in detail how to use it.

Shu Ya has a condescending mentality because she was born in the First Base and has enjoyed top-notch strengthening resources and potions that no one else has heard of since the beginning.

"I can tell you how to increase the level of genetic enhancement, so that your strength will be greatly improved. In return, I want you to do something for me."

Shu Ya finally expressed her thoughts and was not taken seriously by Lin Qi. However, An Xin in front of her managed part of the logistics of the safe zone and would be more concerned about this comprehensive improvement.

"The level of genetic strength has increased? Has your base developed a potion?"

An Xin was obviously very interested. Although they didn't need this thing at all, other people in the safe zone couldn't ignore it.

It's okay for women. If they want to improve, they still have a chance, but it's hard to say for men.

"Of course, the technological level of the four major bases is now at the forefront of Blue Star. Not only have potions that enhance genetic strength, but also potions that assist awakening abilities have been developed, they just cannot be mass-produced. "

Shu Ya is quite confident. She believes that An Xin will definitely be tempted and agree to cooperate with her.

After all, as a woman, she understands women best. From An Xin, she saw the desire for power.

"Then what level has your genetic strength increased to?"

An Xin suppressed the smile in her heart, and couldn't help but have a hint of curiosity in her tone.

"I have reached the fifteenth level. It won't be long before I can try to awaken the sixteenth level. This is already the highest level in the base!"

The more complete the genetic strength is, the more solid the foundation will be, and the greater the help will be in breaking through higher-level gene locks in the future. She is able to open the fifth-level gene lock, which definitely has a huge contribution.

"Fifteenth floor, what a benefit!"

An Xin couldn't help but clapped her hands. If it were before, she would have really thought that the fifteenth floor was breathtaking.

But now.

"Then do you know how many stages my gene lock has reached on the first level?"

Seeing the confident Shu Ya in front of her, An Xin couldn't help but want to hit her and completely extinguish this arrogance.

"You? It should be at most thirteen levels. This seems to be the limit for awakened people."

Most of the awakened people who can become powerful persons are at the twelfth to thirteenth level.

"I'm sorry, my first-level gene lock has reached perfection, level 23." (End of this chapter)

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