Doomsday: My skills are becoming more and more abnormal

Chapter 280 The second hunt for level 2 mutant beasts

Battleships flew through the sky from time to time, and countless laser missiles fired randomly, almost plowing the ground. This kind of firepower coverage made Godzilla unable to raise his head at all, but the damage caused to it was minimal.

Even when the laser hits, the scales on its body will become redder and redder, shining with a strange light, as if absorbing the energy of the attack.

This round of artillery fire lasted for nearly half an hour before slowly stopping. The entire nuclear power plant was completely razed to the ground, and the ground was filled with smoke.

Godzilla slowly crawled out of the ruins, his scales red, as if he had walked out of flames, full of raging energy.

Suddenly, energy surged from its body, and a row of dorsal fins exploded on its back. Red lasers shot out, creating dense webs of light in the sky!
Those warships that could not dodge were instantly cut in half by the red lasers and crashed to the ground.

But fortunately, the pilots were all awakened ones wearing Project Source armor, and they easily dodged the attack.

"Prepare the first plan of attack!"

In the aircraft suspended in the distance, several commanders quickly issued orders to mobilize the surrounding Source Project fighters to attack Godzilla.

A strong man who has unlocked the fifth-level gene lock already possesses the power of destruction. The attack he releases with a single movement of his hand can easily destroy a hundred meters in radius. Attacks from various elements follow one after another, and some even cause underground water to gush out and turn into water. The wave covered Godzilla, and the other person's freezing power activated him, instantly turning him into an ice sculpture!

The attacks one after another were dizzying.

"Something's wrong, its life fluctuations haven't dropped at all!"

In the battleship, the person responsible for monitoring the data warned in panic that even steel could not withstand the constant attack of this energy. It would be stirred up by various energies and turn into powder or ashes. However, Godzilla's powerful defense could not withstand it. Shengsheng resisted.

Its body once again emitted red light, the ice cubes on its surface shattered, and with a roar, its body sprayed out waves of air.

White air waves almost covered the entire body, and in the next second endless flames spurted out from its mouth and swept across the surroundings.

The flames sprayed to the extreme and condensed into a thick red laser, and a mountaintop thousands of meters away was instantly flattened!

At the break, there was still an uncooled red light, and a stream of lava overflowed.

Godzilla stepped forward, and the ground shook violently. The red laser scattered left and right, flattening everything in sight.

"Retreat and spread out first, consume its energy, and use long-range attacks to interfere!"

The command headquarters continued to issue orders, and hundreds of powerful Project Source soldiers dispersed, constantly harassing the walking Godzilla.

The battleships in the distance fired small missiles from time to time, giving Godzilla a weak shock.

Fortunately, the red laser in his mouth only sprayed for a short while. When the red light on Godzilla's scales gradually dimmed, the Project Source soldiers approached again. Some were attracting firepower from the front, while others were constantly attacking from behind.

Finally, after being beaten for an unknown amount of time, a piece of red scale fell off and scratched several buildings.

"Seventh level scales!"

The warriors who had been working together rushed towards the scales. If the scale material could be absorbed at this moment, the armor would undoubtedly strengthen its defense, which would be more helpful for subsequent battles.

But with this movement, a gap was instantly opened in the close cooperation. Godzilla flicked his tail, and a red laser shot out from the tip of his tail, hitting the group of Source Project soldiers who were snatching the scales!

Unable to dodge, several people were instantly hit on the spot and turned into pieces of coke and shattered.

There were people in the command room with dark faces on the spot. Those fighting for it were the soldiers of their federation.

"Let your people abide by some rules. As long as this giant beast is killed, everyone can get the materials. Don't lose this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for temporary benefits." Mr. Zheng sat aside and paid attention to the scene in front of him. Seeing this scene was not surprising at all.

If no one gave the order, how could these people snatch it? It would be their own fault.

After a brief panic, the soldiers quickly cooperated and finally restrained Godzilla again.

Lin Qi simultaneously observed every move on the battlefield through the spacecraft surveillance screen, and asked Wei Lan to calculate Godzilla's route.

After absorbing the radiation from the entire nuclear power plant, this Godzilla's strength has increased a bit, but it is still unable to withstand the prepared encirclement and killing by humans.

It can only move towards its goal step by step.

"Where is it going, which volcano?"

Lin Qi originally wanted to activate his giant clone, but after realizing Godzilla's intention, he put the idea on hold for the time being.

Although the giant clone is powerful, it cannot resist the siege of many powerful humans. As long as it dares to show its head, it is afraid that it will be bombarded by concentrated fire in the next second.

Even though he was wearing defensive armor, he still couldn't compare to Godzilla.

The center of the battle moved from the ruined nuclear power plant to cities, and even passed directly through a small safety zone.

There are tens of thousands of people in that safe zone, but no one cares about their life or death at this moment.

Everyone in the command room tacitly ignored the calls for help and condemnation from the small safe zone, and even issued orders for indiscriminate attacks.

"If this seventh-level behemoth is not eliminated, it will become a big disaster sooner or later. By then, the survivors of the island country will not be able to survive at all. As long as it is eradicated, this loss is still acceptable. Are you right, Lord Tiano?"

In the command room, there was a senior official of the island country, but at this moment, his face was full of flattery, he bowed his head and did not dare to disobey in the slightest.

After the entire safe zone was plowed, Godzilla even took the time to swallow a few snacks before taking steps and running towards the volcano.

Even though it is already a seventh-level mutated beast, most human attacks can no longer threaten it, but with such intensive and non-stop attacks, the scales on its body can no longer hold up.

Along the way, I don't know how many scales were knocked off my back, and during my counterattack, I only killed a few people.

Although the biological energy in the body is powerful, every attack on it is a huge drain. In addition, the absorption of nuclear radiation makes the energy in the body extremely unstable. It must enter the volcano to integrate all this energy. itself.

It wasn't until the sky was getting dark and the attacks in the night were even more dazzling that Godzilla arrived near the volcano.

The suppressed anger finally broke out, and the dim scales on his body once again sparked a dazzling red light.

"He's going to use his big moves, everyone, evacuate quickly!"

The people in the command room have already figured out Godzilla's detailed data, and no one can resist this kind of attack.

Following the order, all the Source Project soldiers quickly evaded and stayed away, waiting for the end of this round of attacks.

The dazzling red light cut through the sky, cutting through the void like red sharp blades in the dark night.

The huge mountain was the first to bear the brunt, and a huge gap was blasted out, which triggered underground energy and caused the entire island to tremble violently. (End of chapter)

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