Doomsday: My skills are becoming more and more abnormal

Chapter 281 The strange movements of mutated beasts

"It's really brilliant!"

The explosion of volcanic energy plunged this already fragile island into complete chaos.

The earth's crust collides continuously, energy is released and bursts out, and streams of red magma seep out from the cracks, like spraying waves.

Godzilla quickly ran towards the crater. Every time his huge figure landed, the ground shook violently. Finally, he jumped up and jumped into the volcano!

"It's over."

Seeing this scene, Lin Qi clapped his hands speechlessly. Godzilla jumped into the volcano, fearing that he would absorb the energy of the volcano. In this case, this mission of hunting down the seventh-level mutant beast would fail again.

Sure enough, before the aftermath of the earthquake subsided, a more powerful wave spread from around the volcano.

The entire island started to shake like a small boat in the huge waves.

Cracks spread across the earth, and red magma spewed out. From a high altitude, it looked like spider webs, spreading in all directions with the volcano as the center.

Godzilla is like a giant lava beast at this moment, slowly rising from the volcano, half of his body is soaked in magma, and the endless power of lava is constantly transferring energy into his body.

Opening its huge mouth again, a thicker red laser spurted out, cutting through the night sky and sweeping across the earth!


The command battleship has completely moved away, but they can still feel the threat of the red laser. If it is locked, it will be impossible to avoid it at their speed.

At this moment, those Project Source warriors had already fled the battlefield. The red laser blessed by the power of lava was not even hit, but had only marginal effects. The power it exuded was enough to vaporize people, and it was impossible to resist it.

After receiving the order to retreat, everyone dispersed in a hurry, never daring to fight against this terrifying giant beast again.

Lin Qi also withdrew his gaze. Even if he sent the clone of the zombie giant to fight, he was no match for Godzilla at this moment, and might even cause the clone to perish.

Fortunately, it was someone else's island, and it was not one of our own who died, but someone else's hometown was destroyed.

Overall, Godzilla should be called a beast hero.

Walking out of the basement, Shuya was no longer in the living room. Only Xiaoling was curled up on the sofa, looking at the holographic projection with a silly smile on her face.

That's a pretty old comedy, and it's a rare pastime these days.

"Where have they gone?"

Lin Qi sat aside, but Xiaoling stood up and hugged her directly.

"Going upstairs, that woman wants Tuantuan to teach her how to increase genetic strength. I don't know what she will learn."

Xiaoling worked hard to find a suitable posture, and finally let out a sigh of relief with a satisfied look on her face.

"That woman has ulterior motives, so be careful."

Lin Qi started to move slightly, and the sofa began to shake rhythmically.

"It's your fault if you want to be on guard. It's none of our business. But she's really good-looking, and I'm afraid her status is not ordinary either."

Being attacked from behind, Xiaoling was still able to speak freely and seemed to be able to cope with it.

After the fierce fight, the two rested for a while before getting up and going about their own business.

This time the mission to hunt down the seventh-level mutant beasts failed. Next, the major federations will definitely accumulate strength again and prepare, or they will find some weak seventh-level mutant beasts to train with. As long as they can open a gap, they will have to face them next. The method of the seventh-level mutant beast.

The Source Project Center is still adding data and information on the armor. Currently, the data on the seventh-level armor has been updated, which should be obtained from the scales on Godzilla's body. This also increases the strength of the head strongman by a small stage.

The other four major bases are constantly searching throughout the federation, trying to find seventh-level mutant creatures that can be hunted.

Lin Qi is also paying attention to the mutant beasts in the Federation. The origin of the last beast wave in Wucheng, the white mutant giant sheep, is very mysterious.

Unfortunately, during this period, there was no large-scale animal tide, and the sign of the white sheep was never revealed.

The ruins of the cities in the south have been completely occupied by mutant creatures. Some places have even become a paradise for monsters. The high-rise buildings that have not collapsed have also become nests of flying creatures, nourishing a large number of mutant beasts.

The potential of the newly mutated creatures is obviously higher than that of the previous mutated creatures. Most of them have reached the peak strength of the previous generation when they have just reached adulthood.

Lin Qi's spaceship has been suspended in the sky, always searching for information within the federation. Once any clues appear, Wei Lan will notify Lin Qi as soon as possible.

On this day, when Lin Qi was distracted and controlling the zombie giant to dismantle an underground base in the ruins of the island country, he finally received the message from Wei Lan.

It was a scene deep in the mountains in the southwest. In sight, a giant white beast stood on the top of the mountain, surrounded by high-level mutant beasts, seemingly surrendering.

Among this group of mutant beasts, the worst ones are all at level five, and among them there are more sixth-level mutant beasts, each of which has a good aura.

Gathered together, there is a powerful vortex of aura surrounding the entire valley, and the sky is filled with clouds and mist. In this case, it is impossible to observe it with ordinary detection methods.

Only Lin Qi, with his spaceship capabilities, could see the valley so clearly.

"With so many mutant beasts, the white one should be the guy who caused the beast wave last time."

A giant white goat-like beast, only the rumored Baize Alien Beast has the ability to summon so many mutant beasts.

Lin Qi wanted to find out what was going on, but not long after flying out of the safe zone, he discovered through Azure's surveillance that all the mutated beasts had dispersed and disappeared without a trace.

The entire mountain range returned to calm again, as if nothing had happened.

"I've come here, but I still have to go and see it."

After flying halfway, he couldn't return the same way, so Lin Qi locked the target and activated the fastest speed of the armor.

A black stream of light pierced the sky and disappeared in an instant. A mutant bird was gliding leisurely in the sky. Suddenly, a black light passed by. The feathers on the mutant bird's body exploded instantly, and all fell off and flew away.

Only the bare body of the bird was left, and its fleshy wings fluttered and it quickly fell to the ground.

After a long time, there was a loud bang and a precarious building collapsed.

Lin Qi didn't care about the minor interruptions on the way. After a while, he penetrated deep into the mountains and flew towards the target location.

Since the growth and mutation of plants have also exploded, the original mountainous areas have completely turned into dense forests. Even the Huangshan Mountains that used to have little vegetation have become lush and lush, with giant trees rising from the ground.

There are a large number of mutated creatures hidden in this dense mountain forest, among which evolved bugs are the most numerous.

At this stage, their existence has not reached the point of flooding, and there are still resources for their survival in the forest.

However, in the future, when resources are insufficient, these bugs hidden in the mountains and forests will definitely migrate to places where humans gather.

Finally arriving at his destination, Lin Qi landed on the mountain peak where the Bai Ze beast had been before, observing the traces around him attentively.

There are still many traces of mutant beasts left on the ground. The existence of those giant mutant beasts will cause certain damage as long as they pass by and cannot be eliminated in a short time. (End of chapter)

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