Chapter 288 Destroy it

Xu Lan followed Lin Qi somewhat unhappily. After searching for a while, the two finally found a small shelter.

This can almost be called a small resort, with high walls built around it and only a few hundred people inside.

It seems to be a newly established shelter, and the people inside are most likely to have escaped from other destroyed safe areas.

At this moment, the people in the resort were gathering around a big pot, wondering what they were doing.

"Is this stewing mutated beast meat?"

The two stood on the city wall and looked at the people inside from a distance. Most of them were ordinary survivors, except for seven or eight wearing simple battle armor.

There aren't even any Project Source soldiers, so no wonder they can only occupy such a small area.

"Why are there no old, weak, women and children?"

Xu Lan was a little confused. The elderly, weak, women and children accounted for almost one-fifth of her safe area, which was a small proportion that only appeared after the doomsday elimination. In this small shelter, almost all of them were young and middle-aged men and women, and there were only a few women. .

"They must have escaped, so they won't bring any burdens. Don't think too much of these people."

As the two of them talked, it seemed that the things in the pot were already cooked. The people cheered and took the things out.

But when they saw it, they both frowned.

Because what they fished out of the pot was not a mutant beast at all, but a human being!
Some grabbed arms and legs, some held a head, and some even carried children of several years old.

The food seems to have been freshly cooked and still retains its clear shape, making it easy to tell.

"A bunch of beasts!"

Xu Lan's eyes were a little red. Although he had seen many people killing each other in the apocalypse, there had never been such cruel cannibalism.

Immediately before Lin Qi could take action, a pair of flame wings flew up from Xu Lan's back, transforming into countless firebirds and rushing forward.

The firebirds were like life-seeking beasts, roaring and covering the group of people, burning several of them to ashes in just the blink of an eye.

Several others were nimble and wanted to escape, but these firebirds seemed to be locked on each other and kept chasing them, trying to kill them all.

Lin Qi condensed a long bow and sniped from a distance, not sparing anyone alive.

In just a few minutes, this small shelter was already quiet, and no screams could be heard anymore.

But the air was filled with the smell of cooked meat, which made people feel a little uncomfortable.

"How can they eat people?"

Xu Lan still couldn't accept it. Looking at the cooked corpse in the cauldron, her face was still pale and ugly.

It's not that I pity these people, but that I can't accept it. After all, they are all human beings. This kind of thing is an untouchable bottom line no matter who it is.

"I looked around just now. There is a lack of food. They probably don't have food in stock. Moreover, these people are not strong enough to hunt mutant beasts."

In the final analysis, it is something missing in one's own genes that leads to such bottomless behavior.

So when it came to killing these people, Lin Qi would not be lenient at all.

"I want to find a few more places to see if this island country has completely fallen."

Xu Lan set the entire shelter on fire, then flew into the sky and searched again.

After the last rampage of the seventh-level mutant beasts, there was no intact place on the entire island, and even shocking cracks appeared in most areas, with steaming heat flowing inside.

Later, Lin Qi's giant clone also wreaked havoc again, so the two of them searched for a long time before they found a good safe zone. The size of this safe zone is about the size of a village. The surrounding city walls seem to have collapsed several times, and there are dark brown blood stains on them.

The two approached cautiously, avoiding the patrol's sight, and quietly entered the safe zone.

"This one looks somewhat normal, and the order is relatively complete."

There are people patrolling, which means that this safe zone has a complete system, at least there is a leader, and the division of labor among the lower levels is relatively clear.

But when you really get into it, you still see the unbearable side.

In a relatively complete building, there were constant sounds of laughter and screams, and from time to time, disheveled people walked out of it with a look of satisfaction on their faces.

As soon as the former left, someone rushed in from behind.

You don't have to think about it to know what's going on inside.

Xu Lan's face became more and more gloomy, a terrifying aura spread out from her body, and her murderous intention became more and more solid.

In fact, Lin Qi deliberately guided her to check out these two places. After all, after staying on this island for so long, Lin Qi already knew the most filthy places.

Maybe there are normal people, but not many.

"Destroy it, I don't want to see these people anymore."

This kind of thing had a great impact on Xu Lan, making her feel for the first time that there was no need to feel guilty for killing someone.

The flames rose into the sky again, and endless fire rain fell from the sky!
After destroying a small safe zone, Lin Qi was not satisfied. He led Xu Lan to other safe zones and carried out the killing to the end.

The arrow shot through the air and into the sky, and then turned sharply downward after gathering enough momentum!

This attack empowered all the skills Lin Qi could use, and the rotating arrows quickly expanded and became larger, like a giant pillar!
The surrounding hurricane shredded the surrounding air, sending out bursts of screams!

Even the entire gun body turned red due to friction with the air, surrounded by a blazing flame.

The powerful impact force fell straight to the ground, just in the center of the safe zone. That location was a temple that was originally worshiped by the island country. Even when the doomsday came, it was perfectly preserved.

And Lin Qi also knew that there was a huge base underneath that temple!


There was a violent earthquake, setting off a powerful shock wave, causing the inside to roll like a sea wave, and the entire safe area was instantly destroyed into ruins.

The survivors who were not aware of it inside had no time to call for help and were completely buried in the rubble.

Only a few Project Source soldiers flew out first, but they were still blown away by the shock wave and disappeared in the smoke.

Cracks in the ground continued to appear, and a huge pit suddenly appeared in the center, exuding a scorching atmosphere.

The next second, a huge pressure rushed out from the bottom of the pit, and magma spewed out.

The raging energy caused the entire safety zone to continuously shake, causing another earthquake, and all the buildings collapsed.

Just when Lin Qi thought everything had stopped, something suddenly seemed to detonate, and the entire safe area began to explode violently again.

"Hey, is there a surprise?"

This kind of explosion obviously triggered some large-scale weapons, and even caused a shock wave that made both of them a little unstable.

You must know that they are still dozens of miles away from the safe zone, but they can actually affect this place, which shows how powerful the explosion is.

(End of this chapter)

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