Chapter 289 Special Shelter
After a long time, the explosion gradually subsided, but the original safe area was completely blown into ruins, with blackened areas everywhere and thick black smoke rising.

"And there are radiation fluctuations?"

Sensing the radiation fluctuations in the air, Lin Qi subconsciously gathered his mental power and built a barrier in front of him.

"You have done something wrong. If you study nuclear energy in your own safety zone, you won't be afraid of explosions."

Originally, after the explosion, it might be possible for some people to survive, but now it seems that with such a strong nuclear radiation explosion, not a single person can be left alive.

It can even infect nearby mutated beasts and thus possess radiant energy.

Xu Lan looked at the smoking ruins with complicated eyes. It only took a short moment to go from a complete safe zone to complete destruction.

"These people don't deserve pity at all."

As if to comfort herself, she spoke softly, turned around and flew away.

Lin Qi marked the several Source Plan armors that had just escaped. After catching up, he killed them with one arrow and peeled off the armors.

I got five more sets so easily, almost completely wiping out this safe zone.

"Let's go, the harvest this time will be enough for us to use for a while."

The newly obtained core of the Source Project can be used by awakened people who perform well in the safe zone, or it can be made into digging black ants to speed up the underground excavation of the safe zone.

Although there are still some safe areas on this island, Xu Lan obviously has no intention of continuing the destruction.

The two flew away from the island one after another, but not long after they left, there was a huge earthquake underground, and the seventh-level mutant Godzilla broke out of the ground again, wreaking havoc.

The energy of radiation has a strong attraction to it.

Lin Qi will not mess with this seventh-order Godzilla for the time being. If he keeps it, this island will never be able to live in peace, and sooner or later it will turn it into a desert.

The two flew across the sea and encountered mutated sea beasts and seabirds flying in the air on the screen, but ignored them.

But when they arrived on land, Lin Qi discovered something unusual.

"Are there still humans living in the coastal areas?"

With his keen observation skills, he instantly saw traces of human existence nearby, and there were quite a few of them.

But then I thought about it, it was very likely that it was the awakened person who migrated from the island like last time.

Lin Qi has no tolerance for this kind of thing. Even in the ruins, he will not give in. Otherwise, once they form a large scale and gradually expand, it will be difficult to drive them away.

"Xu Lan, if you find that people from other federations take the opportunity to invade our territory and establish a safe zone to survive, how will you respond?"

The two landed on the ruins in the distance and carefully observed the surrounding situation.

The Central Asian Federation has a vast territory and rich resources, and has always been a blessed land for its surrounding neighbors to spy on. Now that the disaster has begun, they want to take advantage of the chaos to reoccupy the territory.

Everyone is too busy to take care of themselves and can't spare any time to argue. Once they succeed, the follow-up will be endless.

"It's hard for me to say. We are all ordinary people. Who thinks so much? After all, human beings are in a life-and-death situation. But the territory, even if it is occupied by mutant beasts, cannot be given to others, right?"

If it is occupied by mutant beasts, there will be a chance to take it back in the future, but if it is taken over by humans from other federations, how will it be taken back?

"You're right, even if the mutated beast takes over, you can't take advantage of others."

At this moment, Wei Lan has discovered that safe zone. Needless to think, it is the people who have migrated from the neighboring island, and it has already formed a large scale.

Since the outbreak of the apocalypse, the small island country has not only had to resist zombies and mutant beasts on land, but also threats from the sea. It has been in a desperate situation from the beginning.

Therefore, they left themselves a way out, which was to transfer half of their strength and leave the other half to survive.

Most of the half that migrated passed the ocean and came to the Central Asian Federation.

At that time, the coastal areas were all moved inland due to the threat of the ocean, which gave them an opportunity. After finding their base, Lin Qi brought Xu Lan to the nearby area.

This is a large manor that, after later renovations, turned into a strong fortress that could easily accommodate tens of thousands of people.

But there are ruins all around, but this manor is extremely well preserved, with no trace of being destroyed by mutant survival.

"It's a bit weird. Even our safe zone has been attacked by mutant beasts, but how can it be so clean here?"

This manor should be the private property of a rich man, and it also has some garden styles, and the vegetation in it is very suitable for evolutionary bugs to breed.

"Let me test it out."

Lin Qi used his mental power to grab a mutant beast and threw it in with all his strength.

Although it was thousands of meters away, the force directly threw the small mutated beast into the sky above the manor.

But as the mutant beast fell, a transparent light curtain appeared in the air, blocking the mutant beast.

"Huh? Energy barrier?"

Lin Qi was surprised that this small base had such high technology.

We must know that only the highest level of human technology can master the use of energy. This kind of defensive barrier is still in the exploratory stage.

Lin Qi's spaceship does have an energy barrier function, but it is still difficult to reproduce it.

As the energy barrier was touched, people in the shelter also noticed the movement. Even a few people walked out to check the source of the fluctuation.

Only when he saw it was a small mutated beast did he relax his vigilance.

"There should be a lot of Project Source soldiers here. Shall we call some people over?"

Xu Lan saw the figures appearing in the shelter. Several of them were wearing Project Source armor and looked very powerful.

The most important thing is that such a special energy barrier technology must have other abilities, so you must be careful.

"No, let's find out their secrets first."

Lin Qi did not attack immediately, but connected to Weilan and invaded the opponent's storage information technology.

Once their true purpose is figured out, they will definitely be eliminated.

So the two found a relatively intact building nearby and stayed temporarily.

Wei Lan quickly invaded the other party's communication equipment through information data flow, and then took control of more complex systems step by step.

Although their shelter is small, it has everything you need, including special instruments underground.

Looking at the information retrieved from it, Lin Qi made some unexpected discoveries.

"This manor was actually invested by people from the island country?"

Lin Qi had also heard that some nouveau riche would invest in the construction of large estates in order to enter the upper class or to show off their financial strength.

That kind of place would once become their private territory, but they didn't expect that the owner behind this manor was actually some consortium from the island country.

Perhaps from the beginning, the plan to plant cancer had already taken root.

There are already tens of thousands of survivors in the manor, and a large amount of top-notch equipment has been transported from the island country, including some fragments of alien battleships they once obtained.

And that energy barrier technology was developed from these scrap parts.

(End of this chapter)

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