After taking over the internal control of the shelter, all their activities were completely exposed to Lin Qi's eyes, leaving nothing to hide.

This small shelter is actually controlled by a complete set of intelligent programs, and it even contacts several small shelters nearby.

"I didn't expect to find a big fish. There were so many of them."

Xu Lan looked at the projected information and couldn't help but look surprised.

Among them were the announced list of Source Project fighters, and several others she had seen before.

This means that some high-level officials in the safe zone have been infiltrated by these people.

"I'll download the data first and then clean up all these people."

Lin Qi marked all these Source Plan armors, and there were more than ten of them, all of whom had important positions in major security zones.

One of them is even the leader of a certain safe zone.

"It must be cleared away, leaving no one behind, otherwise it is unimaginable what these people will do."

Based on the previous impression, Xu Lan didn't have the slightest fondness for these people, and even had the idea of ​​​​killing them casually.

After all the technology in this shelter was mastered by Lin Qi, it was no longer useful. When the two of them flew into the sky, flames instantly filled the sky and blocked the sun.

The fire phoenix swooped down. Under Xu Lan's full force, the condensed flame spirit was really like a phoenix in the world, possessing the ultimate high temperature that could destroy everything.

But that energy barrier just restrained this pure energy attack. Although it was huge, it was still blocked.

This attack completely attracted the attention of everyone in the shelter, and several hidden passages were immediately opened, flashing with a rich blue light.

"Energy weapons?"

Seeing those energy rays flickering, Lin Qi thought of the energy cannon that he had found out from the data. Although the attack power was not very strong, it could hit a Source Project soldier at close range and the skin would peel off even if he died.

"Thunder Great Sword!"

Thunder flashed in the sky, and the mysterious thunder condensed into the shadow of a giant sword. When it was locked in the sky above the shelter, it crashed down heavily!

This sword instantly broke through the energy barrier, and the thunder of the explosion spread out and turned into several beams of light, blasting towards the muzzle of the cannon that was still gathering energy.

The next second, the originally calm energy was instantly detonated. Amidst the roar, several energy waves exploded, razing the surrounding area to the ground!

The ensuing flames continued to scatter, igniting the entire shelter. The flames spread quickly as if consciously, covering the entire shelter in just a moment.

Lin Qi landed on the nearby ruins. Arrows kept flying out from his hands, hitting those Project Source warriors who wanted to escape. Although some of them had reached the sixth level of armor, they still could not withstand his arrow shots!

After all, the attack power of the flame was insufficient. With the support of many awakened people, the flame was gradually extinguished and a powerful counterattack was launched.

The strength of the Awakened cannot be underestimated. For the Source Project warriors, what they lack is only defense and mobility, as well as the blessing of overall abilities.

But when a sufficient number of awakened people gather together, they can still exert powerful power.

Countless forces gathered together, almost condensing into a torrent, making the surrounding air agitated.

Xu Lan's Fire Phoenix armor was very conspicuous, and coupled with the fluctuation of his power, he was instantly locked by them.

Under the strong interference, Xu Lan's flying speed was a little unstable, and the surrounding air even became thicker.

"What a weird ability."

Lin Qi also noticed the special power of awakening, which seemed to be something he had never seen before, as if there was an inexplicable pulling force.

The combination of several things made Xu Lan feel like he was in a hurry.

"It seems that these people cannot be underestimated. Those who can appear here are all selected from the elite." If Lin Qi didn't help, Xu Lan could be sniped down with just the energy cannon. It can be seen that the equipment of this small place is powerful.

With a thought in his mind, he turned into a giant hand and stretched out, stripping away all the abnormal energy around Xu Lan. Lin Fei stepped forward and took Xu Lan away.

"These people are all of extraordinary strength. Wearing the Source Project armor is a qualified Source Project warrior. It seems to be their reserve power base."

Only then did Lin Qi face these people. Not only that, everyone's genetic strength was quite high, and they had at least three levels of genetic locks activated.

With such a huge base, almost all the powerful people in the island country were gathered together and transported here.

"It's too scary. What do they want to do after they send so many awakened people here!"

Xu Lan didn't look carefully at the information downloaded from this shelter, so he didn't know their true purpose at all.

"No matter what the purpose is, now that we have discovered it, we can't leave any trouble. I have blocked the signal from this shelter and no information can be transmitted. Just wait and see!"

As Lin Qi finished speaking, a strong sense of oppression came over him, and the entire sky seemed to darken.

Looking up, the clouds dispersed, revealing a huge gap.

The spiritual lights intertwined in the gap, and a huge spaceship gradually appeared.

"Lock the target! Activate sanctions!"

Countless blue light curtains scattered from below the spacecraft, completely covering the entire shelter!

This special energy impact directly caused the buildings in the shelter to collapse instantly, and some even turned into powder.

Not to mention the awakened ones among them, who were suppressed by this force and unable to move as soon as they came into contact. Seeing that the armor on their bodies melted away little by little, their whole bodies were burned to ashes!

"Is this your spaceship?"

Xu Lan stared blankly at the huge thing suspended in the air, his eyes full of disbelief.

"How about it, do you want to come up and have a seat?"

With just one blow, the entire manor was completely reduced to ruins. Even if there were life fluctuations, he could clearly sense them, and he was determined not to let anyone survive.

Xu Lan nodded, even if he wasn't very curious, how could he let this kind of thing go so easily.

Besides, she has chosen to join the Central Plains Safe Zone, so these secrets will definitely not be hidden from her anymore.

"Let's deal with these things first. Maybe there are some that can be used. We can't waste them."

Looking at the ruined shelter, Lin Qi drew out his arrow and shot a few arrows before falling down with Xu Lan.

A secret door was opened from the ruins, revealing a dark passage.

The next second, a shock wave roared out from the channel, but it was blocked by an invisible barrier.

Lin Qi raised his hand and shot an arrow, and screams suddenly filled the passage.

"Let's go in and see what these people have studied."

Stepping into it, the dark passage was lit up little by little, but there was a row of soldiers wearing white isolation uniforms lying on the ground.

There were blood marks on their heads, which were obviously rewarded by arrows.

But what surprised Lin Qi was that the firearms in their hands were not laser weapons, but energy pulse cannons, which were a higher level of technology. (End of chapter)

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