I'm a teacher in Tokyo!

Chapter 188 Fu Jiang’s dream also ran away

Chapter 188 Fu Jiang’s dream also ran away

Hearing these words, Yoshizakigawa and Qinzi immediately looked at the female ghost in front of them.

At this time, Yoshizakigawa also thought of what Qinzi said before.

A man and a woman fight.

Is it really such a coincidence?
He couldn't help but have a ridiculous feeling in his heart. If his conjecture was true, then how small would this world be, and how many coincidences would it take for them to come together?

That woman is Kurosawa Sashige?

But Yoshikawa was thinking a lot and couldn't figure out what the connection between the two was.

Naturally, Qinzi also thought of this, her face looked a little weird, and now Kurosawa Yae's status was ranked ahead of the dog in Qinzi's heart.

"Tell me more about your sister's current situation."

Yoshizakigawa asked.

"I, I feel that my sister died before, but somehow survived, and now she is in a state of neither life nor death, like a ghost outside the gate of hell. There is a force that is maintaining her life. ”

"Then I chased my sister's breath. Her breath kept moving quickly. Even though I felt that she was under me, I still couldn't see her."

Kurosawa Yae immediately followed up by saying, "It's like...she's in another world!"

Neither life nor death...

Higa Kotoko and Yoshizakigawa looked at each other, both thinking of Tomie's ability.

Yoshizakigawa had eaten rat poison before and when he was about to return to the west, his heartbeat suddenly accelerated and his body functions recovered quickly.

Later, it was certified by Yoshizakigawa, and this was Tomie's ability.

Therefore, among the three ghost kings, only Tomie has the ability to turn people into immortal beings.

In Yoshizakigawa's eyes, this sentence translated into, Tomie is not sure whether he will live or die now, but he must have been greatly stimulated.

Therefore, her ability may have turned Kurosawa Sashige's sister into an immortal state.

As long as Tomie confirms that Kurosawa Saege is alive, then Kurosawa Saege will be alive.

On the contrary, once Tomie thought Kurosawa Saege was dead.

Then she is truly dead.

At the same time, there is another piece of information here——

Fujiang may not be dead yet.

Because if Fu Jiang dies, the strong desire to survive will definitely resurrect Fu Jiang and start an unlimited plot.

Kurosawa Saashige will naturally die along the way, and may become another Tomie.

"Can you sense your sister's specific location now?"

"I can, I can! I will show you the way!"

Kurosawa Yae was extremely excited, and he really felt that Yoshizakigawa was a good person, and he was willing to help him in such an emergency.

At the same time, she also vowed in her heart that she would repay the man in front of her in the future!

Yoshikawa got into the car, and as the door closed, the accelerator roared.

Higa Kotoko drove forward quickly according to the route Kurosawa Saashige said. During the process, the police car cleared the way and there was no one blocking the way.

Coupled with her superb driving skills, the group soon caught up with the sister who Kurosawa Yae called "moving at high speed".

There is nothing ahead.

Yoshizakigawa could not be seen, nor could Higa Kotoko.

"Are you sure you're in front?"

Yoshizakigawa turned his head and asked.

The latter nodded heavily, as if she saw that Yoshikawa didn't believe her, and she immediately said: "I possess you, and you can feel my feelings."

As she spoke, she quickly turned into red thread, and then——

It hit Yoshizakigawa hard, making him dizzy. The latter felt the amulet on his chest heat up slightly, and then a curse seemed to begin to rise again.

"It's okay, it's okay, be good~"

Yoshizakigawa gently touched the amulet and bracelet, and then the curse that was about to rise slowly subsided.

Higa Kotoko, who was driving, was originally nervous and felt relieved.

At this high speed, if a curse comes, then——

Ten deaths and no life. "How about letting her come in possessed? If you don't speak, you agree."

Yoshizakigawa finished speaking decisively, and then asked Kurosawa Yae, who was stunned, to do it again.

The latter entered Yoshizakigawa's body easily this time, and then——

He was squeezed out again, like a little chicken, kicked out with one kick.

She was silent for a moment, then weakly stretched out her finger: "Well, I'd better stop possessing you and show you my memory."

Then, she pressed her finger on Yoshikawa's forehead.

Several gray pictures flashed quickly in front of Yoshizakigawa's eyes, followed by a vague feeling.


He did feel the aura Kurosawa Yae mentioned.

But it’s true that you can’t see what’s in front of you with your naked eyes——

"Another world..."

The smell of high-speed driving, another world... Combine these words with what I just perceived, plus the fact that Tomie was taken away in a police car.

An idea was brewing in Yoshizakigawa's mind!
The police car, the police car driving in another world, Tomie and the others are all on the car!
In the car, maybe Fujiang was stimulated by something, so he used his ability to take the entire car away to his own world?


If this is the case, how can I enter another world?
go to bed?

Thinking of this, Yoshizakigawa didn't hesitate at all: "Qinzi, please drive the car aside. I'll take a nap and see if I can get in."

"it is good."

Qinzi immediately understood what Yoshizakigawa meant, braked, and stopped aside.

Yoshizakigawa took out a bottle of sleeping pills from his pocket, then took one, drank it with mineral water, and then closed his eyes.

Perhaps because he was very tired after staying up until midnight, he fell asleep very quickly and fell into sleep immediately.


"Gaya coconut, Mako???"

When he saw the two figures still fighting in front of him, Yoshizakigawa's head was full of questions, and then he looked behind him.

When he saw the video recorder, he understood that he was visiting.

"Can you find Fujiang?"

Kayako asked almost immediately.

"Teacher, do you like Tomie more?"


Hearing these jealous words, Yoshizaki Kawa's head felt a little big.

"No, the teacher has taught you many times to live in harmony, friendship, and unity. Now that classmate Tomie is gone, won't you be lonely? The top priority now is to find her!"

"If any of you lose it, the teacher will be so anxious, right?"

"Okay...but I don't know where Tomie-san is. After she left, this villa became even more fake. All the toys and stuff inside were gone. It's so boring."

"That's right, teacher, your next level dream has also disappeared."

Have these all disappeared?

Damn it?

What the hell, could it be that because of Tomie's special ability, after that world was stripped from the video tape, the police car drove into Tomie's world?

For a moment, Yoshizakigawa had a headache.

He didn't know how to enter Fujiang's world again.

"Teacher, why don't you try to open the door to Tomie's room? Maybe you can get her back. After all - only you can open that door."

At this time, Zhenzi on the side said weakly.

"No, not good at all! Why don't you come and open my door, teacher? I'll take off my clothes and show you!"

Obviously, through the unscrupulous communication and showing off between these three dream ghosts, they knew a lot of information about each other.

Hearing this, Yoshizakigawa couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed, but maybe that door is also a way?

(End of this chapter)

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