I'm a teacher in Tokyo!

Chapter 190 Qinzi takes action

Chapter 190 Qinzi takes action
Because the matter was urgent, this dream Kayako was not as shy as the real Kayako. Yoshizakikawa didn't know how much time it would take to really get involved with him, so he knew the latter's nature well and went straight for it.

Sure enough, even in the dreamland, Kayako could only beg for mercy when faced with such an invincible attack.

The self in the dream is indeed an invincible mouth-tooth!

Seeing the two hands in front of him covering his red face, and the other hand pointing at Kayako with blood-stained clothes on the bed, Yoshizakigawa didn't think there was anything wrong. He rubbed the latter's little head, and then walked towards the bed.

After picking up the blood-stained clothes, he turned the clothes over because of what Kayako reminded him, and finally saw a line of small black words under the label inside the clothes;

A note came quietly from my dream, telling me that life was fake.

Life: "No, it's a dream."

Maybe my life is a dream, and my dream is life. Now that I have returned to life, the beauty of dreams should only exist in dreams.

Yoshizakigawa, I dreamed of you many times, but because of this, I took you seriously.

I also took those friends seriously. Do they really exist?

——Can a person like me really make true friends?
——Do people like me really deserve to be cared about?
It’s not worth it, I have no value, and there is nothing extraordinary in this world. The assassinations and battles in the dark night, the splattering and hot blood, woke me up from my dream;

Perhaps, my life ended in high school.

The lingering dream is like a flashback, one second for a hundred years. My life should not have so many wonderful stories in movies, and my time should also stay in that afternoon.

So, although I really miss you, it’s time to wake up from my dream.

Maybe I should also be grateful to myself for allowing me to have such a beautiful dream before I die.

I don’t know why I want to leave this paragraph. Maybe it’s because my inner desires are still tumbling. Is it true that I want to continue to deceive myself?

After reading the content on the clothes, Yoshizakikawa didn't know what it was like. He had investigated Tomie's information before. After the incident at Tomie High School, she tried to commit suicide, but failed. When she cut her wrists, He was rescued by others and sent to the police station.

Seeing the handwriting left by Fu Jiang at this moment, he understood that after experiencing strong stimulation, Fu Jiang thought that everything he experienced was a dream, so he dragged the entire van into his dream.

She even felt that the encounter with her was all a dream. The real her had died long ago on that afternoon of suicide.

But, I do exist! Tomie Kawakami, why do you think so low of yourself? Why are you not worthy of being loved? Why are you not worthy of making friends?

In this world, many people care about you, why do you have to feel so inferior?

The feeling in Yoshizakigawa's heart was indescribable, and he had mixed feelings. He always thought that by putting clothes on Tomie in his dream, he had built up her psychological defense.

But in fact, the defense line you built is still fragile.

Fujiang, no matter how strong she is on the outside, those past experiences are enough to reflect her inner weakness.

"You have to enter her world and tell her that your own world is real."

Of course, Yoshizakigawa is not afraid that she will become able to dream under Tomie's thinking. After all, the objects of her thinking are Kayako and Mako. If her thinking were successful, she would have disappeared long ago.

He just felt distressed that the child was devaluing himself so much. Yoshizakikawa didn't want to see this situation.

Thinking of this, Yoshizakigawa spread out the clothes, folded them, and put them on the back of his head. Then he closed his eyes on Tomie's bed and tried to fall asleep.

In fact, Yoshizakikawa didn't know if he could do this.

But whether it works or not, you have to give it a try.

As Yoshizakigawa closed his eyes, sleepiness followed, and he soon fell into a deep sleep and dream.

But as mentioned before, people who fall into a dream within a dream will lose the ability to protect themselves. Once they die in the double dream, they will also become a vegetative state in reality due to the sinking of consciousness, or the collapse of consciousness and death.

——Through previous conversations with himself in the dream, Yoshizakigawa knew all this, but he still did it.


In reality, Higa Kotoko closed her eyes and recuperated her energy. After Yoshizakigawa fell asleep, there was no movement for a long time, but she knew that her anxiety at the moment was useless.

But Kurosawa Yae on the other side, even though he had been working hard in the basement for decades, still couldn't bear the rising emotions in his heart at this moment, and anxiously wandered around the Yoshizaki River.

She felt her sister's breath coming and going. After driving forward for a while, she suddenly disappeared, then returned behind her and continued to move forward at high speed.

However, in the process of moving, his sister's breath became farther and farther away from him.

It's like being completely cut off from another world.

Once that time comes, he will not be able to sense his sister's aura, and then there will really be no hope at all.

That's why she was so anxious.

Kurosawa Yae even wanted to crash into Yoshizakigawa's dream to see what he was doing at the moment, whether he was asleep or really looking for clues.

But because he was wary of the talisman around Yoshizakigawa's neck and his strange physique, Kurosawa Yae did not dare to act rashly.

At this moment, Kotoko suddenly opened her eyes and slammed the steering wheel, startling Kurosawa Yae who was originally anxious;

"Are you here to dance at this time?" She moved her gaze away from the reflector and looked far away behind her. Although Qinzi's inspiration was not high, due to her special physique and the power of the door, her perception of ghosts was greatly improved. Very strong - just unable to perceive its strength.

Just now, in her perception, there was a pair of eyes looking at her from behind!

However, the distance between that gaze is extremely far. If you use exorcism methods yourself, you can only drive it away, but cannot keep it.

"So - this is forcing me to use other means?"

"Haha, that's fine. I haven't done anything for a long time. I've been around that guy for so long that I almost thought I was a decent exorcist."

Listening to Higa Kotoko talking to herself in front of him, Kurosawa Yae felt an inexplicable oppression and did not dare to say a word.

The next moment, Qinzi raised her hand, and the wide cuffs slipped off, revealing her wrists marked with bloody scars.

The wrists are criss-crossed, and the two hands are put together to form a door.

"This is--"

Kurosawa Yae's eyes widened and he looked at Kotoko in shock. Is this...the power of the door? ? !
How did the person in front of me have the door?

You must know that only the dead can control the gate of hell. Even if humans are just close to the gate, they will lose the concept of life and death and become evil spirits!

But, the person in front of him actually controls the power of the door as a mortal?
After Qinzi put her hands together, her lips moved slightly, as if she was communicating something.

The next moment, the crow on the telegraph pole in the far distance suddenly heard an ancient word;


Before it could react,


Following the sound of squeezing flesh and blood, there was a sound of blood dripping, and then several black feathers slowly fell from the air.

The crow that was standing on the telephone pole had long since turned into a puddle of mud.

Farther away, in a brightly lit room somewhere, one of the men was closing his eyes. The next moment, he suddenly opened his eyes and just opened his mouth to say something. Almost instantly, his face was squeezed by some force, Quickly twist,

There was a sound like a watermelon being crushed, and the blood under high pressure suddenly spattered in all directions, and a blood rain suddenly fell in the entire sealed room;
Everyone in the room was immediately covered in splattered blood. As the rotten meat fell to the ground, making a dull sound, everyone in the room remained silent;

Until a foreigner couldn't help but cursed:

"Fauk! What is going on? Didn't you just ask him to go to the scene to see the situation? How could this happen?"

"Mr. Charles, you are facing Japan's strongest exorcist, the most evil and unscrupulous exorcist, Kotoko Higa."

"This is normal. Let's evacuate first. I guess that guy Qinzi will issue a wanted notice soon and let the police search the bloody room. We won't be able to clean it up for a while. It's best to escape now."

"What about Kurosawa Sashige?"

"Give up. It seems that she was not captured by those guys from Yinyi. I'm afraid she is in Qinzi's hands at the moment. Do you want to take her away from her?"

Hearing this sentence and thinking of the miserable situation of the guy just now, everyone shook their heads.

"Well, let's go then. I'm responsible for erasing this information."

The man slowly put down the book in his hand. Because the book was blocked in front of him, there was not much blood splattered on his face.


There was no emotion in Higa Kotoko's eyes, she just made a phone call with an expressionless face;
"There is a room near a factory building in the northern district of Saitama Prefecture that should be full of blood at this moment. You go there and arrest all the people who should be arrested. If there is resistance, they will be executed on the spot, regardless of age."

Kurosawa Yae was silent. She just realized at this moment that the person in front of her... seemed to be a ruthless person too?

Well, at least this guy didn't use this ability before when he broke into his Minokami Village.

However, it is true that the power of another door cannot be used near the door.

Each door has different attributes. Some doors will kill you if you see them, some doors will kill you if you hear them, and some doors will kill you if you know them.

And depending on each door, the way it dies is very different.

Generally speaking, it follows the death method of the Eighteen Hells. For example, if you see your own door, you will die.

And the way of death - being penetrated through the body and hanging.

Just like the way he died.

This is the way to die in the Iron Tree Hell among the Eighteen Hells.

She had just observed that Qinzi's door was crushing people to death.

"Punching through hell?"

(End of this chapter)

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