I'm a teacher in Tokyo!

Chapter 194 Kayako, join the game

Chapter 194 Kayako, join the game
Yoshizakigawa stopped at the flower bed for a long time. It was not until the bell rang for the end of the physical education class that he slowly stood up.

It is precisely because this class is a physical education class that the self in the dream brings himself here and tells himself so many things.

Standing up at this moment, he inexplicably thought of a sentence as if he was amusing himself: "It seems that the physical education teacher in this dream world is relatively strong and not so easy to get sick."

Standing up, he walked towards the crowd, bypassed the classmates who were gathering under the leadership of the physical education teacher, and was about to walk to the classroom.

In the corridor approaching the classroom, he was stopped by a girl with black hair and short skirt from the stairs.

The girl frowned and her first words were:

"Do I know you?"

Yoshizakigawa looked at the girl for a moment. He originally thought it was a friend who refreshed him in this dream, but after thinking for a long time, he could not get her name from his memory, so he nodded: "We are both in the same school, and we look familiar." It should be a normal thing, right?"

Kurosawa Saege looked at the male classmate in front of her for a long time. She knew that she had never met the classmate in front of her, but somehow she felt that his face was very familiar, just like the English teacher in the office.

Every time I see them, a strange memory flashes through my mind.

She showed a bright smile, and her green face was filled with youth.

Yoshizakigawa didn't know exactly how old Kurosawa Sae was, but judging from Yae's previous remarks that she had been away for decades, plus her age before the ceremony, she must be no less than forty years old.

"I don't know. Just now at the top of the stairs, she suddenly had an inexplicable nosebleed and fainted."

Therefore, although he has a certain degree of resistance, as long as he forgets things in reality, the memory of the dream will quickly fill up the forgotten reality.

If I could awaken her memory, maybe I could know what happened before and find a way to save Fu Jiang?

In the end, only the deepest impressions remained.

Kurosawa Sashige——

As a result, he will be completely reduced to himself in Fujiang's eyes and embark on the path of killing Kayako.

"What happened?"

At the same time, when Yoshizakigawa heard the girl in front of him say that his name was Kurosawa Saye, his expression did not change, but his heart was in turmoil.

"How could I still be alive after my neck was wiped? What on earth is this..."

However, why didn’t his clone tell him the news that Kurosawa Saashige was also in this world? Could it be that the clone's memory about this part has begun to be lost?
Yoshizakikawa didn't think much, just smiled: "Hello, my name is Yoshizakikawa."

At this moment, seeing another person who made her memory throb, she naturally didn't want to let it go.

A brief conversation, followed by a quick run.

This shows that the power of brainwashing in Fujiang's dream is terrifying.

Yoshikawa was stunned for a moment, then quickly grabbed her hand, carried her on his back, and ran towards the infirmary.

Moreover, Yoshizakikawa could feel that what he just said had a certain effect on the girl in front of him. She definitely remembered something, but under some kind of power, the things she remembered were also quickly erased.

Finally, he fell sideways and leaned on the railing on one side,

In the dark feeling, she felt that the shaken memory was very important.

But after those memories flashed away, I couldn't remember them at all. In the end, I only knew that those memories flashed through my mind, and that those memories were related to this person with that appearance.

While running wildly, on the edge of going down the stairs, she happened to meet Tomi Jiang who was holding an English book. She was throwing a bouquet of flowers into the trash can.

The world was spinning, and she fell backwards helplessly, her hands still tightly grasping the corner of Yoshizakigawa's clothes.

"Do you know Kawakami Tomie? Where is Higa Kotoko? What happened when you and Kawakami Tomie were together?"

Facing the familiar English teacher who was called the "demon", Kurosawa Sasaki was afraid of the teacher and did not dare to contact him, let alone say such words.

"It's her, Tomie... Is it Yoshizakigawa? Take me quickly..."

Kurosawa Yae's sister, and based on what Kurosawa Yae said, I guessed that this guy was always with Tomie when something happened to Tomie.

Kurosawa Saege suddenly grabbed the corner of Yoshizakigawa's clothes and was about to say the next thing, but at this moment, two lines of bright red blood slowly flowed out of her nose, and then——

The two looked at each other for a moment, then pulled away.

Seeing that there was no one else in the corridor at this moment, Yoshikawa decided to reveal more things to her to awaken her memory.

But at this moment, how can Kurosawa Sashige have that sense of vicissitudes of age? She's just a high school girl.

"Your name is... Yoshizaki River, Saitama Prefecture..."

This also means that she has experienced the entire process of Fu Jiang becoming like this!
Unfortunately, it seems that his memory has been completely washed away by Fu Jiang at this moment. The memory implanted in this dream has truly turned into a student.

She subconsciously touched her neck and was about to speak, but all the memories burst and disappeared like bubbles in her brain.

This name was like a finger touching a sensitive string in her heart. She was stunned for a moment, and a picture flashed in her mind, including crows flying high in the sky, an isolated courtyard somewhere, In the car, there are scenes of blood splattering and suffocation coming like a flood. In the end, all the scenes stop at a man wearing glasses, a windbreaker, and a teacher's ID card on his chest.

Listening to the hurried words of the male classmate in front of him, Kurosawa Saege seemed to have thought of something. His pupils shrank slightly, and the hand that had been lowered from his neck immediately covered his neck again: "I...I..."

At the same time, blood dripped onto the ground.

A teacher on the road saw this scene and followed him, supporting Kurosawa Sashige.

"Then, can we get acquainted? My name is Kurosawa Sashige."

Yoshizaki River——

"Quick, tell me, this is your only chance to leave this world!"

Next, she forgot what she should say again, and her words hesitated for a moment. When she thought that the place she was in was also called Saitama County, she seemed a little relieved: "Nice to meet you, maybe because we accidentally met you before. We have met each other before, and I always feel that you are very familiar."

Soon, inside the infirmary.

The female doctor performed first aid treatment, and it took about ten minutes before she wiped the sweat from her forehead.

"Teacher, is she okay?"

Yoshizakigawa couldn't wait to ask, Kurosawa Sashige was the only way for him to understand Tomie's previous experiences.

Naturally, he was afraid that something might happen to him.

"It was just detected that her heartbeat was too fast and her blood pressure was a little high. The cause of the nosebleed may be high intracranial pressure. It's not appropriate to move around now. Let's wait for the ambulance to come."

The equipment in the infirmary is only for first aid, so it is not complete.

Faced with this kind of thing, the female doctor had no other choice but to take certain measures and wait for a regular ambulance to arrive.

"You go back first, and leave the matters here to me."

Helpless, Yoshizakigawa could only take one last look at Kurosawa Saashige, who was lying there quietly in front of him, and left with worries.

On the way back, Yoshizakikawa thought to himself;

"It seems that such a direct inquiry will kill her." I don't know whether death in Fu Jiang's dream is a real death or a return from reality?

But he didn't dare to bet that even if he returned from reality, he would lose an important source of information.

However, Yoshizakigawa also got some information from what Kurosawa Saashige said just now;
Kurosawa Sashige was wiped on the neck, and then she should have died, but because of Tomie, she came to this dream, and knew it was a dream at first, but soon her memory was replaced by the memory of the dream, so Only then would she want to ask herself to take her out.

But there are actually two doubts here;

First, she does not know Kurosawa Sashige, but she knows herself and Tomie.

She even guessed that she came to this dream world because of Fu Jiang.

what does this mean?
This means that in reality, Kurosawa Saashige knows about himself and Tomie, and may even know that Tomie has an unusual identity and special abilities.

Moreover, she still has a certain strength and can withstand the erosion of dreams for a moment.

If an ordinary person is pulled into this dream, I am afraid that he will become a dream character the moment he wakes up.

Then connecting these information together, there is a faint line in Yoshizakigawa's brain.

Kurosawa Saashige should not be a mortal in reality. In reality, she was killed by Momo while fighting with other people with special abilities.

Tomie saw him later, so in Tomie's panic, Tomie thought that reality was a dream and the dream was reality, so Kurosawa Saashige was brought into the dream?

No, this stimulation should not be enough for Fu Jiang.

After all, neither the incident in high school nor the incident with his father could stimulate Tomie to the extent of using this ability.

Therefore, Tomie should also be deeply involved in this matter, so that she can feel this fear more intuitively, and truly stimulate her abilities.

At least one of the special ability user who killed Kurosawa Saashige and her had their eyes on Tomie, and even kidnapped Tomie during Kotoko's free period, and then used their abilities to kill Saashige in front of Tomie? Or torture and murder.

So, Fu Jiang was in extreme fear and no longer believed in reality?

This information was inferred by Yoshizakigawa from Tomie's previous message and Kurosawa Sashige's few words. The most important one was Tomie's message;

One of the original words is this: "There is nothing extraordinary in this world. The assassinations and battles in the night, the sputtering and hot blood, can wake me up from my dream."

This sentence exactly corresponds to what Kurosawa Sashige said.

Extraordinary + assassination + cruelty made Tomie extremely frightened, thinking that this was a dream. His real self had committed suicide in high school, and the rest of the time was just a fantasy of his dying.

Therefore, her ability constructed such a dream.

There may be differences in the details, but it should be roughly like this.

"If you deceive yourself and create a dream because of this, then you only need to let her know that this is the real lie, and the dream will be destroyed on its own?"

So, the most important question.

He is the character in her dream, how can he make her believe that what he said is true and this dream is false?

There is only one answer, keep improving your favorability.

Push it to the extreme, push it to the point where she trusts herself 100% and even loves herself.


In front of her, commit suicide.

Of course, he will not die, or the possibility of death is extremely slim.

Because once Fujiang feels that this is false, her power of thinking will not think that she is a real death, but that her death is just the death of a dream.

Therefore, one’s own death ≠ real death.

Inequality is a direct kill!

Sure enough, in the dream, I was just an idiot. I couldn't even think of such an operation. I could only laugh at the stupid guys like Wu Mou and Kurosawa.

Thinking of the solution, Yoshizakigawa's mood suddenly became better.

As for how to increase favorability?
Isn't this kind of operation something that comes easily to me?
Today's Fujiang is obviously not as bad as he is in reality. When he was showing off in math class before, Fujiang's eyes clearly looked at him with admiration.

Next, please welcome the top student Yoshizakigawa!
The short name is Jiba!


In the dream, in Kayako's room.

The girl whose forehead was covered with a wet towel, her eyelashes trembled slightly, and then she slowly opened her eyes.

Seeing the dazzling sunshine outside, she couldn't help but squint her eyes.

The memory conflicts in my mind disappeared in a flash. When all the memories were searched for "Childhood sweethearts with Yoshizakigawa", the originally conflicting memories quickly accepted the new setting.

"elder brother……"

She murmured to herself, and unconsciously touched her forehead with her right hand, which had become calmer.

In Kayako's memory, he had a high fever yesterday, but his originally gentle brother impatiently covered his forehead with a wet towel, and then went into his room to sleep.

My brother had never been like this before he entered high school.

But since entering high school, my brother has been obsessed with it. In his draft textbooks, there is a woman's name written and a woman's portrait drawn.

Kawakami Tomie——

In fact, even the painting of himself that he once drew was casually thrown away by him like garbage the day before yesterday.

At night, with a flashlight, I went outside in the rain to pick up the portrait from the trash can.

This is also the reason why I have a high fever.

Kayako struggled to get up, then was in a daze for a while, then slowly opened the drawer numbly.

In it at this moment,
A crumpled, stuck-together pencil sketch taped to the bottom of a drawer.

The paper was now completely dry, and the pencil marks had become a mess under the baptism of rain. The originally clear portrait had now turned into a dark figure.

This was a birthday gift given to me by her brother before. The voice, appearance, and smile seemed so close at hand, but now they are so unfamiliar.

Watching this scene, a line of clear tears quietly slipped down from Kayako's cheek;

She grabbed the drawer tightly with both hands, as if all her strength had been exhausted.


In reality, Kayako was huddled together, with tears flowing from the corners of his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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