I'm a teacher in Tokyo!

Chapter 195: In English class, when you’re showing off

Chapter 195: In English class, when you’re showing off

"Hello, have a latte."

Mr. Heisei, or Yoshizakigawa in the dream, held his English lesson plan under his arm and ordered a latte outside the school.


At this moment, the bald math teacher saw Heisei ordering coffee in front of him. He skillfully took out a cigarette from his pocket and handed it over. Heisei took the cigarette and flicked it subconsciously. But he held the cigarette in his mouth again and refused the lighter handed over by the math teacher.
In the latter's doubtful eyes, Teacher Heisei smiled: "I'm quitting."

Hearing this, the math teacher also laughed: "Heisei, do you have a girlfriend? Why did you suddenly quit smoking?"

In the eyes of the math teacher, Heisei's smoking addiction is no less than his own, but it is true that he is rarely seen in the smoking area recently.

According to his stereotype, only men who find a girlfriend will undergo such a big change.

"Are you kidding me? I don't have a car or a house, where can I find a girlfriend?"

"I quit smoking because I felt like I was growing up."

When he heard this sentence, the math teacher couldn't help but think of the young boy he once was: "When you learned to smoke, it seemed to be this excuse. Because you wanted to grow up, you learned to smoke and spend money. Now you want to grow up, so you All your excuses for quitting smoking are so creative!”

In the past, the Heisei in front of me was still a stingy boy who only drank tap water, did not smoke, and did not drink alcohol.

In this year of high school, the boy in front of me has grown a lot.

Learned to smoke, drink and spend money.

"There is a saying in Chinese language that is very good, life must be full of joy, don't let the golden bottle stand empty against the moon!"

"I don't understand this sentence. I fell asleep during all previous classes on this subject."

The bald math teacher scratched his bald forehead. He didn't understand, so he just laughed.

After smoking a cigarette, he took his coffee and left.

Teacher Heisei threw the cigarette into the trash can, then held the coffee cup and walked slowly to school.

"There is no point in pursuing your own growth. You must enjoy your life to the fullest!"

In fact, the time he was given in this dream was much longer than the time for Yoshizaki River to arrive.

In short, before the dream began, he had already spent his "Heisei" life here with some of the memories of Yoshizaki River.

And, within this period of time.

He killed all the people who accidentally fell into this dream except for Kurosawa Saashige.

In fact, what he said before was to lie to Yoshizakigawa.

There are no so-called two choices, and he will not lose his memory in just one month. In fact, for Fujiang's imagination, his memory can only be derived and will not be erased.

This means that he is the Yoshizaki River in the dream and the Heisei teacher in this world.

Growth represents independence, represents breaking away from the memory of Yoshizaki River, and completely becoming one's true self.

I am not Yoshizakigawa, I am myself, I don’t need to be stingy, I like smoking, puffing, drinking, and the feeling of being tipsy and shaking my brain.

And what he wants to do as an independent person is also very simple.

"Gaya Coco has also come in."

At this moment, he sensed something strange, and everything was going as he expected.

"Stay in this world, live a perfect life in this world, and there will be two ghost kings missing in reality."

Because of Yoshizakigawa's "stabilizer", as long as he maximizes Kayako and Tomie's favorability, he can keep them in this beautiful dreamland forever.

And I just need to keep this dream from being destroyed.

Then, all future disasters will not happen.

This can be regarded as fulfilling my obsession when I was named Yoshizakigawa!
As for Mako?

In his judgment, the possibility of Mako turning into a demon is not very high.

So he didn't try to pull Mako into this world——


Yoshizakigawa did not know that Kayako also joined the dream. In his understanding, this was a dream constructed by Tomie, and the Kayako he conceived was nothing more than the Kayako in her heart.

Therefore, he didn't pay much attention to her for the time being - at least that was the state of mind before he saw her.

Anyway, now he is mainly focused on improving Tomie's favorability. When he walked into the classroom, he immediately noticed the tall high school student Tomie. At this moment, the latter seemed to be looking at him with interest, but Yoshizakigawa only glanced at him. After that, he sat in his seat and turned a blind eye.

Being familiar with Fujiang's naughty character, he naturally has an unpredictable fishing method.

Sure enough, when he found Yoshizakigawa walking in from the outside, he only glanced at him, then turned a blind eye and turned his eyes away, casting his back.

Kawakami Tomie was stunned for a moment, then snorted softly, lowered his head, and pretended to read the test paper.

For Tomie Kawakami, Yoshizakigawa's behavior was nothing more than a special way to attract his attention.

She had seen this kind of trick too many times from junior high school to high school!

Some of them are better than him, but he has never been fooled. Haha, now he wants to use this method to indulge his lust? Sorry, bye bye!
I won’t be attracted by such a simple method!
Tomie lowered his head and previewed the English content for the next class, all because the teacher in the next class would randomly check dialogue and vocabulary. If he failed, he might be repeated a grade or even be punished by copying the text.

So now the whole class is preparing nervously for the exam.

The deskmate sitting next to Yoshizakigawa was also nervous and sweating profusely, flipping through English books frantically and reciting words.

Among the entire class, only Yoshizakigawa was relatively relaxed, even though he also knew that he would memorize the exam in the next class.


As an English teacher myself, are you still afraid of this kind of spot check on spoken English and vocabulary?
Just based on that small clone imagined by Fu Jiang?
It's so ridiculous!
When he had nothing to do, Yoshizakigawa looked through his books and notebooks.

He took out his notebook from his school bag and as soon as he opened it, he saw a piece of paper quietly falling to the ground.

On that paper, a sketch of a girl appeared on the paper, with a pencil-drawn figure, a beauty mark between her eyebrows, wearing a short skirt, sitting in the classroom, with her back to the window and a comic book in her hand——

"Oh, it's true!"

Tomie, who secretly glanced at Yoshizakigawa from time to time, suddenly showed a disdainful smile on her face when she saw her portrait on it.

This guy really has a crush on himself!
But let me tell you something, this guy is a pretty good painter, but it would be great if he could draw his own profile. His profile looks better than his front face.

Forget it, how could that guy's painting skill be able to paint his own beauty? This was indeed too difficult for him.

It's already pretty good to be able to draw a painting that's barely eye-catching.

Just force yourself and allow him to secretly draw a picture of yourself!

Yoshizakigawa looked at the portrait on the paper, and just as he was about to reach out to take it, he saw another piece of paper behind Tomie's portrait.

He picked up both papers and placed Tomie's paper underneath. The other was an unfinished painting, with only the outline of a girl, carrying a schoolbag and squatting.

Although it is just an outline, the shadows are almost the same, the face is familiar, and the school bag is familiar.

"Gaya coconut?"

Yoshizakichuan sighed in his heart. In this dream, Kayako ended up being stabbed to death by himself.

Moreover, since entering high school, "I" began to distance herself from her, and even did something very excessive in the past few days.

Therefore, this body also felt guilty and wanted to make up for it, so it spent some time drawing pictures of Kayako. Looking at the half-finished painting, he picked up the pencil and prepared to continue painting.

"What a shame, he actually put himself under another girl!"

After peeping at Yoshizakigawa's actions, Tomie gritted his teeth and decided that during this entire class, as long as he looked at her, he would roll his eyes at him!

As if he felt someone was looking at him, Yoshizakigawa looked where his eyes were. The next moment, he was greeted by Tomie's eyes, and then the latter continued to lower his head to read an English book.

Ah this——

Yoshizakigawa is not a straight man, he instantly guessed the reason why Tomie did this.

But, this is exactly what he needs.

For Fu Jiang, as long as there is a way to attract her attention, the probability of gaining a favorable impression is already half successful.

Therefore, he did not make any changes to the order of the papers.

I continued to draw, but the Kayako painted by me looked a little lonely and gloomy.

Although this was indeed in line with her character, Yoshizakigawa didn't like her like this, so he slightly adjusted the overall line drawing.

Originally, Kayako was sitting alone in front of a telephone pole with his schoolbag on his back, looking ahead.

Yoshizakigawa wiped out the telephone pole and changed it into himself. Kayako was carrying his schoolbag, sitting on his shoes, raising his hands and looking forward.

The surrounding roads are short lines, and some wavy lines are added in the sky to make a sketch of the wind.

Yoshizakigawa actually has no art background, but in Tomie's fantasy, this body can draw, so when he picks up a pencil, he can draw naturally.

And the painting is pretty good.

If I could bring this ability out, I might be able to draw a picture and give it to them in the future.

While writing, he still had time to think about other things.

Four or five minutes later, when my lines were just taking shape, I heard the class bell ringing.

Yoshizakigawa immediately accepted the drawing;

"Who is this?"

Until then, a classmate on one side accidentally caught a glimpse of Yoshizakigawa's paintings. He naturally knew that Yoshizakigawa was very good at painting, but the strange thing was that this guy had been painting Tomie over and over again. The painting is superb.

But now it's someone else.

Could it be that he has moved on and is in love with someone else?
——After entering high school, and because he was not in the same class as Kayako, this body never mentioned Kayako in the class.

"This is my childhood sweetheart."

Yoshizakigawa said with a smile, he did not say that this was his sister.

"You kid, you are eating the food from the bowl and looking at the food in the pot. You obviously have it, but you still want to hook up with Fu Jiang? Listen to my brother, you can't control Fu Jiang, be careful to get beaten by the senior!"

He seemed to want to say something else, but the next moment, there was a sound of stepping on the door.

The entire classroom fell into silence for an instant, and the classmates immediately stopped talking.

Teacher Heisei who walked in first glanced at Yoshizakigawa, and then glanced around the class.

When he noticed Tomie's eyes glancing over Yoshizakigawa from time to time, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but raise slightly.

"Hello, students, in today's class, from now on, we will answer questions in English throughout the whole process. During the answer, we are allowed to turn over the book and ask other students. If you cannot answer within one minute, please stand and listen to the class. , and copy the question ten times, thank you.”

Hearing this sentence, everyone below suddenly showed bitter faces.

Good guy, he was quite polite, he even said "thank you", but...can you please stop being so aggressive right away?

"So, let's start? (So, let's start)"

"Students, in the previous exam, our class's performance was not very satisfactory. Most of the wrong questions were on some basic questions. So, is there any way we can prevent these basic problems from occurring again?"

"Shinnosuke Hirano, stand up and answer my question."

Yoshizakigawa's deskmate stood up and listened to the enigmatic question spoken in English. He only knew a few of the words, and after piecing it together and forcibly understanding it, it finally became: "Someone's grades are not ideal. "

However, he spent a long time organizing his words, and in the end he only said: "So..."

"One minute."

"Teacher, can I ask my friend?"

"in English."


He looked at Yoshizakigawa for help.

Seeing this, Yoshizakigawa was shocked, ha, it's time for me to show off! He immediately used fluent English to forcefully repel the boundless darkness that was approaching his deskmate.

In the latter's eyes, which were as grateful as if he were a reborn parent, he sat down calmly. Although his posture was not upright, in the eyes of his deskmates, he looked very majestic at this moment.



Looking at each other, they completed the inheritance of blood.

Then some basic questions were asked, and everyone got through the disaster without any danger.

At this moment, the English teacher looked at Tomie Kawakami.

"Yoshizakigawa-san just said that when faced with this kind of basic questions, you need to keep doing questions and memorizing them, so that practice makes perfect and reduces mistakes. So - Tomie-san, please answer this question. You often got some basic test questions wrong before. How can we improve based on what Yoshizakigawa-san said?”

The long sentences are like a heavenly book.

As we all know, the more idioms used, the longer the sentence and the more obscure and difficult to understand. So at this moment, Tomie was dumbfounded when he listened to the long sentence that was like a heavenly book. His brain worked for a long time, and in the end he only guessed the relationship between Yoshizaki River and Yoshizaki River. related to the answer.


"One minute."

The English teacher's words were like a ruthless countdown.

Tomi Jiang turned his attention to other students, but at this moment everyone was avoiding the teacher's questions like a plague. Even if the goddess was in front of him, they did not dare to go up and face this dark turmoil.

So, she could only look at that guy, hoping that he could help her out.


Yoshizakikawa lowered his head and seemed to be writing something, without even looking at her.

Seeing this scene, Tomie stood alone, a little embarrassed for a moment, and finally gritted his teeth: "Well, can I ask Yoshizakigawa-san to answer?"

"This requires his consent. What I say doesn't count."

Teacher Heisei on the podium smiled slightly, then sat on the chair and simply crossed his legs.

"Um - Yoshizakigawa-san, me, can you help me?"

Fu Jiang lowered his head and said with his ears seeming a little red.

(End of this chapter)

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