I'm a teacher in Tokyo!

Chapter 196 Brother, can we sleep together tonight?

Chapter 196 Brother, can we sleep together tonight?

At the same time, looking at the goddess in front of her with her head down and her ears red, Yoshizakigawa was silent.

The poor students in the back row could not wait to stand up immediately, stand in front of Fu Jiang, and repel the demon English teacher.

But thinking about the English teacher's methods, they, who have little English ability and cannot understand what the teacher is saying at this moment, can only grit their teeth and sit in place, not daring to move at all, for fear that they will attract the attention of the English teacher and die!
Sitting in front of him, a top student who was once the tallest person in the class and had experienced this kind of thing before, and who had advanced cultivation, was also looking pale at this moment.

Horrible, terrible.

Even if they could barely understand the words just now, it would be difficult to compete with them after searching for what they had learned all their lives.

So, they turned their attention to the English class representative.

The English class representative's right hand moved slightly, and his body trembled uncontrollably. He seemed to be planning to take action.

He began to search for words, he began to organize language, he was helpless and sat down slumped.

Thinking of the English sentence that whispered like a demon just now, with the power of curse.

Time flies by, the afternoon passes quickly, and it's time to have dinner in the evening.

He clenched his fists, and his eyes were extremely unwilling. Damn it, just a little bit.

He stood up.

"I won't have it unless you put it in my desk!"

The white aura emanated from Yoshizakigawa-san. He took all the pressure under himself and protected the others in the classroom.

"Please, take action quickly!"


The black terrifying aura emanates from the English teacher's body, carrying unimaginable destructive power. Once it is affected, he will be punished and punished.

Then he gently stroked his chest, took a breath, and thought of the excellent painting that was suppressed underneath and only half-read.

"At this critical moment, only he can save Tomie-san!"

However, it was absolutely impossible for her to say what she wanted.

"As long as that genius is willing to take action! Maybe..."

"Will he be willing to take action?"

Other students left the classroom one after another and went to have lunch. Yoshizakigawa was packing his things. When everyone was almost gone;
Fujiang passed by his desk and pretended not to care and said: "Assuming you know the truth, I won't hold you accountable for painting me."

Anyway, in reality, Fu Jiang would definitely rather be defeated than say such "request" words to himself.

Even if I feel unwilling to do so, I can only lament in my heart in the end, hating that I have never practiced English diligently in my life, and my cultivation is so shallow that I am unable to cope with the devil teacher at this moment!

There was silence in the class.

Looking at the latter's red ears, Yoshizaki Kawa knew that the special attack method for tsundere was to refuse, but for this kind of thing, it was natural to accept it as soon as possible.

Of course, one of the reasons why Fujiang is younger now and is more open-minded?

During class time, Yoshizakigawa took action from time to time, helping these children resist countless attacks.

Letting the arrogant Fujiang say such words in reality would probably be more uncomfortable than killing her.

Although the people behind him didn't understand what Yoshizakigawa said, they were relieved when they saw the English teacher smiling.

As expected of fellow Taoist Yoshizakigawa, with the power of learning, ninth level!
"Please take a seat."

But just as she walked to the door of the classroom, a word suddenly came from behind her: "Do you want to draw?"

Everyone's eyes are on the person in the middle who is usually not very impressive, but in the math class, he defeated the math teacher with an astonishing appearance, and just now used his supreme power to protect his classmates. At this moment, he is still sitting on the throne. , Yoshizakigawa with a plain face.

Looking at Tomie's appearance, Yoshizakigawa wanted to laugh.

Perhaps, only English can allow Fujiang to blush and beg others to help her in such a public place, right?

As the words fell, everyone looked at Yoshizakigawa, who was sitting in the middle, still calm and calm, and their eyes were full of admiration.

Yoshizakigawa felt that although this was a dream, these children were quite cute, so he smiled knowingly: "Get up later!"

The next moment, Yoshizakigawa began to spit out words one after another. In the eyes of the class representative, the words were like spells, flying to the sky, and the white light they emitted actually suppressed the black color with crushing force.

Fu Jiang thought in his heart.

Then, he hurriedly planned to leave.

After saying that, she quickly left the classroom and walked to a pillar.

To be honest, she quite wanted it.

"it is good!"

Seeing this, everyone immediately held their breath and looked at the figure in front of them.

He just stood there, and there seemed to be endless coercion emanating from him. At this moment, the classroom, in the eyes of the English class representative, had turned into black and white.

Every time his calm expression appeared in the eyes of everyone, it was like hearing thunder in the plains or sipping light tea in the storm. It was so terrifying!
As the bell rang for the end of get out of class,
In front of Yoshizakigawa, a group of men gathered;
"My foster father is here, please accept our respects!"

At this moment, he even felt ashamed of himself for shrinking back.

The next moment, Kawakami Tomie's body stiffened;
"Who would want something like that!"

The day passed quickly.

There are two systems in this school. One is to live in the dormitory.

There is also a type called "day study". In short, people who are relatively close to home generally choose to live at home.

Yoshizakigawa walked out of the school gate with his schoolbag on his back. When he looked at the sun getting farther and farther in front of him,
Looking back on today's day, the children's respective psychological activities, joys, sorrows, and joys are like real living lives.

If they wake up from this dream, what will they become?
It's strange that I actually have feelings for a group of people who exist in the dream?

Thinking of this,

He couldn't help but sigh in his heart, this world is really too real.

If it weren't for the memories in my brain reminding me, I would probably think this was a real world.

But memories can be faked, right?

"Memory can be faked. It is also the answer I get from the outside world, not the answer I get from this world."

Paradox can easily make a person awake. As long as he does not forget the external memories, he can determine through the conflict of memories that this is just a dream world.

For everything in the dream world, I just need to focus on Fu Jiang.

Nothing else matters.


All these emotions disappeared without a trace after he opened the door and found the unconscious girl lying on the bed, and the obviously torn and shapeless piece of paper in the drawer.

His heart was occupied by an emotion called anxiety and regret, and the memory of the girl in his dream quickly came to his mind and occupied his brain.

Kayako, my childhood sweetheart, is also my sister.

Because she had thrown away the sketch before, she went to the trash can to pick it up in the rain, and she developed a high fever. After being given intravenous drip all night in the hospital, she went home. Her condition did not improve, so she asked for leave and went to class by herself. . ——In the anxious mood, there seems to be a trace of anger and regret coming from the dream itself.

Anger is obviously an unimportant thing, why should we care so much?

I regretted why I threw that thing into the trash can.

Of course, Yoshizakigawa can naturally understand why Kayako cares so much. The fleeting thought just now was just a memory in a dream.

"Brother...brother...have you finished class?"

She opened her eyes in a daze, and in the haze, she saw the Yoshizaki River high above, seeming to be looking at her quietly without saying a word.

The grievance and fear in his heart suddenly burst out, but Kayako didn't know what to say or what to say.

Do you want to blame him?
He is his brother, he is everything to him.

What should I do if he gets angry or ignores me because of this?
She was really afraid of being abandoned.

In dreams, emotions are the accumulation of negative reality, so when Kayako entered this dream, the uneasiness and fear that had been hidden in her heart surged out from the depths of her heart without reservation.

At the same time, Mingming told himself in his heart that this was just a dream, Kayako was also fake, and she might just be a memory of Fujiang.

However, Yoshizakigawa's emotions could never calm down.

He slowly squatted down and looked at the coconut palm on the tatami. He stretched out his hand and gently touched the latter's forehead. After feeling it was slightly hot but not very hot, he touched it lightly with his forehead again. Touched Gaoyao's forehead: "Have you taken medicine today?"

Yoshizakigawa also convinced himself in his heart at this moment.

"What if Kayako also joins this dream like before? Besides, even if it is a memory, then I have to do something consistent with the dream, so... let's treat her as the real Kayako. "

"Anyway, for me, everything just needs to be business as usual."

He is not a hard-hearted person. If he is really hard-hearted, he will take action when he learns that he only needs to kill Kayako to make Fu Jiang self-destruct.

In this way, the world will have one less evil ghost, and the chance of destruction will be greatly reduced.

At the same time, listening to her brother's gentle words, the emotions of reality and dreams seemed to be superimposed at this moment. Tears burst out from Kayako's eyes and she cried loudly, but the first words she said were not about her fear or fear. I didn’t say I was angry;
"Brother, please don't throw away my painting, okay?"

"I will be obedient from now on."

After hearing these words, Yoshizakigawa's heart trembled slightly, and he held the latter in his arms;
"If you don't lose it, you won't lose it in the future. Can I draw you another one?"

What kind of painting is this painting? It's clearly Kayako herself.

Throwing away the painting means abandoning her.

Although Yoshizakigawa knew that he would still have sex with Tomie in this dream, at this moment, he really couldn't bear to give any more blow to Kayako in the dream in front of him.

Even though - she is just a memory.

The conflict of memories began to echo in my mind again.

Kayako is his own student, this is a dream.

The memories of the conflict fell quickly like a tide, and Yoshizakigawa regained his sanity.

"I'll get you some warm water."

Yoshizakigawa wanted to let go, but Kayako hugged him and refused to let go.

"No, just hold me tight."


She wanted to say, I'm scared, but she didn't say the last two words. She just buried her head in Yoshizakigawa's chest:
"I want to hold you like this."

Yoshizakigawa's originally loosened hands could only be placed on the latter's back again.

He is now kneeling in front of Kayako, while Kayako is sitting. At this moment, he is embracing this thin body. Actually, there are not many emotions in Yoshizakigawa's heart, because the feeling of numbness in his feet is constantly spreading from his feet. Come.

Half an hour later, Kayako let go of his hand with a red face.

Yoshizakigawa quickly changed the direction of his feet and did not stand up because... his legs were numb and soft, and he would probably fall when he stood up.

This fucking dream is too real.

Feeling the sour feeling after relaxation, Yoshizakikawa took a deep breath, but in front of Kayako, he had to keep his expression as normal. This was simply a test.

After a long time, he calmed down, then stood up and took out the thermos bottle from the wardrobe.

After pouring a cup of hot water for Gaoyao, he said: "It was my fault before, I shouldn't have done that, I'm sorry."

"I won't do that again. Can I draw you another picture?"

In fact, what happened before was also very simple. Because of Tomie, I remembered that I rarely talked to Kayako. When the latter was jealous, he deliberately did bad things in front of him, such as secretly covering himself while he was painting. Eye;

In the end, he accidentally tore up one of Fujiang's first drafts, so in anger, he walked to Gaoyao's room, saw the sketch on one side, crumpled it into a ball, and threw the three-pointer into the large trash can outside.

Then, Gaoyao went out to search for a long time in the rain and found the piece of paper.

Draw another one?
When Kayako saw the shredded paper on the table, her heart ached. In her eyes, no matter how many more pictures she drew, even if they looked better than the original ones, they would never be as good as the first one.

Because it took a long time after my brother learned to draw for the first time, and he gave it to me on his birthday.

That is something that holds important emotions.

Nothing and nothing can compare to it.

But how could Kayako put Yoshizaki in trouble? A bright smile appeared on her face, and she wiped her eyes that were wet from crying: "Okay! Brother wants to paint me beautifully!"

Yoshizakigawa stood up and glanced at the piece of paper in front of him, leaving only a black shadow.

I sighed in my heart, there was no way I could fix it.

It was crumpled into a ball, wetted, and finally left in a drawer for a day. In addition, because it was a sketch, there is absolutely no way to repair this paper unless you go back in time.

But, maybe——

Why don't you carve it into a human shape with a carving knife and use this line drawing to draw another one?
Thinking of this, Yoshizakigawa planned to take the piece of paper away, and he stretched out his hand.

At the same time, Kayako saw Yoshizakigawa planning to take away the painting, thinking he was about to throw it away, and subconsciously stretched out his hand to stop it.


In that case, my brother might know that he didn't let go, and he would feel guilty, right?

She put down her hand and watched Yoshizakigawa take the paper away.

Because he planned to give Kayako a surprise, Yoshizakigawa didn't say what he was going to do with the piece of paper.

The time came to nine o'clock in the evening.

Cook and finish the meal.

Under Yoshizakigawa's urging gaze, Kayako frowned and drank the cold medicine in one breath.

When he was about to go back to his room to deal with the piece of paper,
Kayako suddenly pulled Yoshizaki Kawa's sleeves. In the latter's doubtful eyes, Kayako blushed: "Brother, I...we haven't slept together for a long time. I'm a little scared at night. I want to sleep with you." ”

Hearing this, Yoshizaki knew that she was afraid of being abandoned by him, so he smiled and nodded: "Then sleep at my place."

(End of this chapter)

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