I'm a teacher in Tokyo!

Chapter 197 Fujiang received the portrait

Chapter 197 Fujiang received the portrait

Anyway, Tomi Jiang gave him a reasonable setting in the dream. As brother and sister, isn't it normal to sleep together?
Therefore, Yoshizakigawa is not as resistant to Kayako as in reality. The main reason is that in reality, not to mention that Kayako is his student and is unethical, but that she is underage and easily contacted the police station.

But this Kotoko can also help me deal with it.

The key is--

Shura Field, Shura Field.

Before they accept each other, if you touch Chun Chun, you are seeking death, right?
Of course, Yoshizakigawa himself is also a bit of a naughty person. He starts with emotion and stops with etiquette. At certain times, carnal desires may emerge, but if he follows his desires, he is no different from an animal.

Yoshizakigawa was lying on the bed,
Kayako curled up into a ball, buried his head in the quilt, lay on his side facing the Yoshizaki River, hugged his right hand with both hands, and rested his cheek on the arm.

It seemed like this would make her feel safe.

At some point, Yoshizakigawa felt that Kayako was like a small animal that had been hurt before. It was extremely insecure and would be frightened at the slightest disturbance.

At this moment, he felt the warmth of his arms and the feeling of his hot breath passing over his skin.

Because she was extra careful, this action alone took her nearly ten minutes.

He picked up Yoshizakigawa's hand, put his fingers in his mouth, and bit them lightly with his teeth, his face flushed a little sickly;

The window was not closed tightly, so the afterglow of the moonlight shone into the room. Although the room was dark, the outline of Yoshizakigawa's profile could be faintly seen.

She didn't dare to act rashly, she just looked at Yoshizaki River obsessively, if only she could stay like this.

In the dark room, Kayako opened his eyes and looked at the profile of his brother in front of him.

After the kiss, she leaned down and got under the quilt.

Late at night, Kayako opened her eyes carefully. After feeling the warmth of her arms, in the darkness, she suppressed the tension in her heart and even breathed carefully.

The next moment, she stuck out her tongue and licked it gently.

She longs for everything about her brother and wants to eat him and swallow him into her belly. Perhaps this is the only way to have real close contact.

Yoshizakikawa originally wanted to reach out and touch her little face, but as long as he moved a little, she would wake up.

Kayako pretended to be dead for a long time. When she realized that her brother was not awake, she breathed a sigh of relief. She first took off her coat, then carefully took off Yoshizakigawa's pajamas, and finally determined where Yoshizakigawa's lips were.

But it seems that under the influence of some kind of power, Yoshizakigawa did not wake up from his sleep in the end.

So he just lay down, feeling the numb feeling of the pressure on his arm. He knew that when he got up tomorrow morning, he would probably want to chop off this hand.

After a while, she carefully put on Yoshizakigawa's pajamas again.


The fierce kiss seemed to make Yoshikawa a little uncomfortable. He turned over. He was originally alert, but now he was sleeping like a dead pig.

Then, she moved Yoshizakigawa's arm away from her back.

When she was about to take a step further, she only heard a cough, and then she whispered as if in a dream: "Don't make trouble."


During this period, Yoshizakigawa seemed to feel something. He turned over and entered. He was so frightened that Kayako held his breath and did not even dare to take a breath.

Then he kissed her uncontrollably, hugging Yoshizakigawa tightly in his arms like an octopus.

the next day,
When Yoshizakigawa woke up, he felt a warm and moist feeling coming from his fingers, and his body felt cold. He subconsciously looked to his side;

At this moment, by my side;
Kayako curled up and hugged his arms, just like a bird holding a branch. His fingers were the held branches, and Kayako was held in his mouth;

On the sheets, a patch of dampness caused by drool was faintly visible. Seeing the cute scene of Kayako, Yoshizakikawa smiled knowingly.

He didn't think much about it, because it was normal to have some small movements in his sleep. Yoshizakigawa licked his lips that were dry due to thirst, and then closed his eyes and meditated.

After a while, Kayako woke up from his sleep.

When she saw that she was holding her brother's arm and there was a pool of drool on the bed sheets, her face was visibly nervous. But when she saw Yoshizakigawa's smile, she first breathed a sigh of relief, and then her face suddenly turned red. become red; become red;

"Don't look!"

She suddenly pulled all the sheets over and covered herself under her body.

Then he lightly kicked Yoshizakigawa's butt with his little foot: "Brother, get out!"

After some twists and turns, Kayako made the bed and then opened the door.

When she opened the door, she saw the breakfast prepared on the table. She was in a trance for a moment. This picture made her familiar and unfamiliar, and it seemed that another picture flashed by.

The old brother is back again.

Kayako seems to have seen the picture of a better life in the future.

Carrying her schoolbag, Kayako was in a very happy mood and followed Yoshizakigawa to school.

Because they were not in the same class, they parted ways at the school gate.

Looking at her brother's retreating back, Kayako paused and stared for a long time. When Yoshizakigawa looked back at her, she smiled and waved away.

At the same time, when Yoshizakigawa returned to the classroom, he was treated like an emperor.

Because I protected other students in the class last night and resisted the dark turmoil from the teacher. Now after the war, as the biggest hero, I am the protector of the poor students in the class and the protector of the top students.

His status can be said to be equivalent to that of the executive deputy monitor.

Looking at the obvious extra snacks and drinks on the desk, Yoshizakikawa nodded, and saw his deskmate respectfully pulled out the chair: "Father, please sit down."

In the English class yesterday afternoon, Yoshizakigawa and his classmates completed the paternity test ceremony.

After class, I saw him with tears streaming down his face and said, "If you don't abandon me, I would like to worship you as my foster father!"

This kid, he means it.

From then on, Yoshizakigawa was called his adoptive father.

Tomie Kawakami silently walked past Yoshizakigawa, looking at the man with unparalleled beauty who was the king of the class.

She is jealous of his talent!
However, all the jealous feelings, after she took out the book from the desk, the look on her face suddenly became a little wonderful;

Because, it's in her drawer.

I don’t know when a delicate sketch appeared.

At the same time, Tomi Jiang also remembered what he said yesterday——

"Unless you put the painting in my drawer, I won't..."

This guy actually sent the painting over, and there seemed to be a sentence on the portrait.

"I know that this world is as short-lived as dew. However, however..."

"with you."

(End of this chapter)

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