I'm a teacher in Tokyo!

Chapter 198: Confession to Fu Jiang

Chapter 198: Confession to Fu Jiang (Chapter 196 is blocked and is being processed)

Is this... is this a confession?
When she saw the carefully written poem behind the portrait, Tomie was stunned. Although she knew that Yoshizakigawa was interested in her.

But she never expected that this guy would confess his feelings so quickly.

Did he think that just because of the little thing in class yesterday, he would fall in love with him?

This is too ridiculous!
Thinking of this, Fu Jiang snorted, and then he was about to draw a big fork on the paper, and then returned the drawing.

But when she was about to put pen to paper, she saw the exquisite portrait that obviously took a lot of hard work to draw, and for a moment she felt that it was a pity that it was ruined like this.

After hesitating for a long time, she decided not to destroy the painting. After all, it took that guy's hard work, and this Feiju... seemed to be quite good?
Although Tomie is not very good at studying, she is not a bad student at this moment, so she can easily distinguish the quality of these sentences.

Then - simply refuse!

She wanted to let him know that she was not such a casual woman. Thinking of this, Fu Jiang tore up a piece of paper.

Originally, she also wanted to follow Yoshizakigawa's example of using a red line to refuse.

So in the early morning, he came to the classroom and began to launch an active offensive against Fujiang.

Yoshizakigawa spread out the crumpled note and looked at the words on it. Without even thinking, he wrote: "This painting belongs to Tomie in my mind. If you reject me, it will no longer be in my mind." The middle one is Fujiang.”

Then, she angrily crumpled the note into a ball and threw it at Yoshizakigawa's waist.

But she had been thinking hard all morning, and until the morning reading was over, she couldn't think of any words that could be pretentious.

Therefore, Yoshizakigawa copied a famous poem early in the morning, then gave the painting to Tomie, and started to attack directly, with the main thing passing quickly.

From Fu Jiang's performance yesterday, it can be seen that she still really wants this painting. The reason why she said that was just a tough talk.

Over there, Fu Jiang picked up the note and became furious when he saw the content.

When Yoshizakigawa picked up the paper and opened it, he smiled slightly;
Now he is in the dreamland anyway, and Higa Kotoko and the others are still waiting for him outside, so Yoshizakigawa does not intend to get too entangled and just speeds through the dungeon.

This guy - actually wants to take this painting back. Does this guy still have the responsibilities of a man to take back this little thing?
Moreover, this painting is obviously of you, right?
What qualifications does he have to go back?

After throwing it over, Fu Jiang became even more angry when he saw it;

"How can you give up immediately without success? Also, what do you think of me?"

So, she scribbled on the paper: "The drawing on this paper is clearly me, what qualifications do you have to go back?"

At this moment, looking at Tomie's speech, Yoshizakigawa, as a senior player, naturally had an idea. He wrote another sentence on the piece of paper: "Then please return the portrait to me."

She crumpled the note into a ball and threw it to Yoshizakigawa.

He threw the note over.

In fact, for Tomie, there is another layer of meaning hidden in what Yoshizakigawa did. He did not persist in stalking, but directly chose to give up?
Why, why don’t you give it another try? How could it be so easy to succeed?
Tomi Jiang really couldn't understand this guy's operation.

In the end, I could only hold my breath in embarrassment and wrote a sentence on scratch paper: "In my world, only pedestrians can pass by."

The next moment, the note was wrapped into a ball and thrown from the corner of the table;

"So - are you willing to accept my pursuit of you?"

Looking at the note in his hand, Tomie first glanced at Yoshizakigawa in disbelief, as if to say, you still play like this? What the hell, when did I accept your pursuit?

She was just about to write a letter to curse Yoshizakigawa, but at this moment, the English teacher had walked down from the podium at some point and was staring at the note behind her;

Just as Tomie was about to start writing, a voice suddenly came from behind him: "Tomie, what are you holding in your hand? Can you show it to me?"

This sound instantly frightened Kawakami Tomie out of half her soul. She had quick hands and quick eyes, and was about to tear the note into pieces, but the English teacher's hands were faster than hers. She grabbed the note and quickly scanned it. One glance.

A playful look suddenly appeared on his face:
"Puppy love is not allowed in high school. I will confiscate this note first. Your class teacher will talk to you later."

"By the way, please hand in the paintings mentioned here as well."

Hearing what the English teacher said, Tomie's face turned red and angry. He was not in puppy love. He had never accepted Yoshizakigawa, right?

However, she did not say this sentence.

Because if such words were said in public, Yoshizaki Kawa would definitely be hurt, and she didn't want to see this happen.

Although Tomie is quite arrogant, he is still very kind at heart.

Besides, what if I fell in love prematurely? What right does the school have to control itself, take away my note, and now want to take away my portrait?

Angry and rebellious psychology immediately emerged, and Tomie Kawakami said directly: "So what? Why do you take my things?"

"I like him. Why do you stop something that you and I want to do?"

"Okay, okay, you go talk to the head teacher about these things, and you, come with me."

In full view of the class, Yoshizakigawa and Kawakami Tomie were taken out by the demon English teacher.

Puppy love is a taboo word in high school.

As for being caught doing something like this, looking back on the past, it is said that it happened to a senior classmate a year ago.

At this moment, this big melon appeared in front of me, and it was a matter between the most beautiful goddess in the school and the most ordinary classmate.

But this "ordinary" classmate started to be "not ordinary" just yesterday. He has been arrogant for eternity, suppressing the two major subjects of mathematics and English, and is invincible in the world.

"Seeing the confession of such a peerless strong man, even if he dies, it's worth the money!"

At this moment, other students couldn't help but think.


After Tomie said those words, she immediately regretted it. She had a slight affection for Yoshizakigawa, but not to the extent of liking him at all.

And the reason why I said that was just because I was out of anger for a while and just said it casually.

The words didn't even pass through her brain. She felt regretful when she was taken away at this moment, but now that the matter was over, she could only look at Yoshizaki River fiercely.

But at this moment,
She felt her hand being pulled, and then it was held by Yoshizakigawa.

Under Tomie Kawakami's shocked eyes, Yoshizakigawa chuckled: "Since Tomie-san has accepted my confession, we are now a couple. Holding hands should be a normal thing, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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