I'm a teacher in Tokyo!

Chapter 199 Please cremate me, Kayako Fujiang 1

Chapter 199 Please cremate me, Kayako Fujiang together

This... this, this...

Kawakami Tomie was so shocked by Yoshizakigawa's operation for a moment that her disbelief was mixed with a hint of shame, which made her brain feel dizzy.

Why is this guy so shameless?
You know, the teacher is walking in front! How dare he do this...

No, wait first!

When did you agree to his pursuit?

It wasn't until this moment that Tomie Kawakami realized something was wrong. He didn't agree to him at all!

Thinking of this, Kawakami Tomie was angry and annoyed: "When did I promise you?"

After saying this, she slapped Yoshizakigawa's hand off, and then quickly followed behind the English teacher,
After a while, the two followed the English teacher into the office.
Because in this school, falling in love is a serious crime that can "deprive you of political rights for life." Once you are confirmed to be in love, you will not be eligible for any position in the class.

Therefore, in order to prevent some people from being labeled as being in love, most people will choose to confess and lie at this time, so...

She glanced at Yoshizakigawa fiercely, and said with a cry in her tone: "Teacher, let you in!"

Although Tomie knew that he had nothing to do with Yoshizakigawa, these were just coincidences.

The head teacher launched an attack, and Tomi Jiang's expression changed, but the problem was not big, just that.

"Teacher Heisei is right, Tomie, after all, your family..."

——At that time, I have to teach this guy a lesson, let him know that wanting to be my boyfriend is not such a simple matter.

From the first conversation with him, Yoshizaki Kawa knew that what he wanted was to choose the second path.

Humph, I am not that afraid of teachers.

Including in class before, it was because this guy was helping me that my confession could go so smoothly.

"For adolescent boys, all they care about may be...how you look."

Of course, Yoshizakigawa also understood why he was like this in the dream.

He probably thought that he had chosen the second path, having sex with Fujiang and Kayako, and living a stable life in this beautiful dream.

When Yoshizakigawa was about to go in, he heard Tomie say angrily: "Yoshizakigawa, if you have the ability, you have the guts to convince the teacher!"

Sometimes I have to admit that it’s really nice to have an insider to help me smooth things over at times like this.

"What about after persuasion?"

Now Yoshizakigawa already feels that he is a little strange in the dream. When he entered Tomie's dream before, he had a sense of familiarity and control over himself in the dream.

Tomi Jiang turned around subconsciously. When she saw that the first rule of the school behind her was "Dating is not allowed", she was silent for a moment and then smiled confidently: "I am not the one who will be bound by such rules!"

When he was about to go in, he was pulled aside by his dream self and repeated all the previous conversations.

Then, he walked in resolutely.

After knowing that Tomie broke the defense because the education teacher talked about Tomie's family, Yoshizakigawa probably knew how to comfort him.

Yoshizakigawa asked rhetorically.

"Furthermore, your family, his family, and teachers all know that you are not suitable for falling in love at this age, especially you, Fujiang, don't do things that you will regret just because of a whim. You are at this age. All love is fruitless.”

But now, Yoshizakigawa feels that he in this dream is out of his control.

Ahead, there is a joint trial between the three courts.

"Then I will be your girlfriend!"

She is the eldest sister of the school, the real eldest sister of the underworld!
So, as the eldest sister, she decided that she would rather die than let go, no matter what if she was misunderstood, as long as she knew it was all false.

"Okay, you can copy the school rules ten times first. There must be no typos. If there are any typos, copy them again."

Hearing this, the frail head teacher pondered for a moment, and then pointed behind Tomie Kawakami.

Or rather he prefers this.


Thinking of this, she held her head high and said with confidence on her face: "Is there any rule in school that does not allow falling in love?"

Seeing her like this, Yoshizakigawa gently patted her shoulder: "Leave it to me."

Although the office was calm at the moment, it was as depressing as the eve of a storm.

But at this moment, the English teacher on the side slowly said: "Fujiang, you are in puppy love now, have you considered your future with him?"

The head teacher, grade teacher, and education section chief knew about this, and they were all sitting at their desks with serious faces.

But when she heard the English teacher's map cannon, she still felt a little uncomfortable. Just as she was about to retort, she saw the education teacher on the other side firing back one after another;

Yoshizakigawa was still doing nothing at the door, counting the hairs on the ground, when he saw Tomie walking out with red eyes and tears in his eyes.

Although Tomie wanted to explain, at this time, if he defended himself, wouldn't it appear that he was weak and afraid of the teacher?

Yoshizakigawa was arranged to stand at the door, and Tomie was brought in.

"If you didn't get admitted to the same school, if you didn't get along at the same time, then what would your present be? It's just nothingness."

As if being stimulated, Fu Jiang became emotional and his tone became intense, even with a hint of crying.

Emmmm, Yoshizakigawa has never seen Tomie look like this. After all, with her character, even if she is hit, she will probably cry secretly alone. It seems that the teacher's ethics are a bit deep here, and she actually put this Guy hit.

He seemed to have independent consciousness now. He couldn't control him, and he couldn't even guess what was going on in his mind.

It's hard to describe this feeling, but Yoshizakigawa felt this way, so he didn't tell his real plan to the dream self in front of him.

He didn't even say it in this dream, he just hid it in his heart.

By the time it happened, it was a shocking surprise.

The two of them finished talking in the toilet. At this moment, Yoshikawa noticed that his middle finger in the dream was subconsciously slightly bent. He glanced at it and was slightly startled when he saw the sunken fingertips and yellowed knuckles.

He had only seen this shape on the smoking physical education teacher Takegawa Naosai.

The dream self becomes more and more unfamiliar.

"Which way do you want to go?"

At this time, the dreamy Yoshizakigawa asked.

The thought flashed through Yoshizakigawa's mind. He pretended not to know, and then smiled: "You already know which path I want to take."

"This is a good path. Choose it. After you forget reality, this place will be reality for you, and reality will become an illusory dream. And you will always live happily."

"I know that you may not be able to let go of Qinzi and the others, but in fact, for her, the world might be better without Kayako and Tomie. As for Mako? You don't have to worry. Your transformation of her should be successful. She won't Will turn into an evil spirit."

Mr. Heisei talked eloquently. However, Yoshizakigawa recalled what he said before that his memory was gradually being replaced. How could he look like he had forgotten anything at this moment?

Is that also deceiving yourself? So - what do you want to do?

Yoshizakigawa was constantly thinking, but he did not show it in front of Teacher Heisei at all. He smiled faintly:
"You're right, but if I can get out, I will still try my best to find a way. Now it's just a way to pave the way for my second choice."

He did not say that he would choose the second option, but said this, because only in this way can he dispel the doubts in the latter's mind.

Sure enough, when he heard Yoshizakigawa say this, Teacher Heisei's smile became even brighter:
"Yoshizakigawa, I will help you."

The two of them walked out from the toilet. On the way into the office, Yoshizakigawa suddenly asked:

"By the way, do you know who Kurosawa Saashige is?"

"Of course I do. In fact, I knew all of her memories when she came in."

"What exactly happened?"

Hearing this, Heisei told everything about the relationship between Kurosawa Saashige and Tomie, as well as the assassin.

"I killed all those assassins. Kurosawa Saashige's memory was rewritten by Tomie's power. I couldn't kill her."

Hearing these words, Yoshizakikawa felt a chill in his heart. Sure enough, his dream self had changed.

If it was really his character, even if he would use thunderous means to attack, he would not kill everyone with such indifference, like killing chickens and cattle.

"Now what about Kurosawa Saashige? I revealed some information to her and she fainted."

"Completely dead, Yoshizakigawa. For them, death in this dream is real death. The information you revealed to her conflicts with the identity Tomie gave her. She cannot accept these things, and her soul is broken."

The tone of the teacher on the flat floor was still calm.


Yoshizakigawa did not continue on this topic for long.


At the same time, in reality.

Just when Kotoko was about to lose control and was about to wake up Yoshizakigawa, a burst of black smoke suddenly appeared from Yoshizakigawa's seven orifices. Just when Higa Kotoko was shocked and was about to take action, she heard Kurosawa behind her. Yae screamed violently;


Hearing these words, Qinzi, who had condensed the talisman in the palm of her hand and was about to attack, suddenly turned her hand to the other side.

She was a little confused at the moment. Why had Kurosawa Yae's sister come out and Yoshizakigawa hadn't woken up yet?
What about Fujiang?
"Sasaka, I'm your sister, what's wrong with you?"

When Kurosawa Yae flew to Kurosawa Sashige's side, he was shocked to find that she only had her soul left at the moment, and her eyes were filled with dullness;
Dead, his sister is dead? !
The grief and anger in her heart was uncontrollable for a moment. She reached out her hand and touched the latter's empty cheek with trembling hands.

Ghosts exist like mist and have no entity.

Therefore, when Kurosawa Yae's hand touched his sister, it was just a mist passing through another mist.

No body, no feeling.

Unable to even hug each other, Kurosawa Yae looked at his hands with complicated emotions in his eyes.

But at this moment, when she heard her sister's call, Kurosawa Sashige's eyes did not change at all;
She is like a puppet.

It was only at this moment that Kurosawa Yae discovered something unusual about his sister.

It has been nearly thirty years since she left the village when she was a teenager, but her soul has never changed!

The soul is permanently fixed only when it dies.

what does this mean?
This means that after he pushed his sister out, she died.

And the aura that he sensed before was just the aura of his sister's soul.

Previously at Kotoko's place, Kurosawa Yae knew that some people would deliberately capture ghosts and use ghosts to achieve their own goals.

The most representative ones are the Thai Gumantong, Raising Imps, or some cult organizations.

They integrate ghosts into their bodies to strengthen themselves.

At this moment, the reason why my sister's soul appears here and becomes like this is self-evident!

At the same time, Higa Kotoko felt the surging resentment of the evil ghost next to her. This resentment was even worse and more terrifying than before. The mirror in the car made a clicking sound and then shattered. The surrounding lights were in the sky. The moon has become foggy at this moment.

"Who...made my sister look like this!"

The shrill voice that made people feel chilled and made their teeth ache echoed from behind. Kurosawa Yae went crazy and wanted to kill all humans.

In fact, she was able to accept the death of her sister.

But she couldn't accept that her sister died in such an aggrieved way, was taken advantage of, and didn't die well.

In fact, if he had known that this would be the outcome, he might as well have performed the original ritual.

Oni's thoughts are twisted, and Kurosawa Yae's thoughts are also twisted.

From feeling jealous that his sister has not come to see him for decades, wanting to kill her to complete the ritual, to self-doubt and relief knowing that there is a more convenient way to block the door to hell, to wanting to see his sister, hoping She could live a happy life, but now she is angry and wants to kill the enemy who treated her sister like this.

Her mood is constantly changing.

At this moment, Kotoko can actually understand the anger of Kurosawa Yae behind her.

Especially when she also has a younger sister, this kind of emotion can be understood even more. She sighed: "I have investigated the general identities of the people in this organization. When the time comes to destroy them, I will take you with me." Bar."

Hearing these words, the originally surging resentment shrank instantly. Kurosawa Yae did not speak, but Qinzi saw the latter's scarlet eyes from the fragments of the mirror on the ground.

And at this moment, it seemed that he heard Higa Kotoko’s voice;
Kurosawa Saashige's originally dull eyes suddenly became a little enlightened;
"My name is Kurosawa Sashige, and I am a student in Class 1 of the third year of Shuchiin..."

"My name is Kurosawa Saashige, I am...who am I?"

"They're all dead, hehe, they're all dead..."

She was talking to herself, but suddenly she screamed: "Qinzi!"

"Don't wake me up! Kayako and Tomie will explode when I wake up! I will seal them in their dreams forever!"

"I tried my best, Yazhong, but I can only send her out first."

"Fujiang's body is still in the van. When the sun and moon cross, the van will appear on the street and stop it. At that time, please burn the video tape, me, Fujiang, and Kayako together, and the ashes and Kayako's Notebooks buried together.”

"Be careful, please don't peek at the notebook, you will die."

"I will live well in that world."

(End of this chapter)

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