I'm a teacher in Tokyo!

Chapter 200: A head-on confrontation with Fujiang

Chapter 200: A head-on confrontation with Fujiang
There was silence in the van.

Higa Kotoko and Kurosawa Yae, who had regained their senses, were stunned for a moment when they heard Kurosawa Saege's words.

Especially Higa Kotoko, she simply couldn't believe that Yoshizakigawa's character would say such a thing.

Indeed, Yoshizakigawa has a relatively kind personality, and he also has his own responsibilities.


There are times when he is selfish and there are times when he is emotional. He is not a saint, he is just an ordinary person.

Why did he suddenly become a saint in this dream, even willing to sacrifice himself in exchange for peace in the world?

Higa Kotoko only felt that this incident was very outrageous, so outrageous that it was hard for her to believe it.

But in Yoshizakigawa's dream, if it wasn't him who sent the message to him through Kurosawa Saege, who could it be?
So——is it really Yoshizaki River?

Did he receive any stimulation in the dream?

While driving, Higa Kotoko looked through the window at Yoshizakigawa lying quietly behind her from time to time, but in fact her eyes were always looking at Kurosawa Sashige, as if she wanted to see something from the latter.

Kurosawa Yae focused on Tomie. As a being who was connected with his sister and was in the same place, maybe she knew some information?

Thinking of this, Higa Kotoko began to weigh the reality of the information conveyed in the dream.

Qinzi could almost see the curse that grew from the ashes laughing wildly after she burned Yoshizakigawa and the others.


That is, even if it is a curse, maybe it is still powerless against Fu Jiang and can only kill him with his own hands?
Well, this also confirms what Yoshizakigawa said before. To a certain extent, Tomie's danger is even more serious than Kayako.

Fortunately, she had suffered a lot from Yoshizakigawa before, so she could control her emotions now.

Higa Kotoko was also a little wary of the fierce ghost next to her, and decided to beat it to death as soon as she found anything wrong with her.

Why is it that my sister, even though she is delirious and her soul memory is confused, can utter such clear and purposeful words?
Did Yoshizakigawa modify her soul in her dream?
Did his sister really die when she left the village, and then fell into the hands of a cult and became a tool?
At this moment, Kurosawa Yae suspected that the problem might lie with Yoshizakigawa.

What is the so-called disaster?
All the answers may only be known in dreams, but Kurosawa Yae tried many times but could not enter that dream.

Could it be some kind of misleading?
Then, someone who has this power and transmits information from dreams——

That is the way to make Tomie appear in reality. After all, only when Tomie appears in reality can he have a way to "physically" destroy him.

It is difficult to defeat Kurosawa Yae, after all, that place is the latter's home court, but once she comes out of there, Higa Kotoko has a hundred ways to easily suppress this evil ghost.

So, more news can be derived from this.

Haha, I didn’t even know that guy from Yoshizakigawa had peed for a few seconds. That guy’s bad temperament, although he was indeed considered a great hero and served the country and the people, he couldn’t do this to the extent of sacrificing himself.

What did that guy do in the dream? Why let Kotoko burn him?

Kawakami Tomie.

When you are indecisive, you can blame others and blame them.

Want to lie to me?

If the curse really wants Yoshizakigawa, Tomie, and Kayako to die together, then at least one of the information it says is accurate.

Various speculations collided fiercely in Higa Kotoko's heart. Just like her previous decision about the "Gaya Coco Aphrodisiac" incident, she once again fell into a difficult decision.

If your sister is really tricked by you, Yoshizakigawa, then she will die.

At the same time, Kurosawa Yae's eyes became a little uncertain.

Therefore, Kurosawa Yae will never forgive him for turning his sister into such a person!
However, although she was angry in her heart, her outward emotions remained calm.

in dreams,
Yoshizakigawa had a fierce confrontation with his teachers in the office. Some of the teachers were so angry with him that they were unable to refute for a while, and they also had their own clones to help him from time to time.

For a moment, in the midst of this peak competition, Fu Jiang, standing at the door outside the house, felt the intensity of the battlefield inside. For a moment, he just felt that a violent storm was about to hit, and he was slightly worried about that guy.

It must be you, Grudge! !

In the end, I could only focus on the road, with a lot of thoughts.

But in fact, I have no feelings for him at all. He is obviously just a thick-skinned passerby, right?

For Kurosawa Yae, her only hope and goal now is to look at her sister and see her have a good life.

"When day and night meet, is it evening?"

Near that door, with Higa Kotoko's strength, the most she could do was ensure that she would not die.

However, even though the thousand-year-old ghost has been playing in the mud, he has lived for one hundred and eleven thousand years, so Higa Kotoko can't see anything.

Although there was no emotional change in Kurosawa Yae behind her, Higa Kotoko was sensitive to the slight changes in the curses around her. For ghosts, the slight changes in the curses were equivalent to inner struggles.

But now, I want to follow the message conveyed by Yoshizakigawa?

But now, I have been searching for my sister for a long time, but in the end I couldn't find her. I finally found her, but not only has she become a soul, but even her past memories have been washed away. It is hard to imagine what kind of humiliation I have suffered.

In this way, as a sister, I will naturally be satisfied.

Some teachers didn’t even know how to speak for a while. They could only rely on the authority brought by their careers and said the classic saying: "The past was the past, the present is the present, don't forget that your identity is Student, your task is to learn!”

Because this time the problem is more serious than before. The previous choice to fail was nothing more than Kayako losing control, but as long as Yoshizakigawa is alive, it can be stabilized.

Something is wrong with Yae too. Is it because of the curse?

For Higa Kotoko, anything that is beyond her understanding and completely illogical with facts and logic is caused by the curse.

"Have you ever considered that your family has gone through a lot of hardships to send you to study..."

"I'm an orphan."

Yoshizakigawa ended the game with one sentence, leaving the professor who was about to talk about his family at a loss for words and didn't know what to say.

He looked at Yoshizaki River with a hint of pity and hatred.

Yoshizakigawa explained: "Tomie and I are together. We can help each other and learn from each other. This is benign. Our grades will definitely improve by then." After a long time, Yoshizakigawa finally, with the help of his clone, fought with the group. Confucianism convinces all teachers.

As a top student, even though I am a student now, so what?
As an outer disciple, isn't it normal for me to suppress the teacher in Fu Jiang's dream?

Thinking of this, he walked out with his head held high.

When he saw Tomie Kawakami who was still standing outside, he coughed slightly. It wasn't until the latter looked over with his beautiful eyes that he stretched out his hand: "Ahem, hold me."

Fu Jiang was stunned for a moment, then rolled his eyes: "Who wants to lead you? I didn't agree to be your girlfriend!"

"I didn't expect that classmate Tomie would be such a dishonest person. Alas, the world is declining, and people's hearts are not as old as they used to be!"

"What nonsense are you talking about? When did I break my word!"

You know, your credibility is visible to the naked eye in the entire school, right? !
"Then do you remember what you said before?"


Fujiang was about to ask, but the next moment, she seemed to suddenly think of something, her eyes widened, turned around, and asked with a trembling tone: "You... you... you really did it? ? "

But, how is this possible?

For those guys to allow this to happen is simply scarier than the sun rising from the west!
This guy is lying to himself!

"Haha, you think you can lie to me like this?"

"I don't believe it!"

Tomie snorted softly. At this moment, a teacher wearing glasses walked out of the office behind him. Tomie was startled and was about to continue to stand up straight. But at this moment, Yoshizakigawa came with lightning speed to cover his ears. , in front of the teacher, he immediately held her hand.

Fu Jiang didn't expect this guy to be so courageous. He had just been scolded inside, so he dared to do this now?

But just when Tomie was about to take out his hand and throw all the blame to Yoshizakigawa, he only saw the teacher wearing glasses, who frowned slightly: "Although I agree, you can't do it in public. Hold hands!"

Agreed with...? Actually, did you really agree?
Fu Jiang was shocked for a moment and turned around crazily. She never thought that such an outrageous thing could really be done by this kid?

So, commitment?
Thinking of that promise, Kawakami Tomie's face suddenly turned rosy, and she seemed to want to explain that her previous promise was just a joke.

But she was so strong by nature that she couldn't say such weak words, so she could only grit her teeth and say in a sullen voice: "How did you do that?"

"Be reasonable and present the facts. By the way, I made a promise to those teachers, Tomie, that your grades must double this month. Otherwise, we won't be able to be a couple!"

Having said this, Yoshizakigawa smiled slightly, took Kawakami Tomie's hands, held them in his own, and said softly
"So, for the sake of our happy sexual life in the future, let's work hard, Tomie-san."

"Who wants to live happily with you? I don't want it!"

Tomi Jiang discovered that this guy really liked to push his nose and face. As long as he relaxed a little, this guy would immediately and continuously expand the situation.

She clearly didn't agree, but somehow she became his girlfriend.

Fu Jiang actually wanted to refuse, but she really couldn't do it if she broke her promise.

So, he could only look at Yoshizakigawa holding his cold hand with a gloomy face.

The two of them were in the corridor, the setting sun pulled away, and the shadows became very long.

Just like lovers who are truly in love for a long time.

But, at the far point of the shadow.

Kayako, who was carrying a schoolbag, was staring blankly at his "flirting" brother and Tomie Kawakami in front of him.

Tomie is a well-known beauty in the class and a real school beauty.

Originally, Gao Ye planned to ask about the self-study in the next class - Gao Ye was a class cadre, so he was entrusted by other people in the class to come and ask.

However, when she just walked out of the office door, she saw her brother, holding Tomie Kawakami's hand, with an affectionate look, as if he had been in love for many years.

Kayako immediately understood why his brother had torn up and discarded the gift given to him just because he destroyed a painting of his.

I immediately understood why my brother had been absent-minded about his feelings since he entered high school, as if he was living with another person.

Before, even when he held her, hugged her, or even slept together, she had never felt truly connected to her. There was a barrier between him and herself, as if His body, which has not been punctured, is like the layer of window paper on the window.

Perhaps, only when he is completely owned can he be completely owned by himself?
"elder brother……"

She was holding her textbooks and schoolbag on her back, feeling overwhelmed and afraid of being abandoned.

What's more, the most evil thoughts hidden deep in my heart;
"If you kill the person who took your brother away, your brother will be yours."

Of course, such vicious thoughts only passed away in a flash. Kayako often had such vicious thoughts. For example, if someone intervened in her team, she would think that it would be better if that person died.

But this thought only floated in the deepest part of my heart and never landed.

After the vicious thoughts faded away, Kayako felt only fear and uneasiness.

She knew that she could not compare with Tomie Kawakami in any direction, so the image of her brother being taken away and her losing everything seemed to have emerged before her eyes.

No, this kind of thing must not happen!
I want to get my brother before Fu Jiang, no matter what means I use, as long as I get him, I will not be abandoned.

and so--

At night, I have the last chance to take action.

Kayako bought two sleeping pills in total, one of which was used yesterday, and now he has the last one left.

Tonight is the chance for the final decisive battle with Tomie Nakawa!


Night, late at night.

Kayako took off her clothes and looked at her sleeping brother in front of her. She trembled and tried to undo the waistband of her lower body.

PS: The recent state is indeed not good. The dream copy will pass as soon as possible, and the weird atmosphere will also increase. Readers, please forgive me (character error, refresh to read)
(End of this chapter)

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