I'm a teacher in Tokyo!

Chapter 208 Fujiang: Can I be him?

Chapter 208 Fujiang: Can I be him?
For Kotoko, it was a worthy bet.

First of all, Kawakami Tomie's emotions are relatively stable compared to Kayako's and are not prone to extremes.

And once Yoshizakigawa really fails to wake up, for Kotoko, the risk of falling into instability is greater than Tomie.

After all, if something like this is concealed, thunder will explode sooner or later. The longer it is concealed, the more destructive it will be when it explodes.

Besides, Fujiang and Kayako are two mines. Instead of detonating them all at the back, why not blow up one manually at this moment.

It would be best if this exploded thunder could wake up that guy from Yoshizakigawa.

If you really can't wake up from the explosion...then you can only think of other solutions.

At the same time, Higa Kotoko's words sounded like thunder in Kawakami Tomie's ears.

Fujiang's ears were ringing and her brain was buzzing. The expression on her face changed a few times, and then she forced a smile: "At this time, can you stop joking?"

Just now, Tomie, who was still thinking about a bright future, broke his obsession, put aside his body, and planned to pursue Yoshizaki River. When he heard this earth-shattering news, he felt that the guy in front of him must be joking.

Qinzi agreed deeply and echoed: "That's true, he is a good person."

The two looked at each other, and the ICU beeped.

Tomie, who had recovered, told everything about what happened in the car before. Higa Kotoko listened calmly. When she heard that Kayako's schoolbag was thrown out of the window by the group of guys, they could use their abilities.

He had saved himself twice in dreams, and had always protected himself in reality, and now he had left him forever.

After hearing Tomie's words, Higa Kotoko hesitated for a moment, and then nodded.

At this time, Higa Kotoko handed over a cup of hot water. Tomie took the cup, drank it down, and said briefly and quickly: "He was stabbed to death by the coconut milk in my dream in order to protect me in the dream. How can he Save?"

He is in the shadows, but Tomie is in the sunshine.

But to her, it felt like a year had passed.

Higa Kotoko stood behind her, her eyes seemed a little disappointed, but she could also tell that she was a little relaxed.

Looking at Higa Kotoko in a daze, Tomie repeated it again.

After saying that, before Fu Jiang could say anything more, she said, "I'll take you to see him."

People with emotional brains are lacking in the ability to organize language. Tomie can't even organize a complete sentence.

But perhaps it is precisely because of this kind of character that he can become that light.

Although Yoshizakigawa was not resurrected, Tomie's thunder detonated but did not explode.

"I want to walk the rest of the way for him."

After getting the answer that he had already determined in his heart, Kawakami Tomie smiled, but his tears couldn't stop flowing: "He is such a good person, don't you think so?"

For Tomie, perhaps more intuitive stimulation is needed to inspire her power?

This sentence stunned Qinzi for a moment, and then the wrinkles in the corners of her eyes seemed to be opened by a smile. She leaned down, looked at the girl in front of her, and touched her face slightly with her rough hands: "What you said , is what he has been longing to hear all his life."

However, under Tomie's expectant gaze, Higa Kotoko's words were so cold, and her tone did not sound like she was joking.

If he hadn't entered his own dream, would he still be like this?
No, he died to save himself.

The nascent sun outside the window had just passed the window edge at this moment. The faint sunlight fell from their shoulders, and its shadow was cast on the wall through the window, and fell on half of Yoshizakigawa's face.

"You think, can I be him?"

The heavy reality strangled her neck, making her feel as if the air had become solid at the moment, and even breathing became difficult.
How could it be, how could it be?

From Yoshizakigawa's mouth, Kotoko once learned that Tomie's ability has no upper limit. According to this kid's description, as long as Tomie wants to do anything, there is nothing she can't do.

At this moment, Fu Jiang suddenly asked.

"Where do I start? I, him, in the dream, Kayako..."

She just kept watching, without crying or making any other sounds.

After getting out of the car with difficulty and looking at the man intubated in the ICU, Tomi Jiang held his hands on the glass, as if this had exhausted all his strength.

Unlike Qinzi who could look away easily, Tomie had never felt that any road in his life was as difficult as it is now. It was like a painful march. From the police station to the hospital, from getting in the car to driving to getting off, it only took ten years. minute.

How is that possible? When a person dies in a dream, shouldn't he return to reality?
It must be just a joke. This guy is really not reliable at all. He actually scares himself when he is in shock, hahaha.

At that time, the guy from Yoshizakigawa scratched his head and seemed to have difficulty understanding the question. Finally, after holding it in for a long time, he said, "Maybe she didn't think enough?"

The smile on Fu Jiang's face was a little distorted, and the muscles on his face were trembling slightly: "Is... can it be saved? You are all superpowers, so you must be saved. I will tell you about the dream right away, right away... …”

Thinking about the past, Qinzi had a faint smile on her face.

She patted her cheek gently, as if trying to ease her mood.

It was obvious that I was fine just now in my dream.

Before, I also jokingly said: "Well, I think she seems to want to pass English. Why doesn't she do it?"

Qinzi patted the shoulder of Tomie who had been silent, and seemed to want to say something, but was interrupted by Tomie's words: "He did this for me, right?"

Qinzi swallowed, but shook her head slightly: "The souls of people who die in other people's dreams will be lost forever and will never be able to wake up."

Thinking of this, Fujiang's smile suddenly froze. She said a few words repeatedly, "How could this happen? How could this happen?" She seemed to want to get up when she was sitting on the sofa, but she couldn't help but stand up. sat back again;

"I don't joke at times like this."

"Can it be saved?"

"It seems that a notebook is working, preventing them from using their abilities."

Hearing this, Higa Kotoko's expression moved slightly, and she immediately said: "Yes, Yoshizakigawa did something to the notebook in that schoolbag. In fact, he wanted to give you a schoolbag, but making such a School bags require a lot of effort.”

She even gave Yoshizakigawa an excuse to prevent Tomie from becoming jealous - although in the latter's case, such jealousy was minimal.

Tomie smiled, which was in line with her understanding of the stingy and kind guy.

"So, do you know where that notebook was thrown?"

Fu Jiang shook his head: "Let's go along the way."

Hearing this, Qinzi immediately called someone to organize a search.

The two chatted for a while. At this time, Fu Jiang suddenly asked: "Do you think I can become an exorcist?"

In the previous conversation with Miss Qinzi, Tomie naturally learned Qinzi's identity and understood everything.

And she wanted to be Yoshizakigawa's shadow, to take his place and help him protect everything when the latter was in a coma. Until that miracle happens.

Until the latter wakes up, yes, Tomie has always believed that Yoshizakigawa can wake up on his own strength. His kind and strong heart can support him to cross thousands of mountains and rivers and return from the chaotic dream.

Even if others can't do it, he can definitely do it!
Well, it must be possible!
After hearing these words, Higa Kotoko knew that Tomie did not have the blood of an exorcist, but she still patted the latter's shoulder against his will: "You are a naturally talented person, and you will definitely become a powerful exorcist in the future. division."

"I will teach you myself."

Hearing this, Fu Jiang clenched his fists. When you wake up and see me walking alongside you, will you be shocked?

Haha, at that time, you couldn’t refuse my confession!

At this moment, Higa Kotoko's cell phone suddenly vibrated, and she calmly took a step outside before answering the phone;

"Lord Qinzi, I found Kayako's schoolbag along the way. It is located in a smelly ditch, and Kayako's notebook is missing."

Hearing the news on the other end of the phone, Higa Kotoko narrowed her eyes: "Are there no surveillance cameras around?"

"It is located on the outskirts of the city, so there is no surveillance, and there are no signs of anyone walking around. We are comparing a wider range of surveillance to see if we can get relevant information."

After hanging up the phone, even Qinzi was shocked by this series of events and sighed slightly.

According to Fujiang's words, Kayako's schoolbag also contains Kayako's notebook.

That thing is the real killer weapon. I just hope that it has not been found yet, or that it has been seen by some unscrupulous people, and then I only need to wait for the next murder report.

And the worst case scenario——

"I just hope it's not picked up by someone with ulterior motives."


The early morning sunshine was shining on the bedside, and Kayako squatted alone at the foot of the bed. She hadn't slept all day.

The nightmare last night seemed to have happened for real, now lingering in her heart, making her heart tingle slightly every time she thought of the last scene.

How could you do that kind of thing?
How could you do that kind of thing yourself?
Although I really don't like the contact between the teacher and Tomie, even if I know that they are together, I...at most I feel uncomfortable.

As long as the teacher doesn't abandon him, it doesn't matter even if he likes Tomie-san... right?

Kayako shook his head, not daring to think any more. It was just a dream anyway.

Now that I have woken up from the dream, this is my reality.

Well, now get up happily and make a delicious breakfast for the teacher! Kayako, you can't continue to have a sad face, otherwise the teacher will definitely not be in a good mood when he sees you. You must always remain optimistic in front of the teacher.

After all, the teacher once said that he likes to see you smile the most.

Thinking of this, Kayako pulled the corner of his mouth and made a face, then rolled on the bed, placed his feet on the slippers accurately, stepped up and walked quickly, and then——

When I walked into the living room, I saw the empty bed that looked just like last night.

Her original smiling face suddenly fell. Teacher, you didn’t come back all night. The damn principal made the teacher work so hard and overtime every day. He cursed you for having a bigger beer belly! !

When the teacher didn't come back, she made breakfast with a sad face and finished the meal with a taste of nothing.

"Perhaps, I can see the teacher in school?"

With this thought in mind, she regained her smile and picked up the small school bag on her side;
"By the way, I also took Tomie-san's schoolbag by mistake. She must have taken her own schoolbag, and there was her own notebook in that schoolbag! But with Tomie-san's character, she definitely wouldn't open her schoolbag after school. ”

So Kayako wasn't actually worried that the contents of his notebook would be leaked. Moreover, most of what was written in that notebook was his innocent venting from childhood to high school, or his complaints about being treated indifferently.

Only this notebook from high school to college records my love for my teacher.

So it doesn’t matter even if Tomie-san reads that notebook.

"It's all my fault, Tomie, for buying a small schoolbag just like mine. It's obviously a gift from the teacher. Could it be that she likes the teacher and picked up the wrong one on purpose?"

But after thinking about it, this possibility is unlikely.

Tomie-san is such a arrogant person, she doesn’t even bother to do such a thing!

I complained and had delusions along the way. When I saw the school gate, I was only happy thinking that I was about to see the teacher.

Kayako even made a special trip to the office.
But she didn't see the teacher.

She didn't see Tomie in class either.

Tomie-san is always late, but what about the teacher? Where did he go?
Thinking back to yesterday's dream, Kayako felt a little uneasy. Uneasy, Kayako decided to ask Teacher Saito. Teacher Saito must know!



When Yoshizakigawa had a splitting headache and opened his eyes from his drowsiness, what appeared in front of him was a familiar villa scene.

"I am alive and back to the first dream?"

Logically speaking, in the second dream, once you die, you will truly die, but——

"Thank you, my lord, Saint Fu Jiang. I will always praise you. Before I wake up, I will not embarrass you about your English."

In that case, only Fujiang's power of An Xunsi could save his own life.

I silently thanked Fujiang for a minute, and then missed Kayako for a few minutes, hoping that she would not miss this dream in reality.

However, judging from Yoshizakigawa's knowledge of the child, she might not be able to sleep at night...

Alas, wait until the teacher goes back to comfort you!
"Then, how do I leave this first level of dreamland?"

Looking at the villa standing in front of him, Yoshizakigawa was about to go find the three sisters in the dream, but just as he was moving forward.

But he was blocked in front by "himself" who was wearing casual clothes.

"Hello, Yoshizakigawa, or my future master, you made the right decision in that Shura field and kept everyone alive."

"To be honest, I admire you very much. After all, not everyone can make such a correct decision so quickly."

Listening to the muttering of the rebellious clone in front of him, Yoshizakikawa was very wary. This guy was not loyal anymore.

"Don't worry, when you win from the dream, it also means that under the influence of you and Fu Jiang, I will soon lose all independent consciousness. After all, I am composed of Fu Jiang's memory of you, and Fu Jiang's thinking is controlled by yours. Rewrite, my memory will also be rewritten.”

"But before I lose my memory, I want to talk to you."

"Do you have time?"

(End of this chapter)

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