I'm a teacher in Tokyo!

Chapter 209: Routine Dream Self

Chapter 209: Routine Dream Self

Yoshizakikawa could only laugh at what "himself" said in front of him, not believing what he said in his heart.

He said he would lose his memory, so he would definitely lose his memory?

In the dream, I guess I was also baptized by Fujiang's "brainless aura", so I foolishly believed in "myself" in the dream.

In fact, looking back at the previous memory it seems.

He had obviously shown his flaws many times, but in the dream he had been ignoring this aspect. He was completely fascinated by Fu Jiang, and even used various excuses to explain the rationality of his actions.

Under Fu Jiang's aura of wisdom and the dream's own calculations, he almost stepped into the bottomless abyss.

If I hadn't woken up at the last moment, it would be hard to believe what would have happened next.

Maybe... I will repeat what Fu Jiang did and kill his "childhood sweetheart" "Gaya Coco" again in front of Fu Jiang.

Even the two choices he mentioned were too outrageous. Why would he make that choice? Can't we both want and want more?
In fact, all he needs to do is find Fu Jiang, increase his favorability, tell him that this world is false, and use his supreme power of words to break the dream easily?

Thinking of this, Yoshizakigawa started to do something while asking.

"Now you can tell me that soul's message."

Hearing this, the man snapped his fingers. Almost instantly, the surrounding scenes immediately distorted. Desks stood up from the ground. After a moment, the whole world turned into a classroom.

If he hadn't been unable to erase it at this moment, he would have rectified it on the spot.

So the soul is not a baby.

"That was an evil spirit that I conquered in my early years. Because of the unresolved grudge, it has always been in my body."

Moreover, what Yoshizakigawa said in the dream, "This is a question he wanted to know from the beginning." His birth originated from the video tape, and the time has to be traced back to the villa, or even earlier, with Minato Yoshizakigawa. The fragmented time of Qi Yingbai also has an essential conflict.

Unexpectedly, through such slow stimulation of Tomie, Yoshizakigawa, who should have been immersed in a dream, came back to life again.

"As for helping you see reality in your dreams? You only need to go to Fujiang's room, which is her dream world."

The man looked at Yoshizakigawa for a few minutes, confirming that he was not lying, but he also felt a little ridiculous.

Neither of them knew this, so they lived in harmony.

Listening to the lion of Yoshizaki River opening his mouth, the man did not hesitate: "Okay."

"I can tell you, but as a condition, you must tell me all the ways to see reality, and help me see reality in dreams."

"Let's talk about your identity, Yoshizakigawa. You have two souls in your body. I'm very curious. One of them is called Yoshizakigawa, and the other one is called? This is a question I've been curious about from the beginning."

The desire for knowledge is a very important and the only desire that he can experience for him who has no other feelings in the dream.

So, with both of them misunderstanding, the first deal was reached.

Hearing these words, Yoshizakigawa's expression did not change much. He had promised to help the torn apart baby before, and after promising, the child got into his body.

What kind of grudge is there that allows the latter to curse Yoshizaki River all the time?

Damn it, a clone dares to deceive the sky?
At this moment, the man seemed to see Yoshizakigawa's vigilance and smiled: "It's just a chat. You can't do anything to me now, and I can't do anything to you. And if you want to return to reality, although there are people I helped you guide Fu Jiang and created a glimmer of possibility, but it will take a while to accumulate. After all, idleness is idle, right? "

Another soul is hidden deep in Yoshizakigawa's soul. Even though it is hidden deep, the resentment still comes out from the depths and curses Yoshizakigawa.

Perhaps, in the latter's mind, he is in debt if he fails to fulfill his promise?
Yoshizakikawa felt relieved when he thought that the logic of ghosts was different from that of humans. He would deal with it when he returned to reality.

"I'll give you a message for free. You have to deal with that soul as soon as possible. He has always resented you. You owe him too much, so he has been cursing you. Because of this curse, other evil spirits will be more likely to pay attention. to you and try to kill you."

Are you kidding me? With my understanding of that guy Fu Jiang, wouldn't I just talk to her in the dream?
Therefore, to sum up all the actions of the dream himself, this is a traitor who has turned against himself, and any of his words are unreliable.

And the curse has been with him since he crossed the Yoshizaki River, otherwise the demon would not have targeted the male protagonist the first time they met.

"What do you want to talk about?"

Because he was born from Tomie's consciousness, he can naturally obtain information about reality from some of Tomie's dreams.

At some point, he had to lament that Yoshizakigawa had indeed found a good ally in reality.

"My information channel comes from Tomi Jiang's dreams. I can sometimes see some profound parts of her dreams."

When he heard the clone say this, Yoshizakikawa thought for a moment and thought of a way to not lose anything, but also to watch him act, and to find out some "maybe not so true" information from his mouth.

In fact, the baby ghost alone is not qualified to reside on Yoshizakigawa's soul. It has always stayed on Yoshizakigawa's body.

Since she believes in miracles, miracles will happen sooner or later, maybe the next second? Maybe next month?

Of course, when the main body is resurrected and returns, the goal of this clone's attempt to become a reality will naturally come to naught, but it will continue to exist through his hand.

After all, believe in miracles!

Yoshikawa was stunned. What did he owe that child? I clearly just felt sorry for him and wanted to help him find his body and reincarnate!

The clone of himself in the dream was imagined by Fu Jiang. If Fu Jiang didn't know about it, the clone in front of him would naturally not know either.

"Then I'd like to thank you first. So, do you have anything else to talk about?"

Since the identity in front of you can tell you what happened in reality, it means that the other person controls the channel that can see reality from dreams.

Because the soul has noticed it since the first time it saw the Yoshizaki River since its birth, and the soul is extremely terrifying and resentful, and has been cursing itself.

The man sat down on his desk, pushed up his glasses, and looked at Yoshizakigawa: "Of course, in exchange for information, I can use something that happened to Tomie in reality in exchange for your secret."

How on earth did this guy, as an ordinary person, suppress those evil spirits and still be able to chat and laugh with him at this moment?

Of course, this information is not something important, but it is also one of the bargaining chips that I use in negotiations.

At this moment, the man glanced at his arm. The original colorful shirt on his arm had begun to turn into faint spots of light and disappeared, and what replaced it was a black suit.

"Yoshizakigawa, I have another unkind request. I hope you don't forget me. I will soon be assimilated by Tomie and lose my will. Only you remember me. In the future, as long as you think of me and need me, I will It will come from your body and help you do things.”

"Although my strength is not great, barely at the level of a Pomo Demon, there are many things I can do for you."

"So please don't forget me."

Hearing these words, Yoshizakigawa smiled, and he immediately guessed the latter's thoughts.

"Fujiang can't tolerate you, you want to stay in my dream? And the benefit I get is that I can summon an evil spirit comparable to the Pomo Demon?"

"To be precise, it's like this."

The man's clothes had begun to disappear, but faced with Yoshizakigawa's indecision, he was not worried at all. In fact, he had been plotting against Yoshizakigawa from the very beginning.

Whether it was what happened in the dream or the conversation just now, he was reinforcing Yoshizakigawa's impression of him over and over again, even the words he just said.

Because the impression was reinforced over and over again, the more Yoshizakikawa wanted to forget this memory, the clearer he would recall it.

I can also be resurrected through his memory and reborn in his dream to continue having fun.

And what if Yoshizakigawa wants to delete this memory?

Sorry, he will delete the two important messages he prompted, including how to enter Fujiang's dream, and his own reminder about the cursed soul.

He felt that Yoshizakigawa would not forget these two memories easily unless he waited until he solved all these things.

And by that time, he had already taken root in his dream, and it was impossible for him to forget himself even if he wanted to.

His clothes were torn apart, and the brand new suit was attached to his body again.

Then, in his smiling eyes,
The Yoshizaki River suddenly became illusory like a bubble, and then suddenly disappeared like a bubble.

At this moment, the real Yoshizakigawa yawned and walked slowly over from a distance.

When he saw this scene, the man's smile suddenly solidified.

"Sorry, I just had a dream."

"You...have been talking to me as a dream within a dream??"

The man's face was finally no longer calm, because if his conversation with him was also a dream, then once he chose to forget the content of the dream, he would completely disappear from this world!

"Yes, and I will soon forget the unimportant content of this dream. You are the unimportant content."

"When exactly was it? This is obviously my classroom!"

"Yes, this is your classroom, but I can dream again and come to your classroom again. And don't forget, I am the master of this dream. It is still easy to deceive you."

Yoshizakigawa snapped his fingers, and the surrounding scene suddenly changed to another classroom.

When the latter looked at all this, his originally calm heart suddenly became turbulent, and he looked at Yoshizaki River with fierce eyes, as if he wanted to eat him alive;
But at this moment, his clothes had almost completely turned into spots of light, leaving only some cuffs, and the memory in his brain was quickly blurring.

He opened his mouth, but in the end he could only sigh unwillingly;

Because he himself also forgot why he was angry and unwilling, and in the end his emotions completely became dull, and he completely lost his independent thinking.

Looking at himself with a numb expression like a puppet in front of him, Yoshizaki Chuan breathed a sigh of relief.

From the beginning, he felt that there must be something wrong with the chat with the latter. After all, the latter must be planning something when he came to him at this time!
So, at the very beginning, he took advantage of his authority, and when the latter was not paying attention, he changed the illusion and put himself into a deep sleep.

Because the sleeping self has extremely high resistance in some aspects, even if he curses himself, he has nothing to fear.

And because this was already the second-level dream of the video tape and his own second-level dream, he could not sleep to the next level of dream, so he still appeared in this world after falling asleep.

So, he used the second layer of dreams as a shield to talk to the latter.

In this way, even if there is anything wrong, all he hurts is
As expected, the latter actually planned to resurrect in his own memory, haha, but the memory of dreams is very easy to disappear, especially the "unimportant" content. At this moment, Yoshizakigawa has begun to not remember what happened just now.

I just vaguely remember someone chatting with me for a while, telling me about the evil spirit in my body and how to see reality through Tomie's dreams.

Yoshizakikawa frowned and rubbed his head, having only a vague impression of what just happened.

"what happened?"

Oh, I took a nap, and then chatted with someone, and seemed to know something?
Forget it, forget about that for now, just forget about it.

The most important thing now is to find a way to return to reality.

"come here."

At this moment, Yoshizakikawa hooked his fingers, and the dreamy Yoshizakigawa, who was originally numb, instantly moved beside him.

"Do you know how I can get out of this world?"

"do not know."

"Then send me back to the first level of dreamland."


The next moment, the scenes in the surrounding classrooms passed by quickly like a fleeting glance.

The familiar grassland and villa appeared in front of them, and the fierce Mengland Kayako and Mengland Mako were still in style. At this moment, the sky was dark and the earth was dark.

"Is Fujiang back?"

At this time, Yoshizakigawa asked.

Hearing Yoshizakigawa's words, the two female ghosts suddenly stopped thinking, and Mako said:

"She came back. She said she wanted to be an exorcist. From now on, let's call her Exorcist Tomie!"

"Yes, she is good and bad. She said she would be the first to kill us ghosts when the time comes!"

Kayako was very dissatisfied with Fujiang and muttered: "She is obviously a ghost herself..."

"How terrible!"

Mako also echoed.

At the same time, Yoshizakigawa was sweating a little after hearing this, and his original happy mood no longer existed at this moment: "Where is she? I'll look for her."

"Well, you should be studying Bixian on the third floor now, right?"

Kayako tilted his head and said.

To be honest, Yoshizaki Kawatou is a little big now. Damn it, what happened in reality? Why did the projection of this dream become so stupid?
and also--

Tomie, you better be just kidding!

Yoshizakigawa looked at the obviously changed walls around him. Some runes even began to appear on them. On some of the blood rule ghost stories, comments about the rule ghosts were written with black ink pen;
"For example, Kayako, an evil ghost, has an unstable shape, often appears from the wall, and loves to tear people apart - Exorcist Tomie."

Damn it, when the time comes the person who tricked you into dreaming will find you and be killed by your own hands, right?
(End of this chapter)

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