I'm a teacher in Tokyo!

Chapter 210 Is the Psychic Society adding new members?

Chapter 210 Is the Psychic Society adding new members?

"Gaya coconut?"

When Kayako planned to go to Teacher Saito to find out about the teacher's situation, he happened to bump into Mako who was coming over.

Next to Mako was Moriya Rie. When he saw them, Kayako asked, "Have you seen Yoshizakigawa-sensei?"

Although there was no hope that the two people in front of him would know the news, Kayako, who was in a hurry and sought medical treatment, still subconsciously asked.

"Teacher Yoshizakigawa? Isn't he on a business trip?"

Hearing this, Yamamura Mako pointed to the bulletin board on the side and said: "It seems that Mr. Yoshizakigawa is about to be promoted. It has been announced that he will be on a business trip to the Tokyo headquarters for further training recently. I don't know when he will come back."

"Didn't Mr. Yoshizakigawa tell you? Don't you live together?"

Moriya Rie also thought this was strange. I heard the boss say before that Kayako was born in a poor life, so didn't he live with Teacher Yoshizakigawa?

Moreover, when talking about this kind of thing, the boss's expression was a little strange.

"By the way, Tomie-san and Tomie-san didn't come to school today either!!"

However, under the supervision of Teacher Yoshizakigawa, her class rate barely improved.

It is precisely for this reason that she has more and more admiration for Yoshizakigawa. After all, being able to actually transform a poor student into this is enough to prove his high moral character.

During the time when the teacher is away, you must take care of yourself, otherwise the teacher will definitely worry about you when you go out in the future!

As for Mako's question...

The conversation between the two dispelled some of Kayako's concerns, and she also made excuses for herself in her heart.

Moriya Rie only hopes that the big family of the Soul Spirit Society can make the latter feel the warm glow! Certainly possible!

Hearing what Yamamura Mako and Moriya Satoe said to each other, Kayako felt that his brain was a little swollen, and he forced a smile and said: "Maybe... the teacher left too hastily."

"Can't you just call Tomie-san directly?"

After all, the boss shines!

Although Mako did not see the Tomie-san mentioned by Moriya Rie in the morning, she did agree with the second point mentioned by Moriya Rie.

Thinking of this, Kayako suppressed some uneasy thoughts in his heart and changed the subject: "Then where are you going now?"

The teacher once said that he hoped to make more friends. Now that the teacher is not here, he must do what the teacher said.

Moriya Rie felt that Kayako-san might not have slept well yesterday.

Did aliens kidnap the teacher and Tomie?
Hearing this, Mako and Moriya Rie looked at each other.

And the reason why I didn't have time to tell myself was probably because the people there were too hasty. With the teacher's strong sense of professionalism, at this time, it's normal for me to be anxious and not tell myself.

Although she gave herself a forced explanation in her heart, Kayako was a little at a loss. Originally, she relied on the pillar of Yoshizaki River to support everything.

Every time I receive money ranging from thirty to several hundred yen, I can still make a lot of money after class!
Compared with Kayako's sadness and Tomie's love-mindedness, Mako just wants to make money, just make money, make a lot of money! !

Tomorrow, maybe the teacher will come back tomorrow?

"I saw the boss when I went out early in the morning today. We went to the school together, but I didn't see him in the classroom. With the boss's temper, it is normal for the boss to skip class when Mr. Yoshizakigawa is not around. matter."

We must be in a meeting, so turn off your phone, right?

But in fact, Kayako looks more outgoing than Miko.

At this moment, the pillar was inexplicably pulled away, and she felt confused and confused. At this moment, she didn't know what to do.

Thinking of this, Kayako encouraged himself secretly.

Seeing Kayako's appearance, Mamoru Hui scratched her head. She naturally saw Kayako's uneasiness, so she said carelessly: "Don't worry, Kayako, you will definitely become friends with that guy, because that guy's temperament is similar to yours." Pretty much, she walks around with a black eye every day, always looking like a snake."

Mako, on the other hand, was simple and straightforward. It was clear that a matter could be solved with just one phone call, so why did he bother to take him for a trip?
In this half hour after class, I can earn a lot of money by carrying things from the school gate to the classroom.

At that time, I thought she felt pity for Kayako's experience. After all, wouldn't it mean that she would have teachers supervising her 24 hours a day? It was scary just thinking about it!
On a... business trip?

He is truly terrified when he sees his children. He may be frightened if he sees a piece of grass being blown by the wind on the road!

In fact, with the teacher's character, it is absolutely impossible for him to do such a thing and leave without saying goodbye.

That's right, Mako found another part-time job in school, which was to bring flowers, gifts, snacks, etc. from the school gate to specific classes and deliver them to specific people. Occasionally, she would also help couples send letters to each other.

Moreover, I used my mobile phone to call the teacher before, and the phone was always turned off.

"Go to the psychic club to meet the boss. Didn't I say before that I would bring a junior girl to join the psychic club, and the boss also agreed? Now if I want to make sure that the boss is in it, I will call the junior girl over."

You must know that before Mr. Yoshizakigawa became angry, the eldest son was the champion of skipping classes in the school and basically did not attend class.

"Ah, the psychic club is adding new members?"

After arriving at school and joining the psychic society, she naturally investigated information related to Tomie and learned about the latter's past nature.

I have to deal with new members again, how will I speak then?

While Kayako was worried about the teacher, she was also a little surprised. Although she was not shy in front of these people, she still couldn't hide the nature of her fear if a new member was added.

Teacher, is something wrong?
The moment this thought appeared in her brain, she suppressed it forcefully. No, how could something happen to the teacher?

She seemed to have found her target and a topic to talk about together, and said in a panic: "Did something happen to them?"

Hearing what Rie Moriya said, Kayako and Mako paid attention to it from different angles.

Last night's dream also hurt her heart.

Hui Mamoru said weakly: "I...can't get through the boss's phone. Maybe she turned off her phone?"

Hearing this, Mako rolled his eyes;

Forget it, forget it, I just lost half a day's money. Anyway, I found another part-time job in the afternoon. The work is like snails climbing trees and ants moving. As long as you persevere, you can slowly accumulate enough money. This can't be done. slack off.

Knowing the purpose of the two, under Mako's persuasion, Kayako decided to also go to the psychic club.

Because Tomie and the teacher disappeared together, and the dream last night also included Tomie, so Kayako felt that seeing Tomie, maybe he would regain some sense of security?
Several people walked forward together, and finally saw a changed Kawakami Tomie inside the shōjo.

In Moriya Rie’s view,
At this moment, the boss no longer had the arrogance he had before. His eyes seemed to have been washed away, and he had a boss-like calmness. The moment she saw and looked into the boss's eyes, she understood. After Yoshizakigawa left, the boss became angry again!
Lao Da, I miss you so much, Lao Da, I vividly remember skipping classes and facing the heavy responsibility of the teacher, and I am as calm as the breeze blowing over the hills!

When Moriya Rie was moved in her heart.

Mako was thinking about another question: "Why does Tomie suddenly look so mature? Did he sleep with Yoshizakigawa?"

That’s why Kayako didn’t know where Yoshizaki River had gone?

Looking at Fujiang, who was obviously indifferent, Kayako felt that the latter was dazzling at this moment, and the beauty on his body had grown from youth to maturity. He... he was no longer able to match his mouth!
Woohoo, teacher, come back and sleep with me!
If this continues, I will definitely not be able to beat Tomie-san.

However, at this moment, Tomi Jiang spoke. She smiled confidently and stood up from the table. Above her head was the starry sky of tarot cards. She raised one hand to the sky:

"I am no longer the person I used to be."

"Boss is so cool!"

"Don't be impatient, wait until I finish speaking first!!"


"Haha, our Soul Society has always had a false reputation before, but starting from today, I, the exorcist Tomie, will lead our Soul Society to become a legend!"


Mako felt a little embarrassed and confused, but she was too embarrassed to say it directly, so she could only press her nose and look away from Tomie.

"So...so awesome..."

Kayako feels more and more that he is like a local dog in the village, while Tomie is the dazzling princess in the city. How can he...how can he win over fellow student Tomie?

What happened in the dream may happen in reality, and the teacher will definitely choose Tomie.

When the time comes...how will I make a choice?
Stab Tomie with a pen and then hurt the teacher?

Kayako, how could you do such a thing? You have to accept it all, as long as you can be with the teacher.

Even if you don't have a status, it's still your happiness. As long as he doesn't abandon you, no matter what.

The bottom line is falling again and again. For Kayako, who has experienced nightmares, she no longer dares to ask for too much.

"Um... Tomie-san, can I have two talismans from you?"

Hearing Kayako's words, Fu Jiang's face suddenly fell;
Qinzi didn't teach herself how to draw talismans or anything else. She asked herself to understand the so-called "spirit" first, and then... she taught herself how to form seals in a cursory manner, but nothing else.

Moreover, Kayako said that he wanted two talismans, one of which must be for Yoshizakigawa, but Yoshizakigawa is obviously also a very powerful exorcist, and he has been protecting himself before.

Draw a talisman for him yourself? Wouldn't it feel like Guan Gong is playing with a big knife in front of him?

The latter is still in a coma due to her own reasons. Kayako has no idea about all this. Poor she even wants to help Yoshizakigawa seek an amulet.

For various reasons, she felt a little embarrassed when she heard Kayako say this.

"Well, I'm not proficient in drawing peace and happiness yet... When Yoshizakigawa comes back, maybe I will be able to do it by then."

After the previous conversation with Miss Kotoko, Yoshizakigawa's electroencephalogram suddenly became active, and then at certain stages, it would also suddenly become active. According to the doctor, this was a "miraculous" occurrence, and it was possible for the latter to wake up. greatly increase.

So Tomie is not sad about Yoshizakigawa at the moment, because the latter will wake up sooner or later, and he will confess his feelings when he wakes up! ! It seems that his rent is about to expire, so let’s take him to his villa when the time comes! whee!
As for coconut milk?
Well, when the time comes to arrange a room for myself, I will find an excuse to arrange her into a room far away from the Yoshizaki River!

Thinking of the beautiful life in the future, Fu Jiang's heart was filled with excitement.

"All right--"

Seeing Tomie's appearance, Kayako gradually let go of his uneasy suspicions about Yoshizaki River. Maybe last night's dream was just a dream.

"By the way, boss, there is one more thing."

"whats the matter?"

Fu Jiang asked curiously.

"Miko Yotsuya! I said before that I would bring that child to join our club!! That child happens to be free today."

Hearing these words, Fujiang remembered what happened before. Although she felt that the club was not suitable for joining people, she was in a happy mood at the moment and felt that things were going in a good direction, so she responded: "Okay, you can Bring her here and let me see."

Hearing this, Moriya Hui said happily: "Thank you, boss, I will call her right away. She will definitely be very happy to see you!"

After saying that, she immediately dialed Yotsugamiko's phone number.

"Hey, Mianzi, come over later, um, the fourth floor of the teaching."


At the same time, in the dream.

Yoshizakigawa didn't know what happened in reality to make Tomie look like this in the dream.

Even the surrounding walls have changed their appearance and are covered with spells, making this place look even more eerie and mysterious.

When they walked upstairs to where Tomie and the others were playing psychic games, Yoshizakigawa saw Tomie in the dream world who was "studying" Pen Sen.

The latter now disassembled Bi Xian into several parts, including the head, chest, limbs, and bones. The surrounding walls were like tomatoes bursting into sauce, with blood everywhere.

Bixian, whose head instinct was still trying to grow fleshy buds, seemed to want to pick himself up, was in sharp contrast to Fujiang, who looked calm.

She was fascinated by the study until she saw Pen Xian's pupils turn to the door, and then she saw Yoshizakigawa standing at the door.

She smiled sweetly and wiped her blood-stained skirt;

"Teacher, why are you here?"

He looked at Tomie who was wearing a Lolita dress. He was neither tall nor short, and his appearance was as delicate as a doll, but his body was covered in blood. He also held a beating heart in his hand.

Fujiang said as if he was taking credit: "I discovered that as long as you grab the heart of the pen fairy, you can control its life and death. I don't know if other ghosts are like this."

Yoshizakigawa was silent.

Is this what you call an exorcist?
This is the so-called "research pen fairy", "real" research, right?
(End of this chapter)

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