I'm a teacher in Tokyo!

Chapter 212 Yoshizaki Kawa Chapter Comes to Reality

Chapter 212 Yoshizakigawa returns to reality

Looking at the people who were getting closer and closer, Jianzi's eyesight turned dark, and he suddenly had a feeling in his heart that he might be destined to die here. This feeling was even stronger than when he was entangled by the fox ghost before.

It was thrilling enough before, but now she was facing these terrifying guys. Now when she heard Moriya Rie's words, she wanted to cry but stopped. Is she autistic?

If you could see what I see, you would have to shut yourself up too!
The helpless complaints in his heart could not change the two men who slowly approached him. In the eyes of Mianzi's trembling pupils, Kayako stretched out his hand: "Hello, classmate Mianzi, my name is Kayako."

Because he upheld the teacher's wish for him to make more friends, Kayako was the first one to reach out.

Looking at the tiny hands in front of him and the vicious curse that darkened half of the sky, Jianzi opened his mouth, but he was also afraid that if he responded, he would attract a curse, and he was even more afraid that if he didn't respond, the curse would go wild.

After a moment of silence, she lowered her head as if she had seen an evil ghost before, pretending to be indifferent and said, "Well...I...my name is Yotsugamiko."

Die, die, die!

Get away from me, my God, stay away from me!
The coldness of the darkness seemed to have touched her forehead, and the terrifying coercion bloomed silently. The corners of her mouth trembled slightly, and she said something extremely against her will: "It's... nice to meet you..."

"Yes, Kayako, she is more introverted than you. You two will definitely become very good friends."

She glanced at Moriya Rie, who suddenly understood and immediately became a fan: "This is our boss. Tell you, our boss is an exorcist! He's awesome!"

For ordinary people like this to get along with those terrible evil spirits, they will definitely suffer losses. Although Jianzi wanted to persuade Young Master Fujiang to stay with them, he couldn't protect himself at the moment, so how could he speak out;
She thought so in her heart, but Yotsuya Miko still said against her will:


In her eyes, Fu Jiang has no brilliance and average vitality. He is just an ordinary person.

She originally wanted to refuse, but now it was difficult for her to speak. She could only hold back a few words: "...Okay, okay."

The evil spirits cover the sky, the curse twists and spreads, and the dim light of Fujiang between them is insignificant.

Mako herself was forcibly pulled over by Moriya Rie, so naturally she was not interested, so she introduced her.

Miko swallowed, because after Fujiang said these words, the twisted curse and the tall figure were slightly shaken.

As for his best friend Moriya Rie, the light emitted by her strong vitality has reached a red light like a flame.


You must know that the mother-in-law who gave her rosary before, even though she is old, her body still exudes a strong white glow——


Seeing that she didn't reply, she was speechless. She could only look at her "good best friend" Moriya Rie with pleading eyes. At the same time, seeing the pleading eyes from her best friend, Moriya Rie's eyes lit up, and she suddenly Regarding the prayers of good friends, he confidently said: "I am a little afraid of society and don't dare to speak. Let's go directly to the psychic club!"

Tomie is the kind of person who can't stand praise. When she heard Yotsugamiko's praise, as the president, she immediately said: "Then the president allows you to join our psychic club, and we will be friends from now on!"

Jianzi raised his eyelids and carefully took a look at the three terrifying evil spirits behind the exorcist, one behind Kayako and two behind the one named Yamamura Mako.

In order to support his strong character, Fujiang deliberately did not speak. After the show was over, he used heavyweight words to put the pressure on the bottom of the box! And at this time——

Moriya Rie's appropriate last-ditch attack made Mitsuko laugh, but she never raised her head.

Yoshizakikawa communicated cordially with Tomie in the dream, and according to his inner thoughts, he ran to Tomie's room and walked into her dream, through the fragmented pictures and subconscious memories.

"My name is Yamamura Mako."


When he heard Moriya Rie's words, Mitsuko suddenly felt his eyes darken, "Good best friend, you are really my good best friend!" !
It was only at this moment that Tomie Kawakami asked: "Do you believe that ghosts exist in this world?"

Only then did I understand what probably happened in reality. Under his influence, Tomie was told about himself by Kotoko Higa.
Kotoko, Higa Kotoko! Well done!

Even Yoshizakigawa never thought about letting Tomie become an exorcist, but Kotoko did it, and even helped herself comfort the real Tomie. By the way, she gave him a Kayako schoolbag, but she didn't give Tomie anything. matter.

From now on, Miss Qinzi, you will be my gold medal assistant! !

Looking at the memory fragments floating in front of me, the fragments are written in the form of words, and they are incoherent, fragmented, and have no pictures. I can only use these broken words to deduce what happened from Tomie's perspective.

Even if Yoshizakigawa wanted to look through other memories, he couldn't do it because the world was incoherent.

Even thanks to his own impression in Fu Jiang's heart, only he can walk through this door, and others will die the moment they enter.

Pushing the door open and running out, looking at "Exorcist" Tomie, Yoshizakigawa suddenly became curious about what kind of world this world would become in the future.
At this moment, the memory fragments floating in the sky behind the door flashed across like meteors. Even in the blink of an eye, Yoshizaki Chuan happened to see the content above;
That's a name, Yotsuya Miko.

Yotsuya Miko?

In his previous life, he watched an anime called "Visible Girl". It was mainly about a girl with yin and yang eyes. She could see ghosts, but she could only pretend not to see them. story.

If it was really that girl——

That's quite interesting.

I wonder if she can see those things behind her when she sees Kayako and the others?

Yoshikawa wanted to return to reality. In this dream world, he could not feel the splendor of reality.

There are still many worries in his heart, such as whether the situation in Minakami Village has been resolved, the sect, and Kurosawa Sashige... Logically speaking, she should also have reached reality.

Then, your promise will be fulfilled.

It's time to go back.

This thought once again arises from the bottom of my heart——

Unspeakable sleepiness suddenly enveloped him and his consciousness sank. In this strange story of rules designed by himself, his body sank to the ground like falling into water.

at the same time,

In reality, Yoshizakigawa's eyelids trembled slightly, and then he opened his eyes with some difficulty, and dazzling white light suddenly filled his eyeballs.

He wanted to speak, but with a catheter inserted into his mouth, he could not speak at all. The foreign body sensation in his throat made Yoshizakikawa instinctively swallow, but there was nothing he could do. Less than half a minute after the alarm sounded, this VIP ward with special care was Doctors and nurses occupied it, and the breath of anesthesia was breathed in again. Yoshizakigawa's eyes turned white and he fainted again.

When he woke up again, the restraints on his mouth and hands had been removed. Higa Kotoko, wearing a brown windbreaker, sat at the front with her legs crossed.

When she saw Yoshizakigawa waking up again, Higa Kotoko said angrily: "Isn't this our good gentleman? Why did he wake up just now?"

Yoshizakigawa was stunned for a moment by Qinzi's strange aura, and looked around, wondering what the hell Qinzi was doing.

"These are the number of people who died in Minakami Village, look at it."

"This is Kurosawa Sashige's information. You should also take a look."

Although Qinzi thinks that Yoshizakigawa is a good person, which is good, but it is not a good thing to show kindness indiscriminately, so when she knows that the latter has woken up, the first thing is to see if Yoshizakigawa is safe, and the second is to give him a severe blow. This kind heart.

The kindness towards evil actually helps the evil and harms the evil.

After Yoshizakigawa heard what Kotoko said, he picked up two printed documents. The document on the number of victims was thicker, but the other document was weaker.

He first opened Shazhong's information,

[Kurosawa Saashige, female, unknown age, abilities: control ghosts, curses, dreaming, summoning ghosts, affiliated cult: Supernatural Events Research Institute (Global Abnormal Affairs Research Institute), position: deputy leader of the Supernatural Events Research Institute. 】

[Case 1: File 1967.8.16, North Shore Police Death Incident. On the day of the incident, Fuyuki City called the police on the 22nd. Fraud case. The guide station was assigned to the number... This incident resulted in the death of sixteen policemen and several civilian injuries. Investigation Unnatural forces intervene. 】


[Case 19: File 1977.2.1, mass death incident of villagers in Pingshan Village... This incident caused the death of ordinary villagers by self-immolation, and the investigation determined it to be: a cult sacrifice activity]

He looked a little gloomy, and then opened another document;
[According to the survey (information channel: return interviews with villagers who came out of Minagami Village), a total of 7 people died of unnatural deaths in the village. Later, the time range was between July and December every year. Passing by the village near Minagami Village Some travelers will be tempted to go to Minakami Village, and some will die tragically there, numbering twelve people. Some travelers who are lucky enough to escape will be informed of the facts about the {Body Cutting Ceremony}. The details of the ceremony are shown in the list below. 】

[For detailed information about passengers, please read to the end. Pictures of the bones are as follows;]

[Body cutting ritual: The victim is hung up with a rope, and the skin and flesh are peeled off with a knife until death. The whole process lasts for about two to three days. The victim will burst out with great resentment under the pain, which can be used to seal the door. ——It has no use for the sealed door, so it just wants to torture. 】

"By the way, there are still 1,800 people. It's not the gate that kills them, because it takes time for the gate to spread, but the killing of ghosts doesn't take time."

At this moment, Higa Kotoko added;
Yoshizakigawa quickly flipped through the photos at the back. Among them were survivors and victims.

Most of the people who were killed were left with only white bones, but the bones were scratched by ropes and blades. Some of the survivors had their facial features or limbs cut off.

Because these survivors did not live long after they came out, some of them died directly in nearby villages, and because the times were relatively chaotic, official organizations did not pay attention to the events in Minakami Village.

One of the pictures is a black-and-white photo of a woman. The woman's face is covered with traces of sewing, and her eyes are desperate. But the face that has been shaved by a blade actually looks a bit like Kurosawa Sashige, but she is younger. Even in order to show At such a young age, a section of the woman's calf was sawed off.

The more he looked, the more silent Yoshikawa became.

At this moment, he finally understood why Qinzi was so angry at him before.

"Ghosts are so cunning that they can even fool themselves, but their cruel and bloodthirsty instincts will not change."

At this time, Qinzi slowly said: "So, ghosts need to be screened."

"Even if it believes those words, it is all false. The evil ghost with a twisted heart who has suffered great sins wants to inflict the sins it has suffered on others, and thinks that everything in this world is unfair. It’s a debt, it’s all natural.”

"When you entered the dreamland, Kurosawa Yae tried to attack me twice, and once wanted to attack you. Then I took the initiative and sealed it and its sister Kurosawa Sae in a wooden box."

"Do you know the reason why she attacked you?"

Hearing this, Yoshizakigawa asked: "What's the reason?"

"Because she thinks you didn't fulfill your promise to her on time, so she wants to kill you. It's that simple."

Hearing these words, Yoshizakigawa fell completely silent.

Although he thought a lot, he didn't expect the reason to be so simple.

A lot of nonsense.

These words are not just words.

After a long time, the silent Yoshizakigawa slowly said: "In the future, I will know."

Seeing Yoshizakigawa's appearance, Higa Kotoko nodded with satisfaction, mainly because she felt that there was no need to save such a twisted ghost.

Yes, yes, it suffered.

But what does that have to do with others?
Who owes you?

At this moment, Higa Kotoko handed over a box and said, "They are in this box now, what do you think they should do with it?"

Looking at the box in front of him, those tragic photos flashed through Yoshizakigawa's mind;
"Then kill him."

The so-called killing is actually salvation. No matter whether you kill it or save it, in fact, according to Qinzi, the final destination of any ghost is only one place, and that is hell.

Ghosts cannot be killed from the ground up.

Even if a ghost is swallowed by another ghost, what is swallowed is the extreme emotion of this ghost, and it will still fall into hell.

Kotoko nodded and was about to put the box down, but at this moment, Yoshizakigawa suddenly thought of the world built in his video tape;
"Wait first!"

He has a new idea. Since he has helped you, why don't you also help yourself?
For example, go to the video tape to improve Tomie's research on ghosts?

Thinking of this, Yoshizakigawa said: "Leave that box to me, I will have my own use."

Hearing this, Qinzi thought for a while and felt that this guy couldn't make a splash at Yoshizakigawa's home. After all, he had coconut milk, so he gave the box to Yoshizakigawa.

(End of this chapter)

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