I'm a teacher in Tokyo!

Chapter 213 Welcome Chapter 211

Chapter 213 Welcome back (211 is blocked, you guys will read it tomorrow)

"What are Gaoyao and the others doing now?"

After putting the box away, Yoshizakigawa asked. Qinzi had been sending people to monitor Kayako and the others, and naturally knew their movements clearly.

Hearing Yoshizakigawa's words at this moment, Higa Kotoko glanced at the time on her watch: "Ten minutes ago, they were talking to a high school girl named Yotsugamiko in the playground. They must have returned to the psychic club now."

"By the way, Yoshizakigawa-Miko Yotsuya, isn't that an evil spirit?"

Although Higa Kotoko was already numb, she still asked out of habit. To her, as long as someone was added to the psychic club, they must be ghosts.

The questioning at this moment was just in accordance with the usual practice.

"No, she should be a very interesting girl."

Yoshizakigawa said with a smile.

"Funny girl?"

If she could really see it, then——

Higa Kotoko smiled, but thought in her heart that Yoshizakigawa had indeed hidden a lot of things from herself.

"It took so long..."

After he said that Mianzi and Kayako were together, he was not surprised at all, which meant that he already knew this. When he asked the second question, he immediately gave the answer, which meant that he already knew about Mianzi. son’s identity.

Yoshizakigawa sighed. For the first time, he felt that his own safety seemed to be very important, because in this world, there were many people who cared about him.

He found it interesting before because he felt that there were always evil ghosts around Jianzi. As long as she kept following Kayako and the others, no ghost would dare to provoke her again.

He thought about how he had been away for two days without saying goodbye. How did Gaoyao spend these two days? Especially after that nightmare.

"it is good."

"How fun is that?"

You must know that even your sister can only feel ghosts sensitively, and you need special methods to see ghosts.

If that girl could see ghosts directly, at this moment, Higa Kotoko suddenly thought of something——

The two of them got in the car together. Yoshizaki Chuan was a little staggered because he had just gotten off the hospital bed. After getting in the car, he breathed a sigh of relief: "I have been lying down for a few days, why is my body a little weak?"

"Should...can't, right?"

Yoshizakigawa was stunned for a moment. According to Miko's ability, he wouldn't be able to see these conceptual things.

Upon hearing this, Higa couldn't help but froze for a moment.

"Send me to school."

Yoshizakigawa's smile suddenly froze. There might be one more person in the ICU today.

"Her spiritual sense should be even more sensitive than your sister's. She can see ghosts with the naked eye."

Is your prophecy ability really just a dream?
In other words, is your ability really a prophecy? How long are you going to hide it from me? Even if I do this, I can't gain trust?

"Can she see the curse and the ghosts before and after?"

"Two days."

The car engine began to roar, and the two became silent.

After a moment, Higa Kotoko's words broke the silence: "By the way, the principal of your school is in the ward next to you. I heard that he suffered from gout. He stayed there for a few months and is now suffering from it. He is even considering retiring. You Do you want to be a principal?"

Yoshikawa was stunned for a moment and shook his head, showing that he had no disobedience: "Forget it, I'm not that material."

"Okay." "But when you come back later, you can bring some fruit to see him. I feel like he has something to do with you."

"I think so too--"


At the same time, the school’s psychic club.

Yotsuya Miko leaned on Moriya Rie half-deadly. The terrifying curse reached the narrow corridor and became more and more intense. She felt as if her whole body was about to faint. Only the warmth of Moriya Rie could make her feel that she was still alive.

At this moment, Moriya Rie was supported by Mitsuko Kotori, and she suddenly felt heroic, feeling like she stole the show in front of Boss Tomie!

I also have a younger brother!
A few people walked to the room on the fourth floor. They didn't clean up the psychic club much. There were many books scattered around and some strange statues.

"Come, see classmate Zi and sign this."

Yamamura Mako took out the printed application for joining the company from one side and handed it to Miko. Miko lowered her head and took the application. She felt that it was like a life-purchasing contract. If she signed it, would she be taken away immediately? Take away the evil spirits behind.

Woohoo, mom, I miss you so much.

I wailed in my heart, as if I was being forced, and as if I was resigned to my fate, I scribbled my name on the application form, and then resolutely... handed it out carefully.

"Okay, now you are a member of our psychic society and a member of my great exorcist Tomie. If anything happens in the future, just come to me!"

I have encountered something terrible right now. Can I come to you now?

Yotsuya Miko complained in her heart, but she never dared to say what she saw. According to past practice, as long as she said or showed that she could see ghosts, she would be entangled by them.

When he thought about being entangled with such a terrifying thing in front of him, Miko suddenly felt that his life was so dark.

"Well... I, my mother asked me to go back to eat early today. Can I... leave?"

Jianzi swears, this is definitely the longest sentence she has said with the greatest strength today!

After saying that, she still didn't dare to raise her head;

But the next moment she finished speaking, footsteps suddenly came from the door, and when the footsteps appeared, the scene suddenly became strangely quiet;
Seeing that Zi was stunned, she subconsciously looked towards the door;

I saw a man wearing casual black clothes standing at the door. He put his hand on the door, smiled and knocked gently three times: "Hello, everyone."

The moment the sound appeared, a sound of joy erupted in front of Yotsuya Miko;



When he saw Yoshizakigawa looking slightly thin, Kayako almost cried. What on earth has the teacher experienced during this time, the damn principal! !
They are all so thin, woo woo woo.

Mako was just surprised by Yoshizakigawa's sudden return, just like an unexpected business trip.

The teacher assessment was so fast. Could it be that I failed? Wouldn’t that mean the salary would be significantly less?

And Fu Jiang, who knew the whole thing, saw that familiar yet unfamiliar figure at this moment, and all the memories in the dream flashed away. Her lips moved slightly, and she said in a voice that no one could hear: "I, promise."

This sentence is a reply to the dream.

Then, with a bright smile on her face, she grabbed the edge of the table, held it tightly, and controlled her mood: "Welcome back."

Well, welcome back in a double sense.

Welcome back, my teacher.

Welcome back, my...boyfriend.

(End of this chapter)

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