I'm a teacher in Tokyo!

Chapter 214 Footprints all over the sky

Chapter 214 Footprints all over the sky

The man in front of the door was thin, not tall, and his face looked haggard, as if he had experienced fatigue or was recovering from a serious illness. He was inconspicuous.

Even the light of his body seemed weaker than that of ordinary people, and there were double images from time to time.

Yotsuya Miko has only seen this kind of situation in front of terminally ill patients and dying elderly people.

He is just an ordinary person, not even a healthy ordinary person.


When he arrived, the originally oppressive and terrifying atmosphere in the house instantly dissipated without a trace, just like winter snow melting by the warm sun.

What kind of existence is he?
Just now, Mitani was dragged to this so-called shrine by Rieio Moriya. Even though she forced herself not to look at each other, the vicious curse that filled the air still made Mitani's hair stand on end.

And all these feelings came to an abrupt end the moment the man pushed the door open.

He is a teacher? Yoshizaki River——

But maybe it was because the latter was hidden so well that even Yoshizakigawa couldn't tell whether she could see the abnormalities in Kayako and Mako.

Besides, she couldn't get through the phone call before, and because of the nightmare, she was extremely afraid that something had happened to the teacher.

When he saw the iconic dark circles under his eyes and the remaining fear in his eyes, Yoshizaki Kawa instantly understood that the latter was indeed the Yin Yang Miko.

Jianzi wanted to take a look to see if the evil spirits behind her had left, but she was timid and didn't dare to raise her head;
Kayako's mood at the moment can be said to be full of surprises. Although she hasn't seen him for only one day, to her, it feels like half a year has passed.

As Yoshizakigawa walked inside, he glanced around. When he noticed the dust in the corners, he knew that the psychic society had not been used much during this period.

It is precisely because of this that Kayako has been worried. Now that Yoshizakigawa has returned, he is naturally happy and even wants to throw himself into his arms.

In fact, this psychic club has never held any decent activities until now, and these people don't come here often to gather, so they occupy such a large space in vain.

I have heard someone say before that when you have a bad dream, it may be a premonition.

"I can be considered an executive vice president, don't you think so, Tomie-kun?"

I keep all those things about protecting us in mind. After this set of punches is finished, this guy will not be moved to tears by then?

Hearing Yoshizakigawa's words, Tomie then thought of the agreement he had made with Yoshizakigawa before. Adding new members requires this guy's consent.

I just hope she can't see her, otherwise her life may be short-lived if she is in such a high-pressure environment.

But after all, we are in the Soul Spirit Club. Tomie, Mako, and the others are there, and there is also a classmate Yotsuya Miko who has just joined. Although Kayako thinks about it, he can only hide this thought in his heart at the moment.

As students in the high school department, they are naturally not familiar with the teachers in the college department, but judging from their reactions, it seems that this is... their teacher?

Thinking of this, Yoshizakigawa said: "Miko, the club is based on the principle of voluntary membership and will not force you to join. If you feel that this club is not suitable for you, you can ask me to withdraw from the club."

At this moment, Tomie just wants to find some time alone with Yoshizakigawa, and then share everything about himself;
That guy must be shocked when he knows his identity has changed drastically!

Now that I am also an exorcist and can move forward with you, I know everything about you.

"Is this a new member of your club?"

But now that I have made up my mind, how can I reveal that I am limited by this guy in front of the new members?
In this way, as the president of the Toishi Club and the boss of Moriya Rie, how can I gain a foothold in the world?

Yoshizakigawa naturally saw Tomie's appearance, and he just sighed in his heart that this guy's character was the same as before, but he did not expose the latter;
Looking at Yotsuya Miko, the latter had his head lowered at the moment, looking fearful. When he raised his head slightly, he could see the two big dark circles under his eyes.

Thinking of this, Tomie coughed lightly, first winked at Yoshizakigawa, and then said carelessly: "Yes, this is our new member, classmate Yotsuya Miko from the high school department."

The reason Yoshizakigawa said this was because he felt that if Miko could see the ghost behind Kayako and Mako, and had to join the club because of fear, he could withdraw from it privately without having to face them.

Tomie was very satisfied with Yoshizakigawa's words, especially that he was the vice president. Although he had some objections to the previous words, he still chose to accept them.

at the same time,

At this moment, being watched by this man, Yotsuya Miko raised her eyes and cautiously glanced in front of her, while looking behind her out of the corner of her eye;

At this moment, all the abnormalities behind him seemed to have disappeared. The twisted curse, the tall figure, everything seemed like his own hallucination. But Yotsuya Miko understood that this was not his imagination.

All the abnormalities disappeared because of the man in front of her. At this moment, hearing the gentle words of the man in front of her, she felt a little sense of security in her heart;
He raised his head and looked at the teacher named Yoshizakigawa in front of him again.

Looking at it,

The moment she saw Yoshizakigawa behind her, her pupils shrank slightly, and a huge shock hit her heart;
Because, she saw countless white marks behind this man;
In this world, there are evil ghosts, and of course there are also kind-hearted ghosts who have obsessions and turn into pure souls.

Evil ghosts are black, and good ghosts are white.

Responding to evil spirits will bring curses.

And if the evil ghost is redeemed, it will turn into a white mark, and the path and footprints will always be accompanied by the person or creature who redeemed them.

Miko had seen a white spirit behind a cat before. Because the spirit was redeemed by the cat, it kept following behind.

At this moment, dense white footprints are behind the Yoshizaki River. In this corridor, it seems to have paved an endless road. They no longer have bodies, or have reincarnated long ago, but countless footprints record their past existence. .

Among those white footprints, there are big ones, small ones, and the smallest ones may only be the size of a child's fist.

He... how many evil spirits did he save, and how did he do it?

It was hard for Yotsuya Miko to understand, but she was greatly shocked!

At this moment, she finally understood the reason why she suddenly felt relieved and warm at this moment, and she also understood why the evil ghost from before had retreated! It must be because of those footprints!
——Those trapped by the door cannot be reincarnated and can only live in immortal pain and torture for eternity.

And because Kurosawa Yae existed in Minokami Village, the ghosts killed by him were suppressed by him and did not end well.

After Yoshizakigawa took Kurosawa Yae away with his own hands, the excavator team sealed the door, so all the evil spirits in the village around the door were put to death.

However, such a soul alone cannot make the ghost king and ghost mother and the curse disappear.

At this moment, Mianzi has gone through wrong verification, but got the correct result, that is, this is a thigh, please hug it tightly!

He who can save so many evil spirits must be a powerful exorcist master! !

Thinking of this, Yotsugamiko seemed to have expected that she would no longer have to worry about evil spirits squeezing into the bed, washing her head, and looking up to find her rotting head.

As for this so-called psychic club, joining does not mean that you will participate in the activities. The inequality is just an instant kill, right?

Thinking of this, Yotsuya Miko's heart beat very fast, especially after thinking of that wonderful life, as long as she can't see those ghosts, no matter what, no matter what, she can do it!

She took a deep breath:


"I see."

After saying this, she immediately followed up with another sentence: "Um...Teacher, which office are you in? If I have something to do, can I see you?"

This sentence is definitely the smoothest thing Jianzi has ever said today, bar none.

But I don't know why, after I finished saying this, the air around me seemed to be chilly.

It's like the previous curse has returned.

Hearing this, Yoshizakigawa was happy. He actually asked Qinzi for a talisman before, and planned to give it to the poor girl in front of him.

At first, she had a headache as to what excuse to give her. After all, Kayako Tomie and the others were staring at her. Now after hearing Yotsuya Miko's words, he told her the location of the office.

Then I took a look at the time and felt that it was almost time. Anyway, I just came here to brush my face and tell these little guys not to worry.

So he said:
"Then you guys play first. I'm going back to sort out the textbooks. By the way, Tomi Jiang, you'll come to the office later."

(End of this chapter)

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