I'm a teacher in Tokyo!

Chapter 215 Saito Asuka’s request

Chapter 215 Saito Asuka’s request

"The matter over at Minagami Village is over. Well, the resentful spirits will completely disappear after the door is sealed. It will be sealed there for ten years and will be opened after the terrain stabilizes."

After Higa Kotoko finished reporting her work, she put down her cell phone when another call came in. She sighed. Sometimes she really felt that she was born to work.

took the call,

"Lord Qinzi, we have dispatched about five hundred people to search along the road for a whole day, but we have not found the notebook."

Hearing this, Qinzi felt helpless.

Well, if this thing falls into the hands of normal people, it may be a trivial matter. If it really angers the curse through some means, or it will come again like before.

That's a big deal.

Although the second possibility is very small, even if it is extremely small, you cannot gamble!

In the end, if that guy from Yoshizakigawa has another precognitive dream, then the crisis will rise to the level of destroying Japan.

"Doctor, these are my subordinates. You can call them at will. Except for the funds for our daily expenses, you can use them at will. Please be sure to research something from this piece of paper."

"Aren't those leaders scared to death? There are more and more of these things. Without some restraint, the world will be in chaos sooner or later."

This mission suffered such a serious fiasco, the headquarters will only cut funds. The most important thing may be to remove the person in charge here.

A middle-aged man with blond hair and an old professor walked in, holding a box in the man's hands;
The two of them were walking and chatting;


"The branch in Xiangjiang hasn't turned in anything valuable for half a year, but the person in charge there is so lucky. He found a scientist and developed something called Mengjie Sponge. That thing passes through basic substances. Synthesis can actually make ghosts unable to cross."

"By the way, there's also that guy Kunihiko Aso. That guy is still in jail now——"

So this matter is very embarrassing now, both big and small.

I will synchronize this message to that guy later.

But at this moment, five hundred people have been searching for it and can't find it, so the chance of finding it is very slim.

"Currently, after testing by several of our members, anyone who opens the notebook will be inexplicably frightened to death. This piece of paper was pulled from the notebook by our last colleague before he died."

At the same time, the Institute of Paranormal Events.

"I have transferred the notebook's body to the headquarters."

Because of his special abilities, Kurosawa Saashige's status is not low even in the headquarters. Moreover, because Japan, a perverted and repressive place, is more prone to abnormal phenomena, Japan as a whole is also a presence that it attaches great importance to.

This so-called research institute is nothing more than a branch in the United States. Its main function is to collect things for studying "abnormal things" there.

"Yes, it is estimated that the funds for the next three years will be available, but now the government is lacking this kind of thing."

Researchers in white clothes are working diligently on some basic research.

At this moment, Kurosawa Saege passed away, and the atmosphere in the research institute was not very good.

Until this moment, Higa Kotoko remembered that Aso Kunihiko, who had been under house arrest since finding Minakami Village, lightly patted her forehead: "You can't let that guy out. Sooner or later, he will be a disaster. Throw him into the scientific research team, maybe he can Use some light and heat.”

The next moment, the door was pushed open;

Precisely because they saw this, they knew that the person in charge might not be in a good mood now, so they naturally had to work conscientiously to avoid becoming an outlet for venting.

"And even if this colleague dies, he is cursed."

Hearing this, the old doctor asked: "If you just read the paper, won't there be any problems?"

"No, because this is a blank piece of paper. According to my speculation, there must be some curse words written on the notebook. The blank paper will not be cursed, but the paper still has special power. We used the paper before If left alone with another evil ghost, that evil ghost will die without a sound."

"Yes, I understand. Does this paper have a source?"

"The diary used by a girl who was previously listed as an S-class target. That girl's name is Tomie Kawakami." "A living person?"


"Can some body samples be retrieved? For example, blood, skin fragments, hair, etc."

"We can only do our best on this."

While they were talking, the two of them had reached the front. The blond man opened the portable safe, revealing a severed hand inside;
The severed hand was cut off at the elbow and looked a little pale because of the dried blood.

The hand firmly grasped half of the crumpled paper torn from the notebook;

After the experimenter died, his hand was cut off and used as a "stabilizer" for the paper.

"After our tests, if the paper is taken off the hand for more than an hour, the hand will start to frantically try to take the paper back. However, there have been no casualties so far. Doctors, you should be careful."



Yoshikawa returned to the familiar office and breathed a sigh of relief;

Especially after feeling the long-lost feeling of fishing for money, he felt even more happy;
Lying on the chair, he took a few sips of the bottled water bought by the school, then patted his clothes and walked out;
At this moment, he happened to see Saito Asuka walking in from outside the office, but he was obviously not very happy;


When he saw Yoshizakigawa, the latter also forced a smile: "Senior, you went to Kyoto with a stunt certificate. With senior's strength, you must be able to succeed easily, right?"


——Even though Yoshizakigawa had never taken the test, when he woke up, Kotoko put the stunt certificate in his pocket.

"Senior is really awesome."

She complimented, then put the book she was holding on the table and sat down;
"Teacher Saito, you don't seem to be in a good mood today?"

Seeing the latter's poor condition, Yoshizaki asked with concern: "Did something happen?"

Hearing this, Saito Asuka sighed: "Whatever can happen, it's just about my family!"

"I urge to get married every day, and even hope that I can quit my job, find a reliable boyfriend, and become a full-time housewife."

"They think my current job is a waste of youth. They say no one will want a girl when she reaches twenty-five, but I'm obviously only twenty-three."

This is the social rule in Japan. When most women reach adulthood, they will find a suitable man to start a family, give up everything about themselves, and live as a man's dependence.

Of course, the main reason for this is the "four money bags".

"What's there to worry about? Why don't you just ignore it?"

As an orphan, Yoshizakigawa had little experience in this kind of family matters, so he said casually;
"I want to, but I can't do it. After all, they raised me so much. If it gets a little heavier, they will cry. There's nothing I can do about it, alas."

"My brother can go to the United States to study, and I can even work..."

She was indignant, but there was nothing she could do.

After a moment, she suddenly looked at Yoshizakigawa, and there seemed to be an inexplicable meaning flashing through her eyes: "How about, senior, do me a favor?"

"What's the deal?"

"Can you help me deceive my family? As long as I can shut them up."


(End of this chapter)

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