I'm a teacher in Tokyo!

Chapter 216 A reminder to meet my son

Chapter 216 A reminder to meet my son

After saying this, Saito Asuka laughed out loud: "Senior, with your status and income, you will definitely stop all their mouths."

At first, this sentence was just a casual comment by Saito Asuka, but now that I think about it carefully, it seems that it is really possible?
Anyway, I don't want to hide it for long, as long as one year. After one year, I will never tell them that I have broken up.

For her, this is just a lie to relieve the pressure from her parents.

Seeing Saito Asuka's smile, Yoshizakigawa thought of a classic saying in his heart;
Boy, this isn't funny.

According to his dramatic unlucky effect, Yoshizakigawa has already thought of N+1 kinds of Shura fields.

For example, when I was saying this to Asuka Saito, the next moment Tomie happened to hear it at the door;

Thinking of this, Yoshizakigawa glanced at the door, but there was no figure at the door.

Or maybe Kayako saw herself walking out of her house with Saito Asuka and started to hate her.

Mr. Saito, please be careful. My brother hurt you with the Poki Demon before, and now I don’t want to hurt you again with the Grudge.

Listen to what I said, the water in this thing is very deep and you can’t grasp it.

"Sorry, Asuka, I'm not good at deception, I'll probably mess it up."

Yoshizakigawa shook his head, but a figure appeared in his mind, the physical education teacher... Forget it, Saito Asuka obviously didn't like that guy at all, so he should not do such unnecessary things.

Saito Asuka was not surprised by Yoshizakigawa's answer. It must be very against the rules for a person like Senior to do such a thing, right?
"I was just joking. Senior, don't take it so seriously."

"Although I am often talked about at home, I can still afford this little thing. I don't want to be a housewife!"

For Saito Asuka, giving up everything about herself to depend on others would be worse than letting herself die. She is not a lover.

Hearing this, Yoshizakigawa smiled and pretended to be embarrassed and said: "Look, I am easy to be serious and easy to be deceived by others. Once I am deceived by your family, I may not be able to keep it. Mouth."

"However, senior, you are indeed a very reliable man. Have you ever considered finding a girlfriend? There are many female teachers in the school~"

"at present--"

Yoshizakigawa was about to say that there was none at the moment, but at this moment, there was a knock on the door outside the house;
The two looked at each other, and Yoshizakigawa said: "Tomie still failed the last exam, so I asked her to come to me."

Hearing this, Saito Asuka suddenly thought of something. She looked at Yoshizakigawa's drawer: "By the way, I put the papers from the previous exam in the drawer for you. The ones with worse scores are on the other side."


He nodded, and then shouted "Come in" toward the door.

But to Yoshizakigawa's surprise, the person outside was not Tomie Kawakami, but another child whom he had just seen at the shōjo shrine—Miko Yotsuya.

At this moment, Yotsuya Miko is not as restrained as before, because all the introversion and fear before came from those evil spirits.

In Yotsuya Miko's eyes, the surroundings of the teacher in front of him were brand new and clean, without any evil or cursed atmosphere, let alone the evil spirits that could breed due to this.

In a clean world, she felt a long-lost sense of security.

Just because she was chasing this peace of mind, she plucked up the courage to directly use the excuse that there was something going on over there. After asking about the location mentioned before by Yoshizakigawa, she came here. When the teacher let her in, she walked in carefully and felt deeply. Bowed:
"Hello, teacher, I am Yotsuya Miko, who has just entered the high school."

"This child is a new member of the psychic society? Senior, did you allow it?"

Asuka Saito looked at the cute Yotsuya Miko and was a little surprised. This child had just entered the high school, and high school was the most intensive time of study, which could even be said to determine a lifetime.

How could the seniors agree to let such a child join the psychic society? Isn't this harmful?
"It's okay. Jianzi is their friend and he doesn't usually go to that place. It shouldn't affect his studies."

Yoshizakigawa naturally understood Saito Asuka's confusion, so he gave a casual explanation. The actual reason was that he had to stop helping this child. This child had only two endings. The first was with the "god" of the Fox Shrine. Fight with the bayonet, and then continue to work conscientiously for the rest of your life.

If there was no fox guy in this world line, Miko would be even worse. I vaguely remember that the fox god protected Miko three times, and these three times were fatal injuries.

When he heard what Yoshizakigawa said at this moment, Saito Asuka naturally had no objection, and he just mentioned it anyway.

For the teaching profession, students' performance is naturally the first priority.

"Then I'll prepare lessons first, senior."

Yoshizakigawa nodded, and as Saito Asuka left, Yoshizakigawa then looked at Yotsugamiko;
The latter looked a little nervous in Yoshizakigawa's eyes, but at this moment, he suddenly heard someone say: "Miko, you can see those things, right?"

Because Higa Kotoko had told herself before that she was a powerful exorcist in Tomie's eyes. After thinking about it at the time, Yoshizakigawa simply decided to play this identity. Although she did not have the qualifications to be an exorcist, she might be able to do so in the future. What miracles will happen with Fujiang’s power of thinking?

Hearing these words, Yotsuya Miko was stunned for a moment, then almost burst into tears, and finally...finally! ! I finally found a real exorcist!

The little one hid in the forest, the big one hid in the city, searching for the exorcist countless times, but never thought that when he looked back, the real exorcist turned out to be the teacher of his school!

You must know that even the goddess who gave him the rosary before could not tell at a glance that he had yin and yang eyes.

The teacher in front of him only met him once and knew that he had such an ability. He was not even surprised that he wanted to come over, and then he thought of the countless footprints behind him.

He seems to be a strong man!
Thinking of this, Yotsuya Miko almost knelt down immediately to pray for Yoshizakigawa's help, but fortunately Yoshizakigawa took out the talisman quickly enough, so the latter had to stop midway and held the talisman respectfully with both hands. Paper, and the next sentence he said was: "Well... I only saved a few thousand yen in my pocket money. I will go back and get it for you..." Hearing this, Yoshizakigawa waved his hand: "No money, Sent to you."

Obviously, at this moment, Mianzi still didn't understand the value of this sentence. He just felt that the master in front of him was indeed a real master. He was compassionate and redeemed evil spirits for free. He was simply a great good person.

Respectfully, she held the talisman with both hands, bowed deeply, and asked: "Master, are there any taboos about talismans?"

"Just wear it with you normally, don't take a shower and get wet."

This charm was drawn casually by Qinzi, but according to what Qinzi said, even if she drew it casually, as long as it is stamped with her seal, it will be difficult for ordinary ghosts to get close to it, and it will even be more effective against stronger ghosts. .

This is not because of the power of the spell itself;

The main reason is that the stronger the evil ghost is, the more intelligent it is like a human being, and it will seek good luck and avoid evil, just like the Poki Demon, which initially chose to run away after sensing Qinzi.

If there was no reason why it had to come, it would not even respond to the decisive battle.

This is the reputation that Kotoko earned in Japan with just one hand.

"If you encounter something that cannot be solved in the future, you can come to me. If everything is okay now, you can leave."

When Yoshizakigawa issued the eviction order, Yotsugamiko looked a little hesitant. She hesitated for a moment. Although she felt that Yoshizakigawa, as a cultivator, should know his own situation, she finally decided to tell her what she saw;
"Teacher, you should know that I can see those things, but in fact, I may be able to see more things. I can see the light of people, the light of life of healthy people, the radiance of practitioners, and the darkness of people who are dying. Light."

"Huh? Then you can see things on them from the Psychic Club?"

At this time, Yoshizakigawa asked rhetorically.

As soon as this was mentioned, Miko immediately turned into a bitter face: "Teacher, if you hadn't come here just now, I would have died over there. The cause of death must have been cardiac arrest due to fright. Anyway, ever since I had the ability, I haven’t seen anything that scary.”

Even thinking about it now still makes me suffocate, it feels like someone is following behind and strangling my neck;
To be honest, I had to thank my aunt for visiting me during this time, so I changed my aunt's towel and put it in my pocket, otherwise I would have had to change my pants.

She had just changed it when she was in the toilet. Thinking about it now, her ears were still burning.

But that’s not my fault, okay, for such scary things, you have to know that I’m just a high school student!

Can you really see it?

Yoshizakigawa was a little surprised. He didn't expect that Miko could really see it, and he wasn't scared to the point of peeing?
He looked the latter up and down: "If you feel scared, don't participate in those activities in the future. If Fujiang forces you, you can tell me."

"Thank you, teacher!!"

This was the most sincere thing she had said today, and she thanked her along with the amulet on it.

"By the way, what did you want to say just now?"

"Teacher, although you may know your condition, I still want to remind you that you should pay attention to your body. Your body has a black ghost, and the light of life is also extremely weak. I only treat terminally ill patients and the elderly who are dying. I’ve seen this state before.”

Having said this, Yotsuya Miko bowed seriously: "Please pay attention to yourself. There are many monsters and ghosts in this world. Even if you can survive, you will never be able to survive. Only if you are alive can you continue to do those things. "

In her eyes, the reason why Yoshizakigawa became like this must be because exorcism is too hard, and he works multiple jobs and has to go to class, which is tiring.

After all, those evil spirits are so terrifying and there are so many of them. You can see them everywhere in the world, walking among people and walking under the scorching sun.

Demons and monsters, hundreds of ghosts walking around, even the gods worshiped are nothing more than stronger spirits or ghosts.

Isn't it a tragedy that there are so few exorcists in this world?

Miko can even guess the feeling of being isolated on the top of the mountain in Yoshizaki River. Looking up, there is no one around, and everything in front of you is evil ghosts, but you can't get over the endless helpless melancholy.

An ordinary and unknown teacher in everyone's eyes, going retrograde in silence, he faces the whole world.

In the midst of such responsibilities and burdens, I was crushed to the point of collapse, which is why I was already so vicissitudes of life and weakened at such a young age.

Of course, Yoshizakigawa didn't know about the girl's fantasy, so when he heard the latter's warning, he was not surprised at all.

He died twice, and each time he was pulled up by Fujiang. It is normal for this situation to occur.

As for ghosting? Yoshizakigawa suspected that it was the curse reminded by the dream itself.

The baby is still inside you.

"Well, thank you for the kind reminder, classmate Miiko, I understand."

He waved his hand to indicate that he was okay.

Seeing this, Yotsuya Miko didn't have much to say, so he could only leave the office with respect and admiration, holding the charm tightly in his hands.

 I've asked for leave, so you don't have to wait. My physical condition is indeed not very good recently. I get sick every now and then. It may be due to the changeable weather. You should pay attention to your health.

(End of this chapter)

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