I'm a teacher in Tokyo!

Chapter 217: It has nothing to do with you, you just need to agree

Chapter 217: It has nothing to do with you, you just need to agree
After sending Miko away, Yoshizakikawa took out his mobile phone and dialed the number of the previous hospital;
"Yes, make an appointment for a full physical examination, from top to bottom."

"Okay, tomorrow at four o'clock in the afternoon, I'll come over after get off work. Do you want an empty stomach? I'll check the class schedule, then I'll come over tomorrow morning."

After hanging up the phone, Yoshizakikawa pushed up his glasses and returned to his previous calm appearance.

After checking the time, Saito Asuka took over the class this morning. She was always asked to help with the class. Yoshizakigawa felt a little embarrassed, so he could only think of giving her some compensation then.

Turn on the computer and scroll through the forum to read the latest news;

The forum is now becoming more and more complete. The previous forum was a mixed bag, and the posts were disorganized. But now after the update, there are just a few more categories. It may be because of the classification. Yoshizakigawa found that there are a lot more self-reports in the section about supernatural events. .

A rough estimate showed that compared to the incident before I traveled through time, it was about 20% more.

When I first traveled through time, I specifically used this forum to search for related supernatural events in order to find an orthodox exorcist, but there were not many of them, so it was so difficult for me to find an orthodox exorcist.

But now this kind of thing has obviously become more common.

Yoshizakigawa also heard Kotoko Higa say before that the government has actually been controlling such things from appearing in the public eye.

It shouldn't be such a coincidence, it might be from other areas.

"I don't know what this child was thinking. I asked her later, but she didn't say anything. As expected, we had a fight in the bathroom that day, and my husband was in a car accident that day and died."

"The thing is like this. My daughter has suffered from severe autism since she was a child. She can hardly speak. In order to make her normal, I have spent a lot of time and energy and found famous doctors, but there is no solution or even a reason. It can’t be found out. Because of the severe autism, my daughter was forced to drop out of junior high school. Now she stays at home and hardly goes out. "

Of course, the probability of possessing such a will may not be high, but among the billions of people in the world, even with this probability, the number is extremely large.

Yoshizakigawa looked at these comments. Although most of them were commenting on self-directed and self-acted performances, asking for attention, he felt that this seemed to be logical, but if he thought about it carefully, he felt that the various speeches were somewhat familiar.

The other person replied almost instantly: "Save my daughter!! I can give you anything, as long as you can save her, help me! She is haunted by evil spirits!"

The main reason is that such things can easily cause people to panic, and panic can create extreme emotions, and extreme emotions can create extreme events.

Reply time, 3:21 this morning.

Moreover, the ghost transformed by relying on this kind of will may not be strong, but it must be the most evil.

If the mother blamed the child and really planned to strangle it to death, Yoshizakigawa also felt that it would be too much.

Could it be that the person replying on the other side is a ghost?
The ghost is posting a message asking for help from an exorcist, saying that his daughter is haunted by a ghost, right?

"No, you misunderstood. I don't want to cure my daughter's autism. Because we have spent seven or eight years on this, we are completely disappointed. Haha, why would I post for the purpose of curing her? Hahahaha... "

And, according to the plot of the story, if the child's prediction is correct.

Thinking of this, he continued to look back, and the logic behind him changed again. It was clear that there was hatred in the front, but it turned into joy in the back.

To put it simply, when people think that their lives are not guaranteed in the face of evil spirits, it will lead to an extreme: Are you an evil ghost? Okay, then I will die too and become more vicious and evil than you.

On the twentieth floor, the parent who posted the message finally replied;

Seeing this, Yoshizakigawa couldn't help but frown slightly. He didn't speak for a year. This autism was too serious.

"It's all my daughter's fault. If it weren't for her curse, my husband would definitely not have died! He raised a white-eyed wolf and a wolf-hearted thing. I really want to strangle her to death!!"

"The reason why I posted this request for help is because something happened a few days ago. It rained that night. My husband and I had to go out because of something. When we went out... you know that in the middle of the night, she put on her clothes Wearing clothes and looking straight at you with cat-like eyes? My husband and I were almost frightened to death! I don’t know what this little beast was doing!”

This tongue twister joke is so funny, haha, but even though he thought it might just be a joke, Yoshizakikawa still replied;
"Hello, I happen to know an exorcist. How can I help you?"

"My husband and I were very excited, thinking that her illness was going to be cured, but later, she said something that made our hair stand on end."

The subject did not reply to these. Later, Yoshizakigawa caught a glimpse of another comment she replied;
"So, did you go after the quarrel that day?"

The mother followed, and she must have been in a car accident?

"In the middle of the night, she said, let's take a photo together. We laughed and asked her why. She said, we are going to die soon."

So this is a hole that cannot be opened. Once it is opened, it will be like a dam bursting and cannot be stopped.

"She asked us if we were going out. We were happy at first because it was the first time she spoke today and she came to us."

But this is just a niche forum, so it doesn’t matter. Yoshizakikawa read a few posts and replied to some messages casually;
For example, how to use salt and mirrors to exorcise demons -

Also, this mother’s tone doesn’t sound like a normal person. Could it be that the post was posted by a mentally ill person?
And, is it raining?
If I remember well, it seemed that it rained late at night during the days when I fell into a dream?

"Now my daughter says she is going to die soon. God, please come and be an exorcist and save my daughter!! I am willing to give you everything I have!"


The comments below are full of exclamation marks and ellipses. Most people think that women are making up stories.

The words here are very harsh, but in the next paragraph, the mother's tone turned into pleading:
"My daughter must be haunted by a ghost. The reason why my husband died was caused by that ghost!"

But while he was scrolling, a post suddenly attracted his attention;
"Help!! Guys, does anyone know an exorcist!! I really had no other choice, so I asked for help online."

"I was funny and curious at the time. She said seriously that we would be hit by a car and die. Later she said that I would have a big fight with his father because of the makeup. He would stay at home and not go out, leaving only my father. He would die, but she felt that if my father died alone, my mother would be lonely, so she advised me to go with her and not put on makeup.”

Yoshizakigawa was about to ask where it was, but at this moment, there was a knock on the door outside;
He had no choice but to close the webpage temporarily, and then said to the outside: "Come in."

"The logic of the story doesn't make sense. Your choice of words at the beginning made it sound like you were hating your daughter, and your final hope was to find an exorcist to save your daughter? Why is it so contradictory?"

What he didn't notice was that a black aura overflowed from the computer screen and faded away as quickly as an electric shock the moment it came into contact with the Yoshizaki River.

Ghosts born from extreme events will become more powerful. This is a vicious cycle.

Because most of them are trivial things.

This mother's tone seemed to be constantly changing between good and evil.

Yoshizakigawa scrolled down, and most of the comments below were words such as "Autism is a mental disorder and has nothing to do with ghosts" and "You might as well go to a psychiatrist after posting this."

He looked at Kawakami Tomie who came in and closed the door smoothly, and was a little coy, and couldn't help but laugh: "What's the matter? Why has it become like this now?"

Looking at the guy in front of him who was thinking all day and night, Kawakami Tomie's heartbeat was very fast. This was the first time the two of them were alone since waking up from the dream.

But now that she knew that the guy in front of her had been protecting her, she had a lot of emotions that she wanted to express, but she couldn't. She pursed her lips and said nothing. She clasped her fingers and walked to the Yoshizaki River like a little girl. front of desk;

His lips moved slightly, but he said against his will: "Huh, didn't you call me here? What have I become?" "I haven't changed, that's okay."

"What hasn't changed? Can't you see the changes in this young lady? Are you still an exorcist? This young lady is now——"


At this time, Yoshizakigawa asked: "Then what do you know so far? Tell me."

Yoshizakigawa is also curious about Tomie's qualifications in learning to exorcise demons.

According to this Lord's ability, even if he can't beat evil spirits in one day and eight hundred ghosts and gods in two days?

As soon as she heard this sentence, Tomie was immediately discouraged. She hesitated for a long time, but in the end she couldn't say one, two, three. In the end, she could only say vaguely: "Well... Qinzi hasn't taught me yet..."

Seeing this, Yoshizakigawa smiled. It seems that Kotoko has not planned to teach Tomie stuff yet. For unstable factors, any teaching may make it go astray, so it is estimated that Kotoko wants to wait for a while before teaching Tomie stuff. .

At the same time, when looking at Yoshizakigawa's smiling face, Tomie, who originally planned to confess his feelings calmly, now felt that this guy was always like this, leaving him with no sense of control at all.

If you can't stand it anymore, punch the earth and blow it up!

Woohoo, do you have to say it so bluntly in person? If you just obey me, I will take advantage of the situation and ask! !

Fujiang is a little broken. He has gone from the same mentality at the beginning to now planning to pursue you directly. As long as you relax your mouth a little, this guy is like this. He doesn't even give himself a chance to speak.

"Fujiang, in your mind, what kind of thing is a ghost?"

At this moment, Yoshizakigawa suddenly asked something.

After hearing these words, Fu Jiang, who felt a little broken in his heart, didn't think much about it, and immediately said: "All the bad guys must be eliminated!"

It seems that compared to his own extreme, Tomi Jiang seems to have gone to another extreme?
It’s not that this extreme is wrong, because even with my current experience, none of the ghosts I have experienced have been good.

So Tomie’s conclusion is not wrong, but what is the problem?
Tomie can almost say that he has never seen a ghost, but he insists on saying this, which is not good in Yoshizakigawa's eyes.

You can't be arbitrary about anything. You have to understand it before you can make a conclusion.

Tomie went to such an extreme, and with her special ability, something would definitely happen in the future. Thinking of this, Yoshizakigawa instilled some of his own ideas into her.

"Did Miss Qinzi tell you this?"

Hearing this, Fu Jiang shook his head.

"That's not the experience of your predecessors or your own investigation. Why do you think so?"

“Shouldn’t exorcists be enemies of ghosts?”

"But these conclusions of yours have not been verified by yourself. In fact, exorcists also use ghosts, such as shikigami and the like."

"So this is the problem, Tomie, don't be arbitrary in doing things, think about it, think about it."

Kawakami Tomie seems to have some vague understanding. In fact, what she really cares about is not this kind of issue at all.

There is actually only one question she cares about, and that is whether Yoshizakigawa will accept herself as she is walking with him now.

But at this moment, Yoshizakigawa didn't give her time to interrupt, so she couldn't say anything.

I can only respond to Yoshizakigawa's question first: "I understand, Yoshizakigawa, I also have a question to ask you."

"what is the problem?"

When Yoshizakigawa took this sentence, Tomie Kawakami almost did not hesitate and asked immediately:
"Yoshizakigawa, have you ever liked me?"

Hearing this, Yoshizakigawa was stunned for a moment, and then the smile on his face became even bigger;
He has played this kind of peak confrontation countless times: "The teacher will definitely like you, how can I hate my students?"

Cleverly transforming the love into the teacher's love for the student, this answer obviously does not conform to Tomie's presupposition.

She took a deep breath, and she, who was so arrogant, gave up now;
"That's not the kind of love I'm talking about!"

"Yoshizakigawa, did you save me twice in the dream?"


Yoshizakigawa did not deny this.

"Okay, the first time, you were in my room and saw all of my body. The second time, you confessed your love to me in my dream."

"Are these true?"

Hearing this, Yoshizakigawa had a headache, but he still responded: "It's true."

"So, Yoshizakigawa, let me tell you!"

"I will not reject your confession!"

Until the end, maybe the shame came back a little, or maybe the long paragraph before had exhausted Kawakami Tomie's courage;

She didn't say the words "I like you" in the end, but used the words "don't refuse to confess".

After she finished speaking, even though her heart was beating like a drum, she raised her head and looked at Yoshizakigawa who was sitting behind her desk.

"Fujiang, do you know your identity?"

At this time, Yoshizakigawa asked after being silent for a moment.

"You are a student and I am a teacher... There is an unfairness between us due to status. Maybe you have a crush on me, and I don't hate you that much, but... this is a shackle. The teacher still wants you to Can you think more, take back that sentence, and think more about this kind of thing.”

"The previous teacher made a mistake in this matter, and now I don't want to make the same mistake again."

Hearing this, seeing Yoshizakigawa rejecting him in this way, Tomie pursed his lips and was silent for a moment. Then he took a deep breath and started bombarding in a long series:
"So what! If you like it, you just like it. There is no need for any reason, and there is no so-called fairness."

"Besides, I like you, what does it have to do with you?"

"You just have to say yes!"

(End of this chapter)

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