I'm a teacher in Tokyo!

Chapter 219 Look, do I still have hope?

Chapter 219 Look, do I still have hope?

Speaking of Kayako's parents, Yoshizakikawa remembered that they were still lying in the jar on top of the closet.

This week, we really have to bury them.

Because the rent is about to expire, if they are not buried, it is impossible to bring their ashes to the new house, right?
More or less unlucky.

With this in mind, Yoshizakigawa said to Kayako in the taxi: "Let's bury your parents this week."

Hearing this, Kayako, who had long forgotten about this, was stunned. Some pictures that were not good in the past flashed through her mind. She nodded: "Okay."

Hearing this, the driver in front of him frequently looked at Kayako and Yoshizakigawa through the rearview mirror, his expression a little strange.

How can we use words like "by the way" for this kind of thing?

Looking at the eyes of the driver in front of him, Yoshizakigawa suddenly felt that maybe he should buy a car. It was not expensive anyway - at least based on his savings.

In this way, you can save a lot of taxi fares if you need to travel.

At this time, it would be nice if someone could help the drowning person.

After hearing these words, Higa Kotoko took the phone over doubtfully. When she saw the screenshot of 10 million yen and the timestamp and comment screenshot of the forum, she already knew roughly what happened without even Yoshizakigawa's explanation. .

After paying the driver a few thousand yen for the fare, Yoshizakigawa got out of the car with Kayako, and met Kotoko, who was wearing green casual clothes and still wearing sunglasses to cover the scars at the corners of her eyes;

Kayako stretched out her hand with some fear, and Yoshizaki Chuan could feel her holding his hand slightly harder, as if she was a little scared.

Her eyebrows relaxed slightly, but she was still not very happy: "If you encounter something like this in the future, call me as soon as possible and wait for my reply before taking the next step."

"We'll talk about this later. I probably have some idea about my situation. This incident is actually not very serious. The ghost I met was not that fierce."

Having said this, a look of dissatisfaction could be seen faintly in Higa Kotoko's eyebrows. Why doesn't this guy listen? The lies are 30% true and 70% false.

The world is like a turbid current, and travelers are like boats. Moving forward in the turbid current leads to death.

At this time, Yoshizaki River will break the calm;

While eating, while Kayako was going to the toilet, Yoshizakigawa handed over his mobile phone;

Looking at Higa Kotoko, whose tone was as stern as her sister's, but mostly caring, Yoshizakigawa could only respond while cutting the beef for Kayako.

In the unknown fate, perhaps it is this kind act that saved countless people.

It may not make waves in the big flow, but in the details, it is a person's life.

Higa Kotoko's this is no joke. To be honest, even as an exorcist, she has never encountered a supernatural event in such a period of time as Yoshizakigawa.

At this moment, I could only see him being taciturn, and there seemed to be an irresolvable gloom in his eyes. At this moment, he was looking at himself timidly;

If you agree rashly, you will only get entangled with him. Even though he is not strong, he is still extremely unfavorable.

Under Higa Kotoko's embarrassed gaze, Yoshizakigawa laughed dumbly: "Let's go in first."

At this moment, I finally dared to look at the girl in front of me head-on for the first time. Because when we first met before, although I gave her a charm, I didn't dare to stay longer, so I naturally didn't look at her too much.

Yoshizakigawa took back the mobile phone on the table, and Kayako just came back from using the toilet at this moment. She wiped the water on her apron, and then when she saw the beef divided on the plate,

"Miss Qinzi, this is the supernatural event I encountered today."

This is not the first time for Kayako to meet Higa Kotoko. Previously, Yoshizakigawa said that she planned to invite a very powerful psychic to pray for his parents. He even asked her for a few amulets, which are now hung around his neck. of……

So Kayako felt that the woman in front of him was full of mystery, and was a little afraid for a moment. Although Qinzi was a top exorcist, it was rare to have such a chance to observe directly at this moment, so she naturally did not say anything;

At this moment, it seemed that even the gloom between his eyebrows had dissipated.

"If there is a trap, how do you know if you can get out?"

People whose boats capsized on the way turned into evil spirits, and some wanted to pull pedestrians down too.

"This ghost came across the network cable to do something for you, did you agree?"

"You have already met her before, Kayako, this is your sister Qinzi."

He did cause some trouble for her, but he didn't know how to exorcise demons, and there was nothing he could do about it——

At this moment, Higa Kotoko stuck a piece of steak with a fork, put it into her mouth, and said by the way: "Tomorrow, let's go and have a look."

Seeing Qinzi's appearance, Yoshizakigawa quickly said: "No, I didn't agree, I just wanted to take a look, so I wanted to ask you."

Qinzi actually admires Yoshizakigawa's character, but being good is not completely good, and it is better to be evil than to be good.

Higa Kotoko was over there, watching all this quietly, she wanted to take back her words;

If you have to exorcise the demon by yourself, you can't use those big killers easily!
Seeing Yoshizakigawa like this, Higa Kotoko softened her tone a little: "It's not that I don't let you do these things. In fact, someone always has to do these things, but you have to put your own safety first."

Although she doesn't know if there is such a thing as ghost in this world, after all, Kayako herself has never seen it, but she does believe in one sentence, you don't have to believe it, but you can't disrespect it.

After seeing Kayako and Yoshizakigawa, Qinzi forced a smile. Thanks to Yoshizakigawa, she didn't feel the breath of the curse.

She glanced at the teacher, feeling a little surprised. She picked up a piece with a fork and put it into her mouth with a smile, showing a satisfied smile.

Looking at Qinzi with crisscross scars between her eyebrows, Kayako was silent for a moment;
After shaking hands, he immediately took his hand away and hid behind Yoshizakigawa, revealing one eye and looking at the mysterious exorcist lady in front of him;

"Sister...sister, hello."


Upon hearing this, Higa Kotoko almost threw away her phone: "Why do you encounter this kind of thing every day? I have never encountered more exorcisms in my life than you!"

Qinzi was stunned for a moment, as if she felt that she was indeed a bit scary, so she took off her sunglasses and smiled: "Hello."

It's just those who are unknown and don't make a sound.


In the dark night, inside the Paranormal Research Institute.

"Dr. Daping, I spent a lot of effort to obtain this sponge from Xiangjiang. You must use it with caution."

The man handed over the safe.

"Didn't you get Fujiang's sample?"

The gray-haired doctor seemed dissatisfied;

"The official is also aware of her anomaly. Although the current defense force around her can be forcibly broken through, Higa Kotoko is also nearby recently. I suspect that it was because of her that the people in the institute exploded and died."

"It's quite troublesome anyway. I really can't get it. You can use this to continue your research. When our notebook arrives at the headquarters, they will definitely give us more resources. Then we will see if we can get the fragments."

After hearing this explanation, the doctor continued:
"Well, during this period I also did some research on this piece of paper and figured out some of its general habits;"

"This hand has been assimilated by the power of this paper, or cursed by it, so it maintains the obsession to tear off this paper last time before death, so when snatching the paper, it will be also cursed by this hand. "

"The current test is that after the paper is taken out of the hand for more than 24 hours, the person who snatched the paper will die of myocardial failure. Later, an autopsy found that there were fingerprints on the heart. After the experimenter died, the paper was returned to the hand, and it was in the paper There will be one more trace on it.”

Having said this, the doctor opened the covered counter in front and revealed the pale hand displayed there. There were three fingerprints on the paper;
"Look, there is an extra fingerprint on the paper." "What will happen if you put the fingerprints together?"

"I also want to know."

The two of them looked at each other and saw the inexplicable meaning in the eyes opposite them;
"According to the theory in previous literature, the Mengjie sponge is similar to a black hole. All waves refracted or emitted will be absorbed by it. Therefore, it can trap ghosts and spray it on your eyes, making you see ghosts."

"I want to do an experiment. What exactly happens when it kills people?"

"Try it?"

The two opened the safe and found a block floating in it;

"Yes, but this cannot last long in the air and will dissipate soon. But as long as you throw it towards the ghost, the ghost will be absorbed by it. Until you open the sponge, the ghost can move freely."

"Let's decorate the room first."

The two found the small room, sprayed the entire room with spray, and then carefully moved the hand into the room;

The professor used hypnosis to implant commands into a student's brain, then opened the door and pushed him in.

The next moment, the female student walked in numbly;

"With a large amount of painkillers + Tinghua Powder, combined with my brainwashing, even if I ask her to cut off her trachea immediately, she will do it."

The professor seemed very proud of this: "However, it's a pity that I haven't tasted such a good product yet."

In the middle of the conversation, the next moment, the woman tore the paper away;

At this moment, they saw the little finger of the originally calm arm tremble, and then a transparent silk thread stretched out from between the fingers, quickly covering the woman who had pulled away the paper.

"Yes, that's it, cause and effect! It really is cause and effect. It must be related to people before you can do anything to them. The reason why the people before were not harmed by this piece of paper is because it has no connection!"

The professor said excitedly;

But, at the next moment——

The expressions of the two people changed slightly, because...the thread that originally only spread to implicate one person, now split into dozens of threads for no reason, and then headed in their own directions, two of which were heading towards them!

"Give it back, give that piece of paper back!"

But at this moment, the female student turned around, with a numb expression and a bleak smile, which was very charming: "Don't you want to know what the use of that piece of paper is to match the fingerprints?"

"You can make a wish——"

"You...you are not controlled?"

The female student did not answer the professor's question. She smashed the test tube cup into pieces, then grabbed the largest fragment and pressed it against her neck regardless of the bleeding palm;

The sharp glass scratched the skin and flesh, and the fat and flesh turned out and were covered by the blood that quickly overflowed.

She let go of the glass, pulled the red-stained paper step by step, and walked to the glass door: "Did my brother die like this too?"

"You will bury him with him."

Hearing this, the professor was horrified. He was just about to open the door to grab it, but the moment he stretched out his hand, the hand he originally stretched out was like a fishing net, split into countless flesh and blood fragments, and fell to the ground like fish scales, making a sound. The constant sound of "pop",

The screams in front of him continued one after another. The man was tearing at his own skin and flesh, like a chicken that had lost its feathers, trying to remove all the rotten flesh from his body. Even the severe pain could not stop him.

And all this was done under the woman's strange gaze.


She knocked on the door with a smile,

In this deadly silent research institute, even the sound of knocking on the door seemed so strange;
"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Everyone who heard the knock on the door had an invisible thread wrapped around their bodies.

The more the woman killed, the more resentment she felt descended from the deep space and emanated from the pages of the book, making the woman more terrifying.

she? In other words, it has become a puppet.

There were more and more fingerprints in the leaves, and they were densely packed, just like the countless bloody fingerprints stamped on the notebook when Gaoyao was in a dilemma.

The word "go die" is written all over it.

"Why can't I have such a happy life?"

All the pictures flashed through her eyes, including the picture of Yoshizakigawa stabbing himself to death for Tomie.

What is not obtained must be destroyed.


the next day.

After Yoshizakigawa finished his morning class, he planned to go find Higa Kotoko. At the door at noon, he saw Yotsuya Miko, who was returning home from high school on leave and waiting for the bus;

When he saw Yoshizaki River coming out at noon, Yotsuya Miko immediately thought that he must save the world and eliminate evil spirits;
However, his health became worse and worse, and the ghost of his body stumbled and seemed to be about to separate;
There was even a faintly vicious black thread connecting his body from a distant unknown place. Even if the white light of the ghost incarnations saved by Yoshizakigawa-sensei kept boiling, it could not stop the black thread.

At this moment, the Yoshizaki River was covered in white light, burning like a flame.

"Teacher, you...are going to exorcise demons again?"

she asked worriedly.

Hearing this, Yoshizakigawa was a little surprised. This little girl is quite smart. He nodded: "Well, you asked for leave to go home. Did something happen to you?"

"I'm going home to worship. Teacher, you'd better rest more. In my eyes, your condition is getting worse and worse."

"After completing this order, I do plan to take a rest."

Yoshizakigawa said with a smile, and then got into Higa Kotoko's car under Miko's worried eyes.

"Is this the girl who can see ghosts?"

Higa Kotoko asked as she got in the car. She felt the breath of her familiar talisman on the girl's neck.

"Well, when you get to college, maybe you can see if she has any qualifications?"


The car was driving for a while, and Kotoko Higa kept observing the Yoshizaki River through the rearview mirror;

"Your complexion is getting worse and worse. Your hair is getting darker. After this job, you should rest more."

"Well...Miss Qinzi, do you think there is really no way for me to become an exorcist? Do you think there is still hope for me?"

"Yes, I can be a medium, but - which ghost can become your medium in the face of the curse?"

(End of this chapter)

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