I'm a teacher in Tokyo!

Chapter 220 Shirai Kuroko

Chapter 220 Shirai Kuroko
A spiritual medium uses his or her body as a medium to communicate with spirits.

To put it bluntly, you sign a contract with a ghost or spirit with your body, become its dependent, and then you can use its power.

This kind of ritual does not require qualifications, it only requires a connection with spirits. In the previous ceremony to expel the demons, Higa Kotoko invited many psychics to come over.

The most powerful psychic among them is Naomi Tianna, nicknamed "Long Po".

Even he can be regarded as half a psychic, but the object he channels is the door.

——Perhaps for Yoshizakigawa, only the psychic "door" can have a place in the face of the curse.

But how can the door be so easy to channel?
Even I, with the help of 1,800 exorcists, spent a lot of effort and risked my life to establish contact with him.

It was naturally impossible for Higa Kotoko to let Yoshizakigawa risk such a risk to communicate with the door.

"So...what about the curse?"

At this moment, Yoshizakigawa suddenly asked such a sentence.

"Okay, then pretend I didn't say anything."

Looking at this location, Higa Kotoko was a little surprised. Logically speaking, even if Kayako left this place, the remaining aura would be enough to prevent the evil spirits here from getting involved.

tame? There was no time when the opponent came before that he didn't want to kill his brother, but thanks to his high resistance, otherwise he would have been cleared long ago.

"Isn't this the same place where Gay Coco was?"

Of course, if the curse is communicated based on human will, then there is a possibility of communication for this curse.

Therefore, the evil spirits who dare to set foot here are not ordinary.


The two got off the car in the parking lot. Yoshizakikawa picked up the phone and glanced at the located address.

Thinking of this, Yoshizakigawa felt much better.

A ghost can be a curse, but a curse cannot be a ghost, and curses cannot be communicated.

But it's been okay recently. Maybe Kayako was too deeply affected by her, and the curse could no longer affect her.

Hearing this, Higa Kotoko was silent for a moment, and then said: "According to the information I know so far, the curse is a curse, and there is no possibility of communication."

Curse and ghost are two concepts.

"It's right in front."

As long as this continues, sooner or later the curse will be completely removed from Kayako.

Even if the weak evil spirits cannot sense the curse, the Poji Demon can always feel it, right?

Now, let alone taming the curse, if it had any slight movement on Kayako's body, the brothers would be sweating profusely.

This guy... never said his location was here before. Qinzi sighed, but since he could appear here, she would find a way to eliminate him without Yoshizakigawa's words.

When she arrived at the house number mentioned in the text message, Qinzi protected Yoshizakigawa behind her and was about to knock on the door, but at the next moment——

"You get behind me."

Qinzi mentioned this possibility again, and then asked: "Are you sure you can tame the curse that comes? Even if it is only part of it..."

With a crisp sound, the door was opened, and Qinzi was suddenly startled. The sound of the door opening, even before she was close to the door, meant that the people inside had already sensed her.

And up until this moment, I had never felt the aura of danger!
Just as Higa Kotoko was about to take action, the next moment, the door in front was quickly pushed open, and what came into view... was actually a little girl?

Qinzi recognized at a glance that this was the daughter of the two undead in the picture sent to Yoshizaki River by the undead over there.

But according to what the message said, wasn't this child trapped by an evil spirit?

Although she had doubts in her heart, she still planned to protect the girl in front of her behind her, but when she reached out her hand, the latter half stepped back as if she had expected it.
Is it an accident? You know that you have trained with the army, and your skills have been honed far beyond ordinary people during these years of exorcism, but when you wanted to touch the girl just now, she was dodged?
Is there a spirit attached to the girl?
But why can't I feel it?
The girl in front of her hid behind the door and didn't even look at Qinzi. Instead, she kept her gaze on Yoshizakigawa behind Qinzi;
The next moment, although he was silent and did not speak, his eyes were full of a gaze called "measurement";

After hesitating for a moment, she seemed to acknowledge something;
He took out the letter from behind and tried to pass it to Yoshizakigawa around Qinzi, but how could Qinzi allow this to happen? What if there was a curse in the letter?
She tried to take action again, but the latter just squatted down slightly and easily dodged her. Then he walked to Yoshizakigawa as if no one was around and handed the letter out.

"Don't answer! There's something wrong with her!"

Qinzi's angry shouts came from behind the girl, and then several talismans floated from Qinzi's side and stuck to the girl's body at lightning speed. The next moment, it seemed that the girl was aware that the girl was about to be attacked;

The originally closed door was suddenly blown open by the strong wind, and almost instantly, a huge mouth like a black hole came from behind the door and bit Higa Kotoko;

Kotoko instantly rolled sideways, the charm engraved on her ankle flashed away, and then kicked the latter;

The girl seemed a little anxious and shouted one word loudly. The shadow that originally shot out instantly turned into a black shadow and retreated into the room;
All this happened in an instant. When he realized something was wrong, Yoshizakigawa did not hesitate at all and grabbed the girl's slender wrist in an attempt to control the latter;
The girl who was guarded against Kotoko was not guarded against Yoshizakigawa. After being grabbed by the wrist, she was stunned for a moment.
At this moment, Kotoko's blow suddenly failed, but she still didn't stop at all. She kicked out and used the opportunity to catch the girl;

The girl anticipated the move, and even though one hand was grabbed by Yoshizakigawa, she still easily avoided the blow by turning sideways, then hid behind Yoshizakigawa and grabbed the lapel of Yoshizakigawa's clothes;

"Can you see the future?"

The girl in front of her obviously didn't move much, and even her speed was extremely slow, but she could just avoid Kotoko's attack every time. Higa Kotoko immediately thought of this;
In the past, when facing such ghosts and monsters, they usually resorted to saturation attacks to cover up all the future!
Thinking of this, she shouted: "Grab her hand, Yoshizakigawa."

Yoshizakigawa held the girl up,

At this moment, the girl seemed a little anxious, and countless futures previewed in her eyes flashed away;
She seemed to want to speak, but saying the word "stop" seemed to have exhausted all her courage.

The next moment, she turned her face, intending to resist the kick;
But at this critical moment, after seeing that the latter did not resist, Higa Kotoko stopped the move and just snatched the piece of paper away;

When she felt the paper in her hand being snatched away, and the pain that should have come as expected did not come, the girl's eyes seemed to flash with surprise;
When Qinzi browsed through it and made sure there was no curse, she said to Yoshizakigawa: "Let go."

"This letter was left for you by those parents. Read it yourself. It's another hot potato."

Kotoko handed the letter to Yoshizakigawa angrily, then she looked at the girl and asked: "How many seconds into the future can you see? Did you tame that ghost?" The girl hid behind Yoshizakigawa, He nodded, then stretched out his hand and made a fist;

"ten years?"

The girl nodded. Although the numbers behind were wrong, she would not deny it.

In her eyes, Qinzi knows that these are not good, so she will not tell Qinzi. In fact, she only believes in Yoshizakigawa and does not believe in anyone else.

Because in her eyes, only Yoshizakigawa's behavior remained unchanged from beginning to end.

At this moment, Yoshizakigawa also picked up the letter and read it;
"Dear exorcist (crossed out here, changed to Yoshizakigawa), I'm sorry for deceiving you. My and my husband's death is destiny. Just as my daughter predicted, my husband will die in a car accident. , and I will make a mistake in my depression, overturn the pot of boiling water, and be scalded into a critical patient, tortured to death - even if I am told here, I will die in a more painful way, my death It’s destiny.”

"My daughter gave me a painless choice. I accepted her choice and died with my husband. Before I died, I wanted to arrange everything, but according to the prophecy, all my arrangements would lead to an unfortunate fate. ending--"

"My daughter will die in silence. You should know the ending. This letter will be seen by Qinzi in the future, so I won't summarize some of the things you know here. By the way, my daughter's name is Shirai. Heizi has the ability to predict and suffers from extremely severe autism and social phobia. He dropped out of school and studied at home since junior high school. "

"Looking through the comics, in her prophecy, she also has a choice, to die silently, to die silently, to die in pain... No choice can bring an end to her sad life, but with you , maybe there are more choices? I don’t care whether it’s good or bad, but her life should be much more exciting?”

"If you have had a wonderful life, you will definitely be happy even if you die. In your hands, her ending will not be a regret, so we beg you to help us take care of her. Perhaps, you are her only People who want to believe it.”

"We also saw the dazzling white light behind you, which is proof of your good deeds. We ask you again to help her."

——Hitomi Shirai and Kentaro Sugiyama, a masterpiece

At this moment, the girl suddenly turned the letter over, and a sentence written on the back caught Yoshizakigawa's eyes;

"I helped you, and you have to help me too."

When did you help me?

At this moment, as if knowing that Yoshizakigawa would be confused, she snatched the letter and tore it into two pieces. On one of the pieces, she wrote a sentence;

"I helped you meet Kayako."

"I asked them to call the police and let Kayako go to study."

After seeing this sentence, Yoshizakigawa's pupils trembled slightly. Kayako's parents didn't actually think about letting Kayako go to school at first, because they thought it was useless and expensive.

He planned to marry Kayako when he reached adulthood, but when he was in elementary school, he was reported by his neighbors, so he had to send Kayako to study——

Then, there was the story behind it.

The cause of all this is actually the girl in front of me?

She seemed a little proud, the corners of her mouth raised slightly, but she remained silent, as if waiting for Yoshizakigawa to make the inevitable choice.

"Let Miss Qinzi take you in..."

Before Yoshizakigawa finished speaking, he was immediately rejected by Qinzi, whose expression changed drastically: "Forget it, I'm not suitable to take care of a child. Should I take her to exorcise demons every day?"

Of course, the real reason why Qinzi is reluctant to take this girl is actually because of the latter's prophecy ability.

Qinzi shuddered when she thought that everything she had was in the girl's fixed prophecy, and what should I say about this kind of thing?

When you don’t know you’re in a prophecy, it doesn’t matter, but when you know, it’s probably as uncomfortable as eating shit;
As the saying goes, out of sight, out of mind, Qinzi would not raise such a child.

"Since you have the ability to predict, then you also know the character of Kayako and the others. If I rashly bring a girl back..."

The girl handed another torn letter to Yoshizakigawa, with a sentence written on it: "You will convince her."

After this sentence, there is another half sentence: "I only believe in you——"

Feeling a little helpless, Yoshizakigawa felt like he had become a nanny, specifically to take in these troubled girls?

The next moment, the girl immediately took out another piece of paper from her pocket:

"I eat very little and don't wear much. I don't like to talk much, so I'm very well-maintained."

"How many predictions did you make, and why are they all these words?"

A piece of paper was handed to Yoshizakigawa's hand again:
"Don't worry, this is the penultimate note. I don't use much paper. A notebook is enough for me to talk for a long time, and I don't feel tired when writing. I don't want to live in the same room with Kayako. I can I'm waiting for you to move to your new home here. Fujiang's room is very big. I want the smallest one. I don't feel safe in a room that's too big. I want one closer to you."

What the hell!

How did you know that I was going to say things like "This is a waste of paper and tiring to write, so why not just talk directly", "My room is very small, how about you live with Kayako first?"

Also - Tomie's matter hasn't been settled yet!

"Okay, since you already know everything, let's stay here for a while. What do you usually eat? Do I need to buy you anything?"

A note was handed over again;
"The restaurant next door will bring me food every day, so I don't have to worry about my life."

She snatched all the papers back, stuffed them into her pocket, and then looked at Yoshizaki River;
He seemed to know that the latter was going to say something like "Then I'll leave first."

Qinzi witnessed the whole process from the side, and she was even more sure that she would never have contact with this girl in the future.

This ability to predict is terrifying, and it’s even scarier when you know the outcome cannot be changed.

However, if you have something to exorcise a spirit in the future but you are not sure of the opponent's strength, maybe you can ask Yoshizakigawa to borrow her?

The next moment, a piece of paper was handed to Higa Kotoko;
"I'm not a tool - don't use me as a tool in the future!"

Higa Kotoko: "..."

After leaving, my head hurts and my whole body feels uncomfortable when I stay here;

(End of this chapter)

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