I'm a teacher in Tokyo!

Chapter 221 Knock on the Door mp3

Chapter 221 Knock on the Door.mp3
Yotsuya Miko took a day off today just to fulfill her wish.

Accompanied by her friend, Rie Moriya, she had previously made a wish to be protected in front of the statue of Mitani Fox Shrine.

The god protected him as promised, but because he neglected to make offerings, he made the god angry and almost killed him.

So knowing that this matter cannot be delayed, but also afraid that it will be dark after school, Yotsuya Miko did not dare to come to worship last night, so she had to take leave today and come to this shrine to worship under the bright sun.

——Even the sun has no effect on gods or ghosts.

But human beings naturally bathe in the sun, and naturally feel a certain sense of security in the light.

At this moment, the Fox Shrine is close at hand. In the dense forest, maybe due to winter, even though the weather is very warm today, there are no insects and it seems particularly quiet.

Yotsugamiko could even hear her own footsteps clicking on the stone steps;

Originally, she wanted to come with Moriya Rie, but she always felt that the so-called god seemed to have some kind of malice towards Moriya Rie.

Only then did Jianzi choose to come secretly alone——

Do you really want to die here?
Mom, woo hoo... I haven’t even had time to say goodbye yet!
Jianzi gave up the struggle and resigned himself to his fate, preparing to be eaten by the monster in front of him;

As the body felt hot, a shrill scream suddenly sounded in front of me,

and many more?

No! Yotsuya Miko, is now the time to consider such a thing?

Almost instantly, its figure rose from the ground, its vast and huge body covering the sky and the sun. Under the shadow, countless pale arms swayed in the wind.

When he saw the huge monster charging towards him, Douda's tears suddenly fell from the corners of his eyes. Seemingly accepting his fate, Miko closed his eyes tightly and turned his head away;
But the next moment——

When she felt that the talisman on her chest had disappeared, Yotsuya Miko's face suddenly turned pale. She even tore off her coat, but only a red rope and half of the incomplete talisman were left on her chest.

When she thought of this, Yotsuya Miko didn't hesitate at all. She immediately took out her wallet and shook out a few coins.
next moment--

At this moment, Miko suddenly saw thick black liquid like human blood flowing from its claws;

Although it didn't understand what the fox monster in front of it was saying, its eyes never left the incomplete talisman on its chest, and its tone at the moment was very respectful, which could even be described as humble.

However, when she put down the Youth League;
The originally peaceful shrine suddenly became violently violent.
In Miko's eyes, the two fox tails behind him said something incomprehensible, and seemed to be very angry?

And the bell that the attendant held in his hands,

When she saw the fire flashing away in front of her, she subconsciously opened one eye;
When she saw the scene in front of her, she was slightly stunned, and then a joy of surviving the disaster suddenly emerged in her heart;
"Teacher's charm!"

——Of course, in fact, the clone over there was completely wiped out, and not even the message was transmitted.

After a moment of shame, Miko got up from the ground, and was about to expose the talisman on her chest, but when she put her hand on it, it was only empty;

His eyes became even darker, tears welled up in his eyes, and he almost cried.

"In the future, whenever you need me, just ring this bell again and I will come to help you, no matter how many times."

The fierce look in his eyes made Jianzi nervously grasp the clothes on his chest, and a large amount of cold sweat suddenly rolled down his forehead.

At this moment, surrounded by this "God's Mansion", Yotsuya Miko swallowed, and then placed the green ball in his hand behind the stone statue of the fox;

Mianzi looked at her chest. At this moment, a big hole had been burned in her school uniform, exposing half of her chest. But strangely, her skin was not burned. She even felt a warm feeling, just like her lower body...

"By the way, when you go to a temple to fulfill your vows, you have to throw money into the merit box! I'm really careless!"

Shaking with anger, what does this bastard think of himself?
Use this garbage to worship yourself?

At this moment, the fox in front suddenly said something that Miko couldn't understand at all;


She clasped her hands together, controlled herself and thought about the previous scene of being saved by the Fox God, and prayed with sincere gratitude;

Obviously I am here to fulfill my wish, why does this "god" seem to dislike me even more?

But you definitely can't blame yourself for this kind of thing. Any high school student would be scared to death when encountering this kind of situation!

She covered her skirt and clenched her hands tightly. When she felt the moisture deep inside, her face instantly turned red;
Peed again... again...

Not only that, the shrine, which was originally not a bright and sacred shrine, now crawled out one after another. The evil ghosts were either standing upright or hanging upside down, with missing arms and legs, but their eyes were all looking at Yotsugamiko at the moment.

And she brought her favorite... Qingtuan!
In Mianzi's eyes, one must use one's favorite food to worship the god. Only in this way can the god feel his sincerity——

She retreated step by step until there was no way to retreat, and she could only look helplessly in front of her. The evil spirits closed tightly step by step, but stopped again a few meters away from her, as if waiting for some kind of order;

Looking at the huge fox figure standing in front of him, there was also a fear behind him that was so urgent that even the hair on his head stood up;
Yotsuya Miko subconsciously looked back and saw that the foxes that suddenly disappeared behind her appeared again at this moment. Sure enough, they did not die, but left when they saw what was behind Kayako Mako and the others.

We don't even know what happened here, after all, there are many clones of the fox.


——All I want is to eat you!
After Jianzi finished praying, he was about to leave, but at this moment, the huge fox statue in front suddenly had some cracks, and one tentacle after another spread out from its golden body. The originally kind expression quickly changed. You have to become vicious and vicious;
It opened its mouth, and the layers of teeth were displayed in Mianzi's eyes like matryoshka dolls.

I saw the burning talisman forming a protective shield in front of me, and the fox monster that had just attacked retreated to its original position, watching everything with eager eyes;
Its claws...

Yotsuya Miko couldn't understand Ling's language at all, but seeing that the latter seemed to have a more relaxed tone, even a little humble, Miko didn't think about anything at all and just nodded;

But after seeing this guy's appearance, the evil spirit behind him could no longer hold back and was trembling with anger.

"I actually know that lord. It was just a misunderstanding between us. In fact, I haven't eaten anyone for a long time. What I did just now was just to scare you and make a joke. You must never say such things in front of Lord Qinzi. Okay?"

Were you hurt by this spell?

But at this moment, the tentacles on the fox retracted, and the ghosts that had appeared around him quickly disappeared into the forest. The fox attendant behind Yotsuya Miko also returned to his kind-hearted look at this moment;
"You... know Kotoko Higa?"

All the information, superimposed together, quickly formed a truth in Yotsuya Miko's mind——

It is afraid of the owner of this spell, Teacher Yoshizakigawa.

Sure enough, that teacher's strength was so terrifying that even just a name made the evil fox monster in front of him afraid to attack him.

Thinking of the strength of the teacher, even Yotsuya Miko, who wet his pants, puffed up his chest with pride.

A smile appeared on Jianzi's lips, and he stood up tremblingly again and took the bell;

"I know, I will speak for you!"

Hum hum, now, I also have a background, all the monsters and monsters should leave quickly!

Hearing the human's words, the fox demon breathed a sigh of relief;
Higa Kotoko is so terrifying. In order to fight against some sects in the past few decades, she launched a massive demon-slaying operation starting from Tokyo and across the country. She met mountains, killed ghosts, and gods. No matter how high the level of cultivation is, after Qinzi waved the "state" machine high, the temples were destroyed, the golden bodies were smashed, and there were many gods who lost their souls.

Which of the surviving gods is not afraid of her?

So even though he knew that the little girl didn't know Qinzi, maybe she was just lucky enough to ask Qinzi for a talisman, the fox demon still didn't dare to take action.

The most important thing for him to survive that catastrophe was to be cautious.

Yotsuya Miko walked out quickly, glancing back from time to time. After seeing the latter escorting her out of the forest, she ran out quickly;

As for the direction?

Woohoo, go home and change some pants first - then go find the teacher!

Yoshizakigawa was in the car. What happened just now was so sudden that he couldn't react.

After I got in the car, I thought in hindsight——

Shirai, why does this sound familiar?

Extreme autism, aversion to talking, and the special ability to predict the future. Together, these elements make him a heavyweight even in thrillers!
But supernatural movies with prophetic abilities are basically American dramas. Yoshizakigawa can easily list a few, such as "Doomsday Prophecy", "Mysterious Code" and so on.

About Japan...

Yoshizaki River really didn’t expect it.

Then, we can only start with the name Shirai.

White... well?

and many more?

At this moment, some fragments flashed through his mind. A woman was walking on the road, her eyeballs exploded for no reason, she screamed and died of excessive blood loss, and she murmured to herself: "Shirai——"

Damn, is this this one? ?
The terrifying picture was burned into his mind. When the picture emerged, Yoshizakigawa finally knew which movie this heavyweight came from.

Movie, Shirai.

And the ghost in this movie is also very pure, just called this name, but what about the method of the curse? Sorry, it's a name. When you hear or know this name, you will die.

It is a curse more disgusting than the Grudge and the Midnight Bell, and it has no solution.

After all, Grudge requires you to enter that room, Midnight Ring requires you to watch the videotape, and even Fu Jiang needs you to be attracted to Fu Jiang.

As for Shirai, whether you knew it intentionally or accidentally, someone else said it in your ear, or you said it inadvertently.

When you say these two words, or hear these two words, sorry, you have already entered the reincarnation list, waiting to be killed.

At this moment, Yoshizakigawa also understood why the letter said in that tone: "You know the ending."

Nonsense, how can I not know the ending?
Once this girl dies, the word Shirai will be included in the banned word list from now on!



When she heard Yoshizakigawa suddenly calling her name from behind, Higa Kotoko was a little confused;

"I saved the world again."


After casually responding, she braked to a stop on the side of the road, and then said: "The charm you asked me to give you was consumed. Yotsuya Miko met a demon, but it's okay. The demon didn't dare to attack her."

Hearing this, Yoshizakigawa was stunned for a moment: "Is it a fox?"

Higa Kotoko looked at Yoshizakigawa with a little more surprise, but then she was relieved: "Yes, that fox protected the village next to it and accepted the offering. I spared its life before."

"However, it has actually attacked people now. Let's kill it another day."

For Qinzi, destroying such a spirit is nothing more than a piece of cake. All he needs to do is tear down its temple, and the spirit without enshrinement will die on its own.

Of course, among the eight million gods in Japan, there is no shortage of these little gods.

"Well, please give me another charm."

Qinzi didn't say much, and handed one out casually. When Yoshizakigawa took it, she said: "If those guys in the video tape can come out, I can help you make a contract and let them be your matchmaker."

Yoshizakigawa had previously told Higa Kotoko about the general situation in the videotape, so the latter knew part of the situation.

Hearing this, Yoshizakigawa shook his head: "They can only be stored in video tapes, unless you carry a projector with you. If you want to be psychic, just play the video tape."

However, this skill takes too long to move forward. When the video tape is played, the enemy will almost die laughing.

"Then there's no other way."

Qinzi shook her head and looked at Yoshizakigawa getting out of the car. She persuaded her again: "But to be honest, what I said before was not a joke. You should get more rest recently. If you have any questions, call me. I am 24 hours a day." online."

——Of course, this is just a white list for Yoshizakigawa.

Even the Prime Minister cannot get through his phone 24 hours a day.

Yoshizakikawa nodded, thanked him, and then walked to school with his things.

He knows his own body. Although it is not strong, it is not too weak, right?

Why do they all talk about themselves like this recently?
I sat down on the sofa in the office and skillfully opened the computer. At this moment, the email suddenly made a sound;

He subconsciously opened the email and saw that the email had no title, but there was an audio file attached.

"Knock on the door.mp3"

Who would send such a prank file to themselves? This email account should only be used on the intranet.

He felt a little strange, but he didn't intend to open it, because in this era, there is an 80% chance that this kind of file is a virus.

Cross it out, and the next moment, another file comes from the mail;

"Popular female star moans.mp3"

(End of this chapter)

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