I'm a teacher in Tokyo!

Chapter 222: So powerful, teacher

Chapter 222: So powerful, teacher
Looking at the pop-up window, Yoshizakigawa suddenly felt like his intelligence had been insulted.

I, Yoshizaki River——

After returning from studying in the United States, she is an in-service senior teacher at Saitama University and the future president of the university. In her previous life, she browsed the N+ website and was on the top of 91 and other platforms. Her mind is full of yellow nuclear waste. She wants to seduce her brothers with just a little voice?
Brother, this is a bit insulting.

Which cadre can't resist your temptation?
Yoshizakikawa crossed it out fiercely, and then immediately blocked the mailbox. Who are you looking down on?

After blocking his email, Yoshizakigawa was ready to start compiling courses;
But at this moment——

"The inside story of lottery winnings + the inside story of the Jockey Club.mp3 - worth billion!"

Bro, seriously, don't go too far.

Although I have a little interest in money, I really don't turn into a fool when I see money.

"It seems that my computer is really infected with a virus. Let that boy from Wuchuan come and fix it tomorrow."

Although Wuchuan is a physical education teacher, he is actually very good in the IT field. At least the computers in the school are basically maintained by him.

Moreover, it is not illegal to watch this in Japan. Seniors may have wanted to download pirated movies, so they got infected by this virus.

At this moment, the computer was poisoned, and Yoshizakigawa naturally thought of that kid first.

I have coconut milk at home, so I am not afraid of any monsters coming over.

Hearing this, Wu Chuan showed an "I understand" expression, and then patted his chest: "Senior, leave all this in my hands. I have rich experience in watching viruses in movies."

"What, senior, where did you download the audio? Why didn't you even put the bait?"

Although he had thought that this might be a supernatural event, after all, the charm given by Qinzi did not respond, so he naturally thought that he was infected with a virus.

Hearing this, Takegawa Naosai smiled: "Senior, it is actually sending files to you using your local port. Naturally, it cannot be intercepted. All you need to do is find the local program and kill it."

After a while, Yoshizakigawa brought Takekawa over: "I don't know what happened, but I suddenly got a virus."

"I know how to fix it. Saito Asuka said that I have something to do with you, so you go find her."

When the second sound sounded, Yoshizakigawa discovered that the amulet that Kotoko had given him had started to heat up inexplicably, and did not even burn at all. When he tore open his chest clothes, he found that half of the amulet had turned into powder for no apparent reason, and only the remaining half was still burning. decay;

The next step is to see if he can hold on until Qinzi comes over.

After Yoshizakigawa kicked Takekawa Naosai out of the curse, he knew that the latter would be fine, because the curse was obviously aimed at him, and all the previous messages were sent to him alone.

In fact, Wu Chuan was just curious about what kind of movies his seniors liked to watch. He could just lie to others about catching a virus for no reason. He was a professional.

Wu Chuan skillfully turned down the music, and then opened the file in mp4 format. The player froze for a moment, and then there was a burst of electric current;

"Wuchuan, you go out first."

The voice has not fallen,

But he was unhappy for only a moment, and he immediately ran away.

Seeing that this kid moved the mouse skillfully over the file, as if he was about to play it, Yoshizaki hurriedly stopped him;
"Wuchuan, what are you doing?"

"By the way, after you find her, ask her to call Qinzi and tell her that she needs something."


"Wait, what are you doing?"

I don’t know which organization I have offended, and someone from the organization specifically set a trap for me.

After saying that, he kicked him out of the office and closed the door in less than twenty seconds.

And when he left, the entire office area suddenly became dark, like the intersection of dusk and night.

Hearing this, Takegawa Naozhai said casually: "Let me open it to see what type of virus it is!"

If the charm that Kotoko gave him hadn't responded, Yoshizakikawa even thought that his computer might be haunted.

With that said, after Wu Chuan turned on the safe mode, he subconsciously clicked on the file "Female Star Moaning.mp3" as before;

There was no picture on the black screen, just the three minutes and twenty-three seconds of video that kept moving forward;

Sighing in his heart, he was not idle. He tried to pull out the plug to turn off the audio, but found that the computer could not be operated;
Yoshizakikawa could only sigh and took out a video tape from the drawer;

The progress bar ahead continues,

After all - what kind of ghost would be so outrageous as to use a file like "popular female star moans" to induce people to open it?
Ignoring Takekawa Naozai's refusal and daze, Yoshizakigawa stuffed the remaining half of the charm into the latter's pocket and said casually:

According to a normal virus program, even if it is a virus, there will be some real content in it. How can it be like this kind of straight hook fishing without even putting bait?

A knock on the door suddenly came from the screen. The sound was dull and underground. It was obviously just a simple knock on the door, but it made Naozai Takekawa's heart stop for a moment.

Takegawa Naozai didn't think much at all, rubbed his butt, looked at the office door in front of him, and complained: "Even if you are good for me, senior, doing such a thing is too much!"

Are you into audio? Sorry, I'm a videotape!
Ever since he learned that he might be targeted, Yoshizakigawa spent a lot of money to buy a projector in his office. Of course, he didn't have one at home——

"These pirated websites are getting more and more outrageous now..."

"It's time to get to work, let's do some cyber hedging."

Later, it sent a dozen more audio files to itself, and even when it opened the forum, all the posts turned into various audio files.


Although it seems that Takekawa has misunderstood something, Yoshizakikawa still believes in the latter's guarantee: "These are the virus files sent to me by that email, and even if I block the email, it can still send me files." ”

Hearing this, Yoshizakigawa was a little doubtful, but seeing Takechuan's vow, he didn't know much about this aspect, so he left it to Takechuan to operate.

Yoshizakigawa slowly inserted the videotape into the projector, and then clicked play——

At the moment of clicking, as if for competition, the computer that had been unplugged from the power rang with a final knock on the door;
"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

In the silent office, the knock on the door was like knocking on his heart. A wave of discomfort and dizziness hit him. Yoshizakikawa pressed the chair with one hand;

But his eyes were not on the computer at the moment, but looking towards the door;
On the glass next to the door, a clear black shadow can be faintly seen. It is standing next to the door, raising its hands to knock on the door.
The guy who knocked on the door in the audio just now——

The moment he saw it, Yoshizakigawa was sure of this.

When it appeared in front of me, a familiar feeling arose spontaneously. The entire office felt as if it had been baptized by some kind of curse. The walls became mottled, blood stains were everywhere, and countless shadows stood up from the corridor. Silently without saying a word, he walked towards the door;

And when Yoshizakigawa looked at his computer, there was no longer a wall behind the computer, but a spacious tunnel. The tunnel was pitch black, and it was difficult to see what was at the end.

In the whole house, there was only the computer that was disconnected but still playing the video and the projector that was disconnected and continued to play the video.

Two rays of light temporarily illuminated this small area. Under the contrast between the screen and the black, Yoshizakigawa's face became extremely white, not like a living person.

The figure outside the door stood quietly like this, seemingly caring about something and not daring to come in.

At this moment, Yoshizakikawa knelt down and looked at the screen in front of the projector;

"Do you know where this guy came from? Don't you think you can solve it?" According to ordinary evil spirits, when you take out the video tape, the opponent has already cast it, and then you only need to slap it on the head with the video tape. The latter will evaporate.

Moreover, some time ago, I also threw the Kurosawa sisters into it and asked Tomie to analyze it. It stands to reason that the current video tape has evolved to a very strong level.

Why was he now confronting this inexplicable ghost? Yoshizaki River even felt that if the light of the video tape hadn't illuminated him, the guy outside the house would have come in.

The next moment, the screen twisted, and countless blood marks formed a crooked word;

Okay, it’s this shit stirrer again.

Yoshikawa was speechless.


After Jianzi changed her clothes at home, she quickly walked to the entrance. While telling her mother inside that she was going to school, she put on her socks and slipped her feet into her shoes.

Then he carried his schoolbag and ran quickly towards the school;

Behind her, her father, wearing an apron and wearing a glow, smiled and waved, as if saying goodbye;
For Miko, although there have been some unpleasant episodes recently, everything is good.

The matter of the fox monster has been solved, and I have found a truly capable and kind-hearted exorcist. With his spell, I will no longer be afraid of ghosts in the future.

Of course, the main reason why she wanted to go to school now was to thank Yoshizakigawa, and the second reason was to ask him for another spell.

The previous talisman had been exhausted by the fox monster. Of course, if it hadn't been for that talisman, he would have been eaten by the fox monster.

——The fox monster was so fierce at first, but later he became very respectful when he saw the talisman.

Being respectful in the front and holding back in the rear makes people think and laugh!
Sure enough, Yoshizakigawa-sensei's strength is very terrifying, even such a powerful monster will be in awe of him.

When he thought of this, Mianzi felt that he had to hug this thigh even more.

I just hope that this exorcist can live for two hundred years, so that I won't be afraid of evil spirits in the future.

After changing into clean pants, even life becomes happier.

Yotsugami happily greeted the security uncle, ran to the university, and happily followed her previous position, planning to go to Yoshizakigawa's office;

In the corridor, Yotsuya Miko's facial muscles trembled slightly, and she was pressed against the wall, not even daring to move;
Because, in her eyes at this moment;
The originally peaceful corridor was filled with countless tall shadows, walking slowly like hundreds of ghosts passing through;

Among them are people with long blond hair, wearing research clothes, or fierce security guards. They seem to have lost their way and are walking over and over again;

And at the very front,

A thin figure stood quietly at the door of the office.

The figure had long flowing hair and was as weak as the wind. His body seemed to be in tatters and had been pierced by countless blades. The torn skirt of his clothes was even dripping with blood at this moment;

Jianzi swallowed, her heart was beating crazily, and even her breathing became longer;
This ghost——

She had never seen such a terrifying ghost, filled with such malice, as if it was cursing everything in the world. The resentment in her body almost condensed into substance, making it difficult for her to breathe;

Although the feeling it gave to Miko was not as strong as the three evil ghosts on Kayako and Mako before, but compared to those evil ghosts that were far away and seemed to be in the horizon, the evil ghost in front of her gave her even more fear!

She even felt that the next moment the evil ghost turned around, would appear in front of her and swallow her whole!

horrible! It's really terrible.

It turns out that evil spirits like this confront the teacher every day. No wonder he always looks in bad health.

In front of the evil ghost in front of him, all the ghosts he had seen before, including the fox monster, were like children at this moment, without any danger.

In front of the ghost in front of her, she even felt that if she moved even slightly, whether she moved forward or backward, she would die. She had no idea and nothing to protect her from;

As long as - you are noticed!
No matter whether you see it or not, it will not even ask you whether you can see it or not.

This is a vague feeling, but fortunately, the latter is obviously all focused on confronting the teacher inside at this moment, and does not notice himself at all.

In this dark corridor, the window seemed to be the only source of light. Although it was not strong, it could not be blocked even by darkness.

And in the white light, there was also a figure standing by the window, seemingly looking at the evil ghost;

Black and white, light and dark.


"Outside, someone has come in."

Yoshizakigawa felt the change in the atmosphere outside. He stood at the window and took a look at the situation outside. It may be because the curse here is too strong, and even a small amount of popularity will cause fluctuations.

He felt something coming from outside.

So, he stood by the window and observed it, but it was too dark over there and he couldn't see.

Fortunately, Yoshizakigawa simply opened the window, and when he opened the window, he also saw the appearance of the strange corpse outside.

It was a female corpse,
The whole body was pierced by the blade, and there were grid-like lines everywhere on the body, as if it had been torn into pieces. The cloudy eyes of the female corpse were looking directly at herself at this moment.

What kind of treatment did he receive during his lifetime that he could become the substitute God of Grudge?
Yoshizakigawa was a little curious, but in the current confrontation, he was not afraid of the latter's attack, and stretched out his hand to poke the latter's face;
After seeing that the latter was unmoved,

Then he stuck his head out, and was stunned for a moment when he saw Yotsuya Miko squatting in the corner and shivering, not even daring to take a breath;
He thought it was Qinzi coming.

Why does this poor, miserable child always encounter this kind of thing?

"Can you give me some support? I'll go out and take the kid out and then come back to face the line."

At this time, Yoshizakigawa asked the video tape.

The next moment, a Kurosawa Saju was thrown out of the video tape like garbage and fell heavily to the ground;

Almost instantly, Kurosawa Sashige, who had been thrown out and turned into a puppet, turned into countless red threads, gathered into a red rope, and fell to the ground;

This is the masterpiece of "Exorcist" Tomie. Yoshizakigawa picked up the red rope and put it on his hand;

Perhaps because of the video connection, he suddenly felt his body begin to glow with a faint white light.

Yoshizakigawa tentatively opened the door, and the corpse facing him with all his strength also turned around and looked directly at him;

Because he knew that the latter was the reason for the curse and that he was the only target, he tried to communicate: "How about you get out of the way, and I will take the child out, and then come back?"

The latter did not speak, but looked straight at Yoshizaki River, which made people shudder.

"If you don't speak, you are acquiescing!"

With the female corpse's attention, he walked out step by step;
As if he believed that Yoshizakigawa was the one who kept his word, the originally unclear path forward quickly became solid and clear;
And Yoshizakigawa, who had been standing still, finally took a step forward;
And in Yotsuya Miko’s vision,

Yoshizakigawa opened the window and slapped the female corpse, then opened the door, and the white light forced the darkness back. After fighting with the corpse for a long time, he came over in the white light;

You are so powerful, teacher.

(End of this chapter)

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