I'm a teacher in Tokyo!

Chapter 223 Convincing the Evil Spirit

Chapter 223 Convincing the Evil Spirit
Switching to Yotsugamiko's perspective, she felt more and more that Yoshizakigawa was capable.

It was obviously such a terrifying evil spirit, but it walked over like a leisurely stroll, and even slapped the evil spirit in the middle of the battle.

Can you imagine how much insult and harm such a slap would cause to a very scary evil spirit?

you do not know--

Although the evil ghost still seemed indifferent, who could understand his actual grievance and anger?

Yoshizakigawa walked over and looked at Yotsuya Miko on the ground. When he saw the pants that were obviously wet, he was silent for a moment, and then said:

"You go out first, I'll finish this matter, and then we'll talk about your talisman."

"That's a small problem with foxes. Just kill them someday."

Mianzi found that even if she didn't say anything, everything about herself was still known by the exorcist.

Also - what's going on with this arrogant tone!
It feels like in front of this teacher, even this kind of evil spirit can be easily handled——

As the carrier of the curse, the sense of oppression given to Yoshizaki River by the evil ghost in front of him is actually not very strong. It may be that there is a big gap in compatibility between it and Kayako, and it cannot fully exert the true power of the curse.

Seeing that the female ghost still didn't say a word, and even the breath of curse became stronger, Yoshizakigawa changed his posture and crossed his arms;
"Look, he's in a hurry."

She forced a smile on her face, as if she wanted to explain something, but she saw that the figure in front of her had disappeared into the darkness, and walked further and further away. It felt like she was walking alone despite the thousands of people there.

She was still standing outside the office, with that boundless darkness and silence;
But his dead eyes kept staring at Yoshizaki River. If it weren't for the video tape that was constantly being played, Yoshizaki River would have died long ago.

In her eyes at this moment, the office that was originally shrouded in darkness had returned to normal, but only she knew what kind of turmoil was behind the closed door.

Seeing Zi leaning against the wall, resting for a moment, he grabbed the skirt with one hand and moved it out carefully;

However, in the office where Miko thought he was in dire straits and a battle was going on;
Yoshizakikawa crossed his legs, picked up the tea cup and took a sip;
"Continuing the stalemate like this is not an option. Tell me, what do you want?"

Female ghost: "..."


Female ghost: "..."

Therefore, its strength is not particularly strong. At this moment, it is competing with the curse of the leaked video tape. If it is pulled into the video tape, the winner can be determined instantly.

As the ruthless words came from the front, at this moment, Yotsuya Miko experienced an embarrassment that was more terrifying than a ghost.


But the latter was very cunning. He stayed outside the door and did not come in. He also kept his eyes on himself and did not watch the video tape at all.

at this time--

The bloody palm print was slapped in front of the window, and then... slowly slipped away, leaving only a deep red blood mark. Jianzi was frightened, and he started running wildly outside;

"You should know me. My reputation among ghosts has always been very good. I am honest and reliable, and enjoy helping ghosts. My friends in the world respect me."

The Yoshizaki River raised bracelets made of red silk threads and bracelets made of yellow weeds;
"You can trust me completely."

Ah, he shouldn't know that he peed his pants, right?
——Including now, even if they are just changed into pants.

As a result, the video tape did not have enough "karma" to pull the ghost in front of him. In this stalemate, Higa Kotoko did not arrive, so Yoshizakigawa had no choice but to use the ability of oral pleasure to dissolve the "knot" in the latter's heart. ".

"Go home quickly, be careful of catching a cold."

"Whatever you want to do, you just have to tell me no? Is this a stalemate interesting? You can't be beaten and killed, but you can't be killed. Why don't your eyes feel sore just staring at you?"

Female ghost: "..."

next moment,
"Bang bang bang!"

A series of invisible slaps hit the glass, and the bloody fingerprints actually formed the word "death" on the window;
"You want me to die? Of course, that doesn't mean I can't agree to it."

"It's just that you have to have a begging attitude when asking for help. I think it's good that you are willing to use this body to come here. I also think it's good that you are the first to take care of me instead of hurting innocent people. But, what should I do? What makes you disrespect me so much—you don’t even want to call me, Yoshizakigawa-sensei, and then ask me to die.”

Female ghost: "..."

"Of course, if it doesn't work out, let's make a deal. Don't kill me, and then become my matchmaker. Call me dad. Our relationship will be over like this. I won't take advantage of you. I'll ask you to help me exorcise evil spirits in the future. , Fruits and vegetables are cheap, fragrant wax paper is enough.”

"After all, think about it, besides the teacher, who would be so kind to you? If those exorcists see you, they will beat you to death without even saying a word."

"This is also your first time to be a ghost, your first time to become the carrier of a curse. You definitely don't understand the twists and turns, but the teacher understands. The teacher has dealt with it many times and saved many people like you who were stuck in the quagmire. ghost,
Let me tell you, there are a lot of pitfalls here. I am also afraid that you will go astray and get hurt in the future. Come and hold hands with the teacher. From now on, you will solve your own problems. If you take revenge on whoever killed you, I will Help you open up the official road and make your road to revenge smooth. "

"I will naturally need your help with my affairs from now on."

Yoshizakikawa picked up the cup, then walked to the door and looked at the female corpse in front of him: "Think about it?"

At this moment, perhaps because the curse was confronting the video tape, the female corpse's rationality slightly recovered. She seemed to be really thinking about Yoshizakigawa's words.

But after a moment, she finally spoke, her voice was hollow and floating, just like a standard female ghost voice;

"I will kill the exorcist."

Hearing this, Yoshizakigawa was happy. He didn't expect that this guy was really not dominated by the resentment of the curse, and this guy really just turned into a ghost and didn't understand anything.

Then, doesn’t this give me the prerequisite to deceive myself hard?
"Okay, then a relatively weak exorcist will come over later. In last year's exorcist rankings, she ranked last. If you can kill her, you can barely compete in the peak competition. "

Although the evil ghost in front of him has the name of a curse coming to scare people, Yoshizakigawa, who has faced a real curse, naturally knows that this is just a second-rate thing, and Miss Kotoko has also played in the peak competition, although she may not be able to do it. Although there is this curse in front of Ying, there is no need to worry about self-protection.

They were going to face each other anyway, so why not rely on the piano to fool them again.

Today I must make this cursed rbq my own!

After receiving a call from Saito Asuka, Higa Kotoko drove over here.

In the corridor of the school, she saw Yotsuya Miko hurriedly walking past with her skirt covered and her head lowered, and she suddenly remembered what Yoshizakigawa had said before, that this child's eyes could even see essential things;

When Higa Kotoko entered the school, she felt the familiar scent of a curse. She was wary for a moment and didn't know whether to step forward, so she stopped the latter.
Miko, who originally lowered her head to feel the coolness under her crotch, was about to go home and change her pants, but was suddenly stopped by someone and was startled for a moment. When she raised her head and found it was Higa Kotoko, the memory of Yoshizakigawa walking with her before disappeared. come to mind;
The woman in front of me must be another powerful exorcist, because in my eyes, the aura of the woman in front of me is particularly powerful. Although she is not as restrained as Yoshizakigawa-sensei to the point of being almost nothing, she must be able to walk with her, and she must be the same. Strong man, thinking of this, Yotsuya Miko did not hesitate at all, pointed inside and said: "Teacher Yoshizakigawa is cursing and fighting evil spirits inside."

"Can you see what the evil spirit looks like?"

Seeing that Yotsuya Miko's tone was so smooth, Yoshizakigawa must have told her something, so Higa Kotoko was not surprised at all and just asked;

"I... don't know how to describe it. Anyway, it is a very fierce ghost. There is a vicious curse everywhere. It even feels like the shadow behind Kayako to me."

Hearing these words, Higa Kotoko's heart skipped a beat, and she suddenly knew that she couldn't get involved in this peak match.

Why don't you just wait outside for Yoshizaki River to come out?
Higa Kotoko was thinking about this question seriously, and seeing that the latter seemed to be stunned after learning the information she provided, Yotsugamiko asked: "Are you... planning to support Yoshizakigawa-sensei?"

Hearing this, Higa Kotoko was silent for a moment;

"This is no longer a fight for me to intervene in."

If you want to intervene in other people's flirting, you will definitely get hammered and become part of Yoshizakigawa and the cursed patient.

And Qinzi, who had been beaten with curses twice, really didn't want to get involved in this kind of thing.

Spare yourself. Although it doesn't matter if you sacrifice yourself in this life, it would be too aggrieved to sacrifice yourself to this kind of flirting.

But in Jianzi's eyes, all this is——

Sure enough, Teacher Yoshizakigawa was the most powerful, and the female exorcist in front of him was just a follower.

"You go."

Qinzi drove the latter away, and then sat down on the sofa;
I'm going to wait until Yoshizakigawa's vagina and pa inside are over before talking about anything else.

At this moment, a message was sent to Qinzi's mobile phone. When she opened the message, she found that it was a photo of Kayako.

Note information: "Gaya Coconut is rushing to the office——"

These were the men he sent to monitor Kayako. When he saw this news, Higa Kotoko was stunned for a moment;
and many more?

It's not Kayako who's partying, but what's the grudge inside?


Qinzi's face darkened, then she opened the door and rushed in;
However, what caught her eyes was;

Yoshizakigawa was sitting on the sofa. In front of him, an unknown female corpse was kneeling on the ground, and the guy who was sitting upright was touching the head of the female corpse at this moment;
At this moment, when Kotoko walked in, Yoshizakigawa and the female corpse all looked at Higa Kotoko;
And the moment the female corpse's lifeless eyes looked at him, the charm on her waist began to decay. Qinzi calmly held a borrowed "Five Grain" jade pendant in her hand.
Bad, I interrupted their patient again.

Are you about to get beaten now?
However, to Higa Kotoko's surprise, the curse did not take effect.

No, it's not even a grudge, maybe just a part of it?

Anyway, Qinzi didn't feel as terrible danger from it as before, and she didn't even feel that she had any connection with Kayako.

It is like a brand new individual, but the breath coming out of the body is indeed the breath of curse, but it is not that strong.

——An alternative body to arrive?

"Qinzi, didn't you say before that you could make me a psychic medium as long as there was a matchmaker? You see if she can do it, I just convinced her."

Higa Kotoko: "..."

You kid, that's enough!
The corner of her mouth twitched slightly, but it was obviously not the time to joke at this moment. Qinzi just said: "Gayako will be here soon."

The next moment, the female corpse who was kneeling suddenly woke up. As if she was afraid of being caught, her body suddenly turned into a wisp of black mist and slid into the screen next door. Even the glass was covered with bloody handprints. The word "death" also quickly faded, and the windows suddenly became brand new;
"That guy must have been beset by some kind of past curse, and she also had a certain amount of self-wisdom and consciousness that was eroded by the curse. In short, she wanted to kill me, but I convinced her."

"You kid..."

Higa Kotoko was helpless to complain, she just felt that this boy was a bit unqualified for not learning to exorcise demons.

With that mouth, he could convince this kind of evil spirit that even he might not be able to win surely. Although she wanted to complain in her heart, she still asked a key question: "Will this dilute the strength of the curse? "

If it can be divided in this way, then just subdivide it infinitely, and then kill the subdivided ones.

Perhaps - the curse can be completely eradicated in a true sense.

"I don't know, but I know that the source of her power is the notebook we lost. One of the papers in the notebook recorded Kayako's past. And that notebook was found by an unknown organization, saying that it had been taken away She went to the United States and left a page for experiments, which created this existence. She killed all the people in the laboratory, which made her resentment less deep, otherwise I would never have been able to convince her."

After previously coaxing the young evil spirit with Higa Kotoko's pussy blowing, Yoshizakigawa obtained this information from her mouth.

In fact, any words you say have limited impact on the curse.

The most important thing is that the evil spirit in front of him has already "taken revenge", so he can regain some sense and be convinced by himself in this stalemate.

As long as the latter has a deep hatred, he will probably have to fight with him even if he is out of his wits.

However, this is just an evil ghost incarnated on one page of the notebook. There are hundreds of pages like this in that notebook.

Yoshizakigawa has a headache, to be honest, because those guys will come looking for him.

"Damn American bastards! Damn the institute."

Hearing this, Qinzi couldn't help but curse inwardly.

But for the United States, she has only deep powerlessness. As an exorcist in Japan, she is extremely powerful here, but she has no foundation in the United States.

Once this thing gets there, I have no ability to get it back.

"If that's the case, I don't have the ability to get it back. If the research institute uses that notebook to do any experiments in the future, if an evil spirit is born like this, it will definitely cross the line of cause and effect to come to you. Yoshizakigawa, you have to be careful. ”

That is Kayako's past notebook, recording Kayako's past, and the notebook is the carrier of the curse. So - the curse recorded in the past notebook, it goes without saying how cruel it will be.

(End of this chapter)

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