I'm a teacher in Tokyo!

Chapter 230 Teacher, I deceived you

Chapter 230 Teacher, I deceived you

People who have no regrets will not become ghosts.

Because ghosts are existences incarnated by people's extreme emotions. Even ordinary regrets are not enough to support people's transformation into ghosts. More extreme regrets are needed.

The dean looked at the crying Mako from a distance and did not dare to approach her. Regardless of the fact that he had just transformed into a ghost, even a hundred-year-old evil ghost would never dare to approach the girl transformed into the King of Ghosts.

In some settings in Japan, the former ghost and the ghost behind are the ghost king and ghost mother, and they are the original ghosts.

How could ordinary ghosts dare to get close? Before, Mako also said something like "I have never seen a ghost, but I believe it" in the psychic club.

——This sentence was told to me by Gaya Coco, the traitor he installed in the psychic society.

"Dean, are there any regrets?"

Yamamura Mako thought of this. If he had regrets, he would turn into a ghost, so could he see him?
In other words, is he willing to let himself see it?
Mako had heard a rumor before that ghosts would only be seen if they wanted to be seen or if they wanted to harm others.

And if the ghost doesn't want people to see it, then no matter what the person does, he can't be seen.

But the latter was able to do that kind of thing to himself just now. It was obvious that he had human reason, which was really rare for a ghost.

After hearing this, Mako slowly raised her head, her eyes filled with tears, but she smiled: "Teacher, I know you are not an ordinary person."

Believe it...even if it is a lie, it is in good faith.

Perhaps, she was also exposed to the extraordinary side of the world. Was it because of the teacher or the sister?
Do you believe in Yoshizaki River? Do you really believe him?

And that mysterious woman, in Kayako's mouth, she seems to be called "Qinzi"?
That woman...maybe she's an exorcist? Anyway, her status is not ordinary. The nobility in her actions and the fearless aura in her walk make her at least not an ordinary person. Moreover, when we first met her, her cheeks clearly showed that she had experienced cruelty. Fighting will leave traces;

"You...can see them?"

The funeral parlor was very quiet at the moment, with only Yoshizakigawa and Yamamura Mako in the venue, and in the corner, the ghost of the dean who seemed to still maintain his rationality;

Sometimes, white lies are the adjectives in front of lies.

"Is it because Teacher Saito is in danger that you gave her the necklace?"

Perhaps it was because he had spent time with Mako Yamamura during his lifetime?
All kinds of thoughts in his mind flashed away. After listening to Mako's words, Yoshizakigawa said against his will: "Maybe, not?"

No, how could the dean die with regrets?
He definitely has no regrets!
Mako didn't want the dean's grandfather to die with regrets, because for people, dying with regrets must be a very tortured thing.

Mako is a person who is good at observation, just like when she first met, she noticed the unusual relationship between Teacher Yoshizakigawa, Kayako, and Tomie;
Among the details that Yoshizakigawa did not notice, because she initially judged that Yoshizakigawa might be unusual from the necklace, she often observed them;

"Several times before, I saw you talking to yourself in the air. Did you look elsewhere just now?"

Hearing this, Yoshizakigawa was stunned for a moment, and looked at Yamamura Mako who was leaning on him: "...What is not an ordinary person?"

But there is also something strange. As a newborn ghost, he should be controlled by his own emotions, and there is no way he can be rational.

Tomie-san has often said recently that he became an exorcist, making the psychic club worthy of its name.

"But, I believe what you said."

But no one from the dean's family is waiting here. Yoshizakigawa seems to understand why the latter has such an obsession that he can become a "ghost".

Regarding Mako, Yoshizakigawa did not tell those things.

There are very few people in the funeral parlor. After all, this is a place where life and death are separated, and ordinary people will not come here because of taboos.

"There is also the necklace hanging around your neck. It has a familiar pattern on it. I have always wanted to ask about it before, but you gave it to Mr. Saito..."

Hearing what Mako said, Yoshizakikawa couldn't help but admire her ability to observe things. She was able to think of so many things just by relying on these.

But this should also be a preconceived idea?

Perhaps at the beginning, she saw the necklace around her neck, so she used this as a preconception and thought that she was not ordinary. Will all subsequent observations of herself be based on this?
According to what Mako said, she observed her necklace before giving it to Saito Asuka... "When you answered my question, you used an extremely positive tone."

When Yamamura Mako said these words, Yoshizakigawa knew that all this could not be hidden from the girl.

And...if switching to this topic can make the latter feel better at this moment, then why not?
"Would you be surprised if I answered yes?"

"No, because..."

"Teacher, can you hold my hand?"

At this moment, Zhenzi suddenly asked.

Yoshizakigawa did not hesitate, stretched out his hand, and was caught by the little hand;
next moment--

A feeling like an electric shock came from the palm of my hand, my whole body seemed to be floating on the clouds, and even my breathing became easier;
But at this moment, Yamamura Mako was hesitant;
Do you want to use your own abilities to read or even rewrite the memory of the teacher in front of you?
She knew that the teacher was lying to herself, what he could see——

The dean died with regret. She wanted to deceive herself, but she couldn't deceive her heart;
Even though it was a white lie given by the teacher, she really couldn't accept it, let alone accept it.

The dean, Grandpa, is still wandering somewhere out of sight, or in the corner where the teacher was looking just now;

Distracted thoughts arose in her heart, but in the end, she let go;

I can't do it... The teacher's lies are kind, even if I can't accept that kindness;

He treats himself really well.

"Teacher, this is an ability I have had since I was a child. I can use it to read and write a person's memory, and rewrite the structure of other people's bodies. But if used well, it can also eliminate some hidden diseases or repair some damage. Long, something only you know now.”

"Of course, I didn't modify your memory."

Mako's tone unconsciously contained a hint of pleading, and she handed everything she had to the teacher in front of her without reservation;

However, perhaps because she did not want to embarrass the teacher in front of her, she had not revealed that Yoshizakigawa's previous words were lies.

"Have you always known how special you are?"

At this moment, Yoshizakigawa asked another question that shocked Mako;
Although this sentence is short, the information contained in it is too huge, and Mako is a person who is good at thinking, so she naturally began to think quickly about what it meant at this moment;
First of all, teachers know that they are special;
Secondly, the teacher is a person with special abilities. He can see ghosts and gods.

All the information was summed up at this moment, and the scene returned to the beginning. Yoshizakigawa looked at himself, with a trace of surprise in his eyes. All the clues seemed to point to one;
"You knew all this from the beginning?"

That's why I treat myself so well, so...

"Yes, that's wrong... I thought you were just an ordinary child, and I hoped you could live a normal life like this."

Yoshizakikawa sighed in his heart. He didn't expect that Yamamura Mako had awakened his abilities long ago and even used them proficiently.

I vaguely remember that in The Midnight Ring, Mako Yamamura also had superpowers very early, and later went to the circus to perform...and was raped later. Finally, he controlled smallpox to rape himself, and then threw himself into the wellhead, and then used the virus RAM to create Release the CD of The Ring...

Although the setting of the original work is relatively nonsense, the plot does develop like this.

and so--

It was because of Kayako and Tomie that I had preconceived ideas and thought that Mako had no abilities, but in fact, she had awakened her abilities a long time ago.

And when he heard Yoshizakigawa's words, Mako was stunned for a moment. He... wasn't he so kind to him because of his own abilities?
In this world...are there really such pure people?
Mako was silent for a moment, and then thought of the dean, he was such a pure person.

"Actually, the teacher also deceived you about something."

At this moment, Yoshizakigawa suddenly said.

(End of this chapter)

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