I'm a teacher in Tokyo!

Chapter 231 Kayako and Fu Jiang take a bath together

Chapter 231 Kayako and Fu Jiang take a bath together
Late at night, Kayako came to classmate Tomie's home for the first time;

Because the teacher said something happened at night, he couldn't go home all night, and then Tomie saw the teacher and Mako-san getting into the same car. Finally, with Teacher Saito's confirmation, Kayako knew the orphanage where Mako-san had grown up. , the dean is gone.

Kayako often hears Mako's classmate say that the director is a very good person, and everyone in the orphanage is like a family.

Although Kayako cannot feel the pain of losing a loved one, he will definitely feel uncomfortable every time he thinks of his teacher leaving him for a long time;

So I can understand how Yamamura Mako-san feels.

This sudden incident shocked everyone. Even Tomie-san didn't expect this.

Originally, Kayako was going to go home and sleep today, but due to the invitation from Tomie, he thought that the teacher was not at home anyway, so he decided to come over so that he could get ahead of time and become more skilled at sneaking into the teacher's room at night.

Finally, I followed Tomie to her villa. I have to say that it is indeed very big, and everything is brand new and well taken care of. It is much better than the teacher’s rental house. Even taking a shower can quickly produce hot water without having to use it. Bucket to catch water for bathing.

It's very good and great, but there is no teacher...that's all!
"Then... our cake stall is a failure, right?"

Tomie, who had just cleaned up the house, walked out of the house and asked casually. Of course she was not short of money, but Tomie was very interested in Mako's proposal.

If you can make cakes yourself, you can really show off your hands to that guy on his birthday and shock that guy!
As for Mako's situation...well, Tomie, whose parents died early, does not have the ability to empathize.

"How about...we two work hard to pull up the stall, and then we can make some money and share it with Mako-san?"

At this moment, Kayako suddenly said this.

"Can you make cakes?"

Tomie asked.

Kayako was silent for a while, and she suddenly realized that she didn't know anything.

"No...but we can learn!"

"It's only a few days until the celebration starts. Are you sure we can learn in time?"

"What if... The teacher probably won't be around these days anyway. If we use less snacks in class and focus on learning this, maybe it will work. If Mako-san comes back and sees us setting up the cake stall, he will definitely be moved to death." ?”

"If we declare club activities, we don't have to go to class. If we use this time to study, it will definitely be okay."

"Tomie-san, we... and Mako are also good friends!"

Kayako is a person who easily gets emotional and fantasizes, and can be moved by what she says. The more she talks, the more she feels that this is feasible.


Tomie, who was relatively dull, didn't feel anything about Mako's emotions, but when he heard what Kayako said, he felt that as the boss, he really should care about them.

Of course, what she was most interested in was not having to go to class. She was going to become a super exorcist soon, so why did she need to go to class?

"Then I'll apply -"

"By the way, Kayako, I've put the bath water away, let's take a bath together."

Tomie's favorite activity at home is taking a bath. The feeling of submerging your body in the water, floating up, offsetting gravity, and having the warmth come from all directions is really refreshing.

And the reason why I invited Kayako, well, my charm is hard for even women to resist!
If you charm Kayako, won't your affairs with Yoshizakigawa be safe in the future?

At some point, Tomi Jiang would even be jealous of Kayako... Bah, bah, it's not that he was jealous, after all, who would care about such a trivial matter as a "little schoolbag that can call the police"!

Shit, that schoolbag even has a defensive charm, I take it very seriously! !
Yoshizakigawa doesn't care about his own safety at all. He is the woman who wants to give him the villa and the money, but... he is not even willing to give it to himself... Well, as Miss Kotoko said before, he also plans to do it for himself, but Not enough time;

Well, it can be seen from this that his status is ranked behind Kayako, and they even live together.


But when he heard Tomie's words, Kayako was stunned for a moment, and then his face turned red all of a sudden: "Let's... take a bath together? This kind of thing is not good, right?"

The main reason is that the injuries sustained on my body are ugly. If Tomie-san sees them...

She would definitely laugh at herself.

When the teacher saw the wound on his body, he felt very distressed. Although he took him to the hospital, the injury was not easy to recover from.

——These wounds were all caused in the previous home. Because both my "parents" loved drinking, they would sometimes do some unreasonable things.

A drunken lunatic can do anything.

"There's nothing wrong with it. We're all girls. Is there anything you can't see, Kayako?"

Fujiang pulled Kayako and walked towards the bathtub. Kayako was a person who didn't know how to refuse others. He didn't know what to say for a moment, and was dragged in by Fu Jiangsheng.

Seeing Fujiang taking off his clothes at the speed of light, revealing his fair and flawless body, Kayako was stunned for a moment, and then lowered his head with some inferiority;
Fujiang's body is filled with the word "perfect", like a piece of carefully crafted porcelain, but he...

She was a little embarrassed, but at the request of Fujiang's eyes, she tremblingly unbuttoned and zipped her clothes. But when her upper body was taken off, what was revealed was a barren abdomen with almost visible ribs, and some bruises on her arms. and scars;

Like a patched rag, Tomie was very happy at first, especially when he saw Kayako's envious eyes, he always felt like he had won;
But when I saw Kayako's thin upper body with wounds everywhere, as well as bruises and thighs scratched by the blade;

Kayako covered her wound and did not dare to raise her head to look at Tomie-san. This inferiority complex made her not sure what to do.

Fu Jiang opened his mouth, but suddenly he didn't know what to say;
Of course she knew that this could never be caused by that guy from Yoshizakigawa. That guy held the coconut in his hand like a treasure. With his character, it was impossible for him to do such a thing.


The source of these wounds is naturally self-evident as to who caused them.

At this moment, she could suddenly sympathize with Kayako, because... Fujiang had also faced this kind of thing before.

"What a nice view."

At this moment, Fu Jiang suddenly said, she slowly walked forward, lowered her head and hugged Kayako: "You are so beautiful."

Sometimes, saying this is sarcastic and ironic.

But sometimes, the sincerity in the tone does not make people feel that it is irony;

After hearing this sentence, Kayako was stunned for a moment. She never thought that the arrogant Tomie would say such a thing;

She raised her head and glanced at Tomie-san. When she saw the latter's look, she understood that Tomie-san was not speaking hypocritically;

"Everything is over, Kayako, embrace your present. You are beautiful, especially when you smile."

Perhaps because he stayed with Yoshizakigawa for a long time, the words of praise were copied from there.

Hearing this sentence, Kayako thought in his heart;
Sure enough, Tomie-san is also very kind-hearted, and he is a perfect match for the teacher.


At this moment, Kayako suddenly said: "I actually don't object to you and the teacher..."

Fu Jiang's face turned rosy all of a sudden, and she hesitated: "Gaya Coconut, what are you talking about!"


Cheated me? Mako was not surprised by what Mr. Yoshizakigawa said.

"You...actually saw the dean's soul, right? He definitely didn't die without regrets."

When he said this, Mako's heart ached.

"Can I see him?"

Hearing this, Yoshizakigawa shook his head slightly: "He can't get close to you. Let's talk somewhere else. If we talk here, he will feel uncomfortable."

After saying this, Yoshizakigawa glanced at the corner. Even though the old man was hiding in the corner, his figure was gradually unstable at the moment, but strangely, even though he was weak, his emotions were still not out of control;

Maybe he has done a lot of good things, so he can always maintain his sanity?

Mako knew that Yoshizakigawa just looked at the dean, so she also looked over, but the next moment, Yoshizakigawa covered her eyes;

"Even if you know which direction it is, you can't look."

(End of this chapter)

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