I'm a teacher in Tokyo!

Chapter 232 The orphanage has long since ceased to exist

Chapter 232: The orphanage has long ceased to exist (first update)
This is actually a very helpless thing. I obviously want to see him, but because of his status, even invisible gazes are not possible.

Behind Mako are the Ghost King and the Ghost Mother. Her gaze is equivalent to the gaze of these two great gods.

I'm afraid even an evil ghost can't bear this kind of gaze, not to mention that this old man is just a recently deceased ghost.

Previously, Yoshizakigawa also learned something from Kunihiko Aso. Part of the reason why he gave Mako the camera that could take out ghosts was because he felt destined.

The most important reason is that all his ghosts that were originally sealed in the photo disappeared inexplicably in front of Mako.

Although Tomie and Kayako were traveling together at the time, Tomie's thinking ability would not react to ghosts as long as she did not see them.

Kayako's curse...well, that thing won't react to ordinary ghosts.

Unless it is a strong enough ghost, such as the Poji Demon, it may be able to arouse its interest.

As for those that do not meet the triggering standards, it generally ignores them - of course, no matter whether they are strong or weak ghosts, they will be relieved after sensing its aura.

Yamamura Mako, whose eyes were covered by Yoshizakigawa, was stunned for a moment, and she asked: "Is it because of my ability?"

But she also made excuses for herself in her heart. Perhaps it was because she knew that "ghosts" existed in this world as things that continued human life, so she would not be sad for too long because of the dean's departure.

But letting her know her identity is something she can't control.

Even so, is it just my own extravagant wish?

Mako sometimes even felt that he was a cold-blooded and ruthless person, because after the first sadness, he quickly regained his composure and did not feel like crying.

Mako didn't feel too sad at the moment, but she really wanted to see the dean, to know the latter's regrets, and to complete the things that the latter regretted in his heart.

Because he just went to another path. Can I... see him?

Once Mako learns her identity, will the two great gods behind her explode?
The former ghost and the latter ghost are the great evil ghosts whose names are known to humans. Their names themselves are taboos with the power of curse. Even the title "front and back" may stimulate Mako and make her think of the two real names.

At this moment, Yoshizakigawa put a piece of clothing on the latter's body and said slowly:
"Zhenzi, you don't really control that ability, so I can't let you see the dean, because your ability will hurt him."

So at this moment, faced with Yamamura Mako's question, Yoshizakigawa just nodded, and then said: "Let's talk about it later when we go out."

Obviously... I just want to take a look... I haven't seen the last one, I just want to see him for the last time now.

After taking Mako out, he walked in the night;

She desperately wanted to know why she couldn't see the dean, and even more so, how she could see the latter.

In the face of the instinct of life, emotions seem to be unable to play much use.

Yoshizakigawa nodded, actually thinking about how to compile a story later. Mako is a very smart person and is good at finding the correct answer from various clues.

After hearing Yoshizakigawa's words, Yamamura Mako fell silent. She tightened the teacher's coat wrapped around her body;
Although she had expected it, she still felt a little uncomfortable after hearing it now.

Perhaps because of the cold weather, Mako curled up and hugged his arms. Even the previous sadness seemed to be diluted by the cold.

Calmness is a good quality of a person, but when calmness reaches the extreme, even the person involved will hate his or her calmness.

——This point is popularized by Qinzi. Ordinary people can naturally call and know the ghosts before and after them at will, but when Zhenzi knows his identity and calls according to his heart, he will naturally stimulate the two ghost kings behind him.

And once she thinks of her true name, the consequences are beyond her control. No one can stop what she wants to do and become.

At this time, Yoshizakigawa changed the topic: "Although you can't look at each other, you can talk to me, and I can also talk to him. I can pass on the conversation between you."

Although I can't make them look at each other, I can naturally be a sounding board.

And because of his role as a middleman, when he encounters some problems that cannot be mentioned, he can also make decisions on camera and decide whether to inform Yu Yamamura Mako. In this way, the chance of Mako losing control will be greatly reduced.

Hearing this, Mako's eyes lit up. If he could talk to him, he would know the regrets of the dean's grandfather, and he would not have any regrets.

"Then...what should I do?"

Mako grabbed the corners of his clothes and asked with his lips pursed.

Um... Seeing Mako's pitiful pleading, Yoshizakigawa suddenly felt like he was lending money, and the girl in front of him was...

Ahem, what the hell am I thinking about every day!
Get rid of evil knowledge from your brain!

He coughed lightly, and then said: "Wait a minute for your sister Qinzi to bring the phone over."

Sister Qinzi?

Although she had never heard of this person, Mako inexplicably thought of the woman who often came to see her teacher. She had scars on her face and looked fierce and unusual.

Is her name Qinzi?
While Mako was thinking, Yoshizakigawa suddenly asked again inexplicably:
"Are you hungry now?"

Mako didn't feel hungry at first, but when she heard Yoshizakigawa say it, she felt hungry.


When he saw Mako like this, a smile appeared on Yoshikawa's face inadvertently. This child's self-regulation ability is really strong.

He likes Mako's character more and more. Of course, it's not that kind of hope, it's just the elder's love for the younger.


During the meal, Kotoko, who was originally investigating here, also came over to have a meal. She didn't look very good the whole time. Yamamura Mako didn't dare to look at him again. Then she threw down a mobile phone for Mako to study. , and took Yoshizakigawa to the toilet halfway.

Next to the toilet, Higa Kotoko said to Yoshizakigawa: "Yoshizakigawa, you can't let her talk directly to the ghost."


Yoshikawa was a little puzzled.

"The orphanage that Mako mentioned collapsed a few years ago. The reason for the collapse was that the materials were cut and the seismic performance of the building did not meet the standards, so it collapsed in the earthquake..."

"Wait a minute... What about the orphanage you investigated before??? What happened to it? If the orphanage collapsed, then why did you tell me about the orphanage in a serious manner before, Qinzi?"

Hearing Qinzi's words, the shock on Yoshizakigawa's face was almost indescribable, and he even wondered whether Qinzi was psychotic.

They had obviously investigated the orphanage before.

Why now...

"Yoshizakigawa, we have all been deceived. The investigators who were sent to investigate did indeed see the director and the orphanage that Mako said. Even all the investigators 'conceived' this illusory world in their minds. They retrieved the correct files from the police station, but...it was all false, or in other words, it was all made up of Mako's obsession."

"The real orphanage collapsed three years ago. All the children in it died. Yamamura Mako disappeared. Later, the government put it on the death list. A year later, the site was renovated and a new building was built. Police station.”

"The investigators first investigated the files at the police station and then visited the orphanage site. But in fact, when they entered the police station, they were already trapped."

"Even, even I just woke up!!"

"Yoshizakigawa, Kayako is resentment and hatred, Tomie, I don't know, but Mako... her root is obsession!"

(End of this chapter)

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