I'm a teacher in Tokyo!

Chapter 233 The truth

Chapter 233 The truth (second update)

"The orphanage is the source of her obsession. The director and those people have died long ago and do not exist in this world at all... Even the corpse you just saw is not the real director or the old man you saw, maybe it is The dean she is obsessed with? I don’t know, and I can’t tell, but I can’t tell you this on the phone!”

"Because she will know."

"Mako's obsession was fulfilled by your donation, so the world she was obsessed with will come to an end in one way, and she will use the next one as her obsession. I'm not even sure what she is now. Is it a human being or a ghost, or is it just an obsession?”

"And do you know? Because of the end of her obsession, an unknown deceased person was forcibly given the identity of 'Orphanage Director', and you, me, her, and even the family members of the deceased also believed... …”

"Furthermore, according to the plot she envisioned, the family members of the deceased believed that their father was the orphanage director who donated money, and because of your 10 million balance, they were beaten to death and the family fell apart."

"Yoshizakigawa, do you think this is like being possessed by an evil spirit?"

After Qinzi finished speaking this long paragraph, especially when he heard the last sentence, Yoshizakigawa only felt a chill on his back.

He had always thought that Mako was the most worry-free of the three ghost kings, and he had always thought that the latter was just a sensible child, and therefore he had never regarded him as a ghost king.

Is all this an obsession? It can even be said that it is just a game of hers?
One obsession has ended, so what is the next obsession?
Who is the next obsessed protagonist? How will this protagonist be affected?
"So, what happens once I get them talking?"

Qinzi finished these words in a hurry and left quickly. Judging from her appearance, she seemed unwilling to stay here for a long time.

"Anyway, I will try my best to stay away from you in the next time and maintain my purity. Once you fall in, I will find a way to remind you."

Yoshizakigawa took a deep breath, suppressed the shock in his heart and asked;
But regarding this issue, Kotoko Higa didn't know either: "Who knows? To talk directly to that unknown ghost, it's better if the obsession is normal, but once the obsession is misinterpreted, who knows what she will become?"

And the topics they communicate with outside themselves are definitely related to this aspect.

"By the way, I would also like to remind you that as the person who has the greatest influence on her, you may have become a part of her obsession, so... you have to pay attention to whether your memory has been changed."

Yoshizakigawa smiled softly: "Your sister Qinzi has something to do, so she left early. Let's go over and have dinner."


Yoshizakigawa can also understand her. If Kotoko doesn't look like him, if her memory is also rewritten, then it will be a big problem.



No, after knowing what happened to Mako, why do I still pity her?
This is normal. Even if she is like this, she is...

So, is this information making the teacher depressed?

He sighed and rubbed his face that was too stiff due to shock. As soon as he raised his head, he saw the reflection of a person behind the mirror;


After washing his hands, he wiped them clean with paper, then opened the glasses case, wiped his glasses, and looked at himself in the mirror;
"Has your memory been changed?"

"You can make your own decision regarding the dean's affairs next. I believe in you. Accompany him or her to play the show well."

The answer is no, my memory and emotions are all normal;
"I like Kayako, I like Fujiang, I pity..."

"Teacher, I saw you haven't come over for a long time, so I..."

Mako felt that the teacher seemed a little depressed, but she didn't know why.

Did that sister say something bad? The teacher is a person who can see ghosts and has special abilities. Sister Qinzi should also be such a person.

While Yamamura Mako was thinking, Yoshizakigawa suddenly asked out of nowhere: "Mako, what kind of person do you think the teacher is?"

Hearing this, Yamamura Mako said directly without thinking, "He is a very good teacher."

Since I was born, apart from the dean, only Teacher Yoshizakigawa has been so kind to me. I followed the dean's grandfather's advice and left the orphanage to work at the university. It was really the right choice.


I didn't get to see Grandpa Dean for the last time...

I vaguely remember that very early on, there was a terrible earthquake in the orphanage. I was still very young at that time, and I was saved by the dean's grandfather.

In the back, the dean and the others gave all the food to themselves until the rescue team came and everyone was rescued. Then the government built a new orphanage on the spot. The new orphanage was very strong. When the earthquake came, Nor will it collapse.

Just because it was built by the government, there are often people I don’t know walking back and forth.

Although the dean and everyone don't like this, it is government assistance after all, so naturally they can only tolerate such small things.

Anyway, the teacher is the second best person besides the dean.

A very good person?
But after hearing Yamamura Mako's words, Yoshizakigawa fell into silence.

Is it Mako's obsession with herself? What does she want to do now?
"Mako, what are you going to do in the future?"

Yoshizakigawa continued to ask: "Of course, I said after graduation in the future."


For Mako, her only hope is that the teacher can live happily with Kayako and Tomie, and then... she has to make money and support the teacher——

Of course, it’s not just about raising it alone.

Everyone in the orphanage has been favored by the teacher, so they must also protect the teacher.

"I want to be a very profitable person in the future."

"Then, what about making money?"

he asked.

Speaking of this, Mako showed a shy smile: "Although I may not be able to do it in my life, I still want to repay the teacher's money..."

The obsession is...paying back the money?
Thinking of this, Yoshizaki Chuan breathed a long sigh of relief, as long as I am not a part of your patient, brother.

"Then work hard, Mako-san!"

He patted the latter's shoulder and did not refuse the latter's proposal.

In Mako's eyes, all this was because the teacher encouraged him, perhaps because he wanted to get over the death of the dean's grandfather as soon as possible.

Thinking of this, she also smiled.


At the same time, in Fujiang Villa.

Fujiang gently combed Kayako's hair. This was her first time bathing with someone else, and it was also her first time combing another girl's hair.

Although Kayako was not used to it, he still endured it.

Compared with the future life of living under someone else's roof, oh oh oh, this is just the easiest torture.

(End of this chapter)

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