I'm a teacher in Tokyo!

Chapter 234 Dean, what did he say?

Chapter 234 Dean, what did he say?
In fact, Kayako is not very accepting of other people's tenderness.

In fact, in addition to teachers, even between Tomie and Mako, she always felt that there was a layer of separation, limited to classmates and friends, and now this seemed to have gone beyond the relationship that classmates and friends should have.

Therefore, she felt tortured. Even though she knew that Tomie-san had good intentions, she was not an ungrateful person.

But in this situation, no matter how much I try to convince myself, there is always a trace of uneasiness deep in my heart.

It's hard to describe this feeling, but it does exist in your heart. Looking directly at it will make you feel ugly and disgusting, but... this is also something that cannot be avoided.

Right now--

Kayako had to admit that no matter what, as long as he was too close to Fu Jiang, he would feel uncomfortable.

——Perhaps the main reason for this is that I am jealous in my heart?
Of course, the main reason may be that Tomie's gentleness is different from that of the teacher. One seems to be pretending, while the other thinks so sincerely.

But no matter what, even if it is gentleness that is superficially revealed, it is still gentleness.

Kayako does not deny this.

In his current appearance, Tomie-san has already put his status above his own.

But it's different now. Kayako's cat has also come, and cats like to run around.

"Come with me."

No longer entangled in these, Fujiang feels more and more like a hostess, while Kayako feels like a child - the kind where his biological father takes his wife to meet his gentle stepmother.

Sure enough, the next moment, a completely black black cat quietly walked out from the shadow of the corner. The black cat walked out of the shadow obediently, and pressed its side face against Kayako's trousers, rubbing the scent;

This scene not only frightened Kayako, but even Fujiang was stunned in front of the door;
She didn't know why this dog's temperament suddenly changed. It was very gentle before, but now it doesn't look like a golden retriever. It's just a crazy dog!
"Don't bite it!"

"Little black?"

Because he had petted this cat before, Tomie also recognized it at a glance, but this cat had never been to his home. Isn't it said that cats are territorial animals and will not leave their own territory?
Hearing this, her previous inexplicable emotions were covered by the surprise of "Blackie is back", so naturally she would not think about anything else. When she heard Fu Jiang's question, she hugged the black cat and rubbed it with her face under Fu Jiang's disgusted gaze. Black Cat: "I haven't seen Xiao Hei for several days. I thought it was lost!"

The thought in his heart became stronger and stronger. No matter what,... he must become the first woman for his teacher and the most important one in his life.

The golden hair bared its teeth, banged against the iron chain crazily, and stared at the cat in Kayako's arms, like a mad dog;

I always feel like I am being connoted.

I have to tell that stupid dog to prevent it from hurting Kayako's cat.

When Kayako heard this familiar voice, he immediately thought of the cat in his home that wandered around without knowing where he was recently, and he was suddenly surprised and happy;
Since he lived a happy life, the black cat often walked around and would not go home for a long time.

Hakimi is easily strangled by Hakiwang's Crazy Tornado——

Kayako squatted in the pool, looking at the majestic and handsome mountain, holding it tightly, like a hibiscus emerging from the water, her inferiority complex arose spontaneously from the bottom of her heart, and in just a moment, she looked at her barren chest.

"This is Tomie-san. We will live in this house from now on. You are not allowed to scratch the sofa, and you are not allowed to bite Tomie-san!"

Kayako hadn't seen Xiaohei for several days. She originally wanted to tell the teacher about it, but the teacher was busy with various things recently, and Kayako didn't want to disturb Yoshizakigawa's work because of her own affairs.

After Fujiang gently combed Kayako's hair, he stood up from the water. Water splashed down his perfect body and hit the bathtub, causing some splashes.

A large dog like this would definitely hurt her kitten. Thinking of this, she asked while getting dressed: "Is that dog... ferocious?"

Thinking of this, the corners of Fujiang's mouth slightly raised, feeling that he had performed well.

Do we really have to wait until the Chinese New Year?
Kayako covered her chest and stood up timidly. As soon as she stood up, Tomi Jiang threw the towel on her body. Kayako was stunned for a moment, and then wiped her body silently;
Maybe Fujiang just meant well and didn't think about so many things at all, but Kayako happened to be a sensitive and suspicious person. Being treated like this at this moment, it was inevitable that he would have many more thoughts in his heart.

It eats and sleeps every day, and won't worry about itself by running around.

"Woof woof woof woof!"

From now on, this cat must be very important to Kayako. If it is really harmed, Kayako will not fight against him?

She slowly put on her slippers, explained to Kayako, then walked to the entrance, quickly put on her white socks, then put on her clogs and walked out;
After a while——

So she never said anything about Xiao Hei, but she had always been worried. If Xiao Hei hadn't come back in a few days or appeared in some places, she would have been unable to help but go out to look for Xiao Hei.

"It won't bite. It's a very social and timid dog."

Holding Xiao Hei in his arms, Kayako felt that the gloom that had accumulated in his heart seemed to dissipate. The reason why there were so many negative emotions before was partly due to Xiao Hei's departure.

After hearing that the cat could run around, Fu Jiang couldn't help but think of his stupid dog. From this point of view, stupid dogs also have the benefits of stupid dogs...

Kayako: "..."

As I put on my clothes, my thoughts became more intense;
But just when Kayako had some inexplicable thoughts in his mind, a cat meow suddenly came from the door. After hearing the cry, both Kayako and Fujiang looked at the door one after another;
"Where did the cat come from?"

There is no comparison at all between the two.

Naturally, a sense of crisis will arise in my heart.

Looking at the little black cat, Fu Jiang felt that this black cat had any offensive power. If it were to encounter his golden retriever...

Because the dog was too big, I was worried that it would scare Kayako and leave a bad impression on her when it lived in the house. Moreover, it would be unavoidable to say something like "Yoshizakigawa No. 2" in front of her. Too social.

"Why is your cat here??"

At the same time, after hearing what Tomie said, Kayako had heard Yoshizakigawa say something about this golden retriever before. Yoshizakigawa had only one adjective for it, and that was "big".

Although he thought so in his heart, Fu Jiang still smiled at Kayako: "Speaking of which, I also have a golden retriever at home, and that dog is also very good. Have you seen Kayako?"

But it's strange to say that he clearly closed the door, so where did this cat come in?
The door to the yard is an iron gate made of fine railings. The gap is not large and it is very high. This cat should not be able to get in...it is very strange, as if it is squeezed through the gap.

After all, the teacher has left, and Xiao Hei, who has always been with him, has also left. The uneasiness caused by the impending relocation and the plot against the teacher are constantly accumulating, just waiting for an outlet to explode.

Forget it, I heard that cats have very strong jumping ability, maybe they jumped in. .

When Kawakami Tomie came back to his senses, he roared in a low voice. The originally frantic Golden Retriever suddenly stopped and looked at his master with aggrieved eyes.

"It was very well-behaved before. I don't know what happened today. Maybe it's because it's the first time I saw a cat? Anyway, after I told it, it won't hurt your cat, but your cat is the best." do not come."

Hearing this, Kayako patted the black cat on the head: "Do you understand?"

The latter was so lazy that he didn't even bother to raise his eyelids, lying in the arms of Kayako as if he had no bones. "Tomie-san, what's the name of that golden retriever?"

As the two walked back, Kayako asked curiously.

When he heard this sentence, Fu Jiang's expression froze, and he coughed twice with some guilt: "It... is called Golden Retriever, yes, Golden Retriever. From now on, it will be called this."

"Although you look at it as fierce, it has never been like this before..."

Kayako expressed that he believed it. When the two of them stepped into the house, the black cat jumped out of Kayaking's arms and ran towards the darkness;

Because of the color of its hair, it cannot be seen in the dark...

Fujiang and Kayako looked at the dark corner and turned on the light, but the cat was nowhere to be seen.

"It's okay, my house is quite big, let it roam around."


Both believed their pets were obedient.


Meanwhile, outside the doghouse at Tomie Villa;

The aggrieved dog who was about to go back to sleep suddenly seemed to feel something, and looked towards the black corner;

The next moment, the surrounding black began to gather, and almost instantly, a black cat appeared there. The next moment, the dog suddenly opened its mouth and bit hard at the rope behind him, and the iron chain collapsed instantly - —

And at the moment of collapse, the dog bit the cat;

In the territory where it protects its master, such an invading curse is never allowed!

And it rushed halfway, almost instantly——

Its body seemed to be divided by countless sharp blades existing in the darkness, blood spurted out wildly, the body was fragmented, and countless tiny transparent threads cut open each piece of rotten flesh again;

And just when the black cat was enjoying itself, its body image was distorted for a while, and then it was like a black bubble popping out in the darkness. Its thin body swelled and exploded like a balloon.

Silk threads grew out of the Golden Retriever's rotten flesh, gathering and connecting them together. The skin, flesh and bones were restored to their original state.

The cat in the darkness seemed endless, and the whirlpool-like darkness quickly condensed into the appearance of a cat;
The two beings looked at each other for a moment——

keep fighting.


Yoshizakigawa was relieved when he thought that Yamamura Mako's wish was so pure. If the obsession was just to make money, it should not be so dangerous.

Moreover, at least until the obsession of "making money" is completed, this Yamamura Mako should not have other obsessions... right?

Obsession, as the name suggests, is the most fundamental basis for the existence of ghosts. Whether it is extreme or moderate, as long as it is a ghost, it must have obsession, otherwise it will not become a ghost.

And naturally there can only be one ghost obsession;
Although I don’t know whether Mako is considered a human or an evil spirit now, this should not change.

Yoshizakigawa deliberately walked a little behind Yamamura Sadako and looked at the little girl next to him who was no different from a human being. The latter was even more human-like in terms of thinking, conscience, physical heartbeat and breathing. So true.

"Well, just stop here."

Approaching the funeral parlor ahead, and encountering a pavilion on the road, Yoshizaki River asked Mako to be here;

Later, I will communicate with the spirit inside which I don’t know if it is the dean, and help Mako complete this "good show".

With this thought in his mind, Yoshizakigawa opened the door and then called Kotoko's mobile phone to Mako;
Mako over there took the phone and asked quickly: "Are you here?"

At this moment, looking at the old man who was finally able to hover around his body and look at him, although the sense of disobedience in his heart was almost to the extreme, he still smiled politely, and then said into the phone: "We're here. Let me hear what your dean has to say first."


The old man had long observed the existence of Yoshizaki River, so he hunched over and walked over with a gentle tone;

"You...are Mako's teacher, right?"

"That's a good kid. Before I..."

He said a lot of things about Mako, as if he only had Mako's things in his memory.

In other words, he only has Mako in his life, and not even his family is worthy of being an obsession.

But because he knew that all this was false, Yoshizakigawa felt strangely like watching a play at this moment, as if he was sitting under the stage and watching you perform.

"...Twenty million, the wealth is touching, my child, I'm going home..."

At this time, the old man's face seemed a little distorted, and the loose skin was shaking constantly. It changed from its previous loving expression, and screamed in a distorted and sharp voice: "I didn't covet the 20 million!"

"The police station's account has an unidentified huge amount of remittance..."

"Settling the account...we need to clear the account! Lock the account and investigate the source...cancer..."

"I...I'm not greedy for money!"

It tore open the skin of his arm, and underneath the bloody skin was a police uniform stained with blood;

But the next moment, it showed a kind smile:

"Hehehehe, that kid Mako is really good! However, I have known since I was a child that she is not ordinary."

"...It was our orphanage that delayed her. As the director, I cannot absolve myself of the blame. Fortunately, you organized the event. Speaking of which, I know your principal..."

Yoshizakigawa looked at the evil ghost in front of him whose skin was torn apart, revealing the police badge and police uniform, but it looked like an old dean. Under the evil ghost's body was a young body wearing a police uniform;
He felt a little shuddering in his heart.

At this moment, a sentence came from the other side of the phone: "Teacher, dean... what did he say?"

PS: After working until midnight, I went home and fell asleep, forgetting to update... I woke up after a few hours of sleep, and got up to code and update (the number of words in this paragraph is not included in the charge)
(End of this chapter)

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