I'm a teacher in Tokyo!

Chapter 235 Teacher, have you ever been to an orphanage?

Chapter 235 Teacher, have you ever been to an orphanage?
According to the information provided by Kotoko Higa, the dean had died in the earthquake three years ago, and then the government established a police station among the ruins.

I didn't know who the so-called "dean" was before, but now it seems... he is probably an innocent little policeman in the police station. He was turned into a police officer because he violated certain taboos. so.

And this taboo is obviously related to his 20 million donation.

Because whether it was what Qinzi said before that her 20 million donation destroyed Mako's obsession, or what the policeman just said about "account checking" and "corruption".

If all this information is summarized, the police in front of us are faced with a sudden huge account and need to investigate the account? So he was cursed by Mako?

But the two words "clearing accounts" and "corruption" at the end tell Yoshizaki that this matter may not be that simple, and if he is really cursed for touching his own account, then the number of cursed people in the entire police station should not be a small number. .

He probably had an idea in his mind. At this moment, faced with the question of Yamamura Mako on the other side of the phone, Yoshizakigawa just answered the question;

"Your dean...he has been thinking about twenty million. This should be his obsession."

Hearing Yoshizakigawa's words, Mako fell silent. She felt a little worried, especially when she thought that she had such doubts about the dean, she felt even more disgusting.

Dean... Even if I die, I can't let go of my twenty million obsession.

This is the most important reason why Tomie-san became a defeated dog.

One of them was that the dean took the money and ran away - Mako had to admit that he was a villain and often thought of noble people like the dean with such philistine thoughts.

Sigh... In fact, the teacher has more or less feelings for Tomie-san. Sure enough, he needs to take action on this kind of thing.

Because she didn't want to expose the teacher's harsh words, Yamamura Mako planned to take the teacher to the orphanage, take out the card, and secretly return it to the teacher later...

——Yes, in the eyes of Yamamura Mako, Yoshizakigawa did this as a last resort.

Although Mako is not very accepting of this so-called harem, she always feels that it is unfair to girls, but as a good person like the teacher... Moreover, Kayako and Tomie are both interested in him.

At the same time, when she heard what Teacher Yoshizakigawa said, Yamamura Mako thought that the teacher was really tough. The rent was due soon, and she was even forced to live in Tomie's house...

Yamamura Mako thinks this is good for the three of them.

When he heard this, Yoshizakikawa was silent for a moment: "Mako, I have thought about this carefully. I will not take back the money, and I am not short of it."

Although the orphanage is very poor, people often collect donations of food, clothes, candles and toys. Although sometimes they don't have enough to eat, at least they won't starve to death.

At this time, Mako revealed the decision he had made long ago;
"Teacher, take that 20 million back! If no one touches that money now, it should still be in the dean's card."

Although I am a bit stingy, I can't be a fool in this kind of thing.

Moreover, to be honest, the 20 million yuan was donated by myself. I had never thought about getting it back before, and it is even less possible now.

Yoshizakigawa could not imagine what would happen to Yamamura Mako, who was originally inhuman and ghostless, if he took away this stabilizer.

After all, the teacher had been deliberately avoiding Tomie-san before, and he cared more about Kayako-san than Tomie.

In fact, even if the so-called "orphanage" no longer existed, he would never be able to get the money back.

Because the twenty million at this moment have become something similar to a stabilizer.

How could a kind person like him be greedy for 20 million?
However, it was shameful for me to have such thoughts, and it even got worse;
Yamamura Mako didn't get through the phone call before, and while resting later, he accidentally fell asleep and had a very terrible nightmare.

The teacher... is obviously a noble person like the dean——

Of course, this is normal. Compared to Tomie, who is not short of money and has an arrogant personality, Kayako, who looks like a weakling, is definitely more pitiable.

Besides, everyone is in good health. It may be that the earthquake took away all the diseases. So far, I haven't heard of any children getting sick.

——Zhenzi also heard someone say before that the pain in this world is limited. If you endure all the pain in the front, there will be no pain in the future.

Those children will eat hard now, and the road ahead will naturally be smooth sailing. Thinking of this, Yamamura Mako showed a smile: "Then, teacher, please tell the dean about this and let him leave without regrets."

Hearing these words, Yoshizaki Chuan breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that Mako's obsession was not obsession, and he could still persuade him.

However, she allowed herself to inform the so-called "dean" about this matter and let him leave without regrets?

Yoshizakigawa couldn't help but look at the "dean" in front of him. He was still talking to himself, speaking sincerely, smiling, and showing true feelings in his old eyes, talking about his sadness and regret for the orphanage, as if everything was It's the same thing I've experienced myself.

If it weren't for the torn skin and the blood stained under the skin, half of the police badge was faintly exposed, reflecting the pale light under the blood and incandescent light, Yoshizakigawa might really believe him.

But at this moment, his appearance only frightened and shuddered Yoshikawa.

But to be honest, Yoshizakigawa felt that the policeman in front of him was quite pitiful. Perhaps he was cursed to look like this just because he had some greed before he even took action.

Yamamura Mako is right, let this guy be free...

As long as Mako feels that he can be liberated, he will surely be liberated?

Thinking of this, Yoshizakigawa repeated it according to Mako's words. Then he and the poor ghost donkey were at odds with each other, each talking about his own thing. But just after Yoshizakigawa finished speaking, the evil ghost in front suddenly felt like he was being touched. As if enlightened, a large amount of white light suddenly emitted from the body;
The next moment, the face in the white light began to distort, and a bloody hand tore the skin. Then the evil spirit in the police uniform inside the "dean" seemed to have finally regained his mind at this moment, and he struggled crazily. , wanting to struggle out of that body;

"I...am not...greedy..."

But even with such a strong obsession, it finally burned in the white light and turned into dots of starlight, scattering over this small funeral parlor.

And at the last moment when it disappeared, with only its withered head left, it cast a pleading look at Yoshizaki River: "Help...my...family..."

"They weren't originally like that..." "Save...the child..."

Before he finished speaking, the dust fell to the ground, and the room fell into complete silence.

"Teacher, Dean, has his... obsession disappeared?"

Looking at the empty morgue that was completely burned out and without even ashes, Yoshizakigawa said: "I saw him turn into white light and then disappear."

At the last moment when the resentment was "eliminated", the policeman in front of him obviously woke up, but no matter how strong his obsession was, he was still wrapped up in the broken skin and disappeared together.

Looking at this scene, Yoshizakikawa felt a little confused about what to say. Compared to Kayako and the others, Mako was more terrifying!
This guy Mako... not only his body, but even his soul can be completely changed.

You know, the corpse lying in front of you was originally a policeman, and its soul was also a policeman.

But now, the soul has been put on a conceptual body, and the body has been completely overwritten. Even if it is unwilling to do so, it can only be completely silenced.

This ability is really too terrifying!

At the same time, when hearing Yoshizakigawa's words, although Yamamura Mako felt a little reluctant, she could only silently wish the dean grandpa at this moment.

Such a good person must be able to have a good pregnancy in the next life!
After a moment of silence, after Mako didn't hear Yoshizakigawa's voice over there, he asked:
"Teacher, can I come in?"

"Well...that's it."

After a while, Zhenzi walked in from outside the house. Looking at the corpse on the table, Zhenzi looked away: "Teacher, you haven't been to our orphanage yet, have you?"

Hearing these words, Yoshizakigawa was stunned for a moment, and his face suddenly stiffened.

To die...

PS: I broke my leg while riding a scooter yesterday and went to the hospital. I forgot to update. Sorry... there will be an update later.

(End of this chapter)

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