I'm a teacher in Tokyo!

Chapter 236 Dongjing Orphanage

Chapter 236 Dongjing Orphanage

At this moment, there are only two words in Yoshizakigawa's heart -

To die...

The current orphanage has long been demolished and a police station has been rebuilt. The so-called orphanage is actually a police station!

Although Yamamura Mako has special abilities and can enter the "orphanage", what about herself?

I am a human being, not to mention whether I can get in. Even if I can get in, I am afraid it is not a good place.

But for Yoshizakigawa to reject Mako's proposal?
He can't find an excuse no matter what!
At Yamamura Mako's place, her beloved director died, she donated money to the orphanage, and she happened to be here again. Due to both emotion and reason, she had to go and see her.

Looking at the expectant eyes of the girl in front of him, Yoshizakikawa sighed in his heart, just die... Anyway, he has become Mako's obsession after all, so nothing should happen to him.

Thinking of this, Yoshizakigawa nodded: "Teacher is also very curious, let's go and have a look together."

Take a look at that so-called orphanage, what kind of monsters are there, and what are the conditions of the children in it.

"Go to Dongjing Orphanage."

After getting a positive answer, Yamamura Mako smiled: "It's a bit far there, teacher, let's take a taxi."

Although he thought so in his heart, he still had a smile on his face: "No, the teacher's room is also very messy."

The taxi driver knows that place, has the entire city's perception been distorted? ?

After hearing Yoshizakigawa's agreement, Yamamura Mako showed a rare shy smile: "Our yard is a little messy, teacher, don't worry about it."

"Sir, where are you going?"

"Speaking of which, because of the previous earthquake, although our orphanage was rebuilt, some of the buildings have not been demolished, so it looks like there are more ruins there. After the reconstruction, the vacant square was turned into a square by the government. Police station, there are often people walking around in our courtyard.”

As the driver activates the accelerator, the surrounding scenery flies by quickly;
In the car, Yamamura Mako talked about the orphanage——

Forcing a smile, Yoshizakikawa waved his hand to stop a taxi;

A kind of shock appeared in Yoshizakigawa's heart. He had never thought that the situation here was so serious. Before, he had always thought that Mako's hometown was a peaceful, stable and relatively safe place.

Hearing this, Yoshikawa thought to himself: "How dare I care?"

Take a taxi?

She looked at Yoshizakigawa next to her with some embarrassment, and then said: "The children in our orphanage are very hard-working, but there are too many people coming and going, so they become very dirty."

Mako said directly without any hesitation.

After getting on the bus, the driver asked;

Hearing this, the driver was stunned for a moment, as if he wanted to say something, but at the next moment, he smiled slightly: "Oh, that's where it is, I know, please wear your seat belt."

Was it Mako's imagination, or was it... the child who died in that disaster?

"Also, in order to save electricity, candles donated by others are usually used for lighting in the courtyard. Teacher, please don't be surprised."

Speaking of which, those small rooms with candlelight on them are indeed a bit scary to others.

Of course, Mako doesn't find it scary, after all, she has been here for many years. But she was afraid that the teacher would feel uncomfortable, so she explained it in advance.


Yoshizakigawa nodded, and his mood calmed down at this moment. This kind of thing cannot be avoided.

Then the only thing left to do is to greet him.

"Speaking of those three years, during those three years, few people donated to us. We lived a very hard life. I still remember the feeling of being hungry, with my chest pressed against my back, as if I could eat. Like a whale, I felt that as long as I had a bite to eat, I would live a happy life..."

"I still remember that when I was the hungriest, I even fainted from hunger. When I woke up, I survived by relying on the food shared by other children. Maybe it was because I was hungry that I found it delicious? Even then Now, I haven’t found anything so delicious..."

As if to ease the silence in the car, or because the scenery along the way became more and more familiar, Mako kept telling Yoshizaki River about his past.

"Later I went to ask the dean and the others specifically, but they all just smiled and said nothing, huh, but I could guess what it was without them telling me. It must have been meat cooked for me at that time, yes, that's it, it's very Very fragrant meat.”

But... Mako, during those three years when the orphanage was in ruins, did you... exist as a human being or as something else?

If you were a human, what exactly were you eating?
Meat? What kind of meat is eaten under the ruins?

Yoshizakigawa did not think about it further, he just smiled: "When you are hungry, even white porridge will taste delicious, right? Even if you add just a little bit of meat, it will probably taste delicious on your tongue."

Hearing this, Yamamura Mako nodded heavily: "That's it."

But at this moment, she was actually thinking about another thing;

That's about my own life experience——

The dean once told him everything about his life experience. Should he tell the teacher in front of him?

If you tell him, will he think that he is a monster that survives being shot many times and has special abilities?

Forget it, why does the teacher think he is a monster?
He is a very special person who can see ghosts, and his personality is so good and kind. Knowing this kind of thing, he wouldn't look at himself in a different way, right?
Thinking of this, Yamamura Mako planned to tell the teacher about the photos left by the former director and about herself at the orphanage.

——Maybe when the time comes, he will tell him the origin of the necklace?

In this way, you can find your own life experience and the source of your special abilities.

Thinking of this, Mako made up his mind, now was no longer the time to back down.

In the car, silence fell again for about seven or eight minutes.

In Yoshizakigawa's eyes, a police station suddenly appeared in front of him. The police station's plaque was brand new. There were even policemen in police uniforms chatting at the door. Several police cars were parked at the intersection;
The car stopped at the door of the police station.

"Here we are, Mr. Passenger. The total is 5,300 yen."

Hearing this, the absent-minded Yoshizakigawa came back to his senses. After paying the money with a smile, he looked towards the police station in front;

At this moment, Mako saw the teacher looking at the police station in a daze, and she suddenly took Yoshizakigawa's hand: "Teacher, come with me!"

Being pulled forward, Mako explained as he walked: "The police station was built at the back, covering the entire front square. Our orphanage is behind the door."

Then, she pulled Yoshizakigawa to an old, blood-stained red wooden door;
And on the plaque on the door, there are two words written crookedly;

(End of this chapter)

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