I'm a teacher in Tokyo!

Chapter 237 Illusion and Reality

Chapter 237 Illusion and Reality

The taxi driver stayed at the same place and didn't come back to his senses for a long time. The conflict of memories in his mind made him a little confused. It wasn't until the figure inside completely disappeared that he scratched his head as if nothing had happened and said, "Strange, I I was sleeping?"

But at this moment, he suddenly saw the police station on the side;

The next moment, his face suddenly changed color. A kind of panic mixed with unspeakable fear made his whole scalp numb. He stepped on the accelerator uncontrollably and quickly completed one hundred and eighty steps at an extremely fast speed. Make a ten-degree U-turn, then open the accelerator and rush forward;

It wasn't until he completely ran out of the area that the driver said to himself in shock: "What the hell!"

That place... that place...

He had heard from the seniors in the sports car that three years ago, it was originally an orphanage, but due to the corruption of the director, the load-bearing beams cut corners. After a sudden earthquake, all the children in the orphanage were buried alive. More than a hundred children died.

The dean behind him ran away with his family, government subsidies, and social donations. So far, he has not been arrested.

And it is precisely because of this that the laughter of children often comes from the ruins. The government was afraid of causing panic and asked a mage to do it. However, it is said that the mage bled to death from his seven orifices.

In the end, the incident became too big. The government was afraid that the incident would be exposed, so they deliberately kept silent about it and spent huge sums of money to build a police station on the site to cover up the truth.

He just felt...cold, very cold.

Not only that, there was also a taxi driver who was confused like me, and finally arrived here in a daze, and found a stack of ghost coins in his wallet...

At the same time, when he saw this wooden door, Yoshizakigawa fell into deep thought.

As Yamamura Mako opened the door, a strange scene came into Yoshizakigawa's eyes;

But on the door in front of him, Yoshizakigawa did not feel any other extra breath. Looking from a distance;

Cold is obviously a touch. It is a feeling that needs to be touched personally and felt with the skin.


The door on Kurosawa Yae's side before was probably because I had been to "hell" in a "dream", so I could naturally feel the sense of death and despair attached to the door.

He braked and picked up his wallet, but when he saw that the money in the wallet was not Hades coins, he began to wonder if there was something wrong with his memory?
The man looked back, but the slightly sunken cushion told him that it was not a dream.

By the way, money!

There was a similar door at the entrance of the well where Kurosawa Yae was hanged before at Minokami Village.

What happened next... no one knows, but it is said that every time something happens, the police station will light white wax, burn clothes, and paper money to worship the ruins, otherwise strange things will happen in that place.

This wooden door felt very familiar to him.

The coldness on this door is that as long as you look over it, that kind of chilling coldness will arise spontaneously in your heart, and even... it will make you feel as if the coldness is coming from the bottom of your heart.

Although some of those things are broken, most of them are usable.

But the door didn't give him that death-like feeling.

"After all, kind-hearted people often donate various things."

At this moment, his previous memory was blurred, but he vaguely remembered that there were two children, one large and one small, male and female...

In front, there is the front desk of the police station, with people coming and going, and the police at the front desk are dealing with chores one after another. On the other side, there is a long line of residents waiting to handle cases;
Yamamura Mako seemed not to have seen all this, walked in, smiled and waved to Yoshizaki River.

But Yamamura Mako in front of her obviously didn't feel anything. She pulled the door handle, turned her head, and said with some embarrassment: "Because the courtyard is very poor, this door is still the old one before the earthquake. In fact, the door inside It’s ugly, but it’s still new.”

--Door of hell.

Yoshikawa rubbed his eyes and looked again;
The scene inside changed again, turning into a dark corridor. The shot of the corridor was a small square with a seesaw and some children's toys.

Laughter and laughter came from a distant place, making his eyes feel dazed for a moment;

Listening to Mako's call, he stepped into... the police station;

At this moment, all the scenes in front of him disappeared. Except for the police, everyone looked at him in amazement as he walked out of the wooden door that had been covered with dust for a long time;

It only took less than ten seconds for the counter policeman, who was dealing with the matter impatiently, to change his eyes from confusion to shock to fear. The next moment, he stood up suddenly.

The next moment, what greeted Yoshizakigawa's eyes was another scene;
"Teacher, look...we lived in this place before, and this cabinet was also..."

"Quick, hold him down!"

"Everyone leaves today. If there is an emergency, please call the police station and ask someone from another police station to be dispatched there."

In the fleeting scene, the police began to clear the area, and the figure rushing towards him was getting closer and closer, as if he would be holding him down in the next moment;
Yoshizakigawa turned slightly sideways and looked at the world described by Yamamura Mako.

"That cabinet was also from before the earthquake?"

He pointed to the cabinet and asked Makoto.

Hearing this, a trace of sadness flashed in Mako's eyes: "This cabinet is in the dean's office. He particularly likes it. It was broken after the earthquake."

"What cabinet?"

The policeman who pushed away did not dare to approach Yoshizaki River. He had been working hard and did not dare to contribute, for fear of being targeted by Yoshizaki River and being contaminated by the legendary curse. At this moment, he was very close to Yoshizaki River, so he naturally heard the latter. Talking to himself, his eyes couldn't help but look towards the corner where Yoshizaki River was pointing;
That corner is the location of the explosion shield——

"That's where the orphanage cabinets were before they were rebuilt!"

"That's the cabinet that was burned!"

An elderly colleague recognized him and shouted in panic;

The policeman's face suddenly turned pale, and he jogged a few steps away from the Yoshizaki River;

This scene flashed in Yoshizakigawa's eyes, and he continued to walk forward, following Mako;

At this moment, he was also thinking in his mind: "Sure enough, the orphanage has become a ghost. Naturally, I can't go in as a living person. Do you want to sleep?"

If you sleep, maybe you can use your dream identity to enter without any obstacles.

But to be honest, it is difficult for Yoshizakigawa to fall asleep if he is not sleepy now.

Because - the brother in front raised a pistol and pointed it at him.

He swallowed and was about to explain;

In the scene where illusion and reality change, the policeman who raised his pistol and pointed it at him turned into Yamamura Mako who turned back and smiled, and the children who stopped behind Yamamura Mako looked at him with curious eyes;

"Sister Mako, who is he?"

"Go to hell you monster!"

The two sentences overlapped, and a bullet penetrated the shadow in front and shot into Yoshizakigawa's head;
"He is my sister's teacher. He is a very, very, very good person... My sister is well taken care of by him there..."


The bullet was suddenly twisted midway, and then shot towards the cement of the ceiling. The impact produced sparks, and then bounced off, shooting through the illusion. The flat bullet spun at the foot of the Yoshizaki River, like a top, and finally lost power and stopped. , a wisp of green smoke emerged from it;
"Teacher, why don't you come over?"

When Yamamura Mako came here, he seemed to be a different person. Compared to his previous maturity, he seemed to be a little more immature;

"I'll be right over."

Yoshizakigawa picked up the bullet from the ground. The bullet was still steaming, and he put it in his pocket.

Then, amid the intersection of illusion and reality, and under the nervous gazes of all the police, he walked towards the back of the police station;
"This is Heiichiro, Duohui, long-looking..."

Mako remembers every child's name as if he were the dean.

Back then, he also remembered the names of every child... Now that the director is gone, Mako feels that as the oldest child in the orphanage, he needs to take over this important responsibility and lead these children to grow up.

——Before the earthquake, the dean also left for a period of time.

He said that he was going to discuss the donation fund for the orphanage. When he was about to leave, he also made a promise to himself that he would take good care of the orphanage during this period.

If he is no longer here, he will lead the orphanage forward.

He cried at that time. An old man of such an age actually cried over something like this, and even said things like sorry to himself...

Mako has almost forgotten the specific content of that year. She only remembers that the dean at the time kept apologizing and did not see him for a long time. He did not come back until after the earthquake.

It was precisely because of his departure that the earthquake did not hurt him. After all, the earthquake was really severe at first, but everyone was very smart and hid under the toilet and desks when they saw something was wrong;
Yoshizakigawa smiled as he listened to Mako introduce each child.

He kept some in mind and planned to find Qinzi to check the list of that year when he got to reality.

Although it was now confirmed that those children were dead, he still wanted to know the specific situation here.

Yoshizakigawa feels that the situation here may not be that simple.

At least that door...even if it wasn't the door to hell, there was definitely something wrong.

There is also this situation where illusion and reality are intertwined without interfering with each other. At first, Yoshizakigawa thought it was Mako's ability, but...it seemed that there was more than just her ability involved.


"Back then, it was that door... Someone saw it open in the middle of the night, so they walked in, and finally disappeared completely..."

"This guy came out of it, could it be..."

"That guy back then was my brother! How could it be this guy? He is a monster! I want to kill him!"

"Iizuka Nakaharu! Don't be impulsive!"

At this moment, an old policeman shouted to stop the young policeman;
"Don't provoke him, see what he will do!"

"Although the higher-ups concealed what happened here back then, everyone knew in their hearts. Everyone also knew about the strange things that happened in the past few years. Don't look for things like this."

At this moment, some new police officers still didn't understand what happened back then, so they began to ask the old police officers on the side;
"...Three years ago, this place was originally an orphanage. Then there was an earthquake... When the bodies of the children were discovered, most of them were hiding under the bathrooms and desks. However, the quality of the sinking boards in the bathrooms was not up to standard and they all collapsed. , the quality of the desks is also not good..."

"Ah? Aren't a lot of people dead here?"

"More than a hundred people died. The guy who was the director of the welfare home at that time handed over the construction of the welfare home to his wife's brother. Who knew that guy was greedy for money and cut corners, and this happened later..."

"What about the welfare director now?"

"They had already taken the money and ran away. Before the earthquake, someone discovered that something was wrong with the bill for the yard construction. So after in-depth investigation, they discovered this matter. But who knew that many Japanese officials were also involved in it, so the welfare The dean got the news in advance, took the money and ran away with his family..."

"Anyway, this incident was covered up. Except for the officials who took the blame, they were basically fine. Then the dean also took the money to go out and be cool."

"The place started to be haunted later on. The newly appointed officer saw that there was nothing he could do about it, and it was not his fault, so he made various excuses. In the end, after things got serious and a mage died, the police station in the north of the city was moved. Come here and worship these children every year according to the master's wishes."

"No wonder, I was curious before why the police station burned so much paper and lit so much wax on that day."

"Those children...are afraid of the dark. They are trapped under the broken eaves and broken walls in the pitch darkness..."


Yoshizakigawa walked out of the tunnel and arrived at this small square. The sun in the sky was pale and pale, as if it was shrouded in mist.

The surrounding buildings are also very strange. Some of them have only one window. Inside the window, you can faintly see a child and a little light.

Looking closer, looking through the windows, you can see that every room is lit with a white candle;

The firelight shines faintly;

At this moment, Yoshizakigawa suddenly saw a marble on the ground. He raised his head and looked to the other side;
Over there, a fat man wearing somewhat torn clothes smiled at him. Just as Yoshizakigawa was about to pick up the marble and return it, he found that the marble turned into a ball of ashes after it reached his hand;
Yoshizakigawa smiled apologetically, but the latter didn't seem to care about this. The child just looked at Yoshizakigawa and smiled, making people laugh.

As for the so-called tattered clothes on his body, Yoshizakigawa saw faint traces of black in the holes.

There was a saying when burning paper at the tomb;
That is, when burning paper, never use a wooden stick to peel the paper, otherwise, the paper money received below will be in tatters.

The tattered clothes in front of him gave Yoshizaki the same feeling.

He raised his eyes and looked around at the children who looked at him with curious, cold, calm and innocent eyes;
Most of what they wore were clothes like this;
(End of this chapter)

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