I'm a teacher in Tokyo!

Chapter 241 Please remember, I am a ghost

Chapter 241 Please remember, I am a ghost

"The teacher hasn't come back, and Mako-san hasn't come back either."

The next day, Kayako sat in her seat, a little worried. She had not seen Yoshizaki River for twelve hours and forty-three minutes.

Because classes didn’t start until after eleven o’clock, and because neither of them slept well last night, they came to the psychic club here early and boredly looked at the books about bread in the psychic club—— The Soul Society naturally did not have such books at first, but because Kayako planned to continue Yamamura Mako's bakery.

So, when I came here in the morning, I bought a book on making bread.

It contains detailed information on the ratio of various materials. Tomi Jiang said while flipping through it: "Isn't your parents' funeral going to be held this weekend? He should be back today. After all, he still has to prepare..."

Before, Tomie would not have been able to say "the funeral of Kayo's parents" in such a casual and brisk tone, but yesterday when she saw the injuries on Kayo's body, she knew exactly what his parents were like. people.

So for this kind of thing, you can also say it in a joking tone.

Hearing this, Kayako shook his head: "Mako's classmate's affairs are more important, after all, the dean..."

The dean had brought up Mako's classmate since he was a child and was very kind to him. Naturally, he could not be compared to his own parents.

"Is there such a thing?"

Fu Jiang was somewhat familiar with this name. Oh, she remembered it. It should be called Changming Town instead of Changming City.

"However, speaking of this, we have never heard of Mako-san talking about things at home."

"Yes, it was reported in the news before. I had just returned from traveling to that place, so I remember it very clearly."

Changming Town.

When she was about to go out to make a phone call, Kayako accidentally glanced at it - well, she did it on purpose.

Because it was a city before, it had relatively rich resources, but in fact, the number of people affected by the disaster was certainly not as small as reported, and the number of people affected by the disaster was +displaced, so even if it was a town, there would be institutions such as welfare homes.

When Gaoyao heard this, she didn't know much about this kind of thing. She had never traveled far, so naturally she didn't know these things.

A long time ago, there was a migratory bird sanctuary there, and I once traveled there.

Because Mako-san didn't have a mobile phone before, she had a small phone book with the names and phone numbers of some contacts recorded in it.

"Changming City? The place that was flooded?"

Tomie had asked about Mako and her family before, but she was hesitant and seemed unwilling to mention it.

Until now, they don't even know which city Mako's home is in, or where the orphanage is.

Later, the remaining areas of Changming Town that were not flooded and the surrounding disaster-stricken areas were merged into one place. However, because the span was too large, some towns were divided up by other cities, and finally they were downgraded to a town.

But the last major earthquake caused a tsunami, and the entire Changming was submerged by sea water. However, because of the protected area and inaccessibility there, there were not many people. The Japanese government even reported that there were less than five casualties.

Because of curiosity...

"Zhenzi classmate is unwilling to mention her past, but I saw the word Chang Ming written on her phone book before."

And the reason why he remembers it so clearly is actually another reason that Tomie Kawakami is unwilling to say;

After he came back from there, his originally kind father... seemed to have changed. He looked at him with strange eyes all the time, which led to what happened later.

Even now, Tomi Jiang is still unwilling to mention the shadow in his heart. Until going there, though, everything was fine.

"But I don't think I even saw it on the news!"

In the past, the only channels for Gaoyao to absorb information were television and news, but for such a serious disaster and a major accident so close to him, he should have an impression.

But actually after thinking about it for a long time, even that name felt strange to her.

"Maybe it was suppressed. I searched later and couldn't find any news."

Of course, this kind of thing is a common operation in this place, and Fujiang doesn't have much thought about it.

I just feel like I have a bad impression of that place.


At the same time, when Higa Kotoko heard the voice over there, her heart suddenly went cold.

Anbei's long fast was cursed.

He has fallen into confusion, to the point where he cannot distinguish reality.

But when?
It was too late to think too much about the matter. She immediately said: "Anbei Changzhai, I order you to put down all thoughts and leave this place immediately!"

After finishing speaking, she waited for the reply from the other side. At this time, she could only see if she could wake up the other party with a fierce tone.

And if it couldn't be awakened, even she didn't know what would happen.

This thing is really weird.

For Higa Kotoko, it is even more terrifying than the Grudge. At least the Grudge understands that even if she dies, she will die.

Unlike now, she didn't even feel the breath of ghosts or curses, but somehow she fell into the quagmire of curses. Not only herself, but maybe... those who came with her, when she received the call from Yoshizakigawa Already cursed in just one moment?

At this moment, after a moment of silence on the other end of the phone, he slowly spoke:
"Lord Qinzi, I know you mean well...but...I can't leave this place anymore."

"I don't want to influence you. You should have noticed that when the seeds of doubt are planted, you will become less pure... So, whether it is for you or for more people, I will do it for you for the last time. Anchoring reality.”

"what are you up to?"

When she heard the tone over there seemed to be one of determination, Higa Kotoko's expression quickly darkened: "Don't do anything stupid."

"Miss Qinzi, please don't get excited and listen to me;"

"For you, the world I live in is the world of ghosts, and the world you live in is the world of humans. The way to distinguish - when you see me again, please remember that I am a ghost."

"Forget everything I said above, please just remember this last sentence. Remember, I am a ghost!"


Following a violent and noisy phone buzz, a gloomy wind sound came from the phone. Because of its sharpness, it sounded like a woman laughing;
Faced with this situation, Qinzi was at a loss for the first time. She knew that Abe Changzhai might have encountered misfortune.

(End of this chapter)

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