I'm a teacher in Tokyo!

Chapter 242 Orphanage

Chapter 242 Orphanage

For Qinzi, Abe Changsai is just a subordinate, a sacrificial part, a relatively important existence with some strength.

However, the term "sacrificial" here does not mean that it is so unreasonable and illogical. She didn't even know what happened, but he suddenly sacrificed himself in front of her.

Moreover, he died in order to fulfill his promise as an anchor.

To put it simply, in order to help himself determine that what he was living in was reality, Anbei Changzhai chose to believe that he was in a world of the dead, and declared to himself that when he saw him in the future, he would be a ghost.

In this strange place, once suspicion is confirmed, that thing becomes reality - in the eyes of others and in one's own eyes.

She felt a little sentimental in her heart, but Qinzi knew that now was definitely not the time to be sentimental. She had to remember the last words Abe Changzhai said and make sure that her world was the world of the living.

Only by living on your own can you live up to Anbei Changzhai's wishes.

"Now, I have to go out, Yoshizakigawa, please wish yourself well."

At this moment, Higa Kotoko was awakened from her confusion by Abe Chosai. In fact, she did not need to care about the life and death of Yoshizakigawa. With his relationship with the female ghost, in this place, he would definitely live a more nourishing life than himself.

"Oh, there! If you want to go there, you can take a detour from the Migratory Bird Sanctuary. It is relatively safe there at the moment, but please also be sure to turn on the road radio at all times. The frequency is: 85.6 geological disaster warning broadcast. After hearing the earthquake, please seek shelter nearby. I wish you a safe journey! ”

The memory was blurring. Qinzi wanted to catch it but couldn't. Finally, she frowned and looked at the policeman in front of her but hesitated to speak;

"Saitama Prefecture next door."

What's going on?

Then he backed out of the garage and walked in the direction he came from before according to his memory;

"Hello, according to the report of the Geological Inspection Center, recent earthquakes have occurred frequently, coupled with heavy rain overnight, it is easy to encounter natural disasters such as landslides and mudslides when walking on this mountain road. If you want to leave Changming City, please do not go Along the coast.”

Migratory bird...sanctuary?

After asking the traffic police for a map of this area, Higa Kotoko drove the car on the road.

Higa Kotoko was stunned for a moment. She didn't think it was a police officer's slip of the tongue.

"Changming City?"

At this time, it started to rain lightly in the sky.

Previously affected by the silent curse here, the whole person seemed to be in a daze. He was pulled by the obsession of "saving Yoshizaki River" and almost stayed here unable to get out.

After thinking for a moment, Higa Kotoko asked;
"Um... may I ask what your destination is?"

Looking back now, I realize that there was a path in front of me long ago;
Thinking of this, she didn't dare to hesitate. Looking at the darkening sky, she trotted towards her car.

"Comrade police, I have something urgent to go out. Is there any recommended way?"

A few minutes later, sitting in the car, Kotoko breathed a sigh of relief after successfully starting the ignition;

Isn’t Changming a town? Because of a certain incident...

As she was about to leave the city, she was stopped by the traffic police;

On the map, a large area of ​​Changming City near the sea is a designated migratory bird sanctuary. The roads seem to have changed from what I remember, but the change does not seem to be very big.

But at this moment——

She suddenly noticed a building on the map, and Higa Kotoko's expression suddenly became wonderful;
"Tokei Welfare Institute." It was a small dot on the edge of the migratory bird sanctuary, intertwined with the city, but the name on it was like thunder in Higa Kotoko's ears.

Countless memories emerged from her brain, and finally she couldn't help but spit out the fragrance:

This nursing home collapsed due to the earthquake a long time ago and was later converted into a police station, and I saw this kind of thing on the map at the moment;

There are only two possibilities;

First, he had already entered the illusion created by Yamamura Mako.

Second, I traveled through time!

But this kind of thing must be impossible, so when did he enter the hallucination?

However, no matter what, you only need to be sure of one thing!

That is--

He is alive, but Anbei Changzhai is dead!

At this moment, the brakes came to a stop. Higa Kotoko saw the small welfare home next to it. Because the welfare home was rebuilt after the earthquake and then collapsed in the big earthquake, it may be the reason why it has not been rebuilt yet. The welfare home is very small. , just like an ordinary courtyard.

At this moment, due to the rain, the sky has become dark. In the darkness, two red luminous lanterns in front of the orphanage are slightly swaying under the blow of the wind;

Do you want to go in?
At this moment, a question was placed in front of Higa Kotoko.


Meanwhile, in the welfare home;
When Mako heard the words of those children, tears burst out like a dam. She had never thought of this.

No wonder, when I entered the orphanage before, many people had hidden eyes and looked very strange.

No wonder, when he called before, she was hesitant and didn't dare to speak.

In this case, all this can be explained;

"The dean is very proud of you, because sister Mako is the first one in our dean to be admitted to university, so the dean doesn't want to delay you, so he doesn't allow us to tell these things."

"Previously, after learning about the death of Grandpa Dean, we went to the hospital to see him, but his family stopped us. His family did not allow us to visit him, and they still refused to bury him. We are planning I’m going to call the police!”

"Their family members are all bad guys. They usually don't care about my grandfather's life or death. It's really abominable that he hasn't been buried yet!"

The children were talking a lot, and Yamamura Mako's voice was choked with sobs. She looked to the side of the Yoshizaki River;

"Your money is probably in their hands."


Hearing this, Yoshizakikawa nodded, and then said: "Don't worry, let me handle it."

For this kind of thing, Yoshizakigawa has too many ways to deal with it. Regardless of his status as a university professor, as long as he has been related to Qinzi before, the police station here will give him face!
After hearing Yoshizakigawa's words, Yamamura Mako hesitated a little. She lowered her head and said with a bit of embarrassment: "Um...teacher, can I...ask you to borrow some money?"

Yamamura Mako wanted to bury the dean’s grandfather.

But he was short of money, and even with the little money he earned from doing part-time jobs, he couldn't even afford the cremation expenses, so he had no choice but to ask Yoshizakigawa for help at this moment;
Faced with Mako's words, Yoshizakigawa did not say to give the money directly, but only agreed: "Okay, I will lend it to you."

(End of this chapter)

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