I'm a teacher in Tokyo!

Chapter 250 1 Everything goes well

Chapter 250 Everything goes well
Fortunately, Yamamura Mako's attention may not be on him. When he faced the collapse of the illusion and was supposed to die, he was reluctantly pulled out by the door he contracted;

Of course, another reason for this is that my obsession is in my body and I am not in an orphanage.

The spell of Kayako saved his first life, and the contract of that door saved his second life.

——The contract was that when he died normally, his soul would return home.

Therefore, if your soul is lost, it will be pulled back by the door;
If she were in that orphanage, Qinzi felt that she might never be able to get out, even if there was help from the door.

Of course, she didn't worry too much about Yoshizakigawa. He had too many causes and effects and it was almost impossible to die inside.

If this is an obsession, maybe that guy Yoshizakigawa can be restrained so that he won't be so childish anymore, right?
Higa Kotoko was sitting on the hospital bed, and the looming connection with the door made her more certain that her world was the real world.

However, there is some meaning in it;
"Do the people transformed by memory actually have independent thoughts?"

However, this so-called independent thought is more like the existence in the memory created by Mako after reading the memory.

Even, this created existence is no different from reality and can also use spells and curses;
Thinking of this, she couldn't help but sigh again: "What a terrible guy. The last time I met such a difficult and troublesome thing was the time with Kayako."

Thinking of this, Qinzi decided to go to school.


In the welfare home, Yoshizakigawa initiated a vote;
When the voting began, he started his speech, and everything went smoothly. With the approval of everyone, the farce was completed.

With the recognition of Zhenzi and everyone, he became a new generation of welfare dean.

Everything went smoothly, and he successfully stabilized the children;
In the next time, as long as you and Qinzi...

As soon as the thought passed by, Yoshizakigawa heard a knocking sound from behind the door. With his thought in mind, he walked to the door;

"Yoshizakigawa, I just walked out of it, and I already know everything that happened here."

Hearing Higa Kotoko's words, Yoshizakigawa breathed a sigh of relief.

"What exactly happened here?"

he asked.

Hearing this, "Kotoko Higa" sighed: "It's a long story. After I accidentally entered that door before, I walked in completely."

"By the way, when I came in, I asked Anbei Changzhai to come in. Have you met him?"

Hearing Qinzi's words, Yoshizakigawa did not hesitate;

"He asked me to take you out of this world. Now I know what Zhenzi's obsession is. Her obsession has never changed. It is this orphanage. Now I have become the director of this orphanage. I can barely stabilize this place, but I'm still worried... these children will grow up sooner or later, and when they grow up, they will be released from the orphanage..."

"When the time comes, I don't know what will happen."

"It's okay. I'll go investigate first. Just leave these to me. You just need to stabilize them."

Higa Kotoko said confidently, which was consistent with Yoshizakigawa's impression of her as always, which was reassuring.

Yoshizakigawa smiled, nodded, and then watched Higa Kotoko go out of the door. He felt relieved. Then he found Yamamura Mako, who had never seen such a smile on his face, and said:

"Zhenzi, please give me the overall expenses of this orphanage."

"it is good."

Taking the bills, the timelines of many projects did not match up, but after all, this was a former welfare home;

Yoshizakikawa recorded what he wanted to buy, and then found Mako: "After a while, I want to renovate the orphanage and buy some clothes for the children." It is better to say that it is to buy clothes than to burn some clothes.

After all, the children here are already...

He sighed in his heart. Mako listened to him in everything, so it saved his worries. After arranging the things here, Yoshizakigawa took Yamamura Mako out of the door;

I successfully got a taxi that was very difficult to get.
In the car, Yamamura Mako hesitated to speak, but he spoke truthfully;
"Teacher, Kayako and Tomie are both very good girls..."

Hearing this, Yoshizakigawa looked a little embarrassed: "Mako, what are you talking about?"

"Teacher, they all like you. I know you like them too. Now is the modern society, and many things don't need to be so traditional."

"Tomie-san, I like you very much, and there is no need to say more, Kayako-san."

Hearing this, the driver in front turned around frequently. Just as Yoshizakigawa was about to explain, he heard the driver say: "Are you a university teacher? Why are university teachers so pedantic? As long as you are an adult, love should be free."

"No, it's the vice principal."

Yamamura Mako said.

Hearing this, Yoshizakigawa was stunned, what kind of principal?
"You forgot, last week, the principal of the school resigned due to illness. Before retiring due to illness, teacher You was recommended to become the principal. However, the school board was worried that you were not qualified enough, so the leaders above made a decision to promote you to deputy principal."

"Is this happening?"

Oh, it seems so. Because of Kayako and Tomie, the poor principal was seriously ill. In order to prevent him from working so hard, he had no choice but to get promoted.

Even the monthly salary has increased several times, and he even specially invited Qinzi and the others to dinner.

How could I even forget this? It’s really...

Yoshizakigawa patted his forehead,

When the driver in front heard that Yoshizakigawa turned out to be the vice principal, his tone suddenly became respectful: "I didn't expect you to be the principal?"

"Ahem, it was an accident and just good luck."

Suddenly, the image of him carrying a flower basket to visit the principal flashed in his mind, as well as his joking conversation with Qinzi;

"This time I support you being the speaker of the Fierce Ghost School. Who agrees and who opposes? For those who oppose, give me a list and I will deal with it."

Many things are going extremely well, but why does it always feel like something is wrong?

When the taxi arrived at school, Kayako and Fujiang lived in harmony. When school was over, with Fujiang watching, Kayako jumped directly onto her body and hugged herself: "Teacher, I miss you so much... You have been out for two days. !”

Tomie didn't seem jealous about this scene, she just watched with a smile;

"I used to live in Sister Fujiang's house. Teacher, when will we move in?"

"Waiting for your parents' funeral..."

"Didn't that happen last week?"

Kayako asked worriedly: "Teacher...have you been working too hard recently?"

Yoshikawa covered his forehead and had a headache;

"We will stay at Tomie's house tonight!"

(End of this chapter)

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