I'm a teacher in Tokyo!

Chapter 251 Do you love her?

Chapter 251 Do you love her?

When he heard Kayako say this, Yoshizakikawa subconsciously looked at Kawakami Tomie, and she turned her head to the side arrogantly: "Seeing that you have been canceled from the lease, I let you move in under such pitiful circumstances! Of course, the room fee must be paid!”

What, I was kicked out of my lease again?

There were too many doubts in his heart. It was clear that he felt that some things had not happened at all, but he still had memories of it all in his mind. Maybe it was a little fuzzy at first, but the more he thought about it, the clearer it became;

Yoshizakigawa knew that something was wrong with him.

At some points, he even couldn't help but wonder if he had really walked out of the orphanage, but there was no doubt that he had already walked out of it.

There is no doubt that this is an idea rooted in Yoshizakigawa’s mind;
In the school, Saito Asuka was promoted to a senior teaching teacher and was still teaching Chinese. When he saw her, he greeted Yoshizakigawa and then left in a hurry.

Physical education teacher Wu Chuan also found a partner, a racket player, and it is said that he fell in love at first sight on the sports field.

After the last class, under the reluctant eyes of the students, Yoshizakigawa handed over the English course to another experienced professor, and because he was the vice-principal, he had to deal with many things and could only choose Teach some of the less important classes.

At six o'clock in the evening, the sky was slightly dark, and Yoshizaki River followed Tomie;

"Yoshizakigawa, Kayako and I have already agreed that she likes you and I like you too."

At this moment, Kawakami Tomie suddenly spoke inexplicably. Kayako behind him blushed a little and did not dare to speak, so Tomie said on her behalf:
"After our friendly discussion, Yoshizakigawa, can we live together for a while first? If we can't accept it, then...it depends on who you want to choose."

"What on earth are you talking about? I am a teacher and you are students..."

"I don't care about this, Yoshizakigawa, don't deceive yourself like this anymore. You know it in your heart whether you want it or not! Teachers and students, are these your shackles? We are all adults in college, and we have our own decisions. ability!"

"You always treat us like children, so why are you so nice to me? In what capacity are you nice to me?"

"Ask Kayako if she's afraid that this sudden good thing will disappear one day, leaving only a mess!"

"You are warm to everyone, but have you ever thought about how one day, you suddenly become cold, and what kind of harm will it cause to those people in the past?"

Tomie's words were like a thorn in Yoshizakigawa's heart.

He didn't care to think about what was wrong and explained: "To me, you are all my students, so this kind of thing is natural."

At this moment, after hearing these words, Kayako was silent for a moment: "So, when we graduate, will you... leave us?"

The path we were traveling on felt a little cold;
But when Kayako said these words, the forest became even colder. Of course, Yoshizakigawa knew that this was his illusion;
A few days ago, Higa Kotoko found a way to use the door and emotions to suppress the curse and Tomie. She didn't have to worry about the curse breaking out on them... they had already lost their abilities.

Wait, when did this happen?

But before Yoshizakigawa could think about it, Tomie's somewhat cold voice came from over there:
"So, for you, is that really...that's all it is?"

"Every time, you find a topic and cleverly change it. Yoshizakigawa, can you answer me directly this time?"

"Yes or no!"

She stopped walking. Under the streetlight, her eyes were slightly glimmering, like tears, but Fu Jiang was not such a weak person.

And, although he didn't see Kayako behind him, Yoshizaki knew that she was also waiting for an answer from him.

"No." He immediately denied Fu Jiang's words without hesitation;
And after hearing these words, the oppressive atmosphere in the air suddenly dissipated like snow meeting spring breeze.

"Since it's not the case, then what can't you accept?"

"It's just... I feel like this progress will be too fast."

"What's so fast? Didn't you already kiss Kayako and me during the celebration? Moreover, you have lived with her for so long. Now we live together, so what if we get married after graduation?"


Oh, yes, after he left the orphanage, he participated in the celebration. Yamamura Mako also opened a cake shop as he thought.

It has been nearly two weeks since the celebration, and the New Year is coming soon.

After thinking about this, the strange feeling in his heart did not subside. He felt as if time passed by his body. He obviously didn't feel anything, but those things happened one after another.

Arriving at Fujiang's home, Kayako secretly came to bed in the middle of the night and hugged himself to sleep;

The next day, Tomie joined them.

On the third day, I was stripped of my clothes.

On New Year's Eve, Kayako asked herself if she loved him.

Answer for yourself, yes.

She took off her clothes, hugged herself, and wanted to give her to herself, but how could she do this without graduation...

Time passes day after day,

Every day is a normal day. At the graduation ceremony, Tomie, Kayako and himself took a group photo with the help of Aso Kunihiko.

that night,

"Teacher, we have graduated~"

In the dark night, a soft body with body temperature and fragrance crawled onto him, so close that he could almost hear the latter's heartbeat. The breath of talking came to his face and hit his cheek, making it itchy;
He understood, finally understood what was wrong;

What about supernatural? What about horror?

Also, where are the ghosts?
When I think about this, another memory comes to mind;
"A long time ago, Kotoko Higa found herself and said that she had found a way to completely eliminate ghosts in the world. Ghosts are a collection of negative emotions. It is also because of negative emotions that ghosts are born. As long as a country without pain is established, there will be no ghosts. War, hunger, support for the elderly, support for the young... Even curses are like water without roots and will disappear sooner or later. "

With this clearly visible memory in her mind, Yoshizakikawa could even remember how excited Qinzi's expression was when she said these words, and what kind of efforts she had made since then.

"However, people can never be in harmony with each other, and people's greed is endless. Such a world cannot exist."

"Fujiang, Kayako, you... are fake, right?"

I have never been out of the orphanage from beginning to end!
(End of this chapter)

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